1.23 / July 8, 2017
(4.4/5) (201)


The About this sound Chihuahua (help·info) /t͡ʃɪˈwɑwɑ/ (Spanish:chihuahueño)[1] is the smallest breed of dog and is named for thestate of Chihuahua in Mexico. Chihuahuas come in a wide variety ofsizes, head shapes, colors, and coat lengths. The Chihuahua’shistory is puzzling and there are many theories surrounding theorigin of the breed. Both folklore and archeological finds showthat the breed originated in Mexico. The most common and mostlikely theory is that Chihuahuas are descended from the Techichi, acompanion dog favored by the Toltec civilization in Mexico.[2] Norecords of the Techichi are available prior to the 9th century,although dog pots from Colima, Mexico, buried as part of thewestern Mexico shaft tomb tradition which date back to 300 B.C. arethought to depict Techichis.[3] It is probable that earlierancestors were present prior to the Mayans as dogs approximatingthe Chihuahua are found in materials from the Great Pyramid ofCholula, predating 1530 and in the ruins of Chichen Itza on theYucatán Peninsula.[2] In fact, wheeled dog toys representing boththe "deer head" and "apple head" varieties of Chihuahua have beenunearthed across Mesoamerica from Mexico to El Salvador. Theearliest of these were found at Tres Zapotes in Veracruz, Mexico,which date to 100 A.D. [4] Dog effigy pots dating to around 1325A.D. discovered in Georgia and Tennessee also appear to representthe Chihuahua[5] It has been argued that these pots arrived withsurvivors from the Casas Grandes site in Chihuahua, Mexico, afterit was attacked and destroyed around 1340 A.D. Pots unearthed atCasas Grandes include representations of the "deer head" variety ofChihuahua.[4] Colonial records refer to small, nearly hairless dogsat the beginning of the 19th century, one of which claims16th-century Conquistadores found them plentiful in the regionlater known as Chihuahua.[6] A progenitor of the breed wasreputedly found in 1850 in old ruins near Casas Grandes in theMexican state of Chihuahua from which the breed gets its name,[7]although most artifacts relating to its existence are found aroundMexico City. A pot featuring the "deer head" variety of Chihuahuahas been unearthed at Casas Grandes which dates from 1100–1300 A.D.showing the long history of the breed at this site.[4] TheChihuahua has remained consistently popular as a breed,particularly in America when the breed was first recognized by theAmerican Kennel Club in 1904. Although it was once thought that thepresent day Chihuahua was much smaller than its ancestors, a changethought to be due to the introduction of miniaturized Chinese dogs,such as the Chinese crested dog, into South America by the Spanish,it is now known that this is not the case. A wheeled dog toy whichhas been dated to 100 A.D. from Tres Zapotes in Veracruz, Mexico,depicts a dog identical in appearance and size to the modern "applehead" Chihuahua, indirect evidence that the breed was in Mexicoover 1400 years before the first Europeans arrived.[4]

App Information Chihuahua Puzzle

  • App Name
    Chihuahua Puzzle
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  • Updated
    July 8, 2017
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    Android 2.3 and up
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Pussy Puzzle 1.23 APK
The domestic cat[1][2] (Felis catus[2] or Felis silvestriscatus[4]) is a small, usually furry, domesticated, and carnivorousmammal. It is often called the housecat when kept as an indoorpet,[6] or simply the cat when there is no need to distinguish itfrom other felids and felines. Cats are valued by humans forcompanionship and their ability to hunt vermin and household pests.Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with strong,flexible bodies, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teethadapted to killing small prey. Cat senses fit a crepuscular andpredatory ecological niche. Cats can hear sounds too faint or toohigh in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice andother small game. They can see in near darkness. Like most othermammals, cats have poorer color vision and a better sense of smellthan humans. Despite being solitary hunters, cats are a socialspecies, and cat communication includes the use of a variety ofvocalizations (meowing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling andgrunting) as well as cat pheromones and types of cat-specific bodylanguage.[7] Cats have a rapid breeding rate. Under controlledbreeding, they can be bred and shown as registered pedigree pets, ahobby known as cat fancy. Failure to control the breeding of petcats by spaying and neutering, and the abandonment of formerhousehold pets, has resulted in large numbers of feral catsworldwide, with a population of up to 60 million of these animalsin the United States alone, requiring population control.[8] Sincecats were cult animals in ancient Egypt, they were commonlybelieved to have been domesticated there,[9] but there may havebeen instances of domestication as early as the Neolithic.[10] Agenetic study in 2007 revealed that domestic cats are descendedfrom African wildcats (Felis silvestris lybica) c. 8000 BCE, in theMiddle East.[9][11] According to Scientific American, cats are themost popular pet in the world, and are now found almost every placewhere people live.[12]
Shinkansen Train Puzzle 1.21 APK
The Shinkansen (新幹線?, new trunk line), alsoknown as the "Bullet Train", is a network of high-speed railwaylines in Japan operated by four Japan Railways Group companies.Starting with the Tōkaidō Shinkansen in 1964, the network hasexpanded to currently consist of 2,387.7 km (1,483.6 mi) of lineswith maximum speeds of 240–300 km/h (149–186 mph), 283.5 km (176.2mi) of Mini-shinkansen lines with a maximum speed of 130 km/h (81mph), and 10.3 km (6.4 mi) of spur lines with Shinkansen services.The network presently links most major cities on the islands ofHonshu and Kyushu, with construction of a link to the northernisland of Hokkaido underway and plans to increase speeds on theTōhoku Shinkansen up to 320 km/h (199 mph). Test runs have reached443 km/h (275 mph) for conventional rail in 1996, and up to a worldrecord 581 km/h (361 mph) for maglev trainsets in 2003.Shinkansen literally means new trunk line, referring to the tracks,but the name is widely used inside and outside Japan to refer tothe trains as well as the system as a whole. The name Superexpress(超特急 chō-tokkyū?), initially used for Hikari trains, was retired in1972 but is still used in English-language announcements andsignage.The Tōkaidō Shinkansen is the world's busiest high-speed rail line.Carrying 151 million passengers per year (March 2008), it hastransported more passengers (over 4 billion, network over 6billion) than any other high speed line in the world. Between Tokyoand Osaka, the two largest metropolises in Japan, up to thirteentrains per hour with sixteen cars each (1,323 seats capacity) runin each direction with a minimum headway of three minutes betweentrains. Though largely a long-distance transport system, theShinkansen also serves commuters who travel to work in metropolitanareas from outlying cities.
Motorcycle racing car Puzzle 1.21 APK
In 1996 Yamaha introduced the Royal Starmotorcycle.[1] This motorcycle uses the basic power package fromthe Yamaha Venture Royale.Other machines using variations of this engine include the RoyalStar Venture, the Royal Star Tour Deluxe, and the V-Max.The Yamaha Royal Star was the first Star Motorcycle Yamahaintroduced. It is a traditional cruiser design, styled after theIndian Motorcycles. A little bit of that Indian flavor remains inthe later Royal Star Venture, and the Royal Star Tour Deluxe.Standard and Tour Classic versions were initially made. TheStandard model had four mufflers and no windscreen or sidebags,though they were available as accessories. The Tour Classic hadfour mufflers, a windscreen, and soft sidebags. In 1997 aTourdeluxe version was introduced. The Tourdeluxe had two mufflers,a windscreen, and hard sidebags.On the Tour Classic and the Tourdeluxe the seat height is 28.5 in(720 mm), the wheelbase is 66.7 in (1,690 mm), with a wet weight of765 lb (347 kg). The Standard model was a little lighter and theseat was a little lower.The drive package on the Royal Star includes a liquid-cooled 1,294cc (79.0 cu in) (referred to as 1,300 cc) V4 engine. It has fourvalves per cylinder, overhead camshafts, and shim over bucketvalves. The five speed overdrive transmission is part of the enginecase and both the engine and transmission share oil. The driveshaft and final drive assembly are built into the left side of thedouble sided swing arm. Swing arm motion is damped by a monoshockmounted horizontally under the center rear of the frame, forward ofthe rear wheel. The clutch is of the wet plate design and ishydraulically activated by the left hand lever. The brake systemuses two disk brakes on the front and one disk on the right rear.All calipers are of four piston design.
Papillon Puzzle 1.23 APK
The Papillon (from the French word for butterfly, pronounced:[papiˈjɔ̃]), also called the Continental Toy Spaniel, is a breed ofdog of the Spaniel type. One of the oldest of the toy spaniels, itderives its name from its characteristic butterfly-like look of thelong and fringed hair on the ears. A papillon with dropped ears iscalled a Phalène (French for moth). The small head is slightlyrounded between the ears with a well defined stop. The muzzle issomewhat short, thin tapering to the nose. The dark, medium sized,round eyes have thin black rims, often extending at the junction ofthe eyelids towards the ears. The large ears can either be erect ordropped with rounded tips. The teeth meet in a scissors bite. Thelong tail is set high carried over the body, and covered with long,fine hair. Dewclaws are sometimes removed. The straight, long,fine, single coat has extra frill on the chest, ears, back of thelegs and the tail. Coat color is white with patches of any color. Amask of a color other than white covers both ears and eyes fromback to front.
Mid-Autumn Festival Puzzle 1.23 APK
The Mid-Autumn Festival (traditional Chinese: 中秋節; simplifiedChinese: 中秋节; pinyin: zhōngqiū jié; Vietnamese: Tết Trung Thu) is apopular harvest festival celebrated by Chinese and Vietnamesepeople.[1][2] The festival is held on the 15th day of the eighthmonth in the Chinese calendar, during a full moon, which is inSeptember or early October in the Gregorian calendar, close to theautumnal equinox.[1] The Government of the People's Republic ofChina listed the festival as an "intangible cultural heritage" in2006, and it was made a Chinese public holiday in 2008.[1] It isalso a public holiday in Taiwan. Among the Vietnamese, it isconsidered the second most important holiday tradition.[3] The dayfollowing Mid-Autumn Festival is a public holiday in Hong Kong andMacau (the festival day itself is not a holiday in Hong Kong andMacau, the logic is that most celebrations are held at night).
Wolf Puzzle 1.23 APK
The gray wolf or grey wolf (Canis lupus) is a species of canidnative to the wilderness and remote areas of North America,Eurasia, and North Africa. It is the largest member of its family,with males averaging 43–45 kg (95–99 lb), and females 36–38.5 kg(79–85 lb).[3] It is similar in general appearance and proportionsto a German shepherd,[4] or sled dog, but has a larger head,narrower chest, longer legs, straighter tail and bigger paws.[5]Its winter fur is long and bushy, and predominantly a mottled grayin colour, although nearly pure white, red, or brown to black alsooccur.[4] Within the genus Canis, the gray wolf represents a morespecialised and progressive form than its smaller cousins (thecoyote and golden jackal), as demonstrated by its morphologicaladaptations to hunting large prey, its more gregarious nature[6]and its highly advanced expressive behavior.[7][8] It is a socialanimal, travelling in nuclear families consisting of a mated pair,accompanied by the pair's adult offspring.[9] The gray wolf istypically an apex predator throughout its range, with only humansand tigers[10][11][12][13] posing a serious threat to it. It feedsprimarily on large ungulates, though it also eats smaller animals,livestock, carrion, and garbage.[14] The gray wolf is one of theworld's most well researched animals, with probably more bookswritten about it than any other wildlife species.[15] It has a longhistory of association with humans, having been despised and huntedin most agricultural communities due to its attacks on livestock,while conversely being respected by some Native Americantribes.[14] It is the sole ancestor of the dog, which was firstdomesticated in the Middle East.[16] Although the fear of wolves isprevalent in many human societies, the majority of recorded attackson people have been attributed to animals suffering from rabies.Non-rabid wolves have attacked and killed people, mainly children,but this is unusual, as wolves are relatively few, live away frompeople, and have been taught to fear humans by hunters andshepherds.[17] Hunting and trapping has reduced the species' rangeto about one third[clarify], though its still relatively widespreadrange and stable population means that the species is notthreatened at a global level, and is therefore classified by theIUCN as Least Concern.[1]
Firearms Puzzle 1.23 APK
A firearm is a portable gun, being a barreled weapon that launchesone or more projectiles often defined by the action of anexplosive.[1][2][3] The first firearms in the world were inventedin 13th century China when the man portable fire lance (a bamboo ormetal tube that could shoot ignited gunpowder) was combined withprojectiles such as scrap metal, broken porcelain, ordarts/arrows.[4] The technology gradually spread through the restof East Asia, South Asia, Middle East and then into Europe. Inolder firearms, the propellant was typically black powder, butmodern firearms use smokeless powder or other propellants. Mostmodern firearms (with the notable exception of smoothbore firearms)have rifled barrels to impart spin to the projectile for improvedflight stability. Modern firearms are typically described by theirbore diameter (75mm) or calibre (7.62mm) or gauge (12 ga.), thetype of action employed (muzzle, breech, lever, bolt, revolver,semi-automatic, or automatic) together with the usual means ofdeportment (hand-held or mechanical mounting). They may be furtherdistinguished by reference to the type of barrel used (rifled) andthe barrel length (19 inch), the design's primary intended target(anti-aircraft), or the commonly accepted name for a particularvariation (Gatling gun). Firearms may sometimes be referred to assmall arms when they are intended primarily for use by militaryforces if they can be carried by a single individual. Firearms areaimed visually at their targets by hand using either iron sights oroptical sights. The accurate range of pistols is generally limitedto 50 metres (55 yd), while most rifles are accurate to 500 metres(550 yd) using iron sights, or longer ranges using optical sights.(Firearm rounds may be dangerous or lethal well beyond theiraccurate range; minimum distance for safety is much greater thanspecified range.) Some purpose-built sniper rifles are accurate toranges of more than 2,000 metres (2,200 yd). A successful sniperattack has been made from slightly more than 1.75 mi (2.82 km). Themanufacture of firearms is a large industry. According to theNational Shooting Sports Foundation (N.S.S.F.), a trade associationfor the US firearms industry, all economic activity from firearmmanufacturing, distribution, and other ancillary activities totaledUS$27.8 billion in 2010 in the United States.[5]
Wedding Cake Puzzle 1.23 APK
A wedding cake is the traditional cake served at wedding receptionsfollowing dinner. In some parts of England, the wedding cake isserved at a wedding breakfast, on the morning following theceremony. In modern Western culture, the cake is usually on displayand served to guests at the reception. Traditionally, wedding cakeswere made to bring good luck to all guests and the couple. Modernlyhowever, they are more of a centerpiece to the wedding and are notalways even served to the guests. Some cakes are built with only asingle edible tier for the bride and groom to share. Wedding cakescan certainly range in size, from a small cake that feeds tenpeople, to a very large cake that will feed hundreds, all dependingon the wedding. Modern pastry chefs and cake designers use variousingredients and tools to create a cake that will reflect thepersonalities of the couple. Marzipan, fondant, gum paste,buttercream, and chocolate are among some of the more popularingredients used. Along with ranging in size and components, cakesrange in price. Cakes are usually priced on a per-person, orper-slice, basis.[1] Prices usually range from a few dollars to afew hundred dollars per-person or slice, depending on the pastrychef hired to make the cake. Wedding cakes and cake decorating ingeneral have become a certain pop culture symbol in westernsociety; many TV shows like Cake Boss or Amazing Wedding Cakes havebecome very common and are trending in today’s popular culture.