1.0 / May 12, 2016
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5866 烏髮溜溜 - 華人地區最大國際專業沙龍髮品專賣

App Information 烏髮溜溜 - 5866髮品專賣

UltraBrave Technology Co., Ltd. Show More...

烏髮溜溜 - 5866髮品專賣 1.0 APK
5866 烏髮溜溜 - 華人地區最大國際專業沙龍髮品專賣洗髮,護髮,造型,頭皮養護產品一應俱全.https://www.5866.com.tw/
木生婦產科 1.0.6 APK
池農商城 1.0 APK
在池上鄉農會與本地農民的共同努力下,池上米不但蟬聯全國三屆稻米競賽總冠軍,更在民國96年成為全國第一家通過稻米產銷履歷的農會,更成功外銷履歷的農會,更成功外銷日本,而本會的碾米廠也儼然成為生產冠軍米的聖地,民國100年更通過經濟部觀光工廠評鑑,晉升成為全台灣農業體系中第一家稻米觀光工廠。In IkegamiTownshipFarmers' Association and local farmers Gongtongnuli,Ikegami meters only won three national championship contestofrice,Has become the country's first sales through the rice farmers inthehistory of the Republic of China 96 yearsMore successful agricultural exports will resume,More successfully exported to Japan,And this will produce rice mill also has become the championmetersshrine,Republic of China for 100 years by the Ministry of Economymoresightseeing factory evaluation,Promoted to become Taiwan's first rice farming systemsfactorytour.