1.3 / September 3, 2015
(3.4/5) (190)


Vei avea ocazia de a te antrena cu echipa șide a te distra în realitatea augmentată cu eroi și răufăcători.

În această aplicație, te vei putea bucura de zona de instruire,în care, chiar dacă încă nu ai cardurile Echipei Actimel, vei puteainstrui eroii și le vei putea îmbunătăți abilitățile. Fiecaretrebuie să înceapă de la zero pentru a deveni un erou adevărat!

Jocul rulează cu cardurile de colecție ale echipei Actimel șiechipei Malaktic. Animează personajele și interacționează cu ei.Creează-ți propria distracție acum!

Echipa Actimel este alcătuită din eroii Ac, Ti și Mel. Pe dealtă parte, personajele negative care alcătuiesc echipa Malakticsunt doamna Floff, Chupper, doamna Ha și Lordul Frică. Cu toțiiașteaptă să îi introduci îi aplicație.

Cu ajutorul cardurilor, nu numai că vei avea o experiență deRealitate Augmentată uimitoare, dar și misiunea de a terminapuzzle-ul și de a descoperi nava spațială.

You will have theopportunity to train with the team and to have fun with the heroesand villains augmented reality.

In this application, you will enjoy the training, where, even ifyou have not Actimel Team cards, you can then train heroes and youwill be able to improve their skills. Everyone has to start fromscratch to become a real hero!

Collectible card game running with the team's Actimel andMalaktic. Animate characters and interact with them. Create yourown fun now!

Actimel team is made up of heroes Ac, Ti and Mel. On the otherhand, negative characters that make up the team are Ms FloffMalaktic, Chupper, Ms. Ha and Lord Fear. Everyone expects to enterhis application.

With the cards, not only will you have an amazing augmentedreality experience, and the mission to finish the puzzle anddiscover the spaceship.

App Information ACTIPOWER

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Team Actimel Nuova missione 1.4 APK
Danone Global
Completa l'ultima Missione per riportare laluce sul Pianeta Actimel con la nuova app del Team Actimel.Actimel Kids ti offre una nuova ed entusiasmante app - "Missionenell'Oscurità".Attraverso i 5 livelli aiuta il Team Actimel a sfuggire dallegrinfie del malvagio Team Malaktic e a superare tutte le sfide percompletare la loro missione: riprendere l'Ultra Power e riportarela luce sul Pianeta Actimel!Le nuove bottigliette dei mostri e degli eroi Actimel siilluminano al buio e le trovi nelle confezioni di Actimel Kids.Scansiona la bottiglietta e inizia a giocare!Complete the last missionto bring light to the Planet Actimel with the new app Team Actimel.Actimel Kids offers you an exciting new app - "DarkMission".Through five levels Actimel helps the team to escape from theclutches of the evil Team Malaktic and overcome all challenges tocomplete their mission: take the Ultra Power and bring light to thePlanet Actimel!The new bottles of Actimel monsters and heroes glow in the darkand you can find in the Actimel Kids packs. Scan the bottle andstart playing!
Team Actimel UK & ROI 1.1 APK
Danone Global
Complete the latest Mission of bringing the light back to PlanetActimel with the new gaming app of Team Actimel.Actimel for Kids brings you a brand new and exciting gaming app- 'The Forces of Darkness'. Over 5 levels, help Team Actimel escapethe evil clutches of Team Malaktic as they overcome challenges tocomplete their mission of collecting the Ultra Power and returningthe light to Planet Actimel! Collect the special glow in the darkhero and monster bottles in the Actimel for Kids packs and scan thebottle you want to play to get started!Interactive appAction-packed gameMusic and sound effectsBold design and easy to use.
Danone Global
Vei avea ocazia de a te antrena cu echipa șide a te distra în realitatea augmentată cu eroi și răufăcători.În această aplicație, te vei putea bucura de zona de instruire,în care, chiar dacă încă nu ai cardurile Echipei Actimel, vei puteainstrui eroii și le vei putea îmbunătăți abilitățile. Fiecaretrebuie să înceapă de la zero pentru a deveni un erou adevărat!Jocul rulează cu cardurile de colecție ale echipei Actimel șiechipei Malaktic. Animează personajele și interacționează cu ei.Creează-ți propria distracție acum!Echipa Actimel este alcătuită din eroii Ac, Ti și Mel. Pe dealtă parte, personajele negative care alcătuiesc echipa Malakticsunt doamna Floff, Chupper, doamna Ha și Lordul Frică. Cu toțiiașteaptă să îi introduci îi aplicație.Cu ajutorul cardurilor, nu numai că vei avea o experiență deRealitate Augmentată uimitoare, dar și misiunea de a terminapuzzle-ul și de a descoperi nava spațială.You will have theopportunity to train with the team and to have fun with the heroesand villains augmented reality.In this application, you will enjoy the training, where, even ifyou have not Actimel Team cards, you can then train heroes and youwill be able to improve their skills. Everyone has to start fromscratch to become a real hero!Collectible card game running with the team's Actimel andMalaktic. Animate characters and interact with them. Create yourown fun now!Actimel team is made up of heroes Ac, Ti and Mel. On the otherhand, negative characters that make up the team are Ms FloffMalaktic, Chupper, Ms. Ha and Lord Fear. Everyone expects to enterhis application.With the cards, not only will you have an amazing augmentedreality experience, and the mission to finish the puzzle anddiscover the spaceship.
ActimelCsapat 3D 1.3 APK
Danone Global
Az Actimel csapat alkalmazással te is részeleszel a csapatnak! Lehetőséged lesz rá hogy a csapattal együttküzdj a 3D-s valóságban, amely teli van hősökkel és ellenségekkkel.Ebben az alkalmazásban kipróbálhatod a Gyakorló Zóna, amelybenugyan még nem lesznek Actimel csapat kártyáid, mégis képes leszelarra, hogy kiképezd az Actimel csapat hőseit és fejleszdképességeiket. Mindenkinek a nulláról indulva kell igazi hősséválnia!A játék az Actimel csapat és a Malaktic csapat gyűjthetőkártyáival működik. Keltsd életre a karaktereket és kezd meg aharcot velük most!Az Actimel csapat hős tagjai Ac, Ti és Mel. A gonosz Malakticcsapatát Ms. Floff, Chupper, Mrs. Ha és Lord Fear alkotja.Mindegyikük alig várja, hogy bemutatkozhasson az alkalmazásban.A kártyákkal nemcsak egy 3D-s élményt nyújtó játékban vehetszrészt, hanem a kirakó befejezésében és az Actimel csapatűrhajójának felfedezésében is segédkezhetsz.Interaktív alkalmazásGyakorló ZónaKirakójáték3D-s élményZene és hanghatásokThe application Actimelteam you're part of the team! You'll be able to fight it with theteam in real 3D, which is filled with heroes and enemies.In this application, you can test the Training Zone, which hasnot yet become Actimel team cards means you'll still be able totrain the team Actimel heroes and develop their skills. Everyonemust start from scratch to become a real hero!The game Actimel team and the team Malaktic collectible cardswork. Bring to life the characters and begin to fight with themnow!The hero Actimel team members Ac, Ti and Mel. The evil MalakticMs. Floff team, Chupper, Mrs. Ha and is made up of Lord Fear. Allof them are eager to introduce ourselves in your application.The cards not only provide a 3D experience you can take part inthe game, but the completion of the puzzle and the spacecraft'sdiscovery of Actimel team also segédkezhetsz.Interactive applicationsTraining ZoneTile Game3D experienceMusic and sound effects
ActimelTým 3D 1.3 APK
Danone Global
V této aplikaci si budete moci vychutnattréninkové zóny, ve kterých, i když stále ještě nemáte kartyActimel Týmu. Budete moci trénovat hrdiny Actimel Týmu a zlepšovatjejich dovednosti. Každý hrdina by měl začínat od nuly!Hra běží se sběratelskými kartami Týmu Actimel a Týmu Malaktic.Animujte postavy a pracujte s nimi. Sestavte si teď svojizábavu!Tým Actimel je tvořen hrdiny Ac, Ti a Mel. Na straně zla stojíTým Malaktic, který tvoří paní Floff, Chupper, paní Ha a lord Fear.Všechni čekají na vás, aby představili své já v aplikaci.S kartami nejen, že budete mít úžasnou AR zkušenost, ale také zaúkol dokončit puzzle a objevit loď Týmu Actimel.In this application,you'll enjoy your training zone, which, although still do not havea card Actimel Team. You will be able to train heroes Actimel teamand improve their skills. Every hero should start from scratch!Running game with collectible cards Team Actimel and TeamMalaktic. Animate characters and treat them. Build your funnow!Actimel team consists heroes Ac, Ti and Mel. On the side of evilstands Malaktic team, which consists of Ms. Floff, Chupper, Ms. Haand Lord Fear. All they are waiting for you to introduce your selfin.The cards not only that you will have an amazing AR experience,but also for the task to complete the puzzle and discover the boatTeam Actimel.
Team Actimel and the Hanimonz 1.4 APK
Danone Global
The Hanimonz, protectors of the blueultrapower on Planet Actimel, have been turned into evil creaturesbyMalaktic and his nasty helpers!Choose which Acti-Hero you want to be, so you can take onthechallenge of transforming the Hanimonz back to their goodselvesand restoring their ultra powers.The more you look after your Hanimon, the more he/shewillprogress from being bad to being good. Plus look after morethanone Hanimon as you complete the various levels ofthetransformation!Each Hanimon’s status bar will keep track of your progressandwill alert you if they need more attention!Look after your Hanimonz in 4 different ways:- Feed them to make them strong- Allow them to sleep to recover energy- Train them to increase their fitness- Improve their skills by playing the 4 mini gamesCollect Blue Coins as you train and look after your Hanimonzanduse these coins to spend in the Hanimonz shop!What’s more there are 12 bonus items to unlock in the shopwiththe help of 6 special Power Up codes! You can find a specialPowerUp code on the sticker set inside every Hanimon pack ofActimel forKids!Don’t worry, these Power Up codes will also be released ontheActimel for Kids website atwww.actimel.co.uk/actimelforkids/app/for free.If that wasn’t enough you can upload a picture of yourselftomake selfless with the different Hanimonz!Are you ready to help Team Actimel and complete thisActi-amazingmission? For more information about the Acti Heroes’challenge totransform the Hanimonz, visit the Actimel for kidswebsite atwww.actimel.co.uk/actimelforkids/
ActimelTým 3D: nova misia 1.3 APK
Danone Global
S aplikáciou tímu Actimel sa stanetesúčasťoutímu! Budete mať možnosť trénovať s tímom a baviť sa vovirtuálnejrealite s hrdinami a darebákmi.V tejto aplikácii si budete môcť vychutnať tréningové zóny,vktorých aj keď ešte stále nemáte karty tímu Actimel, budetemôcťtrénovať hrdinov tímu Actimel a zlepšovať ich zručnosti.Každýhrdina by mal začať od nuly!Počas hry zbierate karty tímu Actimel a tímu Malaktic. Vytvorsipostavičky a pracuj s nimi. Zostav si svoju zábavu teraz!Tím Actimel tvoria hrdinovua Ac, Ti a Mel. Do tímudarebákovMalaktic patria slečna Floff, Chupper, pani Ha a lordStrach.Všetky z nich sa ti predstavia v aplikácii.S kartami budeš mať okrem úžasných AR skúseností aj rôzneúlohy,vďaka ktorým dokončíš puzzle a objavíš loď tímu Actimel.Interaktívna aplikácia Tréningová zóna Puzzle ReálneskúsenostiSFZ hudba a efekty.The applicationActimelteam will become part of the team! You will be able to trainwiththe team and have fun in virtual reality with heroes andvillains.In this application, you'll enjoy training zones, whichalthoughstill no card Actimel team, you will be able to trainheroesActimel team and improve their skills. Every hero shouldstart fromscratch!During the game you collect cards Actimel team and theteamMalaktic. Create your characters and work with them. Draw upyourfun now!Actimel team consists hrdinovua Ac, Ti and Mel. Team ofvillainsMalaktic include Miss Floff, Chupper, Ms. Ha and Lord Fear.All ofthem are those presented in the application.With the card you will have amazing AR experience in additiontothe various tasks that make complete the puzzle and discovertheship Actimel team.Interactive application training zone Puzzle real experienceSFZmusic and effects.
Даниссимэн 1.7 APK
Danone Global
Об идеальном мужчине мечтает каждая девушка.Какой он? Милый и нежный или брутальный и с чувством юмора?«Даниссимо» дарит тебе мужчину мечты, который всегда будет рядом инаполнит твою жизнь моментами удовольствия!Создай его на свой вкус! Чем он будет радовать тебя?- Будет заботиться о тебе и осыпать сладкимикомплиментами;- Каждый день дарить твои любимые цветы;- Подберёт полезные советы и вдохновит на новые свершения;- В любой ситуации будет прислушиваться к твоему мнению;- Разделит твои увлечения и будет с удовольствием узнавать то, чтоинтересно тебе;- Будет постоянно становиться лучше.Следи за обновлениями приложения!About the ideal mandreams of every girl. What is it? Sweet and gentle or brutal, andwith a sense of humor? "Danissimo" gives you a dream man, who willalways be there and fill your life moments of pleasure!Make it to your liking! What it will please you?- Will take care of you and to shower compliments sweet;- Every day, give your favorite flowers;- Pick up useful tips and inspire you to new achievements;- In any situation, will listen to your opinion;- Divide your hobbies and will be happy to find out what isinteresting to you;- Will constantly get better.Stay tuned application!