1.1.0 / November 3, 2016
(4/5) (32)


你看!草原上的動物靠過來了! 結合3D擴增實境,體驗未來的智慧學習模式 ● 精美全幅照片,接觸最真實的生物樣貌 ●有趣實用的知識,邊玩邊學習 ● 透過擴增實境技術,與動物面對面 什麼是「擴增實境」?擴增實境是一種電腦技術,能將虛擬實境帶進現實世界,現在許多先進國家都已經採用這種絕妙的智慧型教育科技。《你看!草原上的動物靠過來了!》結合了擴增實境,你只要把智慧手機或平板電腦對著書頁,就能看到栩栩如生的3D立體動物。《你看!草原上的動物靠過來了!》繁體中文版(遠流出版) ● 翻開書頁,閱讀不同的動物故事 ● 你會看見各種草食動物及肉食動物 ●書中採用真實的動物照片以及最新的科學研究,並有專家審定 ● 全書高品質印刷 ● 以調查研究孩童的喜好選擇收錄於書中的動物 ●書中介紹12種動物:大象、河馬、斑馬、長頸鹿、花豹、獅子、老虎、駱駝、梅花鹿、耳廓狐、貓熊、北極熊。 如何使用3D擴增實境APP? ●隨意移動動物 ● 看看動物如何獵食、聽聽牠們的叫聲 ● 各種有趣的小遊戲,像是觀察動物的家、比大小,還有拼圖 ●和動物一起拍照,還可以自己設計背景 ● 真實的動物影片 智慧型裝置的系統需求 Android 2.2或以上版本 APP測試 1.造訪網頁 http://alzzam.co.kr/test/arc/animal/testpage.html,下載或列印測試頁面。2. 安裝ARCANIMAL應用程式APP 3. 開啟APP,將手機或平板鏡頭對準你下載或列印出的測試頁面,就能看見3D影像內容。


  • App Name
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  • Updated
    November 3, 2016
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  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
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  • Category
    Books & Reference
  • Developer
    대구 광역시 중구 대봉로 212-1 번지
  • Google Play Link

(주)알짬교육 Show More...

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The core character that you like the Dino coloring appears as amoving 3D magic sketchbook.
AREVO(증강현실 자연사박물관) 2.0 APK
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에듀알 체험카드 2.3.3 APK
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블루래빗새 - AR 1.1.0 APK
블루래빗새는 증강현실을 기반으로 책의 이미지를 인식하여 페이지 별로 연관된 증강현실 애니메이션을 보여주는 어플리케이션입니다.
블루래빗공룡 - AR 1.1.0 APK
블루래빗공룡은 증강현실을 기반으로 책의 이미지를 인식하여 페이지 별로 연관된 증강현실 애니메이션을 보여주는 어플리케이션입니다.
NMBBIRD3D - Nanmeebooks 1.3.0 APK
○ NMBBIRD3D Future-oriented smart book in augmented reality • Lookat realistic pictures • Read interesting texts • Experiencerealistic birds through augmented reality ○ What is AugmentedReality? Augmented Reality is computer technology that bringsvirtual reality to the real world. It is an excellent smarteducational technique that is used by the Ministry of Education andother advanced countries. NMBBIRD3D is a book combined withaugmented reality. Living birds appear in 3D when you point yoursmartphone or tablet PC at the book. ○ NMBBIRD3D Book • When youopen the book, fascinating stories about birds will start. • Youwill see a various features and lives of birds from ostriches inAfrica to emperor penguins in Antarctica. • All the books arerealistically designed and based on the latest scientific research.• The books have high-quality 3D illustrations and images. • Twelveanimals are included: Ostrich, Indian Peafowl, Mandarin Duck,Emperor Penguin, Great Crested Grebe, Grey Heron, Black-facedSpoonbill, Cinereous Vulture, Red-Crowned Crane, Scarlet Macaw,Eurasian Eagle Owl, Humming Bird. ○ 3D Augmented Reality AppExperience the augmented reality program yourself. • Make the birdsfly, walk, or swim. • Feed and hear the birds. • Do fun activitiessuch as looking at the habitat of birds, comparing sizes of birds,and doing puzzles. • Take pictures of you and the birds with abeautiful background. • ‘Free’ the vultures from the device bypressing a button. ○ Requirements for smart terminals - AndroidVersion 2.2 or higher - iOS Version 4.3 or higher ○ NMBBIRD3D AppTesting 1. Go tohttp://alzzam.co.kr/test/nanmee/bird/testpage.html. Download orprint the test images. 2. Install NMBBIRD3D application. 3. Startthe application and if you view the images you've downloaded orprinted through your phone's camera, you can watch 3D content.
블루래빗바다 - AR 1.1.0 APK
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블루래빗동물 - AR 1.1.0 APK
블루래빗동물은 증강현실을 기반으로 책의 이미지를 인식하여 페이지 별로 연관된 증강현실 애니메이션을 보여주는 어플리케이션입니다.