4.10.23 / June 22, 2015
(4.7/5) ()


The Best You Español es una prestigiosarevistade desarrollo personal que mensualmente publicamos eninglés congran éxito de suscripciones. Lanzamos nuestra versión enespañol conun claro objetivo: convertirnos en la publicación másimportante eneste sector para el mercado hispánico. En estaedición especial, quetendrá carácter trimestral, el lectorencontrará historiasinspiradoras, entrevistas de audio y vídeo, yartículos escritos porlos profesionales más relevantes y exitososen el campo deldesarrollo personal, el coaching -deportivo,personal y profesional-y la PNL. En este primer número traemos alactor Antonio Banderas anuestra historia de portada, y entrevistasa Ferrán Adriá, AntonioBanderas, Fernando Sartorius y laperiodista y empresaria venezolanaLourdes Ubieta. También contamoscon la colaboración de expertos yprofesionales en diversas áreas:el prestigioso primatólogo PabloHerrero (sobre el liderazgo enprimates), el experto en PNL XavierPirla, o Josu Feijoo, el primerdiabético en conquistar el Everest.Todo un panel de expertos quediscutirán cómo y por qué la gentetriunfa, proporcionando ejemplosmotivadores y consejos para llegara ser The Best You.


App Information The Best You Español

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The Best You Magazine 3.2.0 APK
The Best You
Meet the most inspirational people, hearthemost motivational stories and learn incredibly useful tipsandideas that will help you to become the Best You.Filled with advice on getting things done, confidence,selfesteem, motivation, focus, feeling and looking great anddoingwhatever it takes to help you improve your life, The Best Youis anantidote to bad news and feeling stuck in life.What's more, this is far more than a magazine. It containsvideointerviews with celebrities and big names, who share theiradvice,their experience and their observations on life. Just clickthroughto watch the interviews - which give yet more advice andtips.In all, The Best You is a smart, multimedia experience thatwillinspire, inform and entertain all at once - and guide you tobecomeThe Best You.
Best You Magazine 4.10.23 APK
The Best You
Filled with advice on getting things done,confidence, self esteem, motivation, focus, feeling and lookinggreat and doing whatever it takes to help you improve your life,The Best You is an antidote to bad news and feeling stuck in life.We aim to provide you with an empowering and uplifting richmultimedia experience. In our regular monthly magazine you willfind video interviews with famous people who, through passion,motivation and inspiration, have become successful leaders in theirrespective fields. Our video interviews allow you to see and hearhow successful people think, communicate and react. Alongside thevideos we provide in depth articles with related information tohelp inspire you further.Our regular contributors provide practical advice to motivate,inspire, gain focus and succeed. Recent articles have includedself-improvement, confidence, motivation, communication, dieting,inspiration and focus and with each article we provide practicalexamples and advice on how to improve your life.All our content is chosen to be thought provoking and to giveyou insights into personal development areas as they change andevolve. A wide variety of subjects are covered from relaxation,diet and exercise through to Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP),sports psychology and motivation.This app offers a free trial period, activated when you take outany new subscription within the app.Renewing subscriptions are a great way to save money on the singleissue price of £Free and are available in the following plans:Annually - £Free (6 issues)Users can register for or login to a Pocketmags account in-app.This will protect their issues in the case of a lost device andallow browsing of purchases on multiple platforms. ExistingPocketmags users can retrieve their purchases by logging into theiraccount.If you have any problems at all please do not hesitate tocontact us at [email protected]
The Best You Español 4.10.23 APK
The Best You
The Best You Español es una prestigiosarevistade desarrollo personal que mensualmente publicamos eninglés congran éxito de suscripciones. Lanzamos nuestra versión enespañol conun claro objetivo: convertirnos en la publicación másimportante eneste sector para el mercado hispánico. En estaedición especial, quetendrá carácter trimestral, el lectorencontrará historiasinspiradoras, entrevistas de audio y vídeo, yartículos escritos porlos profesionales más relevantes y exitososen el campo deldesarrollo personal, el coaching -deportivo,personal y profesional-y la PNL. En este primer número traemos alactor Antonio Banderas anuestra historia de portada, y entrevistasa Ferrán Adriá, AntonioBanderas, Fernando Sartorius y laperiodista y empresaria venezolanaLourdes Ubieta. También contamoscon la colaboración de expertos yprofesionales en diversas áreas:el prestigioso primatólogo PabloHerrero (sobre el liderazgo enprimates), el experto en PNL XavierPirla, o Josu Feijoo, el primerdiabético en conquistar el Everest.Todo un panel de expertos quediscutirán cómo y por qué la gentetriunfa, proporcionando ejemplosmotivadores y consejos para llegara ser The Best You.-------------------------
The Best of The Best You 4.10.23 APK
The Best You
We launched The Best You Magazine in November2012, and we are so proud of so much of our content. So, tocelebrate it we have put together a special bumper issue of TheBest of The Best You – an app that is free for you to downloadstraight to your tablet or smartphone, free of charge!There are loads of interviews in here, such as Richard Bandler,Paul McKenna, Harvey Goldsmith and Kanya King, so name but a few.We are also making the most of the multimedia platform and havepacked the app with videos and mp3s for you to download and enjoyin your own time.We’ve also got articles by some of the biggest names in personaldevelopment, like Jack Canfield, T. Harv Eker, Marisa Peer andWayne Dyer. Between our featured contributors, millions of liveshave been changed. They are knowledgeable, inspirational and willno doubt change the way you think about your life.------------This is a free app download with free content inside.