2.7.4 / January 17, 2016
(4.2/5) ()


Is a very starryeliminate mental exercise class puzzle casual games, has created abrilliant broken million downloads on the iphone platform, nowandroid version of the storm had struck. Your task is to connectthe stars of the same color together to eliminate, click on two ormore of the same stars they can be eliminated.

App Information 消灭星星-星星消消乐开心版

  • App Name
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  • Updated
    January 17, 2016
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  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
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  • Developer
  • Installs
    100 - 500
  • Price
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  • Google Play Link

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水果连连看HD 1.1.5 APK
基本规则:选择两个相同的卡通图案,点击后两个图案消失,但连线的路径不能超过两次转弯。游戏的每一关里玩家需要在规定的时间内消除所有的图案,完成后才可以进行下一关。游戏的过程中,玩家可以使用道具获得特殊的游戏效果。注意,随着难度的递增,游戏时间会越来越短哦!。这款游戏目前是风靡大江南北,出现了各种各样的版本。最主要是训练眼明手快及增强逻辑判断能力。游戏速度节奏快,挑战玩家的细心程度,画面清晰可爱,音效优美,娱乐的过程中更具视觉和听觉的享受。Basicrule: Choose two of the same cartoon images, click after thedisappearance of the two patterns, but the path can not exceedtwice the connection turn. Each level of the game where playersneed to eliminate all of the patterns within a specified period oftime, can be completed before the next level. Course of the game,players can use props to achieve a particular game effects. Notethat, with the increasing difficulty, the game time will be shorterand shorter, oh! . The game is now popular in the north and south,appeared in a variety of versions. The most important is thetraining of agile and enhanced ability of logic judgment.Game speed fast-paced, challenging the extent of careful player,the picture is clear and lovely, beautiful sound, entertainment inthe process more visual and auditory enjoyment.
疯狂切西瓜射击版 1.7.1 APK
疯狂切西瓜是一款刺激好玩、容易上手却教人难以离手的动作游戏,玩家将会在游戏中扮演一个讨厌水果的忍者,用锋利的刀切开,射击各种水果。游戏玩法:手指点击屏幕直接射击,长按屏幕连续射击,可捕捉到数十种不同种类的水果和凶悍的BOSS(乘着导弹来袭的水果BOSS)。除了普通射击的武器外,还有闪电炸弹和飞弹等诸多充满乐趣和挑战的道具。神秘的水果世界等待着我们来探险!机枪炮打西瓜,水果,带给你超爽感觉!Crazy Cesi melon is astimulating fun, easy to use but difficult to teach people to handaction game, players will play a nasty fruit ninja in the game,with a sharp knife to open, shooting a variety of fruits.Gameplay: Tap the screen to direct your finger to shoot, pressthe screen continuous shooting, you can capture dozens of differenttypes of fruit and fierce BOSS (riding missile strikes fruitsBOSS). In addition to ordinary shooting weapons, as well aslightning bombs and missiles, and many other fun and challengingprops. The mysterious world of fruit waiting for us toadventure!Machine guns fight watermelon, fruit, give you super coolfeeling!
切西瓜消水果 Cut Fruit Pops 1.0.1 APK
切西瓜消水果是一款刺激好玩、容易上手却教人难以离手的动作游戏,玩家将会在游戏中扮演一个讨厌水果的忍者,用锋利的刀切开各种水果。更可变身机枪炮打水果,带给你超爽感觉!奖励关卡是一款风靡全球的消除休闲游戏。界面清新靓丽,音效可爱动听,特效独特炫丽,玩法简单容易上手。点选两个或多个相邻的相同糖果,让它们迸发,并尝试尽可能多得点分!游戏更有多达300个关卡供您选择,还有挑战模式和经典模式,乐趣多多,杰出的玩家还能出现在游戏排行榜上,让众多玩家一睹您的风采!小伙伴们,赶快来试试吧!Cesi melon fruit is astimulating consumer fun, easy to use but difficult to teach peopleto hand action game, players will play a nasty fruit ninja in thegame, with a sharp knife to open a variety of fruits. But alsoturned the machine guns hit the fruit, bring you super coolfeeling!Bonus levels is a popular global elimination of casual games.Clean interface beautiful, lovely sound appealing, dazzling specialeffects, gameplay is simple and easy to use. Click on two or moreadjacent identical candy, so that they burst and try to get as manypoints points! Games and more up to 300 levels for you to choose,as well as challenge mode and classic mode, a lot of fun,outstanding players can appear on the game list, so many players tosee your style! Small partners, hurry to try it!
消灭星星-星星消消乐开心版 2.7.4 APK
满天星星是一款很锻炼脑力的消除类益智休闲游戏,曾在iphone平台上创造下载量破百万的辉煌,现在android版的风暴已经来袭。你的任务是将同颜色连接在一起的星星消除,点击两个或更多相同的星星可以消除它们即可。Is a very starryeliminate mental exercise class puzzle casual games, has created abrilliant broken million downloads on the iphone platform, nowandroid version of the storm had struck. Your task is to connectthe stars of the same color together to eliminate, click on two ormore of the same stars they can be eliminated.
幸运消除星星 1.5.2 APK
幸运消除星星(PopStar)是一个很锻炼脑力的游戏。点击两个或更多相同的星星可以消除它们。达到目标分数即可过关,来看看你能通过多少关吧!,如相连的星星大于2则可消除,相连数越多越好,最后如果剩余小于10则可以得到额外的加分。游戏特色- 点击两个或更多相同的星星- 没有时间限制,但是每一关有目标分数提示:- 你同时消去的星星越多,就能得到越高分- 最后剩下的星星越少,得到的奖励越多- 你需要经过仔细思考,才能得到更高的分数Fortunately eliminatestars (Pop Star) is a brain training game. Click on two or more ofthe same stars can eliminate them. Reach the target score to pass,to see how much you can pass off it! Such as connecting the starsis greater than 2 can eliminate, the number of the betterconnected, and finally the remaining less than 10 if you can getextra bonus points.    Game Features- Click on two or more of the same stars- There is no time limit, but each level has target scoreHint:- You also eliminate the more stars the higher the points you canget- The last remaining stars fewer incentives to get more- You need to think carefully, to get a higher score
消灭星星水果连连看 fruits pops match3 1.4.5 APK
消灭星星水果连连看 fruits pops match3是一款休闲益智的娱乐游戏,各种各样有趣好玩的水果,连续点击两个相同水果图案可消除这2个图案,所有图案消失后进入下一关,每增加一关,时间减去10秒。可以自己设置重新游戏,切换风格,设置音效和在无法连接情况下可重新 排列!玩法简单,趣味不减,是休闲消磨时光的利器,快来体验吧。一款休闲益智的娱乐游戏,各种各样有趣好玩的小水果,连续点击两个相同水果图案可消除这2个图案,所有图案消失后进入下一关,每增加一关,时间减去10秒。可以自己设置重新游戏,切换风格,设置音效和在无法连接情况下可重新 排列!玩法简单,趣味不减,是休闲消磨时光的利器,快来体验吧。1、更新游戏为关卡模式,超多几百个关卡等待各位挑战!2、丰富游戏玩法,各种不同关卡的三消玩法,你一定会喜欢!Eradication star fruitLianliankan fruits pops match3 is a casual puzzle entertainmentgame, various fun and interesting fruit, continuous click twoidentical fruit pattern can eliminate these two patterns, allpatterns disappear into the next level, each additional one off,time minus 10 seconds. You can set up their own re-play, switchingstyles, set sound effects and can rearrange in case you can notconnect! Play simple, fun diminished, leisure spend time weapon,come experience it.A casual puzzle entertainment game, a variety of fun andinteresting little fruit, continuous click two identical fruitpattern can eliminate these two patterns, all patterns disappearinto the next level, each additional one off, time minus 10seconds. You can set up their own re-play, switching styles, setsound effects and can rearrange in case you can not connect! Playsimple, fun diminished, leisure spend time weapon, come experienceit.1, updating the game to level mode, over many hundreds ofcheckpoints waiting for you to challenge!2, rich gameplay, various levels of three consumer play, you'lllove!
打飞机 1.2.5 APK
打飞机游戏这款游戏最近十分火爆,飞机大战游戏非常简单,通过手指按住飞机在屏幕上滑动射击从屏幕上方飞下的飞机。在游戏中,通过射击不同的飞机可以得到相应的分数。首先要清楚飞机的分数,小飞机1000分,中飞机6000分,大飞机30000分。Aircraft game this gameisvery popular recently, aircraft Wars game is very simple,throughthe fingers hold the airplane slide on the screen shotsfrom the topof the screen to fly the aircraft. In the game, byshootingdifferent planes can get the corresponding scores. Thefirstaircraft to clear the scores, a small plane 1000 points, 6000pointsin the aircraft, large aircraft 30,000 points.
星星萌萌消消乐 1.8.2 APK
星星萌萌消消乐是一个疯狂上瘾的3消类射击游戏!又一款经典的星星交换消除游戏!又一经典的星星交换消除游戏登录安卓市场,交换相邻两块儿星星,使三个或三个以上同一颜色的星星连在一起,就可以消除它们。传统的星星迷阵系列游戏是不是曾令您爱不释手呢,那您一定不能错过Jewels Maze,JewelsMaze不仅继承了宝石迷阵简单耐玩儿的特性,更增添了许多新的特性。 还在等什么呢...特点:96个具有挑战性的水平,奖励和成就可爱的游戏界面和非常酷的动画效果① 本软件源自互联网,所有游戏素材来源于互联网。请勿在未经本软件版权所有者书面授权的情况下用于商业用途。② 如果您喜欢本软件并准备长期使用,请购买正版,支持软件开发者继续改进和增强本软件的功能。③ 本软件不保证能兼容和适用于所有 Android平台和系统,有可能引起冲突和导致不可预测的问题出现,请自行承担使用本软件而导致的风险和后果,发布者本人不对使用此软件负任何责任!④ 转载本软件,请注明作者及出处!Meng Meng starsDiminshing music is a crazy addictive consumer class 3 shootinggame!And the elimination of a classic star-exchange game! Anotherclassic game stars login Andrews eliminate exchange market, theexchange of the adjacent two child stars to make three or morestars the same color together, you can eliminate them. Traditionalstar Bejeweled series of games is not Zeng You love it, that youmust not miss Jewels Maze, Jewels Maze not only inherited the playBejeweled simple resistance characteristics, but also adds many newfeatures. What are you waiting for ...Features:96 challenging levels, awards and achievementsCute game interface and very cool animation① the software from the Internet, all the material from theInternet game. Do not for commercial purposes without the writtenauthorization of the copyright owner of the software situation.② If you like the software and prepare long-term use, buygenuine, enabling software developers to continue to improve andenhance the functionality of the software.③ The software is compatible with and can not be guaranteed forall Android platforms and systems, it may cause conflict and leadto unpredictable problems occur, use of this software led to assumethe risks and consequences of their own, the publisher himself doesnot use this software any negative responsibility!④ reprint this software, please indicate the author and thesource!