1.6 / December 7, 2011
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** Christmas All-in-One Package **
** BUY 1, GET 5!!! **

1. Christmas Photo Frame Widget
2. Cute Battery Status Widget
3. Useful Power Manager Widget
4. Cute Snowy Live Wallpaper
5. Christmas Theme Sticker Sets Widget

"We believe Christmas is for children. But it is for grownupstoo. Even if it is a chore,headache and nightmare to some, it isaperiod necessary for defrosting chill and cold hearts. Thetrueessence is when we celebrate it by giving the light of lovetothose who need it most. Winter, is a lingering season, a timetogather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental memory, atimewhen the love of family members and the love of our fellowmenshould prevail over all hatred and bitterness... Winter is thetimefor comfort - it is the time for home."

This application include cute snowy wallpaper and fourotherwidgets with a Christmas/winter concept.This is a must haveitemfor all ages.

TO USE(Widget):
Home -> Press Menu -> Add -> Widgets -> SelectChristmasTheme Widget

TO USE(Live Wallpaper):
Home -> Press Menu -> Select Wallpapers -> SelectLiveWallpapers -> Select Snowy Cute Wallpaper

App Information Christmas Package Fifth

  • App Name
    Christmas Package Fifth
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    December 7, 2011
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    1 - 5
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

EightBeanz Show More...

AtoZ 2.1 APK
Test your finger reflexes with this simple butentertaining alphabet game!A to Z is a simple but entertaining application which times youwhile you press the alphabet from A to Z which appears randomly onthe screen.Rankings supported globally - see how you fair against otherplayers!Supports:Android v1.6 - v2.3Please notify us of any bugs and defects that requires ourattention.e-mail us at: [email protected]
Go with Jeepney in Cebu 1.1 APK
This app suggests the jeepney routes which youcan go fast to your destination.Just long press the map twice and find the shortest path.
나의 반쪽 찾기 1.3 APK
나의 반쪽은 어디 있을까??내가 좋아하는 사람의 반쪽이 과연 나일까??이름과 성별, 혈액형, 그리고 생일을 입력하면당신의 반쪽을 찾아드립니다!!p.s. 단순히 재미를 위한 어플입니다 ^^캡쳐 결과가 갤러리에 나타나지 않는 문제 수정캡쳐 후 갤러리를 확인 해 주세요 ^^파일 저장 경로는 예전과 같습니다.개발자 트위터 : http://twitter.com/sharpdefinekr----개발자 연락처 :(주)에이트빈즈이메일: [email protected]대표 연락처: +82-70-7656-4999주소: 서울시 성북구 동선동2가 120번지
Christmas Sticker Widget Fifth 1.6 APK
This is widget contains a lot of stickers,Feel X-mas with your phone,Merry Christmas!!! :)
Free - Very Cute Angel Battery 1.0.2 APK
The angel is back! But she is tired now sowantto take a rest on your screen.Please let her be on your smartphone's screen.You can choose Pink one or Blue one, not both.*********** M A N U A L ***********1. First, tap and hold a empty place of your home screen.2. Secondly, select Angel Battery app widget which a prettyangelsmiles.3. Done! You will see the angel on your home screen.
Christmas Wallpaper Sixth 1.6 APK
"We believe Christmas is for children. Butitis for grown ups too. Even if it is a chore,headache andnightmareto some, it is a period necessary for defrosting chill andcoldhearts. The true essence is when we celebrate it by givingthelight of love to those who need it most. Winter, is alingeringseason, a time to gather golden moments, embark upon asentimentalmemory, a time when the love of family members and thelove of ourfellow men should prevail over all hatred andbitterness... Winteris the time for comfort - it is the time forhome."This application is a free wallpaper with aChristmas/winterconcept. The numerous consecutive falling minisnowballs wereuniquely designed to match the concept. The giganticsnowman andwinter character create a realistic feel of the season.This is amust have item/wallpaper for all ages.TO USE:Home -> Press Menu -> Select Wallpapers -> SelectLiveWallpapers -> Select Snowy Cute Wallpaper
Christmas Frame Widget First 1.6 APK
keep pictures of your loved ones withChristmastheme widget.this is lovely, cute and pretty widget.Everyone, Merry Christmas!!! :)
Christmas Wallpaper Ninth 1.6 APK
"We believe Christmas is for children. But itis for grown ups too. Even if it is a chore,headache and nightmareto some, it is a period necessary for defrosting chill and coldhearts. The true essence is when we celebrate it by giving thelight of love to those who need it most. Winter, is a lingeringseason, a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimentalmemory, a time when the love of family members and the love of ourfellow men should prevail over all hatred and bitterness... Winteris the time for comfort - it is the time for home."This application is a free wallpaper with a Christmas/winterconcept. The numerous consecutive falling mini snowballs wereuniquely designed to match the concept. The gigantic snowman andwinter character create a realistic feel of the season. This is amust have item/wallpaper for all ages.TO USE:Home -> Press Menu -> Select Wallpapers -> Select LiveWallpapers -> Select Snowy Cute Wallpaper