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내가 원하는 가격에, 내가 원하는 배송기사로~
돌핀다이렉트 퀵서비스!

- 원하는 가격에 직거래 가능한 차세대 퀵서비스!
- 20회 이용시 1만원 지급!
(베타기간 제외)
- 2012.1.1 부터 정식서비스 오픈!
- 강력한 서버시스템으로 고객과 배송기사를 직접 연결
1)보내시는분은 배송완료도착알림 기능.
2)받으시는분은 배송시작과 배송기사정보 확인 기능.
3)시작부터 끝까지 돌핀 퀵서비스 모든 정보를 확인 할 수 있습니다.
4) 내가 원하는 가격으로 배송을 요청할 수 있는 기능.
5) GPS를 사용하여 현위치 자동입력 기능.
- 고객용(무료) 어플리케이션 설치후 간편하게 이용 가능.
- 위치 기반 서비스
- 무료 다운로드후 무제한 이용 가능.
- 현재 한국 이외의 국가에서 사용시, 사용에 제한이 있습니다.
(Temporarily, International version has limitation
on use because sms verification is not available
outside Korea.This problem will be fixed soon.)

>> 더 자세한 사항을 확인하시려면 http://www.dolphinquick.com홈페이지를
이용해 주시기 바랍니다.
>> Visit web site http://www.dolphinquick.com
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App Information 돌핀다이렉트 퀵서비스(고객용)

  • App Name
    돌핀다이렉트 퀵서비스(고객용)
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    December 2, 2011
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  • Requires Android
    Android 2.1 and up
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  • Installs
    100 - 500
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  • Category
    Maps & Navigation
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    서울 구로구 구로동 222-22 서울시 창업지원 센터 313호
  • Google Play Link

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Comic Viewer Lite(돌핀코믹뷰어) 1.0.3 APK
안드로이드를 위한 돌핀코믹뷰어 라이트1. 강력하고 다양한 기능- 책 넘기기 효과 설정- 손가락 터치로 책 넘기기- 북마크- 네비게이션2. 간편한 책관리- 리스트형 / 표지형 지원- 간편한 책장 이동 지원- 책장 이름 변경 지원----개발자 연락처 :EMAIL : [email protected] : 서울 구로구 구로동 222-22 서울시 창업지원 센터 313호주식회사 디지털커브Dolphin for Android ComicViewer LiteOne. Powerful and versatile  - Book Flip effect settings  - Flip the book as the touch of a finger  - Bookmark  NavigationTwo. Easy to book Management  - List Type / Cover Type Support  - Easy to move the bookshelf Support  - Support renaming bookcase
collaboration tool - Teamwork 1.1.0 APK
[ Colla ? ]- Colla is a collaboration tool , small, makes us increase theefficiency of large-scale projects.In order to increase the efficiency of the project, the formationof the organic relation between team members, including a varietyof logic functions, the creation of individual reports, convenedthe meeting, dialogue among team members.And then run the major functional efficiency of project management,workflow management, task management, time management, membermanagement, and privilege management.[ Main Function ]1.Project Management(1) Project - Workflow - Task - Easy to manage a hierarchy(2) Manage project members(3)Managing Project Files(4) Easy to check the project schedule(5) Easy reporting functions2. Communications(1) Simple dialog dialogue between members of the projectfeatures(2) Commented that the task can be a more rapid response(3) Meeting Request function- Time, place, and message - can simplify a meeting request- The time of the meeting request is automatically alerts(4) Communication through the feedback function can be easily andquickly3. File Management(1) Colla application's default upload / download offers(2) Interworking with Google drive more convenient filemanagement(3) Each project-specific file management4. Share and sell your project - later (2.0)5. Contacj Us : www.digitalcurve.co.kr admin :[email protected]
Where are you? Premium 2.2.7 APK
Where Are you? Premium (Eng, Kor, Jap)You can send your location to your friends and make themunderstood your location instictly even though they have no senseof directions and geography.To utilize this service, sender and recipient should install thisapp on both side.## Features for preminum version.- Function of searching location of your lost phone.* Registration for searching phone service is required(free forpremium user).* And you needs any device to install this app also- Function of start siren in your lost phone remotely. And you canstop siren any time you want.* Registration for searching phone service is required(free forpremium user).* And you needs any device to install this app also- Where are U? address search- Where are U? Talk! processing is much faster than lite.## Common Features with lite version.- 'Where are U?Talk! btw 'Where are U?' users: Saving talk and seeing talk history is available.- Requesting to send location and retreiving buddy's location- Requesting to send meeting location and retreiving it.- Displaying received location on google map.- Send your location to your buddy via SMS, MMS and 'Where AreU?'Talk!.- Send meeting location to mutliple recipients with place, time andexplanation at once.- Send your location and display it on your buddy's device.(In bothside, this app should be installed.)- Capture map dipalyed with location overlay and send withMMS.- Composing life log at your spot- Managing your location history and meeting place history withdisplaying them on google map.- Help>> Visit English web site For more details.http://www.lunchware.co.kr
Epub Reader(돌핀 이퍼브 리더) 1.0.2 APK
안드로이드를 위한 돌핀리더1. 당신을 작가로 만들어주는 나만의 epub 생성 기능- 직접 생성- txt 파일을 이용한 생성- 임시 저장 기능2. 강력하고 다양한 기능- 책 공유 기능- 책 넘기기 효과 설정- 주야모드- 폰트 설정- 줄 간격 조절- 손가락 터치로 책 넘기기- 북마크3. 간편한 책관리- 리스트형 / 표지형 지원- 간편한 책장 이동 지원- 책장 이름 변경 지원4. 온라인 라이브러리를 통한 무료 epub 보기 기능----개발자 연락처 :EMAIL : [email protected] : 서울 구로구 구로동 222-22 서울시 창업지원 센터 313호주식회사 디지털커브Dolphin Reader forAndroidOne. Writer makes you ability to create your own epub  Direct generation  - Txt file created using  - Temporary storage functionTwo. Powerful and versatile  - Book sharing feature  - Book Flip effect settings  - Day and night mode  - Set the font  - Line spacing  - Flip the book as the touch of a finger  - BookmarkThree. Easy to book Management  - List Type / Cover Type Support  - Easy to move the bookshelf Support  - Support renaming bookcaseFour. View online library of free epub feature
돌핀다이렉트 콜택시(기사용) 3.0 APK
콜비없는 차세대 콜 서비스!돌핀다이렉트 콜택시!12월 말까지 무료!2012년 1월 1일 부터 정식 오픈!- 2천5백만 스마트폰 가입자를 내 고객으로~- 콜택시기사용 어플리케이션 가격(월 사용료)을 제외한 다른 수수료 부담 없음.- 영업하고자 하는 지역을 마음대로 변경가능하므로 전국 영업가능.- 어플에서 간편하게 운전기사 등록.- 강력한 서버시스템으로 고객과 운전기사를 직접 연결.1) 기존 콜센터 기능을 제공.2) 영업시작, 영업종료 기능으로 자유로운 시간활용.3) 위치기반 서비스 기능으로 콜의 거리 정보가 제공되어 시간 및 교통비 절약.4) 고성능 콜처리 전용 서버 운용.5) 서버 다중화로 서비스 안정성 확보.- 독립적인 운전기사 활동 장려로 어플만으로 1인 기업 운영 가능.>> 더 자세한 사항은 http://www.dolphincall.com 사이트를이용해 주시기 바랍니다.>> Visit web site http://www.dolphincall.com----개발자 연락처 :EMAIL : [email protected] : 서울 구로구 구로동 222-22 서울시 창업지원 센터 313호주식회사 디지털커브Colby is not the nextgeneration the call service!Dolphin Direct Call Taxi!By the end of December for Free!January 1, 2012 officially open!- 25 million smartphone subscribers to my clients ...- Call Taxi-based application used prices (monthly fee), no otherthan the fee paid.- Sales to the area that can be changed at will, so the country isoperating.- Register the driver in your application easily.- A powerful server system connected directly to the customer andthe driver.1) an existing call center capabilities.2) Opening, closing the free time to take advantage offeatures.3) location-based services, the distance function call containsinformation saves time and transportation costs.4) high-performance dedicated servers call processingoperation.5) server, the service multiplex stability.- Activities to encourage drivers to independent applications canbe operated with only one enterprise.Http://www.dolphincall.com site for more details >>Please use.>> Visit web site http://www.dolphincall.com
protect children for Parents 2.4.0 APK
KIDZGUARD Application is made for the safetyofthe kids in the world, only one guard KIDZGUARD ApplicationParents, and this can not happen to know what happened tomychild, uneasy to worry about the social atmosphere protectchildrenthrough the KIDZGUARD Applications.KIDZGUARD Applications can protect a missing child from theriskof kidnapping or also can be protected by missing childishappening around the neighbor's children.Schools, academy or grounded If you are concerned aboutyourchild's safety, children position through a lookup functiontocheck your child's location in real time.If you set up a local child outside the safety zone set, thealarmis provided to parents or guardians.For parents, children's application was released.Parents for the Android phones, the iPhone is available bothofthem.For children’s available by Android Phones.Kidz guards for protection function1. Child location lookup2. Real-time moving path lookup3. The safety zone configuration4. Dialog and dialogue box.5. Missing-child Report and full-function features andmoreKidzGuard Services.Please refer to the website- www.kidzguard.co.kr -
Navigation(돌핀 길잡이) 1.1 APK
세계를 품은 무료 네비게이션 '돌핀 길잡이'한국인을 위한 무료 네비 게이션~~해외여행? 길도 잘 모르고 낮선 환경, 낮선 사람들길 물어 보기도 쉽지 않죠. 세계 어디서든 사용할 수 있는다국어 지원 돌핀 길잡이가 여러분의 여행에 길잡이가 되어 드리겠습니다.온라인 맵을 기반으로 하고 있으며, 음성 안내 또한 다양한 언어로 받을 수 있는 세계 어디서나 사용이 가능한 돌핀길잡이설치 후 > 설정메뉴의 해당국가 언어 다운 받기를 진행 하셔야 합니다.(주) 해외에서 데이타 요금에 주의하세요!! - 해외에선 '일 정액 가입자'이외는 사용하지 마세요----개발자 연락처 :EMAIL : [email protected] : 서울 구로구 구로동 222-22 서울시 창업지원 센터 313호주식회사 디지털커브The world embraces freenavigation 'Dolphin Assistant'Free navigation for Korean delegation ~ ~Travel abroad? Do not know the road well, strange environment,unfamiliar peopleNot easy street might ask. That can be used anywhere in theworldDolphin Multi-language support assistant you'll be traveling on theAssistant.Is based on the online map and voice guidance in many languages​​that can also be used anywhere in the world as DolphinAssistantAfter installation> Download in the Settings menu language tothe country should be done.(Note) Please note that overseas data charges! - In foreign 'onefixed subscribers' Do not use other than
Private Chat (Secret Talk) 1.3.7 APK
SecreTalk v1.3.3 (Patent)Want to get your own talk? SecreTalk!I want to show my friend only if you have photos? SecreTalk!!If you want to transfer important files SecreTalk!!!If you want to interact with people of the sametastes?SecreTalk!!!!The default password is '0000 '. Please changethesettings.The current version is the Korean file name can notbetransferred.1. Shake lock can be avoided by person's gaze.-Shakeitfast^^2. I want to show only a specific person can pass theencryptedimage.3. Key Features chat- All chat with AES128 encryption, It's safe.- Display real-time distance- Variety of emoticons- Photo(Encryption photos) transfer- If you pass a file tosomeonewho can not read!!!!- File(Encrypting File) transfer: Send to someone else who doesnotopen it. Safe.(Importance!) Image, Except for people who send encrypted filescannot be viewed.Photo encrypted, file encryption support to prevent capture- Category transfer- Push message broadcasting ,- Depending on the distance between people with the same hobbyofcommunication between is possible.- Select a category, such as they are sent out to all peoplewithblindness Broadcast- I have to keep the chat can keep a backup.,- Please check the file with File Explorer into theSecreTalk.- Set wallpaper can change the background- Interest category(User-defined categories) from others bysettingthe category of the subject I have set   Information can be received. - Secret messagegroupsending function..