1.0 / November 10, 2016
(3.0/5) (2)




[Test your intellectistime to! ! ! ]
[It is said that 160 ultra-high IQ people can all clearance]
Spectacular 3D version of the box intelligence will challengeyourbrain and fingers! Start your brain, move your finger, the boxwillbe placed into a black hole belonging to it, there are avariety oftraps and props waiting for you to see where you canchallenge aclose?

Methods of operation:
1, click on the screen, move your finger on the screen, the boxwillmove to the square hole whereabouts clearance.
2, pay attention to the different channels havedifferentfunctions,
A use of props 1 small box to activate.
B props must use two small blocks can be activated.
C props such box is divided into two different positions of asmallbox.

Note: Pay particular attention to the green box, can only beartheweight of a small box, otherwise the box would fall.
To challenge your limits now!

App Information 智力方块

  • App Name
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    November 10, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    100 - 500
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  • Developer
    Email [email protected]
    中国 安徽省 合肥市 蜀山区 三里庵街道旺城大厦709室
  • Google Play Link

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Hold On! 2.0 APK
If you can reach more then 18 seconds ,youaregenius.It is said that the pilots from us air force are forced to reach2minutes.
塔罗占卜 1.0 APK
塔罗牌,被称为“大自然的奥秘库”。塔罗牌是一种针对人、事、物进行分析、预测和提供建议的工具。塔罗牌可以针对爱情、人际关系、工作(学业)等不同需求来做分析,预测和提供建议。尤其在不知应采取何种行动的时候,它是一种非常好的提示路标,具有一定的心理暗示功能,由于过于神秘,归于神秘学范畴。并在众多电影中出现,作为电影剧情的重要线索,如《惊天魔盗团》《午夜塔罗牌》《圣杯骑士》等等。【功能特点】※专业算命※类似八字算命,紫微斗数,八卦易学,相学解梦等,祝你掌握自己的命运!※婚姻事业※婚姻感情,事业发展,为你提供专业的预测服务。※生活指南※在您疑虑,悬而未决的时候,为您提供决断的参考。※星座塔罗※星座塔罗,带你游历西方古老神秘趣味的星象世界。【牌面解释】塔罗共78张牌,其中主牌大阿尔卡那牌22张,辅牌小阿尔卡那牌56张,可分别使用进行占卜,也可将78张混合共同使用进行占卜。每张塔罗牌都有其特定含义,包括牌的正位、逆位、解释、牌面和关键字等等。例如:愚者※愚者:正位※憧憬自然的地方、喜欢尝试挑战新鲜事物、四处流浪。好冒险、寻梦人、不拘泥于传统的观念、自由奔放、一切从基础出发、四处流浪。自由恋爱、不顾及他人看法、以独特的方式获得成功、轻易坠入爱河、浪漫多彩的爱情、独特的恋人、等待交往机会。工作上具冒险心、追求新奇。热衷于事业或学业、以独特的方式取得意外的收获、由于好奇心对当前的学业产生浓厚的兴趣、把握重点、寻求捷径、倾向于自由的工作氛围、适合艺术类工作或从事自由职业。健康状况佳。旅行有意外收获。美好的梦想。※愚者: 逆位※冒险的行动,重视梦想,无视物质的损失,离开家园,过于信赖别人,为出外旅行而烦恼。心情空虚、轻率的恋情、无法长久持续的融洽感、不安的爱情的旅程、对婚姻感到束缚、彼此忽冷忽热、不顾众人反对坠入爱河、为恋人的负心所伤、感情不专一。工作缺乏稳定性、无责任。成绩一落千丈、没有耐心、行事缺乏计划、经常迟到、猜题错误导致考试失利、考前突击无法为你带来太大的效果。因不安定的生活而生病。不能放心的旅行。不能下决心、怪癖。不切实际。※愚者:解释※愚者是塔罗牌学习者最熟悉的一张牌。愚人是一张特殊的牌,它的编号是0,其实是没有编号,它可以出现在任何地方。愚人也象征着旅程的开始。愚人本身也能当做空牌使用,它包含无限的可能。在很多电影中出现,如《惊天魔盗团》中。【大阿尔卡那】0 、愚者1、魔术师2、女祭司3、女皇4、皇帝5、教皇6、恋人7、战车8、力量9、隐士10、命运之轮11、正义12、倒吊者13、死神14、节制15、恶魔16、高塔17、星星18、月亮19、太阳20、审批21、世界【小阿尔卡那】※ 权杖※包括权杖国王,权杖女皇,权杖骑士,权杖侍从,权杖一...※圣杯※包括圣杯国王,圣杯女皇,圣杯骑士,圣杯侍从,圣杯一...※宝剑※包括宝剑国王,宝剑女皇,宝剑骑士,宝剑侍从,宝剑一...※星币※包括星币国王,星币女皇,星币骑士,星币侍从,星币一...Tarot, called"nature'smysteries library." Tarot is one for people and things,analysis,forecasting tools and advice.Tarot can be for love, relationships, work (school) needs tododifferent analysis, forecasts, and advice. In particular, I donotknow what action should be taken, it is a very good tipslandmark,has a hint of psychological function, because too muchmystery,attributed to the occult category. And appeared in numerousfilms,as an important clue in the movie, such as "Pirates oftheCaribbean group shaking," "Midnight Tarot" "Knight of Cups" andsoon.【Features】※ ※ professional fortune-tellingSimilar character telling, Astrology, gossip learn, dreamandphysiognomy, etc., you wish to control their own destiny!※ ※ career marriageMarriage emotional, career development, and to provide youwithprofessional forecasting services.※ ※ Living GuideYour concerns, pending when the decision to provide youwithreferences.※ ※ constellation TarotConstellation Tarot, you travel with the mysterious ancientWesternastrology interesting world.[Explain] CardsTarot cards total 78, of which the main brand licensing that22large Alcala, Alcala that small Voeux cards 56 cards can beusedseparately divination, 78 can also be mixed togetherusingdivination.Each tarot card has its own specific meaning, includingthelicensing of anteroposterior, inversus, interpretation, Cards,andkeywords and so on.For example: Fool※ Fool: anteroposterior ※  Vision of natural places, like the challenge to trynewthings, to wander around. Good adventure, dream man, do notadhereto the traditional concept of free-spirited, all from thebase towander around. Free love, regardless of the views of othersand, ina unique way to get success easily fall in love, romanticlovecolorful, unique lover, waiting for opportunity forinteraction.Work with adventurous, the pursuit of novelty. Keenstudies orcareer, a unique way to get a windfall, since the currentacademiccuriosity generated strong interest, grasp the key, seekingashortcut, we tend to free working atmosphere, suitable for artworkor freelancing. Good state of health. Travel windfall.Gooddream.※ Fool: inversus ※ Adventure action, pay attention to dreams, ignoring thelossof substance, to leave their homes, too trusting, is to traveltoworry about. Feelings of emptiness, reckless love, a senseofharmony can not last long, uneasy journey of love, marriagewasbound fits and starts each other, fall in love in spite ofallopposition, negative lovers heart hurt, feelings are notspecific.Lack of job stability, no responsibility. Gradesplummeted,impatience, lack of planning to act, often late, guessthe titleerrors exam failure, assault exam not bring much effectyou.Because of insecurity of life and illness. Travel can notbeassured. Can not be determined, quirks. unrealistic.※ Fool: explanation ※  The Fool Tarot learner is most familiar with acard.Fool is a special card, its number is 0, in fact, is notindexed,it can appear anywhere. Fool also symbolizes the beginningof thejourney. Fool itself can also use as a blank card, whichcontainsunlimited possibilities. He appeared in many movies, suchas"Pirates of the Caribbean group shaking" in the.[Large] that Alcatel0 Fool1, magician2, Priestess3, Queen4, emperor5, Pope6, lovers7, chariot8, strength9, hermit10, Wheel of Fortune11, justice12, hung upside down by13 Death14, control15, Devil16, Tower17 stars18, the moon19, the sun20. Approval21 world[Small] that Alcatel※ ※ scepterIncluding the scepter of King, Queen scepter, maceKnight,attendants token, a token ...※ ※ Holy GrailIncluding the Grail King, Queen Holy Grail, the Grail KnightGrailattendants, a Holy Grail ...※ ※ swordIncluding sword King, Queen sword, sword knight, squire sword,asword ...※ ※ PentaclesIncluding Pentacles King of Pentacles Queen of Pentacles KnightofPentacles attendants, star coins a ...
智力方块 1.0 APK
【考验你智力的时候到了!!!】【据说,智商超高160的人才能全部通关】引人入胜的3D版智力盒子将挑战你的大脑和手指!开动你的脑筋,动动你的手指,将方块放置到属于它的黑洞,还有各种各样的陷阱和道具等着你,看看你能挑战到哪一关?操作方法:1、点击屏幕,手指在屏幕上移动,将长方体移动到方孔处下落即可过关。2、注意不同的道具有不同的功能,A道具使用1个小方块即可激活。B道具必须使用2个小方块才可激活。C道具使得长方体分割为两个不同位置的小方块。Note:绿色的方块要特别注意,只能承受1个小方块的重量,否则长方体就掉落了。来挑战你的极限吧![Test your intellectistime to! ! ! ][It is said that 160 ultra-high IQ people can all clearance]Spectacular 3D version of the box intelligence will challengeyourbrain and fingers! Start your brain, move your finger, the boxwillbe placed into a black hole belonging to it, there are avariety oftraps and props waiting for you to see where you canchallenge aclose?Methods of operation:1, click on the screen, move your finger on the screen, the boxwillmove to the square hole whereabouts clearance.2, pay attention to the different channels havedifferentfunctions,A use of props 1 small box to activate.B props must use two small blocks can be activated.C props such box is divided into two different positions of asmallbox.Note: Pay particular attention to the green box, can only beartheweight of a small box, otherwise the box would fall.To challenge your limits now!
Tarot Cards Reading 3.8.8 APK
The origin of the tarot is a mystery. We do know for sure thatthecards were used in Italy in the fifteenth century as a popularcardgame. Wealthy patrons commissioned beautiful decks, some ofwhichhave survived. The Visconti-Sforza, created in 1450 orshortlythereafter, is one of the earliest and most complete. Laterin theeighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the cards werediscovered by anumber of influential scholars of the occult. Thesegentleman werefascinated by the tarot and recognized that theimages on the cardswere more powerful than a simple game wouldsuggest. They revealed(or created!) the "true" history of the tarotby connecting thecards to Egyptian mysteries, Hermetic philosophy,the Kabbalah,alchemy, and other mystical systems. These pursuitscontinued intothe early part of the twentieth century when thetarot wasincorporated into the practices of several secretsocieties,including the Order of the Golden Dawn [note]. Althoughthe rootsof the tarot are in the occult tradition, interest in thecards hasexpanded in the last few decades to include manydifferentperspectives. New decks have been created that reflecttheseinterests. There are Native American, herbal, dragon andJapanesedecks, among others. The tarot is most commonly viewed as atoolfor divination. A traditional tarot reading involves a seeker-someone who is looking for answers to personal questions - andareader - someone who knows how to interpret the cards. Aftertheseeker has shuffled and cut the deck, the reader lays outthechosen cards in a pattern called a spread. Each position inthespread has a meaning, and each card has a meaning as well.Thereader combines these two meanings to shed light on theseeker'squestion. If there is a meaning in a reading, where does itcomefrom? I believe it comes from that part of ourselves that isawareof the divine source of meaning. This is an aspect oftheunconscious, yet it is much more. It acts as a wise advisorwhoknows us well. It understands what we need and leads us inthedirection we need to go. Some people call this advisor thesoul,the superconscious, or the higher self. I call it the InnerGuidebecause that is the role it plays in connection with thetarot.Each of us has an Inner Guide that serves as a fountain ofmeaningfor us. Your Inner Guide is always with you because it is apart ofyou. You can't destroy this connection, but you can ignoreit. Whenyou reach for your tarot deck, you signal to your InnerGuide thatyou are open to its wisdom. This simple act of faithallows you tobecome aware of the guidance that was always there foryou. We aremeant by nature to rely on the wisdom of our InnerGuide, butsomehow we have forgotten how to access it. We trust ourconsciousminds instead, and forget to look deeper. Our consciousminds areclever, but unfortunately, they just don't have the fullawarenesswe need to make appropriate choices day by day. When weareoperating from our conscious minds, we often feel as if eventsareforced upon us by chance. Life seems to have little purpose, andwesuffer because we do not really understand who we are and whatwewant. When we know how to access our Inner Guide, weexperiencelife differently. We have the certainty and peace thatcomes fromaligning our conscious will with our inner purpose. Ourpathbecomes more joyous, and we see more clearly how we bringtogetherthe scattered elements of our lives to fulfill ourdestinies.
解谜者 3.0 APK
玩过机械迷城的小伙伴们注意啦:机械迷城里的小游戏上在手机端啦!!!是否已经厌烦了贪吃蛇,消消乐,保卫萝卜这样的商业大做?是否已经对别踩白块,三国志,西游记这样游戏无感啦?是否依然对机械迷城里的小游戏还意犹未尽?是时候开洞你的脑筋,动起你的手指,体验一下真正解密烧脑游戏的乐趣吧!经过小伙伴们的不懈努力,终于将机械迷城里的游戏移植到手机上啦!并且重新设计UI界面,增添全新关卡,丰富更多表情。更多关卡:超多关卡,让你一次玩个够呆萌表情:丰富的表情,游戏内容更丰富。全新设计:全新的界面设计,更加简洁突出。趣味玩法:保留核心玩法,更能考验你的智力哦!【玩法】滑动屏幕,移动小方块,将两个黑色大方块合并到一起即可打开大门。快来试试吧!ps:① 如果你喜欢我们的游戏请评论告诉我们吧!② 如果你讨论我们的游戏,也请评论告诉我们吧!欢迎吐槽。
高考诗词 1.0 APK
最好用的高考诗词工具,帮助您最快的背诵所有高考必背的诗词。 随时随地的学习背诵
觀音靈簽:感情婚姻求子一簽便知,比生辰八字算命和紫微斗數更簡 1.0.2 APK