1.2.1 / October 22, 2014
(3.9/5) (175)


Nice photography APP, toprovide full sets photographic activities, space, equipment,resources, services, etc., the APP is to fly cloud integratedmarketing services company.

App Information 瘋攝影

  • App Name
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  • Updated
    October 22, 2014
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    50,000 - 100,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

橙果數位行銷股份有限公司 Show More...

Lamigo 1.0.0 APK
Lamigo monkeys桃猿隊LamigoMonkeys官方APP千呼萬喚下終於上市,包含了購物車、行銷活動、互動留言、嚴選商家、最新消息、賽程、排行榜、戰績及球團點將錄,目前提供一、二軍所有的比賽-記錄查詢。推播功能讓您不漏接LamigoMonkeys最新活動訊息,有了Lamigo Monkeys APP在手,即時比賽訊息不靠人,歡迎大家下載使用!Lamigo Monkeys的誕生不只是球隊更名,更是象徵球隊的再造工程已臻完備,對此Lanew集團董事長劉保佑表示:「Lamigo微笑事業體在健康休閒產業的投入及表現已經受到許多消費者的肯定,我們今年正式將球隊更名為『LamigoMonkeys桃猿隊』,不僅將秉持對職棒運動的專業與熱誠,積極經營桃園屬地的六級棒球,推動桃園在地化的球迷服務,使球迷重燃對棒球的熱情,享受到LamigoMonkeys所帶來全新速度力,更希望藉由球隊拓展Lamigo微笑事業體知名度,讓更多人認識Lamigo,也讓更多人從Lamigo得到健康、感到幸福、開拓視野,更充滿熱情!」規劃目標提供Lamigo桃猿隊移動APP,最貼近之服務與互動。1.推播機制可提供最新活動訊息告知功能。2.提供最新消息、商家資料、商品購物車等商業交易活動功能。3.藉由表單填寫、直播電話、互動留言等線上報名或預約功能。4.提供最新職棒新聞與獨家影音瀏覽功能。5.提供賽程資訊如球團點將錄、賽程日期、場地及成績記錄查詢功能。6.提供商家導航定位(LSS), 另有「排序」功能可提供週邊嚴選商家依距離之表列。操作特性1.首頁2.猿來如此: 成立起源Story。3.猿味新聞: lamigo Monkeys各項活動報名、預約、問卷填寫,提供精美小禮物及贈品等最新消息及新聞報導分析。4.職棒新聞:國內外職棒相關新聞報導分析。5.猿軍戰報: 賽事資訊—Lamigo賽程日期與成績記錄。6.主場介紹:桃園國際棒球場園區地圖及交通路線。7.猿氣商品: Lamigo monkeys官方職棒系列商品與精選商品及限時搶購之販售與促銷,歡迎多加利用。8. 猿選商店:美食、優惠、活動、交通、相片等簡介。另有「導航」與「留言」功能。9.猿音重現: Lamigo monkeys影音。10.獨家猿音: Lamigo monkeys獨家影音花絮。11.粉絲專業: Lamigo monkeys Facebook粉絲專業。12.猿氣拍拍;大頭貼照分享及儲存。13.猿氣加油站:與會員相關行銷活動互動小遊戲如刮刮樂與折扣E-coupon優惠劵。14.猿軍補給隊:猿友線上諮詢提供活動諮詢與報名,可隨時為您服務!15.異業結盟:球衣/球場/手機APP等廣告異業合作。16.猿氣推播:相關活動通知訊息。17. 佈告欄:a.猿氣小子棒球營b.10號包廂開賣c.最新場地狀況-票務、接駁車資訊。d.後援會招募18.猿友分享: 透過不同方式將APP好康活動與相關資訊分享給朋友。P.S. 本程式相關資料來自於Lamigo monkey官方網站***APP資訊以官方公告為準*** (http://www.lamigo-monkeys.com.tw/)
FOX 1.1.3 APK
The professional makeup APP is available forfree download by F.O.X studio members;this APP is designed for women in pursuit of the perfect style andcan answer all related style questions.A woman’s confidence comes from her beauty and elegance, so enjoylife and beauty!The features of the F.O.X APP:1. Free videos of online makeup courses2. Latest style and product information3. Special gifts and coupons for F.O.X members4. Online makeup counseling from makeup professionals5. Personal work exchange of professional coloristsWe welcome all women to join the F.O.X membership club!Download the F.O.X fashion make up teaching APP right away!
Car安心 1.0.4 APK
最好用的道路救援APP提供全國修車據點、救援服務、交通訊息、汽車拖吊…等服務讓車主選擇當地最優質的店家,提供最即時、最專業的服務關鍵字:全國修車、救援服務、汽車拖吊、急修The best use of roadsideassistance APPProvide nationwide repair stronghold, rescue services, trafficinformation, vehicle towing and other services ...Allow owners to choose the best local shops, provide the mostimmediate and most professional servicesKeywords: National car repair, rescue services, car towing,emergency repair
男追女 1.0.5 APK
你还是单身准备征婚中吗?假设今天你喜欢上一个女生,你通常会怎么做?还是您现在失恋中,等待交友的约会机会呢?或是您长的还可以但是缺乏恋爱技巧呢?这是一支收集网路商经典的把妹APP.泡妞技巧,专门帮助目前还是单身的网友,没有伴侣绝对不是你们的错,而是您不知道一些交友技巧来协助您,我们还帮您收集了超多的爱情短信让您可以持续追求心上人,不用研究星座也可以追到女朋友,当然如果你目前有棘手分手分不掉的状况,本APP也可以帮到你~You're single readymarriage in it? Suppose today you love a girl, how do you normallywould? Or You romance, waiting for friends dating opportunities? Oryou can be long but the lack of love skills do?This is a classic collection of network providers the sister APP.Paoniu tips designed to help users currently still single, nopartner is definitely not your fault, but you do not know somedating tips to help you, we also help you gather over many lovemessages so that you can continue to pursue sweetheart, do notstudy the constellation can also catch up with his girlfriend, ofcourse, if you currently can not afford to have tough break pointposition, the APP can also help you ~
QLash 1.0.4 APK
台灣保養品 1.0.6 APK
雅鈞保養品原料成立以來提供公司、老師及個人最高品質化妝品原料.化工原料以及國內各類保養品的研究開發代工。由於雅鈞保養品化妝品原料品項資料及專業報告說明,價格也是公開透明。也因為雅鈞保養品原料一直秉持誠信與對客戶的承諾,獲得廣大業界好評與信賴,為求更完整的服務,本公司提供給公司行號(個人)、自創品牌、SPA美妍館、網拍族小量多樣瓶罐印刷(任何數量)、保養品化妝品原料開發(任何數量),真正做到任何數量多樣商品。Ya-Jun-care and cosmeticsproducts since founded to provide companies, teachers andindividuals of the highest quality raw materials for cosmetics.Chemical raw materials and domestic research and development ofvarious types of skin care products OEM. Ya-Jun-care productsbecause of cosmetic ingredients food items of information andprofessional report shows, the price is open and transparent.Because of Ya-Jun care and cosmetics products has been to upholdthe integrity and commitment to our customers, the industry hasreceived wide praise and trust, for the sake of a more completeservice, the company provides to the company line number(individual), brand, SPA Mi-yeon Museum, racquet diverse family ofa small bottle printing (any number) care products and cosmeticsraw materials development (any number), truly diverse quantity ofany commodity.
FVM精油專家 1.0.2 APK
FVM以薰香預防醫學為宗旨,進口及行銷國內外純天然精油、按摩油、居家香氛、保健食品、有機食品及護膚保養品。FVM創辦人秉持對草本精油的熱愛,以芳香醫學精神,提倡精油正確使用方式,引進精油發源地格拉斯,百分百純天然草本精油,開發各種天然有機有益身心靈的FVM商品。除擁有古老的精油配方,精選質純溫和的植物為製作素材外,更以高科技製作技術,遵循古法,創造出高品質的保養產品。利用天然植物能量,為您排除現代生活中龐雜壓力所造成的疲憊,細心呵護您每一吋肌膚,使您身心舒暢。關鍵字:FVM,精油,按摩精油,精油專賣店,專業級精油FVM with aromatherapypreventive medicine for the purpose of import and domesticmarketing of pure natural essential oils, massage oils, homefragrance, health food, organic food and skin care products.FVM uphold the founder's love for herbal essential oils,aromatic medicine to the spirit, to promote proper use of essentialoils,The introduction of essential oils birthplace Grasse, 100% naturalherbal essential oils, natural and organic beneficial developmentof various physical and spiritual FVM merchandise.In addition to having the old oil recipe, featuring gentle andpure plant for the production of the material, but also high-techproduction technology, using ancient techniques to createhigh-quality maintenance products.The use of natural plant energy, as you exclude complexpressures of modern life caused by fatigue, attentive care of everyinch of your skin, make your refreshing.Keywords: FVM, essential oils, massage oils, essential oilsstore, professional-grade essential oils
丰機車 1.2.3 APK
本App最主要為毅起企業有限公司的機車潮流誌服務,其服務內容有電子書、尋找店家(LBS)、APP市集、刮刮樂(折扣活動)、好康訊息、粉絲團...等服務,而我們設計的系統包含ios系統.android系統.windowsphone,而內容裡面有包含網路行銷相關資訊..等This App is the mostimportant since Yi Enterprises Ltd. locomotive trend bloggingservice, its services have books, looking for the store (LBS), APPBazaar, scratch (discounts), goodies message, fans and otherservices ... , and we designed a system that contains ios system.android system .windows phone, and the content which has includedInternet Marketing Information, etc ..