1.0 / January 3, 2013
(4.2/5) (1184)


Come mai le montagne russe si chiamanocosì?Sicuramente te lo sarai già chiesto! Oppure, come mai ilTiramisúha questo buffo nome? ... o ancora, come mai la carta sucui sistampa la Gazzetta dello Sport è di colore rosa?

Per dare risposta a questi e a molti altri quesiti abbiamoideato"Come mai?", App semplice e allo stesso tempointeressantissima cheti appassionerà e regalerà oltre 600 "pilloledi saggezza" dagustare giorno dopo giorno.


- generatore di domande in ordine casuale
- possibilità di contrassegnare le tue domande favorite
- funzione di ricerca domande
- suddivisione delle domande in 15 categorie
- possibilità di interagire rivolgendo proprie domandeallaredazione
- possibile collegamento con Facebook e posta elettronica

Come mai? è una applicazione che ti darà la possibilitàdipassare tanti momenti divertenti ed interessanti con i tuoiamici,parenti e colleghi, che rimarranno sbalorditi dalletueconoscenze.

Quindi cosa aspetti? Scarica la nuova App "Come mai?" ecominciasubito a dare sfoggio della tua cultura!

Why are rollercoastersare so called? I'll definitely you'll be asked! Or, whytheTiramisú has this funny name? ... or, why the paper on whichyouprint the Gazzetta dello Sport is pink?

The answer to these and many other questions we havecreated,"Why?" App simple and interesting at the same time thatyoucaptivate and give more than 600 "pearls of wisdom" to beenjoyedday after day.


- Question Generator in random order
- Ability to mark your favorite applications
- Search function applications
- Division of questions into 15 categories
- Ability to interact addressing their questions forthepreparation
- Possible link with Facebook and e-mail

Why is that? is an application that will give you theopportunityto spend a lot of funny and interesting with yourfriends, family,and colleagues will be amazed by yourknowledge.

So what are you waiting for? Download the new App "Why?"andimmediately begins to show off your culture!

App Information Come mai?

  • App Name
    Come mai?
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    January 3, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    50,000 - 100,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Aus Opas Trickkiste 1.1 APK
Platz 1 in der Kategorie: 5 Beste Apps fürHeimwerker! (appstar.tv)Entdecken Sie "Opas Tipps & Tricks" und genießen Sie all dieguten alten Ratschläge, die Opa für Sie gesammelt hat!★ ÜBER 1000 TIPPS & TRICKS! ★Opa ist halt doch der Beste: er kennt die besten Tricks und dieerfolgreichsten Methoden beim Heimwerken und Reparieren über Autound Gartenarbeit bis hin zu Gesundheit und Sport!★ EINE WAHRE FUNDGRUBE! ★Mit mit diesem praktischen Nachschlagwerk nutzen Sie den reichenErfahrungsschatz unserer Großväter!★ 10 KATEGORIEN! ★✓ Auto - 127 Tipps & Tricks✓ Heimwerken - 133 Tipps & Tricks✓ Reparieren - 110 Tipps & Tricks✓ Reinigen - 143 Tipps & Tricks✓ Gartenarbeit - 121 Tipps & Tricks✓ Gesundheit - 108 Tipps & Tricks✓ Sport - 101 Tipps & Trickss✓ Körperpflege - 90 Tipps & Tricks✓ Spartipps - 68 Tipps & Tricks✓ und Praktisches - 116 Tipps & Tricks★ VIELE FEATURES! ★✓ über 1000 Tipps & Tricks✓ Suchmaschine✓ Zufallsgenerator✓ Favoritenfunktion✓ Email, Facebook Integration★ WARUM? ★- Warum teueren Zusatz für die Scheibenwischanlage kaufen, wennsie ganz einfach und günstig diesen selbst herstellen können?- Warum eine teure Werkstatt beauftragen, wenn sie Autobeulenganz einfach mit einem Fön und Eisspray selbst ausbessernkönnen?- Warum, ohne nachzudenken, Medikamente gegen Erkältung kaufen,während eine einzelne Zwiebel die Erkältung schon kurierenkann?★ BEISPIELE ★- Schmierende Scheibenwischer nicht gleich ersetzen: Einfacheinen in Essig getränkten, weichen Lappen mehrmals über dieWischblätter ziehen, schon funktionieren sie wieder.- Felgenreiniger: Autofelgen kann man mit haushaltsüblichenOfenreinigern sauber machen, ein teurer Spezialreinigerentfällt.- Gegen Knofi-Geruch: Zwiebel- oder Knoblauchgeruch können Sieleicht von den Händen entfernen, wenn Sie sie mit Zahnpastawaschen.- Keinen Korkenzieher vorhanden? Dann lassen Sie heißes Wasserüber den Flaschenhals laufen. Die so erwärmte Luft, treibt denKorken heraus.★ MITMACHEN! ★Beteiligen Sie sich an der ständigen Erweiterung dieser App,denn Sie können direkt aus der App Ihre Tipps und Tricks an OpasRedaktion senden. Die besten Einsendungen werden in die Appübernommen.★ BEEINDRUCKEN SIE FREUNDE & FAMILIE! ★"Aus Opas Trickkiste" ist ideal für die ganze Familie, sie hilftIhnen bares Geld zu sparen, natürlicher und umweltfreundlicher zuleben und Freunde zu beeindrucken.1st place in thecategory: 5 best apps for home improvement! (Appstar.tv)Discover "Grandpa's Tips & Tricks" and enjoy all the goodold advice that Grandpa has collected for you!★ OVER 1000 TIPS & TRICKS! ★Grandpa is holding but the best: he knows the best tricks andthe most successful methods for DIY and Repair on Car and gardeningto health and sports!★ A WEALTH! ★By using this handy reference book you use the rich experienceof our grandfathers!★ 10 CATEGORIES! ★✓ Car - 127 Tips & Tricks✓ DIY - 133 Tips & Tricks✓ Repair - 110 Tips & Tricks✓ Clean - 143 Tips & Tricks✓ Gardening - 121 Tips & Tricks✓ Health - 108 Tips & Tricks✓ Sports - 101 Tips & Trickss✓ Personal Care - 90 Tips & Tricks✓ Saving Tips - 68 Tips & Tricks✓ Practical and - 116 Tips & Tricks★ MANY FEATURES! ★✓ over 1000 Tips & Tricks✓ Search Engine✓ Random✓ Favorites feature✓ Email, Facebook integration★ WHY? ★Why buy expensive additive for the windscreen wiper system ifthey can make this easy and cheap self -?- Why hire an expensive repair shop when they can easily repairwith a hair dryer and ice spray yourself car dents?- Why, without thinking, buy cough and cold, while a singleonion can cure the common cold yet?★ ★ EXAMPLES- Not replace lubricating wipers equal: Simple, dipped invinegar, pull soft cloth several times over the wiper blades, havethem work again.- Wheel Cleaner: can you make car rims clean with standardhousehold oven cleaners, an expensive special cleaning is notnecessary.- Against Knofi smell: bulb or you can easily remove garlic odorfrom your hands when you wash them with toothpaste.- No corkscrew available? Then let hot water run over the bottleneck. The thus heated air, pushes out the cork.★ GET INVOLVED! ★Participate send itself to the continuous expansion of this app,because you can directly from the app your tips and tricks ongrandpa's editors. The best submissions will be included in theapp.★ IMPRESS YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY! ★"From Grandpa's bag of tricks" is ideal for the whole family, ithelps you to save money to live a natural and environmentallyfriendly, and to impress friends.
Chiedilo alla Nonna 1.0 APK
Scopri „Chiedilo alla Nonna!“ e fai tesoroditutti i vecchi consigli e trucchi che la Nonna ha raccolto pertein questa App!★ OLTRE 1000 CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI! ★La Nonna in questo campo è sempre la migliore: lei sa semprecosafare in qualsiasi caso, sia che si tratti di cucina, che dieconomiadomestica, di bricolage o di decorazioni, salute ocosmesi!UNA VERA E PROPRIA MINIERA DI CONSIGLI!Con questa pratica enciclopedia portatile potrete usufruiredicentinaia di utili „tesori“ ed esperienze fatte dallenostrenonne!★ 10 CATEGORIE! ★✓ Cucina - 141 Consigli e trucchi✓ Faccende domestiche – 135 Consigli e trucchi✓ Salute – 142 Consigli e trucchi✓ Bellezza- 147 Consigli e trucchi✓ Bebè e bambini – 116 Consigli e trucchi✓ Decorare – 49 Consigli e trucchi✓ Bricolage – 113 Consigli e trucchi✓ Piante e giardino – 123 Consigli e trucchi✓ Consigli per risparmiare – 109 Consigli e trucchi✓ e consigli pratici – 141 Consigli e trucchi★ CARATTERISTICHE ★✓ oltre 1000 consigli e trucchi✓ motore di ricerca✓ possibilità di generatore random automatico✓ funzione „Favoriti“✓ Integrazione Email e Facebook.★ PERCHÈ? ★- Perchè mangiare un prodotto non sano già pronto, sepuoigustarti in modo molto semplice qualcosa di sano e preparatocomeun tempo faceva la nonna?- Perchè comprare una carissima crema per il viso sepuoiraggiungere un risultato ancora migliore solo con laapplicazionedi semplice vapore acqueo?- Perché comprare dei medicinali contro il raffreddoresenzapensarci su troppo quando una singola cipolla può curarlo inmodonaturale?★ ESEMPI ★- Contro le mani puzzolenti: per liberarti le mani dall’odorediaglio o cipolla lavati semplicemente le mani condeldentifricio.- Cura dell’abbronzatura: per mantenere frescal’abbronzaturaraggiunta in vacanza basta spalmarsi sul corpo concuragiornalmente del succo di carota.- Dieta delle bacchette: vuoi mangiare di meno? Mangia perunperiodo con le baccheete asiatiche. In questo modoassumeraisicuramente meno calorie!- Denti bianchissimi: prendi due grosse fragole (belle mature)eschiacciale bene in un recipiente. Aggiungi del bicarbonatodisodio e mescola fino ad ottenere un composto denso.Oradistribuisci questa crema sui denti e lascia riposare per unpaiodi minuti e sarai sorpreso dal risultato, deidentibianchissimi!★ PARTECIPA ANCHE TU! ★Dai anche tu il tuo contributo per ampliare questa App!Puoiinviare alla redazione di „Chiedilo alla Nonna!“ i tuoi cosiglietrucchi in maniera molto semplice direttamente dalla tua App.Imigliori verranno intedrati nella App.★ STUPISCI AMICI E FAMILIARI! ★„Chiedilo alla Nonna!“ è ideale per tutta la famiglia, aiutaarisparmiare denaro, a vivere in modo più naturale e conpiùriguardo per la natura e infine a stupire i tuoi amici!
Warum? 1.0 APK
Hast Du Dich schon mal gefragt ... Warum wirDéjà-vu-Erlebnisse haben? Warum Männer Brustwarzen haben? Und warumdas Tote Meer tot ist? Warum der Himmel blau ist? Und warum einrotes Tuch einen Stier aggressiv macht?★ ÜBER 1600 WARUM FRAGEN! ★Finde die Antwort auf über 1600 spannende und aussergewöhnlicheFragen mit unserer brandneuen "Warum?" App.★ 12 KATEGORIEN! ★✓ Mensch - 199 Fragen & Antworten✓ Medizin - 176 Fragen & Antworten✓ Tiere - 161 Fragen & Antworten✓ Technik - 88 Fragen & Antworten✓ Lebensmittel - 109 Fragen & Antworten✓ Allerlei - 445 Fragen & Antworten✓ Redewendungen - 228 Fragen & Antworten✓ Natur - 68 Fragen & Antworten✓ Erde - 61 Fragen & Antworten✓ Pflanzen - 35 Fragen & Antworten✓ Insekten - 32 Fragen & Antworten✓ Naturwissenschaft - 76 Fragen & Antworten★ VIELE FEATURES ★+ Über 1600 Warum Fragen & Antworten+ Stylisches Design+ Zufallsgenerator+ Suchmaschine+ Favoritenfunktion+ Facebook und Email Integration★ MITMACHEN! ★Sende Deine Fragen direkt aus der App an die "Warum?"Redaktion!★ WARUM? ★Warum? ist die Applikation mit der Du im Biergarten, beimAbendessen, beim gemütlichen Zusammensitzen oder in derMittagspause vor Deinen Freunden und Bekannten strahlen kannst!★ AHAAA EFFEKT! ★Hol dir jetzt unsere "Warum?" App, erlebe auch Du den "AhaaaEffekt" und verblüffe Deine Freunde und Kollegen mit den neuerlernten Weisheiten!
Come mai? 1.0 APK
Come mai le montagne russe si chiamanocosì?Sicuramente te lo sarai già chiesto! Oppure, come mai ilTiramisúha questo buffo nome? ... o ancora, come mai la carta sucui sistampa la Gazzetta dello Sport è di colore rosa?Per dare risposta a questi e a molti altri quesiti abbiamoideato"Come mai?", App semplice e allo stesso tempointeressantissima cheti appassionerà e regalerà oltre 600 "pilloledi saggezza" dagustare giorno dopo giorno.Caratteristiche:- generatore di domande in ordine casuale- possibilità di contrassegnare le tue domande favorite- funzione di ricerca domande- suddivisione delle domande in 15 categorie- possibilità di interagire rivolgendo proprie domandeallaredazione- possibile collegamento con Facebook e posta elettronicaCome mai? è una applicazione che ti darà la possibilitàdipassare tanti momenti divertenti ed interessanti con i tuoiamici,parenti e colleghi, che rimarranno sbalorditi dalletueconoscenze.Quindi cosa aspetti? Scarica la nuova App "Come mai?" ecominciasubito a dare sfoggio della tua cultura!Why are rollercoastersare so called? I'll definitely you'll be asked! Or, whytheTiramisú has this funny name? ... or, why the paper on whichyouprint the Gazzetta dello Sport is pink?The answer to these and many other questions we havecreated,"Why?" App simple and interesting at the same time thatyoucaptivate and give more than 600 "pearls of wisdom" to beenjoyedday after day.Features:- Question Generator in random order- Ability to mark your favorite applications- Search function applications- Division of questions into 15 categories- Ability to interact addressing their questions forthepreparation- Possible link with Facebook and e-mailWhy is that? is an application that will give you theopportunityto spend a lot of funny and interesting with yourfriends, family,and colleagues will be amazed by yourknowledge.So what are you waiting for? Download the new App "Why?"andimmediately begins to show off your culture!
Grandma's Tips 1.0 APK
Ever wondered what secret ingredients andtricks your grandma used to make that juicy steak, crispy fries ordelicious cake? Or just want to learn about simple things likemaking fluffy mash potatoes, cooking the perfect egg, or peelinggarlic quickly? You will find tips for all that and much more inthis practical tool! More than 1200 tips how to cook super tastymeals, handle things around the kitchen, do housework andgardening, deal with small health and cosmetic problems, or makedecorations and small repairs!10 categories!Food & DrinksHouseworkHealthBeautyBabies & KidsDecorationDo-It-YourselfGardening & PlantsPractical tipsSaving tipsMany features!More than 1200 tips and tricksSearch functionRandom tips generatorFavorites functionIntegration with Email and FacebookJoin in!Help to improve this app! Send us your own tips and tricks. Thebest suggestions will be included in the next update!Impress your family and friends!Grandma's Tips is great for the whole family! This tool helps yousave money, lead an eco-friendly and healthy lifestyle, and impressyour friends with clever tricks!
Woher kommt das? 1.0 APK
Woher kommt das Wort "Ostern"? Und woher kommtder Ausdruck "08/15"? Woher kommt das Sprichwort "Alte Liebe rostetnicht!"?Wusstest Du schon, dass der Name der Stadt Berlin aus demslawischen kommt und "Stadt im Sumpf" bedeutet?Wusstest Du schon, dass der Name der Marke LEGO von demdänischen "Leg Godt" kommt und so viel bedeute wie "Spiel gut"!Weisst Du woher der Name der Gruppe "Beatles" kommt?Entdecke mit dieser App den Ursprung von über 775 Redewendungen,Ausdrücke, Begriffe, Worte, Sprichwörter, Städtenamen, Ländernamenund Markennamen.★ FEATURES ★✓ über 775 Einträge✓ Suchmaschine✓ Zufallsgenerator✓ Favoritenfunktion✓ Email-, und Facebook-Integration✓ Eigene Begriffe können eingesendet werden★ WARUM? ★Woher kommt das? ist die Applikation mit der Du im Biergarten,beim Abendessen, beim gemütlichen Zusammensitzen oder in derMittagspause vor Deinen Freunden und Bekannten strahlen kannst!★ AHAAA EFFEKT! ★Worauf wartest Du noch? Hol dir jetzt unsere App, erlebe auch Duden "Ahaaa Effekt" und verblüffe Freunde, Familie und Kollegen mitdem neu erlernten Wissen!Whence comes the word"Easter"? And where does the term "08/15"? Where did the saying is"Old love never dies"?Did you know that the name of the city comes from the Slavic andBerlin "city in the swamp" means?Did you know that the name of the LEGO brand of the Danish "LegGodt" and is meant as much as "good game"!Do you know where the name of the group "The Beatles" is?Discover with this app the origin of over 775 phrases,expressions, terms, words, proverbs, city names, country names andbrand names.★ FEATURES ★✓ more than 775 entries✓ Search Engine✓ Random✓ Favorites feature✓ e-mail, and Facebook integration✓ own terms can be submitted★ WHY? ★Why is that? is the application with which you can in the beergarden, shine at dinner, when sit together at lunch or in front ofyour friends and acquaintances!★ ahaaa EFFECT! ★What are you waiting for? Get now our app, you can alsoexperience the "Ahaaa effect" and Amaze your friends, family andcolleagues with the newly acquired knowledge!
Woher kommt das? (Special) 1.0 APK
★★★Heute gratis mit der App des Tages★★★Lade die „App des Tages “ herunter und entdecke jeden Tag einekostenpflichtige App, die für 24 Stunden gratis ist.Woher kommt das Wort "Ostern"? Und woher kommt der Ausdruck"08/15"? Woher kommt das Sprichwort "Alte Liebe rostet nicht!"?Wusstest Du schon, dass der Name der Stadt Berlin aus demslawischen kommt und "Stadt im Sumpf" bedeutet?Wusstest Du schon, dass der Name der Marke LEGO von demdänischen "Leg Godt" kommt und so viel bedeute wie "Spiel gut"!Weisst Du woher der Name der Gruppe "Beatles" kommt?Entdecke mit dieser App den Ursprung von über 775 Redewendungen,Ausdrücke, Begriffe, Worte, Sprichwörter, Städtenamen, Ländernamenund Markennamen.★ FEATURES ★✓ über 775 Einträge✓ Suchmaschine✓ Zufallsgenerator✓ Favoritenfunktion✓ Email-, und Facebook-Integration✓ Eigene Begriffe können eingesendet werden★ WARUM? ★Woher kommt das? ist die Applikation mit der Du im Biergarten,beim Abendessen, beim gemütlichen Zusammensitzen oder in derMittagspause vor Deinen Freunden und Bekannten strahlen kannst!★ AHAAA EFFEKT! ★Worauf wartest Du noch? Hol dir jetzt unsere App, erlebe auch Duden "Ahaaa Effekt" und verblüffe Freunde, Familie und Kollegen mitdem neu erlernten Wissen!★ ★ ★ Today with the freeapp of the day ★ ★ ★Load the "App of the Day" down and discover every day a paid app,which is free for 24 hours.Whence comes the word "Easter"? And where does the term "08/15"?Where did the saying is "Old love never dies"?Did you know that the name of the city comes from the Slavic andBerlin "city in the swamp" means?Did you know that the name of the LEGO brand of the Danish "LegGodt" and is meant as much as "good game"!Do you know where the name of the group "The Beatles" is?Discover with this app the origin of over 775 phrases,expressions, terms, words, proverbs, city names, country names andbrand names.★ FEATURES ★✓ more than 775 entries✓ Search Engine✓ Random✓ Favorites feature✓ e-mail, and Facebook integration✓ own terms can be submitted★ WHY? ★Why is that? is the application with which you can in the beergarden, shine at dinner, when sit together at lunch or in front ofyour friends and acquaintances!★ ahaaa EFFECT! ★What are you waiting for? Get now our app, you can alsoexperience the "Ahaaa effect" and Amaze your friends, family andcolleagues with the newly acquired knowledge!