2.7 / October 9, 2018
(3.5/5) (38)


脑筋急转弯大全集是一款全中文益智休闲类猜谜游戏,热爱汉语、学习中文的小伙伴们千万不要错过。脑筋急转弯大全集收集了近3000道脑筋急转弯题目,赶快来和你的小伙伴们一起玩吧...把玩脑筋急转弯大全集的8大好处 1、开发智商(聪明也要靠训练哦) 2、激活脑细胞,让大脑得到锻炼 3、丰富想象力 4、防止老年性痴呆5、活跃气氛(恰当运用能拉近两个人的距离哦,泡妹子必备) 6、拓展知识面(天南海北、古今中外都有涉及)7、提高幽默感(也许你也能成为开心果的~~) 8、指桑骂槐(可隐含的骂你想骂的人,这条不推荐)另外,您喜爱的脑筋急转弯题目可以随心收藏哦,也许下次社交活动您就可以派上用场啦!

App Information 脑筋急转弯大全集

  • App Name
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  • Updated
    October 9, 2018
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  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0 and up
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  • Google Play Link

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脑筋急转弯大全集 2.7 APK
脑筋急转弯大全集是一款全中文益智休闲类猜谜游戏,热爱汉语、学习中文的小伙伴们千万不要错过。脑筋急转弯大全集收集了近3000道脑筋急转弯题目,赶快来和你的小伙伴们一起玩吧...把玩脑筋急转弯大全集的8大好处 1、开发智商(聪明也要靠训练哦) 2、激活脑细胞,让大脑得到锻炼 3、丰富想象力 4、防止老年性痴呆5、活跃气氛(恰当运用能拉近两个人的距离哦,泡妹子必备) 6、拓展知识面(天南海北、古今中外都有涉及)7、提高幽默感(也许你也能成为开心果的~~) 8、指桑骂槐(可隐含的骂你想骂的人,这条不推荐)另外,您喜爱的脑筋急转弯题目可以随心收藏哦,也许下次社交活动您就可以派上用场啦!
疯狂猜谜语 1.3 APK
谜语来源于汉族民间口谜,后经文人加工成为谜语,它在中国源远流长。春秋战国时期,出现了“隐语”或“廋辞”,秦汉时则成为一种书面创作,三国时代,猜谜盛行,到了宋代则出现灯谜。中华谜语千千万,你知道但不一定能猜到!不服就来猜猜看!疯狂猜谜语,开发智力、锻炼大脑的好应用~ ~ 赶快来试试吧o(∩_∩)oHan folk from the mouthmystery riddle after riddle scriptures processed into people, ithas a long history in China. Spring and Autumn Period, a "metaphor"or "Concealed speech", Qin and Han Dynasties then become a creativewriting, the Three Kingdoms period, the prevalence of puzzles,riddles appeared in the Song Dynasty. Thousands and thousands ofChinese riddle, but not necessarily know that you can guess!Dissatisfied come Guess!Crazy riddles, intellectual development, exercise the brain a goodapplication to try it as soon as possible ~ o (∩_∩) o
疯狂歌词王 1.3 APK
《疯狂歌词王》兼具娱乐性和益智性,结合了流行酷炫的卡拉OK欣赏和风靡欧美的歌词记忆,游戏精选各个年代的歌曲,设7大歌曲主题:跨界歌王、经典歌曲、中国好声音、华语金曲、粤语金曲、精品专辑、歌友推荐,每一首都让你流连忘返。游戏很简单:根据你听到的歌曲,给出歌词空白部分。不比谁的嗓子好,不比舞台谁的舞跳得好不好,不比你萌不萌或酷不酷,就比谁的记性好,只要你能选对正确的歌词就算你赢。游戏收录了张学友、刘德华、周杰伦、陈奕迅、刘涛、王凯、邓丽君、韩红、TFBOYS等当红歌星的优秀歌曲,还在等什么呢,赶快来《疯狂歌词王》挑战下自己的记忆力吧!"Crazy lyrics King"entertaining and educational nature, combined with the popular coolappreciation and Kara OK lyrics memory popular in Europe andAmerica, the game featured the song through the ages, is locatedseven theme song: transboundary King Classic song, The voice ofChina, Chinese songs, Cantonese songs, fine album, song Friendsrecommended that each capital to keep you entertained.The game is simple: According to your songs heard, given a blankpart of the lyrics. Not anyone else's good voice, better than thestage who danced good, better than you Meng Meng is not cool or notcool, it's a good memory than anyone else, as long as you choosethe correct lyrics even if you win.Game contains excellent songs Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau, Jay Chou,Eason Chan, Liu Tao, Wang Kai, Teresa, Han, TFBOYS other popularsingers, so what are you waiting for, hurry to the next "crazylyrics King" to challenge their memory of it!
猜猜谜语 2.3 APK
《猜猜谜语》是一款全中文休闲益智游戏,可以和好友一起体验中国古老文化-谜语的魅力.你曾经上课打盹、坐车发呆、工作无聊吗,来试试全新的《猜猜谜语》.中华谜语千千万,你知道但不一定能猜到!猜到不一定答得出来,不服就来猜猜看!猜猜谜语,脑力激荡的应用~ 非常好玩的应用.各种谜语,灯谜,对联,成语,字谜.他们是最能体现中国古老传统文化的魅力。没有时间限制,尽情的思考吧,需要答对本关,才能解锁下一关哦。 游戏侧重趣味性,不烧脑但益智。 -谜语类型包罗万象,描述妙趣横生,跟你的好友一起猜猜看吧 -我们还会持续更新的哦~~~