1.0 / June 21, 2015
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Canada Quality Water
Canada QualityWater

App Information Canada Quality Water

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Manara Invoice 5.5.0 APK
Manara Invoice application has many featuresthat contribute to the ease of communication between the companyand the delegates affiliates and can also keep track of eachdelegate through Manara Invoice.When you load the application on the Android device in thebeginning of the particular application icon appears, you must talkwith the technical support department within lmanara to give themthis code shown on the device to send the activation code whereManara Invoice activate the application on the device.Manara Invoice system includes many features , including:The possibility of a review of all customers who are within thepath of the delegate.The possibility of pay and catch payment to customer accountwho wasselected in the distribution unit card.Ease to control currency to be adopted in the batch and thepossibility of recording a private note batch to be entered todistinguish them from other payments.Search for specific customers by recording a particular name or bysearching Find Right side where all the customers that have beenentered in the current paths of Android device unit in almanaraprogram.The possibility of adding a new customer.Full easily create bills with the quantities and pricecontrol.The possibility of adding a certain value fordiscount and additionswithin the bill.Control show or not to show some data to show customers within thetrack.Control the display language on Android device.The possibility of importing Android device settings anddistribution unit of his whereabouts (remotely).Traceability delegate and know his whereabouts.Control with the period of time to export data to the program(either immediately or save and export data later time once).
POS Order 2.2 APK
يتميز نظام الطلبيات ضمن برنامج المنارة:- السهولة في التعامل مع العديد من أنماط الفواتير ضمن نطاق محلي-داخلي- يساهم بشكل كبير في تنظيم العمل داخل نقطة البيع الواحدة- إمكانية التعامل مع كافة المواد الموجودة ضمن المستودع- السهولة الكبيرة في الإتصال بين أجهزة الأندرويد المراد العمل عليهابنظام الطلبيات و السيرفر الرئيسي المتضمن برنامج المنارة و نقطةالبيع الرئيسية.Orders within the systemis characterized by the lighthouse program:- Ease in dealing with many of the bills patterns within the scopeof local -dakhla- Contributes significantly to the organization of work within asingle point of sale- The possibility of dealing with all the material contained withinthe warehouse- Large ease of communication between Android devices to be workedon orders system and the main server containing the lighthouseprogram and the main point of sale.
تطبيق المنارة للمطاعم 5.0.3 APK
من مميزات نظام المطاعم:•إرسال طلبات الزبائن عبر إستخدام شبكة إنترنت داخلية للكاشير ومنهاللمطبخ أوتوماتيكياُ مما يوفر الكثير من الوقت وسرعة في تلبية طلباتالزبائن.•إمكانية عرض الطاولات وموقع كل طاولة ضمن المطعم مع إمكانية استعراضحالة كل طاولة (محجوزة أم لا)•إمكانية دمج اكثر من طاولة مع بعضهم البعض أو تغيير طاولةمعينة.•السهولة التامة بحفظ الطلب وارساله الى المطبخ او الكاشيير.•اظهار صور للمواد للتعرف على الأصناف بشكل أوضح.•ربط العديد من الموظفين ضمن المطعم الواحد مع بعضهم البعض لتسهيلالعمل ونظيم العمل ضمن المطعم.•إضافة ملاحظات خاصة بالزبائن متعلقة بالطلبات المراد تحضيرها لهموارسالها مباشرة الى المطبخ.•السهولة التامة بالبحث عن مادة أو اضافة مادة جديدة.The advantage of systemrestaurants: • Send the demands of customers through the use of an internalInternet network, including the cashier for the kitchen, whichautomatically saves a lot of time and speed to meet the demands ofcustomers.• the ability to display tables and the location of each table inthe restaurant with the possibility of reviewing the status of eachtable (reserved or not)• the possibility of merging more than a table with each other orchange certain table.• full easy to save and submit the application to the kitchen orAlcahier.• show pictures of the materials to identify the items moreclearly.• Linking many employees within the same restaurant with each otherto facilitate the work and Nazim work within the restaurant.• Add special notes related to customer requests for them to beprepared and sent directly to the kitchen.• full easy to search for material or add new material.
Canada Quality Water 1.0 APK
Canada Quality WaterCanada QualityWater