1.0004 / March 23, 2016
(5.0/5) (1)






Successor (Taiwan'sfirstspecial agricultural product tax shop) physical stores locatedinRiverside agricultural fruit and vegetable market on thefirstfloor of Taipei, Taiwan Local farmers will sell the bestqualityagricultural products. Foreign visitors to the site laterenjoy a5% cash rebate services.

Taipei agricultural production and transportationcompanyoperating in this industry for the fruit and vegetablewholesalemarket in the greater Taipei area, Taiwan grasp thefreshest, bestquality ingredients of the source, and its own "agro'Picks marks,self-administer test unit, the screening pesticideingredients,ingredients to ensure food safety. Around Farmers,Fishermen'sAssociation, Livestock units are also closely associatedwith,fully grasp the knowledge of fresh ingredientsTaipeiagro-marketing company with a strong logistical supportsystem, sothat consumers' food relief, "enjoy the experience ofTaiwanAgricultural Products food culture and exquisiteTaiwanagriculture.

The company was established in February in 104 years'successorfarmers' agricultural products store, carefully selectedareas ofthe township Taiwan agricultural products refined Souvenir,assistfarmers to promote quality in the agro-processing products,hasbeen the focus of the work shop, is the company set upshopsuccessor [farmers] purpose. In recent years, the growingincidenceof food safety, consumer confidence of the public sense ofcrisisdiet, diet changes direction, advocating a return to naturaldietflavor simple way to stimulate the rise of light food concept,tocope with the advent of the era of organic fruits andvegetables,and for consumers to really check food fresh and safe,so thatfarmers can concentrate engaged in production and saleschannels donot worry, let Taiwan beautiful ecological revitalizeTaipeiagro-business start-organic fruits and vegetables, leavingthemountains for future generations a quality environment to payalittle effort.

PChome Store Street:
 Farmers successor (Taipei agricultural productionandtransportation company)

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