App Information Word Collect Indonesia
- App NameWord Collect Indonesia
- Package Namecom.joykeratif.WordCollectIndonesia
- UpdatedMay 8, 2021
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.4
- Versionv1.2
- DeveloperJoy Keratif
- Installs-
- PriceFree
- CategoryWord
- DeveloperBogor - Indonesia
- Google Play Link
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Adu Pantun 1.0 APK
Pantun adalah salah satu jenis puisi lamayangsangat luas dikenal dalam bahasa-bahasa Nusantara. Lazimnyapantunbersajak akhir dengan pola a-b-a-b dan a-a-a-a (tidakboleha-a-b-b, atau a-b-b-a).Semua bentuk pantun terdiri atas dua bagian: sampiran danisi.Sampiran adalah dua baris pertama, biasanya tak punyahubungandengan bagian kedua yang menyampaikan maksud selainuntukmengantarkan rima/sajak. Isi merupakan bua baris terakhirmerupakanisi, yang merupakan tujuan dari pantun tersebut.Pantun jenaka adalah pantun yang bertujuan untuk menghiburorangyang mendengar, terkadang dijadikan sebagai media untuksalingmenyindir dalam suasana yang penuh keakraban, sehinggatidakmenimbulkan rasa tersinggung, dan dengan pantun jenakadiharapkansuasana akan menjadi semakin riang.Dalam permainan ini pemain akan melawan para jagoanpantun.Pemain diberikan sebuah sampiran (dua baris pertama pantun),laluharus melengkapi isi dari pantun tersebut dengan menekan 2-4tombolyang telah diberikan. Jika pemain berhasil mengurutkan denganbenarmaka pemain akan dapat mengalahkan para jagoan pantun. Semakinlamamaka akan semakin cepat waktu yang disediakan.Fitur-fitur :- 200 lebih pantun jenaka- gambar-gambar yang imut.- gameplay yang menyenangkanPoem is one kind oflongpoems were very widely known languages of thearchipelago.Typically rhyme rhyme end to the pattern of a-b-a-b anda-a-a-a(not to be a-a-b-b, or a-b-b-a).All forms of the poem consists of two parts: sampiranandcontent. Sampiran are the first two lines, usually do not havearelationship with a second part that convey meaning other thantodeliver a rhyme / poem. The contents of the last line bua isthecontent, which is the purpose of the poem.Limerick is a poem that aims to entertain those whohear,sometimes used as a medium for mutual insult in an atmospherefullof intimacy, so as not to cause resentment, and with alimerickexpected the atmosphere will become increasinglyexuberant.In this game the player will fight the champ rhyme. Playersaregiven a sampiran (the first two lines rhyme), and shouldcomplementthe content of the poem by pressing the 2-4 keys havebeen given.If the player successfully sequenced correctly then theplayer willbe able to beat the champ rhyme. The longer the fasterthe timeprovided.Features:- 200 more limerick- Pictures cute.- The gameplay is fun
Cerdas Cermat 1.0 APK
Cerdas cermat dalam definisinya adalah pertandingan atau permainanadu ketajaman berpikir dan ketangkasan menjawab (pertanyaan, soalmatematika, dsb) secara cepat dan tepat. Cerdas cermat biasanyadilakukan oleh siswa-siswa terbaik saja di tiap sekolah dalamsetiap pertandingannya. Jadi yang ikut ya pastilah siswa yangberprestasi yang biasanya dilakukan oleh siswa yang rankingnya 1-3,jadi yang kurang beruntung tidak dapat merasakan pertandingancerdas cermat. Tapi tenang saja, dalam game cerdas cermat yangpastinya dapat mencerdaskan otak ini, kamu bisa menguji kecerdasankamu dengan menjawab soal cerdas cermat SD, soal cerdas cermat SMP,hingga soal cerdas cermat SMA. Sanggupkah kamu menjawab soal-soalcerdas cermat ini satu-persatu dan menjadi juara kelas ? Dalam kuisCerdas Cermat ini ada 10 kategori atau jenis soal mulai dariMatematika (MTK). PKn, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, Biologi,Fisika, hingga Penjaskes. Dalam tiap kategori juga terdapatleaderboard masing-masing. Tempatilah peringkat pertama di tiapkategorinya. Dalam permainannya kamu akan diberikan 20 soal di tiapsesinya dengan waktu 15 menit. Jawablah dengan tepat dan cepat agartidak kehabisan waktu. Score atau point ditentukan oleh benar atausalahnya jawaban juga sisa waktu yang ada. Jadi jika semakin cepatdan tepat maka scoremu akan semakin besar. Jangan lupa adaPEMBAHASAN untuk mengetahui jawaban mana yang benar dan yang salah.Fitur-fitur dalam Kuis Cerdas Cermat ini : - +2000 soal-soal yangtentunya mencerdaskan - +Leaderboard untuk daftar peringkat.Bersaing sehatlah untuk mendapatkan peringkat pertama - +Pembahasanyang akan memberikan kamu pengetahuan lebih dengan cara mengetahuijawaban yang benar
CP Creepypasta Indonesia 1.0 APK
Creepypasta atau creppy pasta (dibacanya kripi pasta) adalahistilah plesetan dari copypasta (copy paste) yang berisikan ceritamisteri, cerita horor, cerita horor nyata, cerpen horor, ceritahantu nyata dan lain-lain yang bertebaran secara luas di internet.Creepypasta ini merupakan turunan dari copypasta (cerita-ceritacopas) yang memang hanya bergenre horor atau thriller terlepas ituadalah cerita mistis nyata atau cerita fiksi belaka, namun tetapsaja menakutkan. Creppy pasta yang populer dapat anda baca di siniseperti The Rake, Slenderman, Eyeless Jack, Candle Cove, danlain-lain yang telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesiasehingga anda bisa merasakan kengerian membaca kripi pasta. Disinijuga diberikan cerita horor nyata, cerita hantu nyata, dan ceritamistis lainnya yang telah terjadi di Indonesia. AplikasiCreepypasta Indonesia ini juga menyediakan creppy pasta dengantampilan chat. Anda bisa merasakan kengerian dari cerita horrorcreapypasta yang mengisahkan kisah seram saat sedang mengobroldengan hantu, mengobrol dengan pembunuh atau psikopat, atauberinteraksi dengan korban dengan tampilan chatting. Rasakankengerian yang nyata disini. Creapy pasta berbasis chat yangpopuler seperti creapy pasta Joralemon, annie typing, crepy pastachatroom 98, crepy pasta are you there?, dan lain-lain. Fitur-fitur: - 88 crepy pasta populer dan terseram untuk rilis pertama (pastiupdate kalau rame) - Fitur interaktif chatting dengan pembunuh,korban, hantu, dan orang asing dalam kisah kripi pasta terpopuler -Fitur penanda jika kamu sudah membaca kisah-kisah horor dalamaplikasi Creepypasta Indonesia ini
Game Tebar Pesona 1.0 APK
Game Tebar Pesona adalah game puzzle yang sangat seru untukdimainkan. Ceritanya dalam game jomblo ini adalah suatu ketika adacewek jomblo yang cuantik banget, digandrungi oleh banyakcowok-cowok yang jomblo juga yang menginginkan cinta danperhatiannnya. Artinya cewek ini memiliki fans yang banyak. Tugasmuadalah membantu cewek ini dapat terhubung dengan para fansnya danberharap menemukan 1 cinta yang sejati. Setia adalah nomor 1. Dalamgame cinta ini, kamu harus menekan kotak-kotak yang berisigaris-garis putih. Hubungkanlah cewek ke cowok-cowok hingga semuagaris berubah menjadi merah muda atau pink (warna orang sedangjatuh cinta). Dalam game ukuran kecil ini, jangan sampai terlewat 1garis pun agar kamu dapat memenangkan game ini di setiap babaknya.Dan pastinya makin lama game jomblo ini akan makin sulit dan rumitsehingga makin menantang dan seru. Game Tebar Pesona adalah gameyang ukuran MB nya kecil. Hanya 1,9 MB. Ukuran kecil ini tentunyatidak akan menghabiskan kuota internetmu dan bisa dimainkan offlineFitur-fitur dalam Game Tebar Pesona ini : 1. Game tanpa internet(game offline) 2. Bertema cinta dan jomblo 3. Game ukuran kecilbuat android (cuma 1,9 MB) 4. Game yang seru 5. Gratis
Temen Ahok, sebuah game dimana kitasebagaitemen Ahok akan melawan permasalahan-permasalahan yangmelandaibukota dengan cara yang menyenangkan, yaitu denganberbalaspantun.Di dalam game ini, pemain akan merangkai dan melengkapisebuahpantun. Pantun yang disugguhkan adalah pantun-pantunjenaka.Pastinya akan membuat Anda tertawa. Rangkailah dengan cepatdantepat, jangan sampai lawan mengalahkan Anda.Di dalam game ini, kita juga dapat melihat berapa jumlahKTPpendukung pasangan Ahok - Heru yang telah terkumpulsecarareal-time. Angka yang ditampilkan merupakan angka yang samadenganyang berada di situs resmi Anda jugadapatmendapatkan formulir dan mengetahui tata cara mengisiformulirdengan menekan tombol "Kumpulkan KTP".Ayo dukung Pak Ahok dan Pak Heru agar bisa ikut dalamajangpilgub melalui jalur independent !Fitur-fitur :- 200+ pantun jenaka yang pasti bisa membuatmu tertawa- Leaderboard. Kompetisi memperebutkan predikat Jagoan Pantun- Data pengumpulan data yang bisa dilihat secara real timedanangkanya sama dengan website resmi Bisa download formulir untuk pengumpulan KTP. Formulirberasaldari website resmi
Frustrating Red 1.0.2 APK
Frustrating Red is a puzzle game. This gameisso simple, you just need to enter the red ball(s) (only theredball) into the hole. Of course the higher level will bemoredifficult.You can also read a lot of useful quotes for you. Probably,ituseful to train your patienceGrab the highest score and be the one who get top position inthelist of the Leaderboards
CP Creepypasta 1.0.2 APK
Creepypastas or creepypasta stories arehorrorrelated legends or scary stories (horror stories) that havebeencopy-and-pasted around the Internet. These creepy pastas areoftenbrief, user-generated ghost or alien stories intended toscarereaders. Creepypasta stories include gruesome tales ofmurder,suicide, and otherworldly occurrences.In this Creppypasta app there are a variety of popularscariestcreepypasta such as Slenderman, Candle Cove, Jeff TheKiller,Psychosis, The Rake, The Seer of Possibilities,Squidward’sSuicide, and other short scary stories or shortcreepypasta.This app is also filled with interactive creepypasta storiessuchas annie96 typing, chatroom 98, kisaragi station, and manymore.Feel the real fear when you interact with ghosts, murderers,andbizarre creatures that will make your heart beating wildlyFeatures :- 88 scariest creepypasta for first release- Interactive chat with murderers, ghosts. The fear is REAL !!!*Seethe screenshot- include the sign if you have read scary stories
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Word Bound - Free Word Puzzle Games 1.112 APK
DOWNLOAD the best word games FREE! Word Bound is a one of akindword game for Free for Word Nerds! Word Bound starts as aneasyword game and gets harder as you level up! ENJOY WORDDETECTIVEGAMEPLAY! - Select letters in the correct order to formthe hiddenword matches! - Use the color of each letter block as ahint tofind the right word! - Fill in every word block jumble! Earnbonuscoins when you complete a chapter! - Can't figure out thewordjumble? Use coins to get a hint and win the level! FEATURES:-Daily bonus coins for free hints! - Weekend Challenges givesyoumore free word games, more free bonus coins and more FUNEVERYWEEK! - Over 1000+ Levels to play word games free! - Free 500coinsat the first word game login. - Easy to play anddifficultyincreases as you go! - Play OFFLINE or ONLINE - anytime,anywhere.- Word Bound is the best free word game! - Learn new wordsandtrain your brain to beat the game! - For word games freesingleplayer mode, download Word Bound: Word Games Free Now! GetWordBound for the best word games free for word game fans, wordsearchaddicts, and more! Play word games now in Word Bound - it'ssoaddictive! Having an issue with these free word games forandroid?For immediate support, contact us [email protected]!
Quotes Collect Puzzle 1.1.1 APK
Are you tired of the same gameplay word collect games in therushingworld? If so, Quotes Collect Puzzle worth a try! QuotesCollectPuzzle is inspired by quotes and combined with word collectpuzzles.Quotes Collect Puzzle builds a world full of wisdom. Here,you canread with famous authors like Shakespeare; wander in BakerStreet;discussing with philosopher Lao Tzu. Playing Quotes CollectPuzzleis rather than a word collect game but a journey withinspirationand motivation. WHY QUOTES COLLECT PUZZLE ♥ A uniqueword collectgame based on wise words; ♥ Challenge your vocabularyand literatureknowledge; ♥ Give your brain a workout in this "fastand lazy" time;♥ Not only a word collect game but also quotescollect game; ♥Enlighten by the wisdom of thoughts in this game.FEATURES ♥ Over1000 quotes, sayings, and idioms to play wordcollect games forfree; ♥ A soothing word collect game featuredwith beautifulbackgrounds; ♥ Play this word collect puzzle withgentle music andan enjoyable user interface; ♥ Inspired for thewhole day by themotivating quotes in this word collect puzzle; ♥Word collect puzzlesuitable for all ages; ♥ This word collect gamestarts easy andquickly becomes challenging; ♥ No time limits; ♥Single-player playoffline word collect games at any time. HOW TOPLAY ♥Swipe theletters to form the words in the quotes; ♥Find asmany as extrawords to win bonus coins; ♥Earn the most coins as youcan; ♥Use Hintbuttons to level up; CONTACT US Quotes CollectPuzzle is fairly newnow, so your ideas and feedback would be ahuge support for us tomake a better game, feel free to email us [email protected]. Ifyou like word collect games, this game ismade for you. It is SUPERaddicting. FREE DOWNLOAD today and makeyour day meaningful!
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Icomania 1.7 APK
★★★★★ From the creators of #1 app "4 PICS 1 WORD”Celebs, brands, movies and more – can you guess what the icondepicts? Find out why the whole world loves Icomania and JOIN THE FUN!★SIMPLE AND HIGHLY ADDICTIVE GAMEPLAY★Check out the icons, guess the answer and win! There are hundredsof puzzles to solve!★TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE★How well do you know pop culture? Icomania keeps you guessing withawesome icons depicting celebrities, movies, brands and more…★FEAST FOR THE EYES★Stunning handcrafted designs with icons that bring a smile to yourface =)★PURE, INSTANT FUN★No registration, no complicated rules – just instant fun! Getstarted now!
لعبة كلمة السر APK
لعبة كلمة السر: ببساطة لعبة السنة كل من لعبهاأحبها وادمنها!.. قمة التسلية والفائدة. افضل الالعاب العربيةلعبة قضينا معها احلى الاوقات في الصحف والمجلات الان متوفرة مجاناوبجودة عالية على جهازك.اللعبة المشهورة للصغار والكبار, تعرف ايضا ب "لعبة الكلمة المفقودة"أو "لعبه الكلمة الضائعة" "لعبه البحث عن الكلمات"العاب ذكاء جديدة شيقة مجانية*** ميروك لكلمة السر 3 مليون تحميل وهذا الاعجاب الهائل... 3 مليونشكراً ******* اذا وصلت هذه الصفحة ولم تتثبت اللعبة بعد فلا تضيع الوقت واضغطعلى تثبيت, ولن تندم ابداً. ماذا تنتظر؟! :)عليك العثور على الكلمات المبعثرة في الجدول وشطبها. في النهاية تتبقىمجموعة احرف ورمز عليك معرفة وفك كلمه السر.في هذه اللعبة هدفنا الى استعمال اللعبة بحالة استرخاء فلا يوجد توقيتاو نقاط. فاستمتع بوقتك مع عشرات المراحل.المراحل بنيت بعناية ليغطي كل لغز موضوع معين لزيادة التشويق. وفي قسممن المراحل على اللاعب اكتشاف الكلمات بنفسه.تتميز اللعبة بالتنوع والاثراء الثقافي في شتى المجالات. فيها خفةوافادة وتسلية.اللعبة بنيت بعيدا عن الضغط والتوقيت والسرعة, ويمكن لعبها في اي وقتباسترخاء, ويمكنك التوقف ومعاودة اللعب في اي لحظة من اللعبة.لعبة كلمه السر الان متوفرة ايضا على الايفون. الرابط: Password: simplyGame of the Year both played and loved Adinmha! .. Summitentertainment and interest. The best Arab GamesGame spent with Best Moments in newspapers and magazines are nowavailable for free and high quality on your computer.The famous game for young and old, also known as the "Game lost theword" or "game missed the word" the "game search for words."Games new intelligent interesting free *** Mirok password three million download this Likes massivethree million ... Thank ******* If you reached this page did not satisfy itself after the gamedo not waste time and click on the install, and will never regret.What Are You Waiting For?! :)You'll find scattered words in the table and written off. In theend, remaining character set and the code you know and decrypt thepassword.Our goal in this game is to use the game relaxed condition, thereis no timing or points. , Enjoy your time with dozens ofstages.Stages carefully built to cover a certain topic each puzzle toincrease the suspense. In a section of the stage for the player todiscover his own words.The game is characterized by diversity and cultural enrichment invarious fields. Where lightness and testimony andentertainment.The game was built away from the pressure, timing and speed, andcan be played at any time, relaxed, and you can pause and resumeplaying at any moment of the game.Game password is now also available on the iPhone. Link:
Word Search 5 1.6 APK
Popular series of higscores games Word Search is back with 10 newcategories! How fast can you find all the words? Submit your scoreto a global leaderboard to see who is the best!Categories included:- famous actors- famous actresses- dogs- ice cream- zoo animals- circus- The Hobbit- Singers- body parts- randomFeatures:- 10 categories- each game is different- each category has a global leaderboard, so you play against otherpeople all around the world- simple but addicting gameplayPlease try also my other games if you like this one :)Requirements: Flash player installed!
وصلة 2 - لعبة كلمات متقاطعة 1.0 APK
وصله لعبة الكلمات المتقاطعة الجزء الثاني مناجمل العاب الذكاءوصلة ٢ لعبة الكلمات المتقاطعة المعروفة ولكن بصورة عصرية ومسليةأكثر.. جربها !!في كل مرحلة مجموعة من اسئلة المشوقة والممتعة, وراء كل سؤال لغز حولصورة أو معلومة او جملة. حروف الاجوبة تتقاطع - بأحرف مشتركة - ممايتيح لك كشف حروف عن طريق حل اسئلة متقاطعة.هذه اللعبة بجودة اسئلتها تعتبر دورة ثقافية شاملة ستثري معلوماتكبشتى المجالات,وهناك الكثبر من الاسئلة الخفيفة التي تعتمد على فطنتك وذكاءكولا يخلو اي سؤال من متعة التفكير والتشويق.اسئلة متنوعة مناسبة لجميع الاعمار- معلومات عامة في شتى المجالات- اكمل الجملة, المثل, الاية- اسئلة تفكير وذكاء- على الشاشة- سيارات وماركات- اسئلة دينية, رمضان- مشاهير ولاعبي كرة قدم- خرائط واعلام ودول- صور مكبرةوصلة هي تطوير للعبة كلمات متقاطعة- اسئلة حديثة ومتنوعة- اسئلة مصوّرة- عند محاولة حل كل سؤال يتم فحص الجواب مما يمنع الاخطاء التي تفسداللغز- طريقة اللعب مطورة تلائم الاجهزة الذكية- الالغاز بنيت بعناية وذات جودة عاليةcrosswordsوصلة وصل connect link يوصل crosswordLink game Crosswordsecond part of the nicest IQ GamesLink 2 game Crossword known, but in a more modern and entertaining.. Try it !!At each stage a series of exciting and interesting questions, andeach question behind the mystery about the picture or informationor phrase. ABC answers intersect - common letters - allowing you touncover letters by solving crossword questions.This game is the quality of her questions is a comprehensivecultural cycle will enrich your knowledge in various fields,There Alkthber light of questions that rely on your intelligenceand AftntekNot without any question of thinking fun and suspense.A variety of questions suitable for all ages- General information in various fields- Completed the sentence, ideals, Verse- Thinking and intelligent questions- on the screen- Car and brands- Religious questions, Ramadan- Celebrities and football players- Flags and maps states- Enlarged imagesLink is the development of the game crossword- Modern and diverse questions- Pictorial questions- When trying to solve each question the answer is checked, whichprevents mistakes that spoil the puzzle- How to play and an upgraded suit smart devices- Puzzles carefully built and of high qualitycrosswordsAnd link connect link connects crossword
وصلة 3 - لعبة كلمات متقاطعة 1.0 APK
هذه اللعبة جديدة كلياً مبنية على فكرة الكلماتالمتقاطعة المعروفة ولكن بصورة عصرية ومسلية أكثر.. جربها !!في كل مرحلة مجموعة من اسئلة المشوقة والممتعة, وراء كل سؤال لغز حولصورة أو معلومة او جملة. حروف الاجوبة تتقاطع - بأحرف مشتركة - ممايتيح لك كشف حروف عن طريق حل اسئلة متقاطعة.هذه اللعبة بجودة اسئلتها تعتبر دورة ثقافية شاملة ستثري معلوماتكبشتى المجالات,وهناك الكثبر من الاسئلة الخفيفة التي تعتمد على فطنتك وذكاءكولا يخلو اي سؤال من متعة التفكير والتشويق.اسئلة متنوعة مناسبة لجميع الاعمار- معلومات عامة في شتى المجالات- اكمل الجملة, المثل, الاية- اسئلة تفكير وذكاء- على الشاشة- سيارات وماركات- اسئلة دينية, رمضان- مشاهير ولاعبي كرة قدم- خرائط واعلام ودول- صور مكبرةوصلة هي تطوير للعبة كلمات متقاطعة- اسئلة حديثة ومتنوعة- اسئلة مصوّرة- عند محاولة حل كل سؤال يتم فحص الجواب مما يمنع الاخطاء التي تفسداللغز- طريقة اللعب مطورة تلائم الاجهزة الذكية- الالغاز بنيت بعناية وذات جودة عاليةشكرا لتفاعلكم مع اللعبة ورجاء مساعدتنا في نشر اللعبة قدرالمستطاع,بعض التعليقات عن اللعبة:* افضل لعبة ثقافية ع المستوى العالمي بصراحة ارشح هذه اللعبة بانتكون افضل لعبة ثقافية معلوماتية شيقة ممتعه لا يمكن ابدا ان تمل منها، انفراد متميز بفكرةجديدة للكلمات المتقاطعة يستحق القائمون عليها بتكريم لائق بالانجاز!* جده ولا احلى من هذه الثقافه الممتعه والمسليه اشكركم لدرجةالغليان وكل عام وانتم بكل خير* اول لعبة عربية تعجبني من حيث البرمجة والمضمون والسلاسة وتنافسالالعاب العالمية احسنتم :)* تطبيق رائع مفيد ومسلي صراحة برنامج مفيد ينشط الذاكرة ويستحقالتحميل* البرنامج رائع جداا ومسلي يستااهل مليوون نجمه افضل برنامجمعيcrosswordsوصلة وصل connect link يوصل crosswordThis game is based on anentirely new idea Crossword known but more modern and moreentertaining .. Try it !!At each stage a series of exciting and interesting questions, andeach question behind the mystery about the picture or informationor phrase. ABC answers intersect - common letters - allowing you touncover letters by solving crossword questions.This game is the quality of her questions is a comprehensivecultural cycle will enrich your knowledge in various fields,There Alkthber light of questions that rely on your intelligenceand AftntekNot without any question of thinking fun and suspense.A variety of questions suitable for all ages- General information in various fields- Completed the sentence, ideals, Verse- Thinking and intelligent questions- on the screen- Car and brands- Religious questions, Ramadan- Celebrities and football players- Flags and maps states- Enlarged imagesLink is the development of the game crossword- Modern and diverse questions- Pictorial questions- When trying to solve each question the answer is checked, whichprevents mistakes that spoil the puzzle- How to play and an upgraded suit smart devices- Puzzles carefully built and of high qualityThank you for Tvaalkm with the game and please help us inspreading the game as much as possible,Some comments about the game:* Best Game cultural p global level frankly transpire this gameto be the best cultural game enjoyable interesting information cannever tire of them, individually distinct ideaNew crossword puzzle worth honored by the organizers of a decentachievement!* Grandfather in the best of this culture of enjoyment andentertaining atmosphere thank you to boiling Every year, you allthe best* The first Arab game like it in terms of programming andcontent, and smooth and compete World Games Well done :)* Wonderful application useful and entertaining explicitlyuseful program activates memory and worth the download* Wonderful and entertaining program Jaddaa Astaahl Mon starbest program with mecrosswordsAnd link connect link connects crossword
4 Pictures 1 Word [Arabic] 3.0 APK
Four pictures one word is a very entertainingand engaging game which will help you train your cognitiveskills.All what you have to do is find the link word between fourdifferent picture.☝✓ Four picture one word is 100% free with an incredibledesign.✓✓ Suitable for all ages✓ Fully in Arabic and adapted to the Islamic culture .✓ Different difficulty levels✓ 4 pictures 1 word has over 1500 questions✓ You can ask a friend for help
رشفة: كلمات متقاطعة وصلة مطورة APK
هناك الكثير من المحاولات في المتجر لتقديم لعبةكلمات متقاطعة, لكن اذا وصلت الى هنا, فقد وصلت الى أفضل لعبة كلماتمتقاطعة وصله: جودة في التقديم والمحتوى والفائدة, جربها وستعرفبنفسك.2 الجيل الثاني من الكلمات المتقاطعة وأكثر..!! 3crosswords game and connected wordsتشمل اسئلة كلامية وأسئلة مصورة بشتى المجالات: في الأدب, معلوماتعامة, أسئلة دينية, رياضية, مرادفات, اسئلة تفكير خفيفة,وكذلك تشمل اسئلة مصورة: لاماكن ومعالم مشهورة, ممثلين وشخصيات مشهورةفي شتى المجالات, أعلام وخرائط الدول, سيارات والكثيراسئلة متطورة تجدها فقط في هذه اللعبة: خلف الكاميرا, شخصيات مرسومة,لوجو وشعارات معدّلة. رموز ومعالموصله رشفة لعبة كلمات متقاطعة ثقافية مسلية في جميع المجالاتلعبة كلمات متقاطعة مطورة خصيصا للموبايل تتميز بسهولة الاستعمال فيعرض الاسئلة وإدخال الاجوبة, سابقاً وصلةجودة في التصميم وجودة في المحتوى, لعبة لن تمل منها وحتماً ستنهيجميع مراحلها.جمع اكبر عدد من النجوم وتحدى اصدقاءك في لوحة الصدارةالعالمية.جمع أكبر عدد من الانجازات الممتعة خلال اللعبThere are a lot ofattempts in the store to make a crossword game, but if you arrivedhere, it has reached the best game crossword Link: The quality ofthe presentation, content and interest, try it and you will knowyourself.2 The second generation of the cross and more words .. !! 3crosswords game and connected wordsQuestions include verbal and pictorial questions in various fields:in literature, general information, religious questions, sports,synonyms, questions light reflection,As well as questions include pictorial: the places and famouslandmarks, famous personalities and representatives in variousfields, flags and maps of states, cars and a lotSophisticated questions can be found only in this game: behind thecamera, drawn characters, Lugo and slogans modified. Symbols andlandmarksLink sip game crossword cultural entertaining in all areasCrossword game developed specifically for mobile use easilycharacterized in the Questions view and enter answers, formerlylinkQuality in design and quality content, the game will never tire ofthem and inevitably will end all its stages.Collect as many stars and challenge your friends in the panel ofglobal prominence.Collect the largest number of achievements by playing fun
WordStorm APK
WordStorm is a highly addictive and easy toplay word game. It is very similar to word wheel games that can befound in a number of newspapers.The objective of the game is to try to guess all of the 35 mostcommon words that can be made from the 9 letters shown. Each wordmust be 4 or more letters long and must contain the centralletter.There's a unique puzzle for every day which everyone else will beplaying that day too!Random Game - You can now play a random game. This can be accessedvia the menu on the high scores view.For the latest news on all of my games please follow @SeansGames onTwitterRecently demonstrated at "DroidCon" as one of the "Best ofLondroid!"Please email us at [email protected] if you have any problemswith the game.