1.1 / September 20, 2013
(3.3/5) (26)


Sunset Dead City
A team of military six person team responsible for escortingatelevision crew to visit tsunami-affected areas, but whentheyarrived, they discovered that even a disaster of victims didnot,like everyone disappeared in general, so that everyonebaffled.
Aftershocks occurred near the disaster area at this time, onceagaintsunami. Though all men promptly escaped, but being trappedin thedisaster area, but lost contact with the outside.
People in the affected areas had to find a safe place to stay,Ihope the next day rescue team arrived. But after nightfall, asageneral disaster dead city filled with agitation, strangeanimalroaring sounds rising and falling. Meanwhile the crowd begantofeel the real danger now officially approaching, we began toworryabout getting through this long night ......

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Elma Wong Show More...

索命筆仙 1.1 APK
Elma Wong
鬼筆友下集 1.1 APK
Elma Wong
對於「通靈」這個詞,不同的人有不同的看法,有人會覺得它與我們日常的生活完全是風馬牛不相及的事,會斥責這是落後迷信的行為。在科技發達的今天,理應沒有甚麼人會相信這種「神棍」用斂財的事才對。但是在另一邊廂,卻仍為有很多人對它甚感興趣,他們各自懷著不同的因由,以不同的方式科儀,希望能夠與靈界有所接觸。而對於一些在學的青年來說,在一般情況下,他們並沒有真正迫切的急需,要從這種外力中得到幫助。他們大多只是出於好奇,尋求娛樂與刺激罷了,有時他們問的問題,給你知到後可能會有一種啼笑皆非的感慨。曾經有學生問我,到底這些碟仙、筆仙、銀仙等是不是真有其事。其實很多人對這類簡單的通靈術都有一點誤解,以為陰靈是在移動著媒體(如筆或碟等),但是大部份的情況並不是這樣子的。一些經過一段時間修持的陰靈,的確能夠移動一些重量較輕的物體,但它們多數沒有興趣去會你玩這些小遊戲。所以在這類通靈遊戲當中,當這媒體(不論是筆、碟、銀)開始移動時,其實是陰靈已附身在其中一名參與者之上,在他不自覺間控制了他的身體,去移動媒體,對提問者提供答案。所以在一些較詳細精準的科學實驗中,得出的結果總是測出有人移動著媒體,但這人定會矢口否認是自己刻意這樣做的。之後便有科學家提出是這人的潛意識這樣做云云,但他們卻從未想到,這人之所以會移動媒體,是因為這人已經被憑依附身了……所以我對這類活動只能說一句,在很多情況下,靈是真的能請來了,但到底它是甚麼和誰就不知道了……For the "psychic" is theword, different people have different views, some people will feelit in our daily lives is completely irrelevant to the matter, wouldrebuke it is backward superstitious behavior. In the technologicaladvances of today, should no one will believe this, "God stick" toa money-making thing fishes.But on the other hand, it still is a lot of people very interestedin the cause of their own, with varying, in different ways Tech,hoping to have contacts with the spirit world.For some young people at school, in normal circumstances, they didnot really urgent need, to get help from this force. Most of themjust out of curiosity, for amusement and excitement fills, andsometimes they ask questions, give you to know the possible therewill be a ridiculous emotion.There was a student asked me, in the end these Diexian, pen centssilver fairy, etc. is not really justified.In fact, many people have such a simple little psychic surgerymisconception that Yin Ling in moving media (such as a pen ordiscs, etc.), but most of the situation is not like that.After a period of practice some of the Yin Ling, indeed able tomove some of the lighter objects, but most of them are notinterested in going will you play these little games.Therefore, in such psychic game, when the media (whether it is pen,dishes, silver) starts to move, in fact, already possessed Yin Lingabove in which a participant in his unconsciously control of hisbody, to move the media to provide answers for the questions.So in some more detail the precise scientific experiments, theresults are always measured someone moved the media, but it willundoubtedly be denied himself deliberately to do so. Afterscientists have suggested that there is this person's subconsciousmind to do so and so, but they never thought that this man reason,removable media, because this man has been attached to the bodywith a ......So I can only say that one of such activities, in many cases, thespirit is really invited, but in the end what is it and who do notknow ......
鬼筆友上集 1.1 APK
Elma Wong
對於「通靈」這個詞,不同的人有不同的看法,有人會覺得它與我們日常的生活完全是風馬牛不相及的事,會斥責這是落後迷信的行為。在科技發達的今天,理應沒有甚麼人會相信這種「神棍」用斂財的事才對。但是在另一邊廂,卻仍為有很多人對它甚感興趣,他們各自懷著不同的因由,以不同的方式科儀,希望能夠與靈界有所接觸。而對於一些在學的青年來說,在一般情況下,他們並沒有真正迫切的急需,要從這種外力中得到幫助。他們大多只是出於好奇,尋求娛樂與刺激罷了,有時他們問的問題,給你知到後可能會有一種啼笑皆非的感慨。曾經有學生問我,到底這些碟仙、筆仙、銀仙等是不是真有其事。其實很多人對這類簡單的通靈術都有一點誤解,以為陰靈是在移動著媒體(如筆或碟等),但是大部份的情況並不是這樣子的。一些經過一段時間修持的陰靈,的確能夠移動一些重量較輕的物體,但它們多數沒有興趣去會你玩這些小遊戲。所以在這類通靈遊戲當中,當這媒體(不論是筆、碟、銀)開始移動時,其實是陰靈已附身在其中一名參與者之上,在他不自覺間控制了他的身體,去移動媒體,對提問者提供答案。所以在一些較詳細精準的科學實驗中,得出的結果總是測出有人移動著媒體,但這人定會矢口否認是自己刻意這樣做的。之後便有科學家提出是這人的潛意識這樣做云云,但他們卻從未想到,這人之所以會移動媒體,是因為這人已經被憑依附身了……所以我對這類活動只能說一句,在很多情況下,靈是真的能請來了,但到底它是甚麼和誰就不知道了……For the "psychic" istheword, different people have different views, some people willfeelit in our daily lives is completely irrelevant to the matter,wouldrebuke it is backward superstitious behavior. In thetechnologicaladvances of today, should no one will believe this,"God stick" toa money-making thing fishes.But on the other hand, it still is a lot of people veryinterestedin the cause of their own, with varying, in differentways Tech,hoping to have contacts with the spirit world.For some young people at school, in normal circumstances, theydidnot really urgent need, to get help from this force. Most ofthemjust out of curiosity, for amusement and excitement fills,andsometimes they ask questions, give you to know the possibletherewill be a ridiculous emotion.There was a student asked me, in the end these Diexian, pencentssilver fairy, etc. is not really justified.In fact, many people have such a simple little psychicsurgerymisconception that Yin Ling in moving media (such as a penordiscs, etc.), but most of the situation is not like that.After a period of practice some of the Yin Ling, indeed able tomovesome of the lighter objects, but most of them are notinterested ingoing will you play these little games.Therefore, in such psychic game, when the media (whether it ispen,dishes, silver) starts to move, in fact, already possessed YinLingabove in which a participant in his unconsciously control ofhisbody, to move the media to provide answers for thequestions.So in some more detail the precise scientific experiments,theresults are always measured someone moved the media, but itwillundoubtedly be denied himself deliberately to do so.Afterscientists have suggested that there is this person'ssubconsciousmind to do so and so, but they never thought that thisman reason,removable media, because this man has been attached tothe bodywith a ......So I can only say that one of such activities, in many cases,thespirit is really invited, but in the end what is it and who donotknow ......
香港風光攝影完整版 1.0 APK
Elma Wong
香港風光攝影手冊隨著碼攝攝影的普及,從前很多較難掌握的艱澀攝影技術都變得容易理解,令到攝影愛好者數量大大增加。能令更多人去享受攝影這門有趣的興趣,實在是一件令人欣喜的事。而在云云眾多的攝影題目當中,風光攝影可以說是一個在全世界也很愛歡迎的項目。可是大部份的攝影者,都經常會慨嘆香港並不如國內或是外國般,有很多風景優美的景點可隨意拍攝。雖然這一點在某程度上是說得沒錯,但是在香港境內,還是有很多不錯的拍攝景點,只不過可能在這一點的資訊上並不是太流通,所以令到很多人都錯失了一探這些美麗風景的機會。所以我們希望今次透過本書,能為大家介紹一些在本港的風光拍攝景點,可以讓大家一展身手。除了風光名勝難尋這一問題外,很多初拍攝風光照片的人,都會發覺很多時明明眼前是一片漂亮的景致,但是經過相機拍攝出來之後,照片反而變得平平無奇,這倒也是一件令人洩氣的事。但很多時這問題的成因,其實只不過是攝影者未能了解一些風光攝影的獨有基本技巧,其實只要掌握了這些小小的竅門,要把面前的美景如實地在數碼照片中呈現出來並不是甚麼難事。而本書更會把這些拍攝風光照片的訣竅悉數告訴大家。同時間,本書還會把不同的景點的拍攝位置、理想拍攝時間、器材、建議拍攝數據、基本電腦修圖技巧等一併列出,務求能成為大家在拍攝風光照時的實用好幫手。希望大家在看過這本小書之後,能夠拍攝出自己稱心滿意,而觀賞者亦會讚嘆不已的照片。Hong Kong LandscapePhotography GuideWith the popularity of photography at code, the former a lotmore difficult to grasp the incomprehensible photographictechniques have become easy to understand, so that greatlyincreased the number of photography enthusiasts. Will enable morepeople to enjoy this door interesting photographic interest, it isa gratifying thing.In the photographic subject and so many of them, landscapephotography can be a welcome in the world also love the item. Butmost of the photographers are often lament Hong Kong is not asdomestic or foreign countries, there are many scenic attractionsare free to shoot.While this is to some extent is right, but in the territory of HongKong, there are still many good shooting spots, but the informationmay be on at this point is not too circulation, which has led to alot of people are missing out on an exploration of these beautifulscenery opportunities. So we hope that through this book, able tointroduce some of the attractions in the local scenery shot, sothat everyone can have a go.In addition to scenic spots hard to find this problem, many earlyphotographs of people shooting scenery will find a lot of the timeeven when your eyes are a beautiful scenery, but after camera cameout, but has become unexciting photographs, which it is in afrustrating thing. But many causes of this problem when, in fact,not only is the photographer to understand some basic skills uniquelandscape photography, in fact, once you have these little tricks,put in front of the beauty faithfully rendered in digital photosand not difficult. The book will also send these knack for shootingscenery photos all tell you. Same time, the book will put differentattractions shooting position, the ideal shooting time, equipment,suggested shooting data, basic computer graphic skills listedtogether in order to be able to become a photo while shootingscenery practical good helper.I hope you read this little book after that can shoot their ownsatisfaction, but will also need amazed viewing photos.
香港風光攝影 1.0 APK
Elma Wong
隨著碼攝攝影的普及,從前很多較難掌握的艱澀攝影技術都變得容易理解,令到攝影愛好者數量大大增加。能令更多人去享受攝影這門有趣的興趣,實在是一件令人欣喜的事。而在云云眾多的攝影題目當中,風光攝影可以說是一個在全世界也很愛歡迎的項目。可是大部份的攝影者,都經常會慨嘆香港並不如國內或是外國般,有很多風景優美的景點可隨意拍攝。雖然這一點在某程度上是說得沒錯,但是在香港境內,還是有很多不錯的拍攝景點,只不過可能在這一點的資訊上並不是太流通,所以令到很多人都錯失了一探這些美麗風景的機會。所以我們希望今次透過本書,能為大家介紹一些在本港的風光拍攝景點,可以讓大家一展身手。除了風光名勝難尋這一問題外,很多初拍攝風光照片的人,都會發覺很多時明明眼前是一片漂亮的景致,但是經過相機拍攝出來之後,照片反而變得平平無奇,這倒也是一件令人洩氣的事。但很多時這問題的成因,其實只不過是攝影者未能了解一些風光攝影的獨有基本技巧,其實只要掌握了這些小小的竅門,要把面前的美景如實地在數碼照片中呈現出來並不是甚麼難事。而本書更會把這些拍攝風光照片的訣竅悉數告訴大家。同時間,本書還會把不同的景點的拍攝位置、理想拍攝時間、器材、建議拍攝數據、基本電腦修圖技巧等一併列出,務求能成為大家在拍攝風光照時的實用好幫手。希望大家在看過這本小書之後,能夠拍攝出自己稱心滿意,而觀賞者亦會讚嘆不已的照片。Withthepopularity of photography at code, the former a lot moredifficultto grasp the incomprehensible photographic techniques havebecomeeasy to understand, so that greatly increased the numberofphotography enthusiasts. Will enable more people to enjoy thisdoorinteresting photographic interest, it is a gratifyingthing.In the photographic subject and so many of them,landscapephotography can be a welcome in the world also love theitem. Butmost of the photographers are often lament Hong Kong isnot asdomestic or foreign countries, there are many scenicattractionsare free to shoot.While this is to some extent is right, but in the territory ofHongKong, there are still many good shooting spots, but theinformationmay be on at this point is not too circulation, whichhas led to alot of people are missing out on an exploration ofthese beautifulscenery opportunities. So we hope that through thisbook, able tointroduce some of the attractions in the local sceneryshot, sothat everyone can have a go.In addition to scenic spots hard to find this problem, manyearlyphotographs of people shooting scenery will find a lot of thetimeeven when your eyes are a beautiful scenery, but after cameracameout, but has become unexciting photographs, which it is inafrustrating thing. But many causes of this problem when, infact,not only is the photographer to understand some basic skillsuniquelandscape photography, in fact, once you have these littletricks,put in front of the beauty faithfully rendered in digitalphotosand not difficult. The book will also send these knack forshootingscenery photos all tell you. Same time, the book will putdifferentattractions shooting position, the ideal shooting time,equipment,suggested shooting data, basic computer graphic skillslistedtogether in order to be able to become a photo whileshootingscenery practical good helper.I hope you read this little book after that can shoot theirownsatisfaction, but will also need amazed viewing photos.
旅行攝影30法完整版 1.0 APK
Elma Wong
很多人覺得去外地旅遊,在短短數天裡,一切也好像匆匆而過,唯一能夠留下來的,除了是記憶以外,就是照片了。所以很多平日甚小拍照的人,在旅遊前也會四處張羅,或是買一部性能良好的相機。如果平日已經是攝影發燒友的話,就更加會隆重其事,長、短火,各種不同的裝備,一定已把隨身的旅行袋擠得滿滿的了。但很多人旅程完結,回家細看所拍得的照片時,都會覺得拍出來的照片,並不如親眼所見時這麼美觀。特別是一些壯麗的風景,當身處現場時真的非常震撼,但是當拍成了照片以後,往往都是失色了很多,難免會令人大失所望。其實想拍好風景照片本來已經不易,如果要在行色匆匆的情況下,要拍得好就更加是難上加難。但是大家也不需要因此而灰心,本書會詳盡地為大家介紹在旅行途中,拍出高質素風光照片的方法,大家只要照著這30個竅門去做,在旅程完結後,一定能帶著很多令人滿意的照片回家。Many people think that toforeign travel, in just a few days, everything seems to be passingby, the only left behind, in addition to memory outside thatphotos.So many very small pictures of people on weekdays, will make up onein the tourism front, or buy a good performance of the camera. Ifyou are already weekdays photography enthusiasts, then it will evenmark the occasion, the long and short of fire, a variety ofdifferent equipment, must carry the bag has packed up.But many people journey end, the home look the pictures taken, hewill feel that pictures are not so beautiful as when the eyes cansee. In particular, some spectacular scenery, when in the scene isreally very shocking, but when made into a photo later, are ofteneclipsed a lot, there will inevitably be disappointing.In fact, want to make a good landscape photos already difficult, ifyou want to hurry the case looks good to even more difficult.However, we do not need therefore discouraged, this book describesin detail for everyone traveling, shoot high quality scenery photosway, we just have to follow these 30 tips to do, after the end ofthe journey, we must be able to bring a lot of satisfactory picturehome.
鬼笔友上集简体版 1.1 APK
Elma Wong
旅遊攝影30法 1.0 APK
Elma Wong
很多人覺得去外地旅遊,在短短數天裡,一切也好像匆匆而過,唯一能夠留下來的,除了是記憶以外,就是照片了。所以很多平日甚小拍照的人,在旅遊前也會四處張羅,或是買一部性能良好的相機。如果平日已經是攝影發燒友的話,就更加會隆重其事,長、短火,各種不同的裝備,一定已把隨身的旅行袋擠得滿滿的了。但很多人旅程完結,回家細看所拍得的照片時,都會覺得拍出來的照片,並不如親眼所見時這麼美觀。特別是一些壯麗的風景,當身處現場時真的非常震撼,但是當拍成了照片以後,往往都是失色了很多,難免會令人大失所望。其實想拍好風景照片本來已經不易,如果要在行色匆匆的情況下,要拍得好就更加是難上加難。但是大家也不需要因此而灰心,本書會詳盡地為大家介紹在旅行途中,拍出高質素風光照片的方法,大家只要照著這30個竅門去做,在旅程完結後,一定能帶著很多令人滿意的照片回家。Many people think thattoforeign travel, in just a few days, everything seems to bepassingby, the only left behind, in addition to memory outsidethatphotos.So many very small pictures of people on weekdays, will make uponein the tourism front, or buy a good performance of the camera.Ifyou are already weekdays photography enthusiasts, then it willevenmark the occasion, the long and short of fire, a varietyofdifferent equipment, must carry the bag has packed up.But many people journey end, the home look the pictures taken,hewill feel that pictures are not so beautiful as when the eyescansee. In particular, some spectacular scenery, when in the sceneisreally very shocking, but when made into a photo later, areofteneclipsed a lot, there will inevitably be disappointing.In fact, want to make a good landscape photos already difficult,ifyou want to hurry the case looks good to even moredifficult.However, we do not need therefore discouraged, this bookdescribesin detail for everyone traveling, shoot high qualityscenery photosway, we just have to follow these 30 tips to do,after the end ofthe journey, we must be able to bring a lot ofsatisfactory picturehome.