1.0 / March 26, 2015
(4.0/5) (270)


◎Classic block match game are played inreverse thinking. As a block fan, you cann’t miss it!!!
◎If you love match strategy games you will love this - a simple butaddictive Puzzle game that will keep you hooked for hours. 

1. Just drop blocks to the board. If they are filled in a linein vertical or horizontal direction, they will be clearedaway.
2. If blocks have no places to be placed on the board, the game isover.
3. Don’t forget, the more rows are cleared up at once, the higherscores will be achieved.

App Information Block Blitz

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中国象棋助手 1.0 APK
象棋2012,象棋棋谱精选万部,象棋藏经阁等系列于2012年发布在ios平台,一经发布,得到近百万用户的使用与好评,其中棋谱软件一直为ios平台最好的象棋棋谱软件,后无来者!现已经整合并优化移植到android平台,并将长期开发与维护.使广大android棋友也能使用与学习.• 象棋助手是独一无二的,最专业的中国象棋博弈与学习软件之一。• 灵活的对弈模式: 不仅拥有专业的象棋AI提供人机对战外,也可以双人对战,自由摆谱对战,观看电脑之间对战等。• 万部残局: 内置数万部残局供玩家挑战与学习,挑战机器,双人挑战,电脑提示等。• 海量棋谱: 内置过五万部棋谱, 支持变着与注释, 囊括古今中外比赛,名人,残局等著名棋谱,象棋爱好者的良师益友。• 推演打谱: 自由推演学习或打谱,保存与编辑,支持变着与注释,象棋从业者必备。
象棋棋谱精选万部 1.0 APK
Block Blitz 1.0 APK
◎Classic block match game are played inreverse thinking. As a block fan, you cann’t miss it!!!◎If you love match strategy games you will love this - a simple butaddictive Puzzle game that will keep you hooked for hours. 1. Just drop blocks to the board. If they are filled in a linein vertical or horizontal direction, they will be clearedaway.2. If blocks have no places to be placed on the board, the game isover.3. Don’t forget, the more rows are cleared up at once, the higherscores will be achieved.
2048 Russia 1.0 APK
◎As a block fan, you cann’t miss it!!!◎If you love 2048 and other math strategy games you will love this- a simple but addictive Puzzle game that will keep you hooked forhours. 1. Swipe left or right to move the dropping tile, swipedown to drop the tile quickly.2. After falling, tiles with the same number will be merged, 2+2 is 4 and 4+4 is 8 and so on.◎Features:- Fun for all ages – you'll be hooked!- Fun and challenging game!- Global leaderboards to compare scores with friends.- Support all iOS devices, such as iPhone, iPad, iTouch.