4293 / November 22, 2016
(3.8/5) ()


Merry Christmas 2017 with thesebeautifulChristmas cards or Xmas for children and adults inEnglish.. Thesmallest of the home can share with friends,colleagues and family.Perfect to send on Christmas Eve, Christmas,New Year Eve and NewYear. You can choose it’s sure that your child,the prince orprincess of the home are the most suitable to send totheirsponsors and uncles or grandparents during the Christmasholidays.

The most beautiful and funny Christmas pictures with thetypicaland beloved Christmas characters: Santa Claus or hisreindeer orthe Christmas tree and the star, or the snowman orgingerbread andbells or reindeer bearing gifts on ChristmasEve.
Install free and share it with any program you have on yourmobile.If you liked the application, vote us because it helps ustoimprove the Apps

App Information Christmas greetings in Spanish

  • App Name
    Christmas greetings in Spanish
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    November 22, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 3.0 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Juvasal Apps
  • Installs
    50 - 100
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Buenas noches amor 15.2.11 APK
Juvasal Apps
Buenas noches es la mejor aplicación paradesear las buenas noches y enviarle besos a tu pareja. Descárgategratis la aplicación y comparte cada noche una bonita y preciosafrase de amor. Sorprende y emociona a tu novio o a tu novia conestos lindos mensajes y deséale dulces sueños.Descárgate gratis la aplicación y envíala a tu amor verdadero.Descubrirás la más lindas frases para dar la buenas noches, frasespara ligar, frases para decir “te quiero” a tu amado o amada, paradecir algún piropo a tu novio o novia, frases con bonitos mensajesy carteles para enamorar a esa chica o chico que tanto te gusta yasí sorprenderle o hacerle reír, o frases simplemente para decirlecómo te sientes.Instala la aplicación gratis y compártela a través de cualquierprograma que tengas en tu móvil. Si te ha gustado la aplicación,vótanos porque nos ayuda a mejorar las aplicaciones, gracias y…Buenas noches!NOTA LEGAL: Todas las imágenes que hay en esta aplicación se hanrealizado expresamente para ella y tienen todos sus derechosreservados. Para las imágenes de fondo, hemos utilizado imágenes dedominio público de internet, ya que las mismas no se encuentranidentificadas mediante símbolos ni otra información que indique laexistencia de derecho de explotación reservado sobre lasmismas.Cualquier persona física o jurídica que fuera propietario de algunade las imágenes contenidas en la misma, puede acreditarlo por mediode correo electrónico dirigido a la cuenta del desarrollador,comprometiéndonos a la inmediata retirada de dicha imagen una vezcomprobada, en su caso, la titularidad de la imagenprotegida.Goodnight is the bestapplication to wish good night and give your partner kisses.Download the free app and share every night a beautiful and lovelyphrase of love. Surprises and excites your boyfriend or yourgirlfriend with these cute messages and wish him sweetdreams.Download the free application and send it to your true love. Youwill discover the most beautiful phrases to give the good night,pick up lines, phrases to say "I love you" to your loved one orbeloved, to tell a compliment to your boyfriend or girlfriend,phrases with nice messages and posters to love that girl or boythat you like and so surprise or make you laugh, or phrases just totell him how you feel.Install the free and share application through any program you haveon your phone. If you liked the app, Vote for us because it helpsimprove applications thanks and ... Good night!LEGAL NOTE: All images in this application are expressly made forher and all rights are reserved. For background images, we usedpublic domain images from internet, since they are not identifiedby symbols or other information indicating the existence ofexploitation rights reserved thereon.Any natural or legal person who was the owner of any imagescontained therein, may accredit by e-mail to developer account,committing to the immediate withdrawal of the image afterverification, if necessary, ownership of the protected image.
Crea tarjetas románticas 15.6.15 APK
Juvasal Apps
Por San Valentin o dia de los enamorados, teofrecemos una excelente colección de mensajes y frases románticaspara compartir con tu amado o amada, tu amor verdadero, o tu parejay desearle feliz navidad 2016. Es mu y sencillo:Escoge un fondo de amor que te guste, seguro que encuentras el másadecuado para sorperender a tu chica o a tu chico con infinidad demotivos románticos. Elige entre varias posibilidades:1. Puedes introducir una frase o una declaración de amor.2. Inserta stickers con motivos de amor.3. incorpora una foto de tu novia al fondo romántico y creatarjetas de amor con imágenes reales con vuestros besos yabrazos.Compártela con tu amor verdadero en vuestro aniversario o fechaespecial como su feliz cumpleaños o el dia de los enamorados o ennavidad o cualquier día del año para decirle “te quiero”. Lasmejores frases de amor en español para compartir con tu princesa ocon tu príncpe azul. frases para ligar o mensajes para conquistar yenamorar, también frases de buenas noches para desear felicessueños a tu princesa. Todo ello acompañado de muchos corazones,flores rosas y violeta, cupidos y mucho más… y que viva elamor!!NOTA LEGAL: Todas las imágenes que hay en esta aplicación se hanrealizado expresamente para ella y tienen todos sus derechosreservados. Para las imágenes de fondo, hemos utilizado imágenes dedominio público de internet, ya que las mismas no se encuentranidentificadas mediante símbolos ni otra información que indique laexistencia de derecho de explotación reservado sobre lasmismas.Cualquier persona física o jurídica que fuera propietario de algunade las imágenes contenidas en la misma, puede acreditarlo por mediode correo electrónico dirigido al desarrollador, comprometiéndonosa la inmediata retirada de dicha imagen una vez comprobada, en sucaso, la titularidad de la imagen protegida.By San Valentin or day oflovers, we offer a great collection of romantic phrases andmessages to share with your loved one or beloved, your true love,or your partner and wish Merry Christmas and 2016 mu issimple:Choose a love background you like, sure to find the right one foryour girl or sorperender your guy with lots of romantic reasons.Choose from several possibilities:1. You can enter a phrase or a declaration of love.2. Insert stickers with motifs of love.3. incorporates a picture of your girlfriend and make the romanticbackground love card with real images with your kisses andhugs.Share it with your true love on your anniversary or specialoccasion such as your birthday or happy lovers day or Christmas orany day of the year to say "I love you". The best words of love inSpanish to share with your princess or your blue príncpe. pickuplines or messages to conquer and love, also phrases goodnight towish sweet dreams to your princess. All accompanied by many hearts,roses and violet flowers, cupids and more ... and live the love!!LEGAL NOTE: All images in this application are expressly made forher and all rights are reserved. For background images, we usedimages in the public domain of the Internet, since they are notidentified by symbols or other information indicating the existenceof reserved exploitation rights on them.Any natural or legal person who was owner of some of the imagescontained therein, may accredit via email to the developer,committing to the immediate withdrawal of the image afterverification, where appropriate, the ownership of the imageprotected.
Frases feliz día de la madre 16.07.11 APK
Juvasal Apps
Descárgate gratis las mejores tarjetas para el día de la madre 2017y felicita a tu mama en este día tan especial para todas las mamisdel mundo y dile “te quiero mamá” porque madre no hay más que una.Envía una dedicatoria o una felicitación a tu madre y dile lo muchoque la quieres con estas bonitas frases e imágenes. Deséale unfeliz día y sácale la sonrisa Postales y tarjetas bonitas confrases del día de la madre para decirle: mami eres la mejor o felizdia mamá o felicidades mama. Porque madre no hay más que una y elamor de madre es para siempre, hazle un regalo especial y envíaleuna frase de amor de hijo o de hija y dile lo mucho que la adoras •Tarjetas bonitas para el dia de la madre • Desear feliz día de lamadre • Enviar mensajes y frases de amor a tu mama b NOTA LEGAL:Todas las imágenes que hay en esta aplicación se han realizadoexpresamente para ella y tienen todos sus derechos reservados. Paralas imágenes de fondo, hemos utilizado imágenes de dominio públicode internet, ya que las mismas no se encuentran identificadasmediante símbolos ni otra información que indique la existencia dederecho de explotación reservado sobre las mismas. Cualquierpersona física o jurídica que fuera propietario de alguna de lasimágenes contenidas en la misma, puede acreditarlo por medio decorreo electrónico dirigido al desarrollador, comprometiéndonos ala inmediata retirada de dicha imagen una vez comprobada, en sucaso, la titularidad de la imagen protegida.
Nuevos marcos día de la madre 4701 v1 APK
Juvasal Apps
Increíble aplicación para la edición de fotos, sólo tienesquedescargarlo y probar todas las opciones de edición de imágenes.Coneste editor de marcos de fotos mueve, rota, cambia el tamañodecualquiera de los componentes de manera que tu composiciónquedecompletamente a tu gusto. Publica tus fotos editadas concualquierdispositivo que tengas en tu móvil o Tablet y comparte contusamigos o tus contactos. Editar fotos del día de la madre yobténbonitas tarjetas para el día de la madre. Convierte tus fotosconfantásticos marcos de fotos bonitas con tu mamá. Con esta appdeeditor de fotos, podrás retocar y enmarcar tus momentosespecialescon tu mami y guardarlos para siempre. Descárgate editorde Nuevosmarcos día de la madre – editor de fotos y obtendrás eleditor deimágenes más bonito. Seguro que sorprendes a tu madre enel día delas madres…. Dile te quiero a tu mamita, o si prefieresllamarlamamaíta, con este original editor de fotos originales otarjetaspara felicitar a mamá. Transforma fotos en bonitos cuadrospararegalar el día de la madre. Elige las fotos de la galería o hazunafoto con la cámara y enmárcala con un bonito marco de amorparafelicitar el día de las madres y realiza collages o montajesdefotos increíbles. Podrás decorar tus fotos familiares con mamáofotos con tus hermanos y regalársela a vuestra mami. Sonbonitasimágenes de amor para enamorar. Todas las imágenes hansidoadquiridas por esta empresa para uso exclusivo. Estasimágenestienen los derechos reservados y pertenecen al autor de lasmismas.
Motivational Quotes - Spanish 1335 APK
Juvasal Apps
The best collection of positivemotivationaland inspirational quotes, sayings & phrases tochange mood orhelp positive thinking with personal growth toinspire you tosucceed and success! We have compiled a list of thebestmotivational quotes so you can take control of your thoughts,thinkpositively and set new goals! Positive thinking andreflectionsthat will help you keep the faith in love, faith infriendship,faith in life, faith in you and to face all kind ofsituations inlife. These motivational words are going to help youfind themotivation you need to face your life every day and to helpyourself-improvement. When you change the quality of your thinking,youchange the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. Youhavecomplete control over only one thing in the universe —yourthinking! You can decide what you are going to think in anygivensituation. Your thoughts and feelings determine your actionsanddetermine the results you get. It all starts withyourthoughts.If you are feeling down, tired or unmotivated and you need toraiseyour spirit or a shot of positive energy, download this appforfree in order to motivate you! This is the best compilationofmotivational quotes for every situation that you have to faceinlife, either at work, or in your personal life, and bothyourrelationship with friends and your partner.Features:The most positive motivational quotes, positivethinking,self-improvement, personal growth, cheer up quotes andevenmotivational advices and successful thinking.It is perfect to cheer up someone who is having a bad timeShare the app with relatives and friends, coworkers or withyourpartner. They are going to love it and it will make their day.Youcan do it via Whatsapp, Twitter or Facebook or any program onyourphone.Some pictures were drawn especially for this application andholdall rights reserved. We have also used Internet images ofpublicdomain because they are not identified with symbols or anyotherinformation which indicates the existence ofreservedcopyrights.The natural or legal person who owns any of the pictures canconfirmsending an e-mail to the developer, we commit to removeinstantlysaid picture after having verified the property ofcopyrightedpicture.
Christmas cards in Spanish 15.12.15 APK
Juvasal Apps
Merry Christmas 2015 with thesebeautifulChristmas cards or Xmas for children and adults inEnglish.. Thesmallest of the home can share with friends,colleagues and family.Perfect to send on Christmas Eve, Christmas,New Year Eve and NewYear. You can choose it’s sure that your child,the prince orprincess of the home are the most suitable to send totheirsponsors and uncles or grandparents during theChristmasholidays.The most beautiful and funny Christmas pictures with the typicalandbeloved Christmas characters: Santa Claus or his reindeer ortheChristmas tree and the star, or the snowman or gingerbread andbellsor reindeer bearing gifts on Christmas Eve.Install free and share it with any program you have on yourmobile.If you liked the application, vote us because it helps ustoimprove the AppsThese images have been acquired on Creative Commons and designedbyFreepik.es and flaticon.com
1000 Phrases in Spanish 4210 v3 APK
Juvasal Apps
Do you like Spanish? Do you want to share your feelings, messagesor love in Spanish? If yes, get ready to send 1000 thousandbeautiful phrases and quotes of love and motivation or you can findfamous quotes or sayings as well as Christmas, friendship, goodmorning and good night messages for your family, friends or loversin Spanish. Download the best words and phrases of love,motivational quotes, famous sayings and messages for christmas,friendship, relationship, good morning and good night in Spanish toshare with. Send these messages and phrases to those with whom youwould like to share your love, feelings or emotions. Surprise yourgirlfriend or boyfriend as well as your friends and or family bysending them the most beautiful messages in Spanish to show howmuch you love and care about them. Choose the menu and enter 1000Phrases in English: Love Quotes: Discover the most romantic lovesentences, pickup lines and messages to say ‘I love you’ to yourgirlfriend or boyfriend. Motivational and inspirational sayings andquotes that will inspire and motivate you and cheer you upImportant phrases and quotes from famous authors and philosophersMessages and sayings for Christmas and New Year to celebrate and toshare your Greetings with your beloved one Friendship quotes andphrases to send your friends or best friends to say what they meanto you and how important they are for you. Good morning messages towish a good day or a happy day to your princess or loved one. Goodnight messages for sweet dreams LEGAL NOTE: The ownership entity ofthis application reports that it contains images, some of whichhave been obtained through Internet. These images are all publicdomain, since they are not identified by symbols or otherinformation indicating the existence of exploitation rightsreserved thereon. Any natural or legal person who was owner of anyimages contained therein, may credit it via email to the developer,committing ourselves to the immediate withdrawal of the image afterverification, if necessary, ownership of the image protected.
Christmas greetings in Spanish 4293 APK
Juvasal Apps
Merry Christmas 2017 with thesebeautifulChristmas cards or Xmas for children and adults inEnglish.. Thesmallest of the home can share with friends,colleagues and family.Perfect to send on Christmas Eve, Christmas,New Year Eve and NewYear. You can choose it’s sure that your child,the prince orprincess of the home are the most suitable to send totheirsponsors and uncles or grandparents during the Christmasholidays.The most beautiful and funny Christmas pictures with thetypicaland beloved Christmas characters: Santa Claus or hisreindeer orthe Christmas tree and the star, or the snowman orgingerbread andbells or reindeer bearing gifts on ChristmasEve.Install free and share it with any program you have on yourmobile.If you liked the application, vote us because it helps ustoimprove the Apps