9.3 / December 29, 2014
(4.0/5) (5)


Divination is simple anduse is easy to be in the application of clearly represents afortune in Chinese style, is the most popular one application ofthe divination of Android. It teaches the secrets of fate change inaccordance with the humanities thought of Zhou ease of China fivethousand years, there is an important aid for decision to yourdestiny and future.
 Divination is mainly has the following features:
   1. fate fortune-telling: This feature is to tellone of life for more straining, from home married to academicbusiness, give me anything finely answer.
2. decided to pull the fortune: it is possible to teach before theroad Pull the fortune to meet to be troublesome.
  3. love adoption of: There are a variety of adoption ofway, you're the future of love to be understood well.
  4. Reifu阁: it is allowed to understand well thetradition of Leif culture, become more successful your life
  5. palm and Men-zo: it is allowed to understand wellthe crest of the palm of the crest and the hand of the body,thereby know the whereabouts of life.
More often function of divination will be expected to use.

App Information 占い

  • App Name
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    December 29, 2014
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Email [email protected]
  • Google Play Link

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靈占算命-八字 占卜 風水 星座 解夢 求籤 姓名 運勢 19.4 APK
靈占天下是一款簡潔易用,極具中國風的占卜應用,是在安卓平臺上最受用戶歡迎的占卜算命應用之一,它以中國五千年來所傳承的周易人文思想告訴您命理變化的秘密,為您曉通命運,決斷未來之事起重要幫助。靈占天下主要有以下功能:1.八字算命:該功能將詳細揭曉您一生的秘密,從家庭婚姻,到學業事業,八字算命都可以詳盡為您解答。2.每日星座:每日星座將告訴您每一天運勢變化及速配對象,給您最貼心的關懷。3.周公解夢:周公解夢將詳細為您解釋夢境中的一切,讓您不再對夢產生疑問,讓夢預見您的未來。4.愛情配對:豐富多彩的配對方式,讓您更瞭解愛情的未來。5.求籤斷事:遇到疑惑不解之事,求籤斷事能讓您不再迷惑,為您前進指明方向。6.姓名五行:發現您姓名中的秘密,知曉姓名對人一生的影響 。7.手掌面像:讓您一眼便可知道身體中的掌紋手紋隱藏的人生的命運走向。靈占天下更多的功能,期待您的使用。Ling accounting world isa simple to use, very Chinese style application divination,fortune-telling is one of the most popular applications on theAndroid platform users welcome, it passed on five thousand years ofChinese Book of humanistic ideas that tell you numerology changesecret, you Xiaotong destiny, determination of the future play animportant thing to help.   Spirit world accounted for the following mainfunctions:   1. The character telling: This feature will beannounced in detail the secrets of your life, from the family andmarriage, the academic career, character telling can be detailed toanswer your questions.   2. Daily Horoscopes: Daily Horoscope tells youevery day and change of fortune for matches, give you the mostintimate care.   3. Dream Dictionary: Dream Dictionary willexplain to you in detail all the dreams, so you no longer dream ofdoubt, let your dream foreseeable future.   4. Love match: colorful pairing, which allows youto learn more about the future of love.   5. divination breaking things: encounter puzzledthings, breaking things divination lets you no longer confused, foryour forward direction.   6. Name five elements: find your name in secret,identifying the name of the impact on human life.   7. Like the palm side: lets you know at a glancethe fate of life in the body to hidden palm handprint.   Spirit world accounting for more features, lookforward to your usage.
萬年曆-日曆農民曆老黃曆吉曆擇吉行事歷節假日 3.7 APK
吉曆日曆萬年曆是一款集合傳統曆法,周易民俗的新型日曆,不僅可以簡單方便地查詢萬年曆,瞭解傳統日曆的種種含義,還可以根據生辰不同擇日擇吉,告訴你什麼時辰(幾點)做事更吉利,讓你趨利避害,事事順利!能定位到城鎮的天氣預報功能更是為生活提供了便捷,日曆中還有完善的備忘提醒功能,讓你在忙碌的時間中,也能記住重要的事。【吉曆萬年曆讓時間更有傳統特色】★每日運勢:每日運勢結合個人生辰八字資訊,打造專屬個人的綜合運勢、財運、事業運、桃花運等,運勢結合八字更適合,更準確。★黃曆:吉曆萬年曆擁有市場上較為完整老黃曆資訊,詳細羅列出農曆節氣變化、每日宜忌、吉神凶神、黃黑道日、生肖沖煞、胎神方位、時辰凶吉、建除十二神、天干地支、納音五行、吉神方位,是居家常備日曆。★萬年曆:可以快速翻閱每個月的節日調休,陽曆與農曆的對照一目了然,還可以定制內容管理或者顯示天干地支,選擇出自己感興趣的日曆資訊。★日程提醒:吉曆萬年曆擁有完善的提醒功能,操作簡單快捷,包含備忘錄、日程提醒、生日紀念,可以方便的管理生活的大小事,隨時隨地提醒重要事項。★八字擇日:吉曆萬年曆依據周易命理和民俗習慣,依據參與人的生辰八字,嚴謹地選擇出合適參與人八字的黃道吉日,並且進行評分解析,讓參與人知道什麼時辰(幾點)做事更吉利。★節日信息:吉曆萬年曆中包含了完整的節日資訊,動態針對國內放假日期進行調整,還有國際節日、國內節日、傳統節日、佛教節日、道教節日、二十四節氣等,讓你不再錯過任何有意義的節日。★天氣預報:可以定位到城鎮的天氣預報功能擁有24小時天氣、一周天氣情況、生活指數、空氣品質、風向風力、日落日出等資訊,一站就能看全吉曆萬年曆,全新的日曆功能,期待你的體驗!Kyrgyzstan calendarcalendar calendar calendar is a collection of traditional, folkBook new calendar, not only easy to check calendar, to understandthe meaning of various traditional calendar, you can also pick anauspicious day according to choose different birthday, tells youwhat hour (few) things more auspicious, so you avoidingdisadvantages like success! Can be positioned to weather forecastfor towns function is to provide a convenient life, as well asimproved calendar reminder memo feature that lets you busy time,but also remember the important things.    [Kat calendar calendar so that time moretraditional features]    ★ Daily Horoscope: Daily Horoscopebirthdates combination of personal information, to create exclusivepersonal fortune comprehensive, wealth, business operation, peach,etc., combined fortune character is more suitable and moreaccurate.    ★ almanac: Kat calendar calendar have onthe market LaoHuangLi more complete information, set out in detailthe lunar solar terms change daily Taboo, guitar god Xiong Shen,Huang underworld Day, Lunar New Year red evil, God fetal position,Luck hour, apart from a dozen built the gods, attribution,inclusive tone five elements, guitar god orientation, is the homestanding calendar.    ★ Calendar: You can quickly scroll holidaydays off each month, the solar calendar and lunar control glance,you can also customize the display content management orattribution, choose their own interest to calendarinformation.    ★ calendar reminder: Kyrgyzstan has aperfect calendar calendar reminders, simple and quick operation,including memos, schedule reminders, birthday commemoration, caneasily manage life size thing, anywhere to remind importantmatters.    ★ character selection day: Kat calendarcalendar based on the Book of Changes numerology and customs and,according to the participant's date of birth, rigorous selection ofthe appropriate person to participate in the auspicious character,and scoring analysis, let participants know what hour of the (few)things more auspicious.    ★ festival information: Kat calendarcalendar contains the complete festival information, the dynamicfor the domestic holiday date adjustment, as well as internationalfestivals, national festivals, traditional festivals, Buddhistfestivals, Taoist festival twenty-four solar terms, so that you nolonger miss any meaningful holiday.    ★ weather forecast: Weather forecastfunction can be targeted to the town 24 hour weather week weatherconditions, cost of living, air quality, wind, sunrise and sunsetand other information, a station will be able to see thewhole    Kyrgyzstan calendar calendar, the newcalendar features, look forward to your experience!
起名大師-起名 改名 解名 算命 八字 4.9 APK
想過給您的孩子起一個優雅富有文化內涵嗎?想過符合命理的名字能給孩子帶來一生的健康快樂和財富嗎?想過或者改一個好的名字,能夠讓身邊的人重新認識你嗎?想過符合命理的名字能給您帶來事業的成功,感情的甜蜜嗎?所有的問題,當您選擇使用靈占起名的時候,都將迎刃而解。靈占起名採用雲技術,有百萬之多的好名字,每個名字都精雕細啄,不僅考究名字的發音,還講究名字的涵義,使名字優雅富有內涵,令人過耳難忘,印象深刻。不僅如此,靈占起名更是考慮名字對人的合理作用,仔細分析名字對每個人在每個年齡階段的影響與作用,分析其凶吉變化,使名字不僅僅是名字,而是您幫助事業有成,感情順利的命理好名!選擇靈占起名,選擇最好的名字,選擇最好的人生。Thought to your childfrom an elegant rich cultural connotation it? Wanted to give thechild's name in line with numerology to bring a lifetime of healthand happiness and wealth?   Thought a good name or change, allowing newunderstanding of the people around you? Thought in line withnumerology name can bring you career success, emotional sweetit?   All questions, when you choose to use accountsnamed Spirit, when all will be solved.   Ling accounted named cloud technology, there aremany millions of good names, each name carved small peck, not onlyelegant pronunciation of the name, but also pay attention to themeaning of the name, so the name of the elegant rich connotation,people who heard unforgettable impression profound.Moreover, the spirit named account name is considered a legitimaterole for human beings, a careful analysis of the names of everyonein the impact and the role of each age, and analyze their Luckchanges, so the name is not just the name, but you can help thecause successful, smooth feeling good name numerology!   Select spirit named account, choose the bestname, choose the best life.
佛曰 1.3 APK
佛曰是一款介紹佛學文化的應用,希望諸位能通過此應用瞭解佛學文化,參悟人生真諦,得到心靈的自我解脫。佛學文化博大精深,應用不足之處,歡迎反饋。佛曰是一款旨在讓用戶瞭解佛學文化,參悟人生真諦,得到心靈的自我解脫的應用。應用內置多種功能,從常見的供奉參拜,到佛經經典,應用有盡有。●供奉參拜用戶可以選擇供奉哪位佛祖或者菩薩,供奉的佛教菩薩有千手觀音菩薩、虛空藏菩薩、文殊菩薩、普賢菩薩、大勢至菩薩、大日如來、不動明王、阿彌陀佛。●豐富的供品用戶可以選擇供品,有常見的清茶、葡萄、金桔、梅花、牡丹等鮮花水果,還有各種沉香及燭臺,都可以任意使用。●海量佛經佛學文化博大精深,經書可見一斑,應用中有常見的心經、地藏經、大悲咒等大量佛經,可供隨時翻閱學習。●強大的佛經閱讀器內置強大的佛經閱讀器,支持各類翻頁效果,支持書簽,支持內容複製等功能,可以方便快速地閱讀佛經。願應用佛曰能讓您心靈得到淨化,參悟人生真諦。Buddha said is apresentation application Buddhist culture, hope you can understandthis application Buddhist culture, ponder the true meaning of life,to give spiritual self-liberation. Buddhist culture is profound,inadequate application, welcome feedback.Buddha said is designed to allow users to understand a Buddhistculture, ponder the true meaning of life, to get self-liberation ofthe application of the mind. Applications built a variety offunctions, from the common worship homage to the Buddhist classic,the application had to do there.● worship shrineUsers can choose who worship Buddha or Bodhisattva, Buddhistworship Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has, Akasagarbha,Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Bodhisattvas, big day, if, Fudo,Amitabha.● rich offeringsThe user can select offerings, there is a common tea, grapes,kumquats, plum blossom, peony flowers, fruits, and various incenseand candle holders, can be arbitrarily used.● Mass SutraBuddhist culture is profound, the book can be seen, there is acommon application in the Heart Sutra, Buddhist scriptures, andother large Buddhist Compassion and ready to learn to read.● Powerful Buddhist readerBuilt-in powerful Buddhist reader, support all kinds of flipeffect, support for bookmarks, support for content replication andother functions, can be quickly and easily read Buddhistscriptures.Buddha said application lets you willing to purify the soul,ponder the true meaning of life.
八字算命 7.8 APK
八字算命源于中國傳統文化中易學“天人合一”思想,應用于預測人生運動變化規律的方法。八字使用人出生的年、月、日、時,按天干、地支依次排列成八個字(稱為“八字”),再用本干支所屬五行生克推算人的命運,斷定人的吉凶禍福。本應用源于此思路,通過使用演算法分析,為您詳細分析出人生的吉凶禍福,歡迎您使用。Horoscopes fortunetolearn from Chinese traditional culture "Heaven" ideology, usedtopredict the movement of life variation method. Horoscopes usebirthyear, month, day, hour, according to the Heavenly Stems,EarthlyBranches were arranged in eight (referred to as"character"), thenthe Lunar belongs five grams calculate the fate,concluded that thehuman good and bad fortune.     This application stems from thisideaby using the algorithm analysis, a detailed analysis of yourlife,good and bad fortune, you are welcome to use.
愛情配對 7.8 APK
愛情配對一直以為都為人們所關注與喜愛,本應用提供4種愛情配對方式,從血型配對、星座配對、姓名配對、生肖配對等,豐富而有趣。每次配對都可以給出配對指數並且詳細分析,歡迎您使用。Love Pair have alwaysthought that concern for people and love, this application providesfour kinds of love pairing, from blood type matching, horoscopematching, name matching, zodiac matching, etc., rich andinteresting. Each pair can be given matching index and detailedanalysis, you are welcome to use.
占い 9.3 APK
占いは簡単で使用は易くて中国風に明らかに現した占いの応用で、Androidの一番人気の占いの一の応用である。それは中国の五千年の周易の人文思想に従って運命変化の秘密を教えて、君の運命と未来を決断のために重要な助けがある。占いは主には以下の機能がある:1.運命を占い:この機能は詳しくいきみの一生の一つを教えて、家庭結婚から学業事業まで、なにも細かく回答くれる。2.おみくじを引いてことを決断する:面倒なことに会っておみくじを引いて前の道を指導できる。3.恋愛の縁組:さまざまな縁組の方法があって、君は恋愛の未来はよく了解させる。4.霊符阁:伝統な霊符な文化をよく了解させて、君の生活はもっと順調になる5.手掌と面像:体の手のひらの紋と手の紋をよく了解させて、人生の行方を分からせる。占いのもっと多い機能はご利用を期待いたします。Divination is simple anduse is easy to be in the application of clearly represents afortune in Chinese style, is the most popular one application ofthe divination of Android. It teaches the secrets of fate change inaccordance with the humanities thought of Zhou ease of China fivethousand years, there is an important aid for decision to yourdestiny and future. Divination is mainly has the following features:   1. fate fortune-telling: This feature is to tellone of life for more straining, from home married to academicbusiness, give me anything finely answer.2. decided to pull the fortune: it is possible to teach before theroad Pull the fortune to meet to be troublesome.  3. love adoption of: There are a variety of adoption ofway, you're the future of love to be understood well.  4. Reifu阁: it is allowed to understand well thetradition of Leif culture, become more successful your life  5. palm and Men-zo: it is allowed to understand wellthe crest of the palm of the crest and the hand of the body,thereby know the whereabouts of life.More often function of divination will be expected to use.
靈占解夢 1.0 APK