3.0.20 / May 31, 2016
(4.2/5) (46)


"Wang Junkai, even I donot know, I still love you."
Love and heart, I even can not know. Forget that embedded boneinjuries, but even if you want to forget his efforts, but hisshadow still lingered never forget.
"No matter how long I will always wait for you, except I'll begone." He persists in love with her, knowing that it is difficultto change one's mind or do not want to let go.
"I want to see you in this life!"
"Break up broke, what is so amazing!"
Duplicity, two people so close to the character, in the end how torestore this love? Obviously very sad heart his mouth was reluctantto make concessions.
"I want you forever in my side, I'll always love you."
"Ah, always."
And he was the cause of her most admired couple, no matter how darkclouds can go together. Hold your hand, and grow old, perhaps thisis the happiest thing in this world.
How do you want me not love you?
The story continues, who knows the outcome of the future, in theend be able to find it, after all, can not shun or heart?
"I still love you, but it was found to be too late."
"I just wanted to tell you, I love you, can you forgive me?"
"I like that you want?"
This rainy season, so Love, love you, is the most beautifulthing.

App Information TFboys之少爷驾到-TFboys小说

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  • Updated
    May 31, 2016
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    Android 2.2 and up
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    Books & Reference
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EXO之天堂无路-EXO小说 3.0.20 APK
  边伯贤——浅浅,我说过,不要拿走我活在这个世上的最后理由,看不到你疼的话我会难过。  吴亦凡——除了婚姻,我什么都可以给你。  鹿晗——我犯的最大的两个错误一个是我以为能控制你的心,另一个就是我以为我没有心。  权志龙——袁浅,我不是好人,不会做什么不求回报的事,我爱你所以你也必须要爱我,我爱你十分你不能爱我九分,不然的话我不敢保证自己会不会一不留神就带你跳下深渊。  都暻秀——对我来说你的吻是致命的毒药,而解药就是十倍的毒药,我这辈子都解不了这个毒。  朴灿烈——袁浅,从六年前开始我的人生就陷入了无边的黑暗中,我活着,我的余生都将会奋力将你拉入同我一样的不幸之中,不死不休。  吴世勋——我有什么办法呢?我从出生就比你小了三岁,我这辈子都会比你小三岁,如果是别的原因让你无法爱我也就罢了,我可以改,我可以做的比别人好,唯独这件事我是这么的无能为力。Bo Yin side - shallow,Isaid, I do not live in this world to take away the last reason,youdo not see the pain, then I will be sad.Wu Yifan - except marriage, what I can give you.Luhan - I made a mistake two biggest I think you can controlyourmind, and the other is I think I have no heart.Quan Zhilong - Yuan light, I am not a good man, do not doanythingwithout asking, and I love you, so you also have to loveme, I loveyou very you can not love me nine points, otherwise I'mnot sure heor she will take you to an inattentive jump into theabyss.Do Kyung-soo - to me your kiss is deadly poison, but poisonantidoteis ten times, my life will not solve this poison.Pu Canlie - Yuan shallow, starting six years ago my lifeplungedinto darkness, I live, I will have the rest of his lifestrugglingto pull you into the same misfortune like me, dieendlessly.Oh Se-hoon - what can I do? I was born on the small threeyearsolder than you, this life I will be three years younger thanyou,and if you can not let other reasons I love it when I canchange, Ican do better than others, except this things I wassopowerless.
TFboys之少爷驾到-TFboys小说 3.0.20 APK
  “王俊凯,连我自己都不知道,我还爱不爱你。”  心中的爱恨,连自己都无法知晓。忘不了那嵌入骨髓的伤痕,可是即使努力想要去忘掉他,他的影子却还是萦绕在眼前永远忘不掉。  “不管多久,我都会一直等你,除非我不在了。”他执着地爱着她,明明知道很难回心转意却还是不愿放手。  “我这辈子都不想见到你!”  “分手就分手,有什么了不起的!”  口是心非,两个人的性格如此相近,到底怎样才能挽回这场爱情?明明心里都很难过嘴上却迟迟不愿作让步。  “我想要你一辈子在我的身边,我会一直爱着你。”  “嗯,永远。”  她和他却是令人最羡慕的一对,无论多大风霜雨雪都能走在一起。执子之手,与子偕老,或许这就是这世上最幸福的事情。  你要我如何做到不爱你?  故事还在继续,谁也不知道未来的结局,到底能如愿以偿,还是终究顺不了心?  “我还爱着你,只是到来不及了才发现。”  “我只是想对你说,我爱你的,能原谅我吗?”  “这样的我,你还要吗?”  这样的雨季,这样的年华,爱你,便是最美的事情。"Wang Junkai, even I donot know, I still love you."Love and heart, I even can not know. Forget that embedded boneinjuries, but even if you want to forget his efforts, but hisshadow still lingered never forget."No matter how long I will always wait for you, except I'll begone." He persists in love with her, knowing that it is difficultto change one's mind or do not want to let go."I want to see you in this life!""Break up broke, what is so amazing!"Duplicity, two people so close to the character, in the end how torestore this love? Obviously very sad heart his mouth was reluctantto make concessions."I want you forever in my side, I'll always love you.""Ah, always."And he was the cause of her most admired couple, no matter how darkclouds can go together. Hold your hand, and grow old, perhaps thisis the happiest thing in this world.How do you want me not love you?The story continues, who knows the outcome of the future, in theend be able to find it, after all, can not shun or heart?"I still love you, but it was found to be too late.""I just wanted to tell you, I love you, can you forgive me?""I like that you want?"This rainy season, so Love, love you, is the most beautifulthing.
TFboys天国里的星星-TFboys小说 3.0.20 APK
  “比高楼还高的是什么?”“是天空。”“那,比天空还高呢?”“是天国。”  她对他的喜欢,从来没有减少过。  即使他拒绝了她的表白,  即使他离开了她,  即使他回来后变得讨厌她,  即使他开始不相信她。  但是——如果有一天,你成为别人的“麻烦”你还会呆在别人身边吗?  他对她说:“人是不是可以转化为气体变成空气,不然,我为什么发现一离开你,我就会窒息。”  她对他说:“我想,我已经不需要任何多余美好了。你,是全部的美好。”  “萤火虫为自己点燃亮光用自己的翅膀飞翔,从不忌讳谁的阻挡。成为天空里最亮的星光。”  凌晨四点五分,通往格谱街的大巴车发生车祸,车中无一人幸免。  他相信,她会变成天国里最闪亮的那颗星星,即使,是再也没有任何美好。  “比天空还远的是什么?”“是宇宙!”“那,比宇宙还远的呢?”“是你……”  本故事纯属虚构。"The rise is higher thanwhat is?" "Is the sky." "Well, it is higher than the sky?" "Yes,heaven."She likes him, and never had to reduce.Even if he refused her confession,Even if he left her,Even after he became disgusted with her to come back,Even if he did not believe her.But - if one day, you become someone else's "trouble" you will stayat others around you?He said to her: "People are not able to be converted to gas to air,otherwise, why I found a leave you, I will be stifled."She said to him: "I think I do not need any extra good to you, allthe better..""Firefly light shine for themselves with their wings to fly, whonever taboo barrier. Become the brightest stars in the sky."Four five, leading to the street grid spectrum of the bus accident,the car no one spared.He believed that she will become the kingdom of heaven's brighteststar is even, is no longer any good."What is far more than the sky?" "Yes universe!" "Well, it is alsofar more than the universe?" "Yes you ......"This story is purely fictitious.
TFboys之王源,因为遇见你-TFboys小说 3.0.20 APK
  今天苏七七意外的捡了条狗,一条好肥的狗,长的像嘟嘟,一时兴起就带了回去,  什么!狗主人来找了?!  什么肥狗因为主人抱了其他狗而生气吃醋不回去了?!我去!这是什么设定啊?!  纳尼!!你是王源,你等等,等等啊,让我去厕所冷静一下……  王源:……  好吧,我接受你是王源的设定了,可是!!为什么你要赖在我家!就算是为了嘟嘟那也不!可!能!  王源:每天看到我的帅脸你应该很高兴吧?  自恋狂!才不可能!!  ……  “王源,今天天气预报是会下雨,你要去开演唱会,记得带把伞啊,顺便带个盆。”  “带盆干嘛?”  “万一雨下大了你可以坐在盆,拿着伞划回来啊。”  “……苏七七,你脑袋里是进奶泡了吗?”Today Suseventy-sevenaccidentally picking a dog, a good fat dog, like along beep,brought back a whim,what! Dog owner to come up? !What fat dog because the dog owner to hold the other jealousandangry will not go back? ! I go! What is it set ah? !Nani! ! You are the King source, you wait, wait, ah, let me gotothe bathroom to calm down ......Wang Source: ......Okay, I accept that you are the king set the source, but! ! Whyareyou hanging around my house! That is not even to toot!can!can!Wang Source: see my handsome face every day you should beveryhappy, right?Narcissistic! It is impossible! !......"Wang Yuan, weather forecast for today is going to rain,you'regoing to a concert, remember to bring an umbrella ah and bytakinga basin.""Why bring pots?""If the rain you can sit in a big pot, holding umbrellas drawbackah.""...... Su 2277 foam into your head is it?"
TFboys之星光无限-TFboys小说 3.0.20 APK
  关注大风微博:大风起兮uu  初见,她是走错男厕的小助理  再见,她跟着喜欢的他一起训练  感情正开始萌芽,离别悄悄来临。她在他们的演唱会哭的像个孩子。  重逢,他是她的新同学,他第一次正视自己的心。  而她为了爱,勇闯娱乐圈。  跌跌撞撞里星光无限。  他们一直在。Follow Galemicroblogging:wind from the Xi uuIt has shown signs that she is wrong men's room of asmallassistantGood-bye, she followed like training with himFeelings are beginning to sprout, parting quietly come. Shesangthem cry like a child.Reunion, he was her new classmates, his first face hisownheart.And she for love, Dawn of entertainment.Stumbled in unlimited starlight.They have been.
TFboys之追击高冷凯皇-TFboys小说 3.0.20 APK
  为了初一与王俊凯的那个约定,她拼命考上了那间贵族高中,却在刚到A市的时候,被三个小混混卖到了酒吧,沦为了酒吧女。  后来为了获救,她找上了前来酒吧喝酒的TFBOYS三成员,由于她不追星,并不知道他们的真实身份,只把这次当作她逃离此处的筹码。  却在阴错阳差中,遇到了与她约定的那个王俊凯,可是他明明记得她,却叫她忘记过去,就连性格都大变,与初一的他完全辨若两人。  一个冷漠冰霜,外冷内热的男人,明明深爱着她,却始终不愿意接受她。  一个温柔如水,绝品暖男,一直默默守护在她的身边,可是她却不爱他。  一个腹黑多情男人,总是想尽办法调侃她,却不知心中早已爱上了她。  三个男神同时出现在她的世界里,她该选择谁,是放弃那个约定,接受另外一个男神,还是选择继续坚持下去呢?  跨越不同时空的爱恋,不断的穿越,不断的寻找,她能否经历爱情的考验,与他再续前缘呢?
TFboys之追星A计划-TFboys小说 3.0.20 APK
 一次偶然,沈佳宁的生活中闯入了一个如月光般耀眼的梨涡少年。  为给妈妈看病,她成了TFBOYS的生活助理;一步步接触,她喜欢上高冷淡漠的易烊千玺。爱他,花掉了她这辈子所有的运气。  一次次的霸道相拥、一次次的失落彷徨。  直到他揽别人入怀、忘情拥吻。她才恍然醒悟、悄然离去。  再见面,她是高高在上的冷艳经纪人;他却负面缠身、一蹶不振。  片段1:  她手挽霸道总裁欧阳靖一,浅笑回眸:“不好意思,我们公司不签过气的明星。”  聚光灯下,易烊千玺双眸清冷,一如过去那般专注的凝视着她。  片段2:  酒会,她手执红酒杯,在投资商中斡旋:“如果易烊千玺出演男一,我会让他的事业超越巅峰。”  果然,他凭借演技和沉淀再次翻红,名气更甚往昔。  片段3:  雨夜,她光脚走在大街上,任由雨水洗落满心疲惫。原以为可以放下,一步一计划却终究只为他——她的月亮男神、梨涡少年。  身后,一双大手搂上她毫无防备的蛮腰。独有的性感声音霸道低语:“经纪人小姐,嫁我可在你的计划之内?”
[武侠修真]玩转倚天屠龙记 3.0.16 APK
  历史,总是被人拿来qiangjian的;神话,总是等待人去打破的!  没有为换个环境生存做任何准备的他被无情的卷入的穿越的潮流:突然间,多了群全新的爱他、关怀他、恨他、仇视他的人……  在这里,他备受关注,这一切,是他想要的吗?  历史由他的到来变的乱七八糟,武林,亦不得安宁,无数不为人知的传奇纷纷涌现。他似乎成了大家纷争的中心而不自知,在那些友好或不友好的人的关注下成长着……  百年怨仇,生死交谊,纷杂无端,是恨还是爱?  不一样的历史,不一样的倚天!History, alwaysbeingbrought qiangjian; the myth, always waiting for people tobreakit!Did not do anything he was involved in the preparation ofrelentlesschange in the environment to survive through the trend:Suddenly,more than a group of new love him, care for him, hatehim, hate him......Here, his concern, all of this, is he looking for?His arrival changed the history of the mess, martial arts,norpeace, countless unknown legends have emerged. He seems to bethecenter of all disputes without realizing it, in a friendlyorunfriendly those people concerned about the growth ofthe......Century implacable, friendship and death, confused unprovokedhateor love?History is not the same, not the same Heaven!