1.2.1 / December 1, 2015
(2.5/5) (2)


◆ Japan's largest "high-brand specialtyshopping mall" app! ◆
Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes, Rolex, etc.,
More than 100,000 items from new to reused goods are posted!

You can enjoy finding the items you've been looking forintuitively
from abundant selections as if you are doing window shopping!
A luxury experience in daily life!!

[Recommended to those who]
■ want to buy high-brand items, but are afraid to end up buyingtheir imitations.
■ want to buy the item with the best price, but find it hard tocompare prices at various sites.
■ want to buy brand new or rare items, but is too lazy to look forit.
■ would be happy to collect points for buying high-brand itemsfrequently.
■ want to learn from celebrities for their fashion wearinghigh-brand items.

[Bramo! Features]
■ Safety and security with the "Shopping Guarantee System"
Based on our own screening criteria, we carefully select goodquality participating stores, mainly from the member companies ofAssociation Against Counterfeit Product Distribution, and do notsell any Illegal products.
By any chance, if invalid brand products have been confirmed forbeing for sale at our mall, Bramo Co., Ltd. will be responsible forrefunding you with the purchase price.

■ Japan's largest number of items!
Since we have the largest number of items listed in Japan,
you don't have to check the inventories or prices at varioussites.
Since we update our products every day, please do not miss theitems you've been looking for!

■ The only brand specialty shopping mall app in Japan! Ourproducts are being appraised by experienced appraisers!
Name-brands' retail shops come together at our mall!
Since most of our shops have physical locations mainly in themetropolitan areas like Ginza and Shinjuku,
you can trust them.
You may have heard of some of the stores in our mall!

■ Collects points you can save and use later
You can receive 1% off the purchase price (excp. tax) per pointwhen you shop at our mall.
You can use them for your next purchase at the rate of "1 point = 1yen."
We also have promotions to provide you with more points every nowand then.
※ Earn points at Bramo! You will need to be a member.

[Brand List]
Louis Vuitton
Ralph Lauren

[Item List]
Bags, wallets, Men's watches, Women's watches,
Men's Clothing, Women's Clothing,
Apparel, Suits, Dresses,
Accessories, Rings, Jewelry, Gems, etc.

App Information Brand Shopping Mall, Bramo!

Bramo Co., Ltd. Show More...

Brand Shopping Mall, Bramo! 1.2.1 APK
◆ Japan's largest "high-brand specialtyshopping mall" app! ◆Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes, Rolex, etc.,More than 100,000 items from new to reused goods are posted!You can enjoy finding the items you've been looking forintuitivelyfrom abundant selections as if you are doing window shopping!A luxury experience in daily life!![Recommended to those who]■ want to buy high-brand items, but are afraid to end up buyingtheir imitations.■ want to buy the item with the best price, but find it hard tocompare prices at various sites.■ want to buy brand new or rare items, but is too lazy to look forit.■ would be happy to collect points for buying high-brand itemsfrequently.■ want to learn from celebrities for their fashion wearinghigh-brand items.[Bramo! Features]■ Safety and security with the "Shopping Guarantee System"Based on our own screening criteria, we carefully select goodquality participating stores, mainly from the member companies ofAssociation Against Counterfeit Product Distribution, and do notsell any Illegal products.By any chance, if invalid brand products have been confirmed forbeing for sale at our mall, Bramo Co., Ltd. will be responsible forrefunding you with the purchase price.■ Japan's largest number of items!Since we have the largest number of items listed in Japan,you don't have to check the inventories or prices at varioussites.Since we update our products every day, please do not miss theitems you've been looking for!■ The only brand specialty shopping mall app in Japan! Ourproducts are being appraised by experienced appraisers!Name-brands' retail shops come together at our mall!Since most of our shops have physical locations mainly in themetropolitan areas like Ginza and Shinjuku,you can trust them.You may have heard of some of the stores in our mall!■ Collects points you can save and use laterYou can receive 1% off the purchase price (excp. tax) per pointwhen you shop at our mall.You can use them for your next purchase at the rate of "1 point = 1yen."We also have promotions to provide you with more points every nowand then.※ Earn points at Bramo! You will need to be a member.[Brand List]Louis VuittonHermesChanelBulgariCartierCoachGucciPradaRalph LaurenTiffanyRolexOmega[Item List]Bags, wallets, Men's watches, Women's watches,Men's Clothing, Women's Clothing,Apparel, Suits, Dresses,Accessories, Rings, Jewelry, Gems, etc.
ハイブランド専門オークション:ブラモ!オークションLive 1.2.0 APK
★国内最大級の『ハイブランド専門ショッピングモール』がオークションで登場!★ルイヴィトン、シャネル、エルメス、ロレックスなど、新品からリユース品まで掲載アイテムは10万点以上!【会場からの生中継で、スマホで参加できるライブなオークションを開催!!】商品は全て鑑定士による鑑定済!不正品対策も安心のオークション!オークション形式は二種類、リアルタイム生中継で落札が出来る「LIVEオークション」と通常のオークションサイトと同様の「ブラモオークション」。「ブラモオークション」では24時間いつでも好きな時に入札が出来るのでゆっくりとオークションを楽しめます!【LIVEオークションとは?】オークション会場からの生中継で、スマホやWEBから会場さながらの、セリの雰囲気を楽しめる画期的なオークションです!高額のハイブランド商品も約60秒で落札決定!欲しいアイテムはすぐに入札を! 全国からのユーザーが次々と入札しあっという間に落札者が決まるまでのスピード感溢れる様子は圧巻です!自分だけのアバターによるオークション参加で、ゲーム感覚で楽しめます!見ているだけでも興奮すること間違いなし!あの有名人も参加するかも・・!? ご期待です!■LIVEオークション動作確認端末・Nexus 5(Android 5.0.1)・Xperia Z3 Compact(Android 4.4.4)・XperiaA(Android 4.2.2)・Zenfone(Android4.4.2)※Android4.2.2以上を対象端末としておりますが、全ての機種で動作確認は取れておりません。順次動作確認を行ってまいりますが、確認のとれていない機種では正常に動かない可能性があります。※動作確認端末の場合でも、ご使用の環境によっては正常に動作しない可能性がございますので、必ずしも動作を保証するものではありません。【もちろん出品も可能!】近くのお店や今までのネット買取とは全く違う!アプリの出品フォームから、ガイドに沿った写真4枚の撮影で簡単な出品が可能!プロがあなたの商品を鑑定します!面倒な書類記入は一切不要です!出品前のやり取りで鑑定スタッフと交渉。成立すれば「ブラモ」が商品鑑定を行ってからの出品となるため、あなたの商品は保証付き!通常のオークションサイトより高額入札になる可能性大です!●オークション時には・・LIVEオークションの出品では、ECサイト「ブラモ!」に出店している全国の有名店で活躍するプロのバイヤーがあなたの商品に一斉入札!自分の出品商品から目が離せません! 高額入札も必至!? 【こんな方にオススメ】■ハイブランドアイテムを購入したいが、偽物の商品を買ってしまうのが怖い■どこよりも安く購入したいが、様々なサイトで価格比較するのが大変だ■新品新作アイテムやレアアイテムを購入したいが、探すのが面倒だ■ハイブランドアイテムを頻繁に購入するので、ポイントが貯まると嬉しい■ハイブランドアイテムを取り入れたセレブファッションを参考にしたい【ブラモ!の特徴】■国内唯一最大級の、ブランド専門ショッピングモール!商品は経験豊富な鑑定士が鑑定!有名ブランド取扱いショップが一堂出店!リアル店舗を展開しているショップばかりなので高い信頼性を誇っております。あなたの見たことのあるショップも出店しているかも!?■『お買い物保証制度』で安心・安全日本流通自主管理協会の加盟企業を中心に、独自の審査基準で良質な出店店舗を厳選し、不正なブランド品は販売いたしません。万が一、当モールで不正なブランド品が販売されたことが確認された場合は、株式会社ブラモが責任を持って購入金額を返金対応いたします。■国内最大級の商品数!国内最大級の商品数なので、様々なサイトで在庫を調べたり価格をチェックする必要がございません。掲載商品も毎日更新しているので、お目当ての商品をお見逃しなく!■貯まる、使えるポイント還元システムポイントは「ブラモ!ECサイト」と連動。オークションで貯めたポイントをブラモECサイトで使用したり、ますますブランドアイテムをお手軽に入手出来る新サービスです!本サービスで利用登録をすると同時に「ブラモ会員」としてブラモ!ECサイトのご利用も可能になります。本サービスで貯めたポイントは「1ポイント=1円」として次回以降のオークション落札時/もしくはブラモ!ECサイトでも際にご使用いただけます。また、ポイントが通常よりも貯まりやすい特別キャンペーンも不定期に開催されます。※ポイント還元・ご利用は本サービスでの利用登録及びブラモ!会員登録が必要です。【取り扱いブランド一例】ルイヴィトンエルメスシャネルブルガリカルティエコーチグッチプラダティファニーロレックスオメガ など【取り扱いアイテム】バッグ、財布、腕時計、アパレル、スーツ、ドレス、アクセサリー、リング、ジュエリー、宝石など
Brand Fashion Magazine,JESSICA 1.0.0 APK
Fashion, beauty, travel, pets, lifestyle, andfortune-telling, etc.Full of contents that women in their 30s can enjoy!New magazine for outgoing women in their 30s who love fashion,brand products and celebritiesWith direct connection to the No. 1 high brand online mall,"Bramo!,"and with the concept "we can buy when we want!"we introduce you fashion styles of the celebritieswho use high brand items as their casual wear.[Features of "JESSICA"]01 All-you-can-read for free! You can check the latest celebrityfashion easily!You can read the same contents as the magazine for free!You can enjoy reading not just about fashion, but also aboutlifestyle-related information such as beauty and travel. High classfashion magazine you can pick up like any other familiar magazines.That's JESSICA!02 You can download only the contents and feature articles you wantto read!You can download only the contents and feature articles you want toread from this magazine.Of course, if you want to read all the pages, you can downloadeverything!You can manage downloaded contents in "My Stand".You can read them over and over at any time.03 You can purchase listed items with a single touch!If you are interested in particular items, you can buy them with asingle touch.Our partnership with Japan's largest high brand specialty shoppingmall "Bramo!"allows you to purchase at a very reasonable pricethe same items that famous models own.[Listed Brands]Louis VuittonHermesChanelBulgariCartierCoachGucciPradaRalph LaurenTiffanyRolexΩDiorHarry Winston[Listed Items]Bags, wallets, men's watches, women's watches,men's fashion, women's fashion,apparel, suit, dress,accessories, rings, jewelry, gem stones, etc.