/ July 12, 2016
(4.8/5) (42)


In one of the Chikiwi (white chicken) birthdayparty, hungry black birds came attack and kidnapped the chicks.Birthday party became chaotic. Chikiwi tried to chase butunfortunately she couldn't fly.

Luckily, another chicks make magic bubbles that could bringChikiwi flies away to rescue her kids were kidnapped. Help Chikiwito rescue the chicks by giving an umbrella. Attack the birds withthe fruit bombs and bees.

Game Features:

- Simple one touch controls.
- Stunning graphics with a highly polished interface.
- Easy to start, yet challenging to fully master.
- Shop: Buy a special hat and electric shocker with coin.

If you are looking for a cute animal game that is exciting andchallenging, maybe Chicken Bubbles game is worth a try ;)

App Information Chicken Bubbles

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Game Edukasi: Belajar Warna APK
Cute Games
Belajar Warna merupakan game edukasi untukanak-anak yang berguna dalam membantu mereka belajar mengenaliwarna-warna yang ada di sekitarnya. Game edukasi ini sangat cocokuntuk balita maupun anak kecil usia 12 bulan sampai denganpra-sekolah termasuk PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini).Aplikasi game edukasi Belajar Warna disajikan sederhana sehinggamudah digunakan dan dipahami oleh anak. Warna-warna yang diajarkanfokus kepada warna dasar dimana warna-warna tersebut sering merekajumpai di dalam dan luar rumah.Dilengkapi pula dengan contoh benda dan suara yang sesuai denganwarna yang diajarkan. Selesai belajar tentang warna, mereka bisabermain game edukasi seputar warna untuk menguji kemampuanpemahaman warna-warna yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya.Fitur Unggulan- Aplikasi dan game didesain sesederhana mungkin agar mudahdigunakan oleh anak.- Cocok untuk anak usia pra-sekolah.- Dilengkapi gambar, suara dan gambar menarik sesuai warna.- Game/permainan edukasi.Mari belajar sambil bermain game agar anak-anak senang danmendapatkan ilmu yang bermanfaat :)Seri Anak CerdasAplikasi game edukasi ini termasuk dalam rangkaian Seri Anak Cerdasdimana dirancang khusus untuk membantu mengenalkan anak-anak usiadini tentang berbagai hal mulai dari pengenalan warna, huruf,angka, hewan, sayur, alat transportasi dll.Semoga aplikasi game edukasi anak ini dapat berguna sebagai saranapendidikan dan memudahkan bunda mengajarkan hal-hal baru untukputra-putri bunda.Learning Colors is aneducational game for children that are useful in helping them learnto recognize colors in the surrounding areas. This educational gameis suitable for toddlers or small children ages 12 months topre-school, including ECD (Early Childhood Education).Colors Learning educational game apps served simple, so easy to useand understandable by children. The colors are taught to focus onthe basic colors where the colors they often encountered inside andoutside the home.Also equipped with instances of objects and sounds that match thecolors are taught. Done learn about colors, they can playeducational games about colors to test the ability of understandingthe colors that have been studied previously.Features- Applications and games designed as simple as possible for easyuse by children.- Suitable for pre-school age children.- Equipped with images, sounds and images attract correspondingcolor.- Game / educational games.Let's learn while playing games so the kids were happy and getuseful science :)Clever Kids SeriesThis educational game apps included in the series of Clever KidsSeries which is specifically designed to help introduce childrenearly age about a variety of things ranging from the introductionof the colors, letters, numbers, animals, vegetables,transportation etc.Hopefully this child educational game app can be useful as a meansof education and facilitate mother taught new things for thechildren of the mother.
Chicken Bubbles APK
Cute Games
In one of the Chikiwi (white chicken) birthdayparty, hungry black birds came attack and kidnapped the chicks.Birthday party became chaotic. Chikiwi tried to chase butunfortunately she couldn't fly.Luckily, another chicks make magic bubbles that could bringChikiwi flies away to rescue her kids were kidnapped. Help Chikiwito rescue the chicks by giving an umbrella. Attack the birds withthe fruit bombs and bees.Game Features:- Simple one touch controls.- Stunning graphics with a highly polished interface.- Easy to start, yet challenging to fully master.- Shop: Buy a special hat and electric shocker with coin.If you are looking for a cute animal game that is exciting andchallenging, maybe Chicken Bubbles game is worth a try ;)