6.0.2 / May 18, 2016
(3.9/5) ()


ARGO − Augmented Reality in GastrointestinalOncology è un’applicazione sviluppata da Lilly che, avvalendosidella realtà aumentata, permette ai Medici e Farmacisti Ospedalieridi ottenere informazioni tecnico-scientifiche relative altrattamento del tumore gastrico. Sul sito webwww.lillytumoregastrico.it sono presenti immagini target cheattiveranno la realtà aumentata e consentiranno di approfondire icontenuti con video esplicativi.
Lilly fornisce l'applicazione "ARGO – Augmented Reality inGastrointestinal Oncology" in conformità con le condizioni d'usoseguenti. Accedendo o utilizzando questa applicazione, l'utentericonosce di avere letto, compreso e accettato le presenticondizioni. I contenuti e i diritti di questa applicazioneappartengono a Lilly e detta applicazione è protetta da diritti diproprietà intellettuale. L'applicazione " ARGO – Augmented Realityin Gastrointestinal Oncology " è usata dall'utente sotto la suaesclusiva responsabilità.
ARGO - Augmented Realityin Gastrointestinal Oncology is an application developed by Lillythat, making use of augmented reality, allows Doctors and HospitalPharmacists to obtain scientific and technical information relatingto the treatment of gastric cancer. On the website there arepictures www.lillytumoregastrico.it target that will trigger theaugmented reality and will advance the content with explanatoryvideos.
Lilly provides the application "ARGO - Augmented Reality inGastrointestinal Oncology" in accordance with the followingconditions of use. By accessing or using this application, youacknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted theseconditions. The content and rights of this application belong toLilly and such application is protected by intellectual propertyrights. The "ARGO - Augmented Reality in Gastrointestinal Oncology"is used by the user under his sole responsibility.

App Information ARGO

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남성건강 지원앱 1.4.3 APK
* Disclaimer: 사용자 리뷰란에 남긴 제품관련 문의에 대해서는 답변을 드릴수가 없사오니, 제품 관련 문의나 의견은 제조사로 직접 문의하시길 부탁 드립니다.‘남성건강 지원앱’은 환자들의 치료의지를 높이고, 경제적인 부담을 줄여드리기 위해 제작되었습니다. 본 프로그램은 발기부전및 양성 전립선 비대증을 동시에 진단받은 환자분들을 대상으로 운영하며, 모바일 단말기를 통하여 간단하게 환급 요청을접수할 수 있도록 지원하고 있습니다.1. 환급 요청 접수기존에 콜센터를 통하여 접수, 처리되었던 환급절차를, 모바일 앱을 통하여 빠르고 간단하게 가입, 환급 요청을 접수할 수있도록 하였습니다.제품 바코드(QR코드)스캔, 처방전 사진 촬영, 계좌정보 입력 - 3단계의 간단한 과정으로 편리하고 안전한 환급요청접수가가능합니다.2. 환급 요청 현황‘남성건강 지원앱’을 통하여 접수한 환급요청의 처리현황을 실시간으로 확인하실 수 있습니다.3. 설정이름과 전화번호, 환급 계좌정보, 비밀번호를 변경할 수 있습니다.* Disclaimer: No, O cannot give an answer for the product-related questions left by userreviews, product-related questions or comments please contact themanufacturer hasigil.'Men's Health Support apps' are willing to improve the treatment ofpatients, designed to let you reduce the financial burden. Theprogram is intended for patients who operates diagnosed witherectile dysfunction and benign prostatic hyperplasia at the sametime, and help you file a refund request, simply through the mobilehandset.1. The refund request is received Received through the call center to an existing, a refundprocedure has been processed, fast and simple to join through themobile app, has to accept the refund request.Product barcode (QR code) scans, prescription Photography, enteraccount information - available in a convenient and safe with asimple three-step process of receipt of the request forreimbursement. 2. Refund Request StatusThe processing status of a refund requests received through the'Men's Health Support apps' can be found in real-time.3. SetName and phone number, refund account information, you can changethe password.
Lilly Oncology CT App 3.0 APK
Lilly Oncology is committed to providingresources that support and enrich the cancer community. Part ofthat commitment is making sure oncology professionals have accessto the latest clinical trial information they need.The Lilly Oncology Clinical Trials application provides healthcareprofessionals with free access to trial information for a widevariety of cancer indications.Key Features:- Clinical trials: Find Lilly and non-Lilly cancer clinical trialsworldwide- Sortable filters: Locate trials based on cancer type, location,molecular target, drug, modality, clinical phase, and trialstatus- Location of trial: Search by location and find the nearest studylocation and contact details- Save and share trials: Save trials for fast and easy futurereference, and share saved content with colleagues- Receive more information: Contact the Lilly Oncology ClinicalTrial Navigation Service through the app via email or phone to getmore information on clinical trials- Other resources: Find links to additional resources, such as theAmerican Cancer Society, based on audience, service, and/orcategory- Events: Locate congresses and events based on category, location,and/or dateThis application is compliments of Lilly Oncology.
Parlons-en 1.2 APK
La dépression est une maladie et doit doncêtre traitée comme toute autre maladie. Le dialogue avec votremédecin est un élément essentiel pour vous accompagner vers lerétablissement. En partageant avec lui comment vous vous sentez,vos craintes mais aussi vos petites victoires, vous pourrez l'aiderà comprendre comment votre état dépressif évolue. Votre médecinpourra ainsi veiller à vous apporter tout le soutien dont vous avezbesoin et trouver le traitement qui vous convient.Cette application peut vous servir d'outil de réflexion quant àla manière dont la dépression affecte votre vie quotidienne et aumoyen d'en sortir. Vous pouvez y noter votre humeur, écrire vospensées et les questions à poser à votre médecin lors de votreprochaine visiteCette application est la vôtre. Toutefois, elle ne vise pas àremplacer l’avis médical de votre médecin. Ne prenez pas dedécision sans avoir consulté votre médecin et respectez sesconseils ou prescription. Ensemble, vous pourrez trouver lesréponses à vos questions.Cette application est réservée aux personnes de plus de 18ans.En téléchargeant cette application vous déclarez avoir prisconnaissance et compris les conditions générales d’utilisationdétaillées et les avoir acceptées sans réserve. Les conditionsd’utilisation complètes sont disponibles à l’adresse suivante :www.parlons-en-app.frDans le cadre de votre pathologie, vous pouvez être amené(e) àprendre un traitement médicamenteux. L'application ou cette pageInternet ne doivent pas être utilisées pour rapporter des effetssecondaires ou des réclamations sur la qualité. Si vous souhaitezrapporter un effet secondaire ou une réclamation qualité relatifà un produit Lilly, veuillez appeler le 0800 00 36 36 ou le 01 5549 32 51.Depression is a diseaseand should be treated like any other disease. Dialogue with yourdoctor is an essential element to accompany you to recovery.Sharing with him how you feel, your fears but your small victories,you can help to understand how your depression evolves. Your doctorwill help to ensure you provide all the support you need and findthe right treatment for you.This application can serve you as a tool for reflection on howdepression affects your daily life and the way out. You can noteyour mood, write down your thoughts and questions to ask yourdoctor at your next visitThis application is yours. However, it is not intended toreplace medical advice from your doctor. Do not take any decisionwithout consulting your doctor and follow his advice orprescription. Together, you can find answers to your questions.This application is for persons over 18 years.By downloading this application you acknowledge having read andunderstood the terms and conditions detailed use and have acceptedwithout reservation. Complete operating conditions are available atthe following address: www.parlons-en-app.frAs part of your condition, you may need (e) to take medication. Theapplication or this web page should not be used to report sideeffects or complaints on the quality. If you wish to report a sideeffect or quality claim in relation to a product Lilly, please call0800 00 36 36 or 49 32 January 55 51.
Lilly HK O.P.D 1.3 APK
第一個針對常用的腫瘤單字並有真人發音的醫藥字典。從美國國家癌症中心(NCI)線上辭典中節錄3600多個常用的腫瘤醫學相關辭彙及註解。[Lilly Oncology Pronouncing Dictionary]擁有查詢、中文翻譯、KK音標、加入最愛、支援直式/橫式使用與真人發音的功能,讓您快速查詢腫瘤領域相關醫學單字及提供您一個學習正確單字發音的好工具。產品特色:1.英漢(繁體中文)發音字典,提供英文快速查詢及最接近單字查詢。2.所有收錄單字皆由真人錄音。支援全部播放及段落播放的功能,播放時可以直接加入「我的最愛」,讓您把字典作為學習教科書之用。3.完整內容解說,包含KK音標/NCI解釋/中文翻譯…等詞義。4.查詢紀錄瀏覽,建立自己「我的最愛」便於自我學習及再次複習。本字典英文單字及解釋皆取自於美國癌症研究中心(National Cancer Institute)http://www.cancer.gov/本字典發音及翻譯由國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院腫瘤醫學部陳偉武醫師親錄國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院腫瘤醫學部鄭安理主任及Assoc. Professor Mark D. Vincent,Department of Medical Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program親自校閱。Features:1. English-Chinese dictionary (Non-simplified), including more than3600 words from the NCI oncology dictionary. It provides quicksearch.2. Pronunciation included for all words. It can display all thewords or user-specific ranges.3. Supports bookmarks and browsing history.4. Provides the Chinese translation / NCI explanation / KK phoneticsymbols.本應用軟體僅供下載使用。任何有關產品的資訊以及使用方式請洽詢你的主治醫師。The application is only for you to download and use. If you haveany questions related to the product information please consultyour doctor.
ARGO 6.0.2 APK
ARGO − Augmented Reality in GastrointestinalOncology è un’applicazione sviluppata da Lilly che, avvalendosidella realtà aumentata, permette ai Medici e Farmacisti Ospedalieridi ottenere informazioni tecnico-scientifiche relative altrattamento del tumore gastrico. Sul sito webwww.lillytumoregastrico.it sono presenti immagini target cheattiveranno la realtà aumentata e consentiranno di approfondire icontenuti con video esplicativi.Lilly fornisce l'applicazione "ARGO – Augmented Reality inGastrointestinal Oncology" in conformità con le condizioni d'usoseguenti. Accedendo o utilizzando questa applicazione, l'utentericonosce di avere letto, compreso e accettato le presenticondizioni. I contenuti e i diritti di questa applicazioneappartengono a Lilly e detta applicazione è protetta da diritti diproprietà intellettuale. L'applicazione " ARGO – Augmented Realityin Gastrointestinal Oncology " è usata dall'utente sotto la suaesclusiva responsabilità.ARGO - Augmented Realityin Gastrointestinal Oncology is an application developed by Lillythat, making use of augmented reality, allows Doctors and HospitalPharmacists to obtain scientific and technical information relatingto the treatment of gastric cancer. On the website there arepictures www.lillytumoregastrico.it target that will trigger theaugmented reality and will advance the content with explanatoryvideos.Lilly provides the application "ARGO - Augmented Reality inGastrointestinal Oncology" in accordance with the followingconditions of use. By accessing or using this application, youacknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted theseconditions. The content and rights of this application belong toLilly and such application is protected by intellectual propertyrights. The "ARGO - Augmented Reality in Gastrointestinal Oncology"is used by the user under his sole responsibility.
Lilly O.P.D. 1.1 APK
第一個針對常用的腫瘤單字並有真人發音的醫藥字典。從美國國家癌症中心(NCI)線上辭典中節錄3600多個常用的腫瘤醫學相關辭彙及註解。[Lilly Oncology PronouncingDictionary]擁有查詢、中文翻譯、KK音標、加入最愛、支援直式/橫式使用與真人發音的功能,讓您快速查詢腫瘤領域相關醫學單字及提供您一個學習正確單字發音的好工具。產品特色:1. 英漢(繁體中文)發音字典,提供英文快速查詢及最接近單字查詢。2.所有收錄單字皆由真人錄音。支援全部播放及段落播放的功能,播放時可以直接加入「我的最愛」,讓您把字典作為學習教科書之用。3. 完整內容解說,包含KK音標/NCI解釋/中文翻譯…等詞義。4. 查詢紀錄瀏覽,建立自己「我的最愛」便於自我學習及再次複習。本字典英文單字及解釋皆取自於美國癌症研究中心(National Cancer Institute)http://www.cancer.gov/本字典發音及翻譯由國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院腫瘤醫學部 陳偉武醫師親錄國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院腫瘤醫學部鄭安理主任及Assoc. Professor Mark D. Vincent,Departmentof Medical Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program親自校閱。Features:1. English-Chinese dictionary (Non-simplified), including morethan3600 words from the NCI oncology dictionary. It providesquicksearch.2. Pronunciation included for all words. It can display allthewords or user-specific ranges.3. Supports bookmarks and browsing history.4. Provides the Chinese translation / NCI explanation /KKphoneticsymbols.本應用軟體僅供下載使用。任何有關產品的資訊以及使用方式請洽詢你的主治醫師。The application is only for you to download and use. If youhaveany questions related to the product information pleaseconsultyour doctor.Please contact with Eli Lilly company, Taiwan to get theusername and password information. Thanks相關下載使用資訊請聯繫台灣禮來股份有限公司,謝謝!The first words forcommontumors and have real medical dictionary pronunciation.Excerpts over 3600 commonly used vocabulary andmedicaloncology-related comments from the U.S. National CancerInstitute(NCI) online dictionary.[Lilly Oncology Pronouncing Dictionary] have queries,Chinesetranslation, KK phonetic symbols, favorites, supportsportrait /landscape using the human voice feature that allows youto quicklyfind relevant medical word cancer field and provide youwith alearning correct pronunciation of words is good tool.Product Features:1 English to Chinese (Traditional Chinese) pronunciationdictionary,available in English and the closest fast query wordqueries.2 All the words chosen by the live recordings included. Supportandparagraph Play Play All function, playback can be directly addedto"Favorites" allows you to use a dictionary as alearningtextbooks.3. Complete contents of commentary, including KK phonetic /NCIexplain / Chinese translation ... etc. meaning.4. Query record browsing, create your own "My Favorites"tofacilitate the self-study and review again.The dictionary English words and explanations are taken fromtheAmerican Cancer Research Center (National CancerInstitute)http://www.cancer.gov/The dictionary pronunciation and translated from the NationalTaiwanUniversity Hospital, Department of Medical Oncology, MD ChenWeiwupro recordHospital Department of Oncology, National Taiwan UniversityCollegeof Medicine, director of Allen & Overy Zheng andAssoc.Professor Mark D. Vincent, Department of Medical Oncology,LondonRegional Cancer Program personally Review.Features:1. English-Chinese dictionary (Non-simplified), including morethan3600 words from the NCI oncology dictionary. It providesquicksearch.2. Pronunciation included for all words. It can display allthewords or user-specific ranges.3. Supports bookmarks and browsing history.4. Provides the Chinese translation / NCI explanation / KKphoneticsymbols.This application is for download. Any information abouttheproduct and use consult your physician.The application is only for you to download and use. If youhaveany questions related to the product information pleaseconsultyour doctor.Please contact with Eli Lilly company, Taiwan to get theusername and password information. ThanksRelated to download information please contact Eli Lilly Co.,Ltd.of Taiwan, thank you!
Dia-Logos 1.2 APK
La aplicación Dia-Logos es una herramientaquepersigue la capacitación del paciente con depresión enaspectosrelacionados con su enfermedad, con el objetivo de que seaun mediomediante el cual se estimule y fomente la comunicaciónentre elpaciente y su médico. Este objetivo se estimula a travésdecontenidos dirigidos a que el paciente con depresión entiendaelproceso de su enfermedad y las distintas opciones de tratamientoy,en última instancia, comparta con su médico sus dudas,comentarios,sugerencias o cualquier otro tema relacionado con suenfermedad.El paciente puede registrar en su móvil o tableta aspectostalescomo su estado de ánimo, escribir sus dudas ocomentarios,establecer recordatorios para tomar su medicación,obtenerinformación relevante en cuanto a la enfermedad, sutratamiento yconsejos sobre hábitos de vida saludable y llevar eldispositivo ala siguiente visita con el médico y compartirlo con élparaestablecer un diálogo encaminado a garantizar el mejortratamientoposible.Por favor, no utilice el apartado de opiniones paranotificarefectos adversos de un medicamento de Lilly. Si ustedexperimentacualquier tipo de efecto adverso, consulte a sumédico,farmacéutico o enfermero, y si desea notificar un efectoadversocon un producto de Lilly, por favor llame al teléfono 91 62333 88en cualquier momento o envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected]énpuede comunicarlos directamente a través del SistemaEspañol deFarmacovigilancia de Medicamentos de Uso Humano:www.notificaRAM.es.Mediante la comunicación de efectos adversosusted puede contribuira proporcionar más información sobre laseguridad de losmedicamentos.Lilly no recoge ni procesa la información personal. Sus datosynotas solo están en su dispositivo móvil.Esta aplicación no ha sido creada o diseñada parapersonasmenores de 18 años.Términos de Uso de la Aplicación (http://www.dia-logos.es/terminos-de-uso-aplicacion.html)Dia-Logos Theapplicationis a tool that aims at training the patient withdepression inaspects of their disease, with the goal of making it ameans bywhich encourages and fosters communication between patientanddoctor. This objective is stimulated through targeted contenttodepressed patients understand their disease process andtreatmentoptions and ultimately, share with your doctor questions,comments,suggestions or any other topic related to your disease.The patient can log on your mobile or tablet aspects suchasmood, write your questions or comments, set reminders to taketheirmedication, relevant information about the disease, itstreatmentand tips on healthy living habits and carry the device tothe nextvisit to your doctor and share with him to establish adialogue toensure the best possible treatment.Please do not use the reviews section for reportingadverseeffects of a drug from Lilly. If you experience any sideeffects,talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse, and to report anadverseeffect a Lilly product, please call 91 623 33 88 at any timeorsend an email to farmacovigilanciaes @ lilly.com. You canalsocommunicate directly through the Spanish SystemofPharmacovigilance for Medicinal Products for HumanUse:www.notificaRAM.es. By communicating adverse effects you canhelpprovide more information on the safety of medicines.Lilly does not collect or process any personal information.Yourdata and notes are only on your mobile device.This application has not been created or intended forpeopleunder 18.Terms of Use Application (http://www.dia-logos.es/terminos-de-uso-aplicacion.html)
Trulicity 3.3.4 APK
Dieser Erinnerungsservice sowie die darin enthaltenen Informationenrichten sich ausschließlich an Patienten, die mit Trulicity®behandelt werden. Der Trulicity® Erinnerungsservice zielt daraufab, Sie bei der regelmäßigen Einnahme von Trulicity® zuunterstützen. Mit diesem Service können Sie wöchentlicheBenachrichtigungen einrichten, die Sie daran erinnern, Trulicity®rechtzeitig anzuwenden. Zudem stellt Ihnen der Erinnerungsservicehilfreiche Informationen zur Anwendung des Applikationsgerätes(Pen) sowie eine Kontaktadresse zu Lilly (dem Hersteller vonTrulicity®) zur Verfügung. Dieser Erinnerungsservice kann Ihnenhelfen: • Ihre wöchentliche Anwendung von Trulicity® nicht zuvergessen • Services und Sicherheitsinformationen sowie Antwortenauf Ihre Fragen zu finden