1.0.3 / February 14, 2014
(3.8/5) (806)


Discover the adventure with Bondi Band. Freethe citizens of Tornasol Ville that have been hypnotized. They arenot hard to find, but you’ll have to run until your last breathe.In the journey you’ll have to avoid the enemies and jump all theholes… Falling in it’s never a nice option!

But not everything is dangerous in the awesome world of BondiBand: You can grab coins… and more coins and drive completely nutsover coins! With them you will discover new ways of playing andreunite all the team of Bondi Band.


- Run as far as you can, don’t stop! Discover the 4 incrediblesceneries and save Tornasol Ville!
- Each scenery it’s full of unexpected dangerous creatures. Becareful!
- Grab the coins as fast as you can, you’ll need them to increasethe game experience.
- Every time you find an enemy you can avoid it or fight against itby jumping on his head.
- You’ll find some super power ups that will made you a RockSuperhero!
- Reunite the six member of Bondi Band! Each one of them have theirown way of rocking and having fun!


Many years ago, when only reptiles walked on this lands, a giantpink meteorite hit the Earth. It falled from the sky so fast thatit was buried for hundred of years.

The legend tells that the person that found that big stone willgain incredible powers… If he or she can manage it. Nowadays, inthe lands where the meteorite crashed years ago, a city was built:Tornasol Ville…

C. Lebrity lives in that Ville, she’s a beautiful, unique andheartless woman that want to use the meteorite for evil. That’s whyshe have hypnotize all the citizens in the ville, to have themunder her spell and make them do whatever she wants: Dig… Dig untiltheir last breath until they find the pink meteorite.

Peter Solfa is the protector of this secret and was sent manyyears ago to space to control everything that happens on Earth.That’s why when he founds out about the situation, he calls BondiBand, the most rocking kids on the planet!
Peter give each one of them a ‘good-luck charm’ called Hexarock,and with it they acquire exceptional powers-.

That's how each member of Bondi Band enter the dangerous andchaotic Tornasol Ville and try to save all the hypnotized citizens.C. Lebrity has her own plans and will make their job difficultsending her villains.

It might sound unrealistic and completely crazy, but stay alert!You are now a member of Bondi Band and the fear that you’ll fightis very real. Now, the prosperity of Tornasol Ville is in yourhands.

App Information Bondi Band

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Color with Barney 1.0.6 APK
"Color with Barney transforms your device into a coloring book withhundreds of pages. It's ideal for children because they can havefun while developing their creativity and cognitive and motorskills alongside Barney and his friends.Features:- Hundreds of different coloring pages, where Barney and hisfriends appear in different situations and settings.- Magic Marker Tool: Slide your finger across the screen so youautomatically paint with the correct colors. Later you can add yourown colors as well!- The application allows you to paint easily without coloringoutside the lines, making this experience much more pleasant intouch screens.- You can use both colors and patterns to paint.- You can save or share the images you colored, as well as theblank images to color them later on paper.- The application does not require any additional purchase, soleaving your child alone with the app is completely safe.- Appropriate for all ages.- When finished coloring, images are automatically saved in theapplication's album, so parents and children can see them wheneverthey wish."
Plim Plim Universe 1.2.3 APK
Descubre junto a Plim Plim la música, loscolores y los juegos en familia.Cada parque temático tiene juguetes digitales que permitenexplorar la música, la pintura y los juegos de a 2 o másparticipantes.Además de los juegos y juguetes, en Plim Universe puedesdisfrutar de las mágicas historias de Plim Plim y cantar y bailarcon los Videoclips musicales.Cada historia fue pensada exclusivamente para esta aplicación yguarda una enseñanza valiosa para los más pequeños acerca de losvalores de Plim Plim (solidaridad, ecología, amistad).Acerca de Plim PlimEl Proyecto Plim Plim es un conjunto de contenidos destinado aniños de entre 0 y 6 años de edad basado en el estímulo einspiración de los valores humanos, los primeros hábitos positivosy el respeto por el medio ambiente.Plim Plim es un niño que combina las habilidades de héroe, magoy payaso conduciendo a sus amigos a un mundo de aventura ydiversión donde todos podrán aprender sonriendo.Visita nuestro sitio web para acceder a más juegos y contenidogratuito;http://plimplim.tv/Otros juegos de Plim Plim para Tablets y Celulares;https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.qb9.plimplim.cumpleJuegos Online -Gratis-http://plimplim.tv/es/juegosDiscover Plim Plim withmusic, colors and family games.Each theme park has digital toys that allow explore music,painting and games 2 or more participants.In addition to games and toys in Plim Universe you can enjoy themagical stories of Plim Plim and sing and dance with musicalclip.Each story was intended exclusively for this application andsave a valuable lesson for younger about Plim Plim values​​(solidarity, ecology, friendship).About Plim PlimThe Project Plim Plim is a set of content intended for childrenaged 0 to 6 years of age based on the encouragement and inspirationof human values, the first positive habits and respect for theenvironment.Plim Plim is a child who combines the skills of a hero, magicianand clown driving his friends to a world of adventure and fun whereeveryone can learn smiling.Visit our website to access more games and free content;http://plimplim.tv/Other games Plim Plim for Tablets and Phones;https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.qb9.plimplim.cumpleOnline Games -Gratis-http://plimplim.tv/es/juegos
Reach for the stars 1.0.5 APK
Let's rock with the stars! Join StrawberryShortcake to perform all the dance moves from the show's originalsongs.HOW TO PLAY• Each song has a special choreography to follow.• Each step of the choreography is represented by an input.• To perform the inputs correctly you must be focused and reactfast!• There are up to 3 different inputs that specially combined foreach song.FEATURES• 8 Songs including Strawberry Shortcake's hit "Anything isPossible".• 8 different scenarios (each song has its own).• 12 different clothes to customize Strawberry Shortcakelook.• A Sing-along feature for all songs (learn the lyrics & singwith Strawberry Shortcake!).
Mei Li's Birthday APK
Aren't Birthday parties one of the most joyfultimes of the year?Decorate the place, prepare the cake with delicious candy, singa birthday song and blow the candles! A birthday party isn't abirthday party until you get to open the presents and play withthem.You only need to drag and click over the things that you like toprepare a birthday party that suits you.DESIGNED FOR KIDS AGE 3 AND ABOVEFEATURESv Dressing up Mei-Li.v Taking snapshots to show your family & friends how cool yourpark looks like.v Preparing a delicious cake using Mei-Li's favorite candies.v A special birthday song in a Mei-Li mood (each character has aunique style).v Blowing the candles!v Opening presents and playing with them as much as you want.v Playing memotest with friends & familyv 5 different puzzles to stimulate coordination and cognitivebehaviour.v No in-app purchases.We all like to celebrate birthdays but each one of us is different,that's why each character has unique birthday games as well asdifferent cakes and toys.Discover the character that likes you the most, you can checkfor all 6 characters;Pim Plim's Birthdayhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yuisy.plimplimsbirthdayAcuarella's Birthdayhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yuisy.acuarellabirthdayHoggie's Birthdayhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yuisy.hoggiebirthdayBam's Birthdayhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yuisy.bambsbirthdayNesho's Birthdayhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yuisy.neshobirthdayWe like to encourage kids and adults to play together, to useour applications as digital toys, we promote sharing overisolation.We believe that technology can be a positive thing when it'sused in a constructive and moderately way.Each time we find out that kids and parents play our gamestogether, we feel that we're heading into the right direction.Privacy PolicyFor any doubts regarding how we use the application, please don'thesitate to visit our privacy policy site;http://plimplim.tv/sites/default/files/sdocs/legales-en/privacy-policy.htmlTerms of Usehttp://plimplim.tv/sites/default/files/sdocs/legales-en/terms-of-use.html
Rusher: Dominance 1.1 APK
Tired of everyday traffic, waiting for thegreen light at every corner or having to ease off the gas on eachturn? Then you desperately need a dose of Rusher Dominance!Rusher Dominance defines a new concept in street racing. Nocomplex interfaces or long tutorials teaching you how to drive;Rusher is simple to use. Take the device in your hands and try totame these speed demons! We offer unstoppable fun.Rusher Dominance has 100% original car models, concept cars fromrenowned artist Ferol (you won’t find vehicles out on the streetscapable of reaching such high speeds!)Endless hours of guaranteed fun and endless challenges thanks toits exclusive content:• 24 tracks based on real cities!• 13 original concept cars• 4 exclusive game modes: Quick Race, Time Trial, Elimination,PvsP• 4 maps of real neighborhoods that you can explore freely, withdozens of missions to accomplish• Unique tuning garage, to create your own original concept carReady to take control?Test your driving skills in the new street race challenge calledRusher Dominance!Download it for FREE now!!!
Mundo Gaturro 1.0.10 APK
¡"Mundo Gaturro", el mundo virtual másdivertido y popular, ahora en tu tablet!Disfruta de Mundo Gaturro siempre contigo. El gato más divertidollega a los dispositivos móviles con una aplicación llena deactividades. Además, puedes conectarte con tu usuario de MundoGaturro, comunicarte con tus amigos y cambiar tu look. Los mejoresjuegos y videos.Colecciones exclusivas para tu avatar, sólo disponibles desde laApp.Crea tu propia historieta y sé un artista total con todos loselementos de Mundo Gaturro a tu disposición. ¡Es súperdivertido!No te pierdas de Fun Attic y todos los videos del canal de Youtube,los mejores contenidos audiovisuales en la palma de tu mano.Usa Picapon, la red social protegida para chicos y escucha la radioonline más divertida de todas "Radio Mundo Gaturro".Diviértete con los minijuegos, y gana gemas para desbloquearactividades.Un universo de posibilidades para que te diviertas sin parar.Mundo Gaturro es un mundo virtual multijugador lleno deaventuras.Recorre todos los espacios de un universo enorme: la playa, laciudad, la nieve, el parque, Atlantis, las grutas escondidas yhasta la Luna. Hazte amigos, juega con ellos mientras explorashasta el último lugar.Gana monedas y cambia tu look para ser UNICO.Miles de catálogos para decorar tu hogar y tu usuario, puedescomprar habitaciones y conseguir nuevos peinados, maquillajes,trajes y transportes. ¡El límite es tu propia imaginación!Adopta mascotas, elige la que más se adapte a ti y cuídala parahacerla crecer. También puedes comprarle ropa y comida.Mundo Gaturro además tiene un fuerte compromiso con la seguridad,con un sistema de moderación de comentarios en tiempo real y unequipo de moderadores monitoreando todos los días laplataforma.Jugar a la App de Mundo Gaturro es gratis. Sin embargo puedesadquirir de manera opcional un Pasaporte que cuesta dinero real,además de gemas especiales para destrabar features especiales. Silas adquieres, el costo se cargará a tu cuenta de Google Play.(1.0.10)"Mundo Gaturro" the mostfun and popular virtual world, now on your tablet!Enjoy World Gaturro always with you. The funniest cat comes tomobile devices with full implementation of activities. Also, youcan connect with your user Mundo Gaturro, communicate with yourfriends and change your look. The best games and videos.Exclusive collections for your avatar, only available from theApp.Create your own cartoon and be a complete artist with all theelements of World Gaturro at your disposal. It's super fun!Do not miss Fun Attic and all videos Youtube channel, the bestaudiovisual content in the palm of your hand.Use Picapon, the social network for kids protected online andlisten to radio all fun "Radio Mundo Gaturro".Have fun with the mini-games, and earn gems to unlockactivities.A universe of possibilities to have fun without stopping. World Gaturro is a multiplayer virtual world full ofadventure.Covers all areas of a huge universe: the beach, the city, snow,park, Atlantis, hidden caves and even the moon. Become friends,play with them while exploring until last.Earn coins and change your look to be unique.Thousands of catalogs to decorate your home and your login, you canbuy room and get new hairstyles, makeup, clothes and transport. Thelimit is your own imagination!Adopt pets, choose the one that best suits you and cherish it tomake it grow. You can also buy clothes and food. World Gaturro also has a strong commitment to safety with a commentmoderation system in real time and a team of moderators monitor theplatform every day. Playing App World Gaturro is free. But you can optionally acquire apassport that costs real money, plus special gems to unlock specialfeatures. If you acquire, the cost will be charged to your accountfrom Google Play.(1.0.10)
Santa Rockstar XperiaExclusive 1.0.0 APK
SAVE CHRISTMAS WITH THE POWER OF ROCK!Santa needs your help! Take your guitar and rock all around theworld, delivering presents in the Merry Christmas Stage Sled withthe help of the Reindeer Band.Test your skills in this amazing music game, with incredibleversions of the best known Christmas Carols.Play as Santa Rockstar, or unlock other great Christmas characters.Be the Idol of the Holyday!FEATURING:- 5 different stages, with astonishing soundtracks!- Lots of guitars, picks, pedals and amps to boost yourperformance.- Explode your skills with the amazing Rock Power!- Play with four different characters: Santa Rockstar, Genny TheGingerbread Guitar Legend, Rudolph the Rock Lord and Santa Jaws(get it?)!- Unlock the most extreme worlds: Burning Alien and DragonShrine.- Connect and share scores via Facebook- Compete with your friends in the Leaderboards, and obtain themost incredible achievements.
Santa Rockstar 1.0.0 APK
SAVE CHRISTMAS WITH THE POWER OF ROCK!Santa needs your help! Take your guitar and rock all around theworld, delivering presents in the Merry Christmas Stage Sled withthe help of the Reindeer Band.Test your skills in this amazing music game, with incredibleversions of the best known Christmas Carols.Play as Santa Rockstar, or unlock other great Christmas characters.Be the Idol of the Holyday!FEATURING:- 5 different stages, with astonishing soundtracks!- Lots of guitars, picks, pedals and amps to boost yourperformance.- Explode your skills with the amazing Rock Power!- Play with four different characters: Santa Rockstar, Genny TheGingerbread Guitar Legend, Rudolph the Rock Lord and Santa Jaws(get it?)!- Unlock the most extreme worlds: Burning Alien and DragonShrine.- Connect and share scores via Facebook- Compete with your friends in the Leaderboards, and obtain themost incredible achievements.