1.4.4 / May 30, 2017
(5.0/5) (3)



1. 可外送,可自取,忙碌中,休息中 四種狀態獨立切換避免訂單湧入
2. 大訂單,逾時接單自動提醒
3. 待接單,已外送,待結案 清楚區分訂單狀態
4. 交易紀錄 結案/取消 分類清楚管理
5. 交易紀錄交易評分與文字建議呈現顧客回饋
6. 飲品設定,原料設定 方便產品快速上下架與缺料狀態改變
7. 自訂服務區域特色機動修正

服務範圍, 商品狀態輕鬆管理,自動接單輕鬆搞定。
Beverage Stores 449end

1. Delivery can be self-created, busy, four states of rest in orderto avoid the influx of independent handover
2. large orders, orders over when automatic reminders
3. When the orders have been sent outside to be a clear distinctionbetween closed Order Status
4. closed transaction history / cancellations clear classificationmanagement
5. Review the transaction and the transaction history textsuggestions presented customer feedback
6. Drinks setting materials easy to set up and down the frame andthe lack of material goods and the rapid change of state
7. Custom service area characteristics correction maneuver

Range of services, commodity status easily manage, easy to getorders automatically.

App Information 飲料449商店端

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飲料449商店端 1.4.4 APK
飲料449商店端1. 可外送,可自取,忙碌中,休息中 四種狀態獨立切換避免訂單湧入2. 大訂單,逾時接單自動提醒3. 待接單,已外送,待結案 清楚區分訂單狀態4. 交易紀錄 結案/取消 分類清楚管理5. 交易紀錄交易評分與文字建議呈現顧客回饋6. 飲品設定,原料設定 方便產品快速上下架與缺料狀態改變7. 自訂服務區域特色機動修正服務範圍, 商品狀態輕鬆管理,自動接單輕鬆搞定。Beverage Stores 449end1. Delivery can be self-created, busy, four states of rest in orderto avoid the influx of independent handover2. large orders, orders over when automatic reminders3. When the orders have been sent outside to be a clear distinctionbetween closed Order Status4. closed transaction history / cancellations clear classificationmanagement5. Review the transaction and the transaction history textsuggestions presented customer feedback6. Drinks setting materials easy to set up and down the frame andthe lack of material goods and the rapid change of state7. Custom service area characteristics correction maneuverRange of services, commodity status easily manage, easy to getorders automatically.
飲料449速速叫 1.4.3 APK
449速速叫飲料小幫手這是一款友善方便的訂購飲料App, 449(台:吸吸叫)飲料速速叫點餐系統,有別於一般的飲食點餐系統,449能自動定位消費者所在地理位置,並依定位結果提供可服務商家,及接受訂單。訂單口味加料清楚標示好方便。系統持續自動追踪訂單進度及流程,並在每一個流程階段以訊息推播即時通知消費者與商家,消費者隨時掌握訂單進度,商家訂單不漏接。449功能強大不管是個人點飲料或揪團訂餐,外送,自取皆方便。除此之外449也提供會員點數系統,消費者方便管理會員點數,除現金支付外,消費者也可選擇以會員點數支付消費。商家可以準確經營品牌會員,並可隨時進行優惠活動, 維繫強化會員忠誠度。目前合作店家有: 喜翻,葳林爵閣,WEITA,傑克小子,瑞奇,三韻茶,原茗茶坊,咖專,烏弄,甘蔗媽媽,全紅,茶專,仙草凍3兄弟,勞倫斯茶飲,讚布丸......等等,正在努力擴大合作店家中,歡迎大家多多愛用,也歡迎大家推薦優良店家給我們!精準定位,外送地址輸入最快速!調整飲料,直覺簡單要加料也OK!即時訂單,隨時了解飲料何時來!快速訂購,常用地址店家馬上訂!店家故事,述說每杯飲料的感動!優惠訊息,好康不斷天天速速叫!
地藏菩薩本願經 1.4 APK
地藏菩薩本願經 釋迦牟尼佛在忉利天宮(欲界六天的第二層天),為母親摩耶夫人說法[10],讚揚地藏菩薩的「久遠劫來發弘誓願」即將成就。