2.0 / February 22, 2017
(4.8/5) (40)


Introducing an institution like SydenhamCollege insinuates recapitulating a history of 103 years ofexcellence, a history that is chequered as the history of modernIndia. Sydenham, being the pioneer institution of commerceeducation in India, has definitely contributed in making India atruly modern and progressive nation by producing a myriad ofexceptionally bright alumni who, by their outstanding contributionsin the respective fields, not only helped the nation turn into agreat state but also afforded their alma mater a reason to seekpride.

It is not an exaggeration; in is a statement of facts. As the adagegoes that the origin of all things great lies in insignificantevents, the history of this great institution too began, on October22, 1913, in a small and borrowed premises that belonged toElphinstone College. Initially the institution was christened asthe Government College Commerce. It acquired its present name,Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics, in acknowledgment ofthe munificence of Lord Sydenham, the Governor of Bombay, towardsthe growth and development of this premier educational institution.Nevertheless the borrowed premises did not remain its permanentaddress. The college changed its location three times (fromElphinstone it moved to Khadi Bhandar and then shifted to J. J.School of Architecture) prior to shifting to the present buildingin the up-market area of Churchgate in 1955.

Sydenham is a unique educational institution for the reason that ithas been the first college offering commerce courses in India andalso because it remained the sole institute to do so for a longtime. The reputation of the College as the finest institution forcommerce soon crossed the confines of the country and students fromAfrica, South-East Asia and the Middle East started queuing up foradmission. The institution was fortunate to avail the knowledge andexpertise of British and Indian scholars, industrialists, bankersand accountants of repute, who have been on its faculty right fromthe beginning. Sydenham takes pride in nothing that Bharat Ratnaawardee Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. one of the most illustrious of ourfaculty worked as the Professor of Political Economy from the year1918 to 1920.

Sydenham is among the few educational institutions of the countrythat can boast of as many as 11 Societies/ Associations that areprimarily managed by the students with the necessary guidanceoffered by the teachers. These Societies Associations conductvarious extra curricular and co-curricular activities that proveinstrumental in shaping up the overall personality of students.Such a holistic educational environment helps the students sharpenall their faculties along with the scholastic one. Sydenham hasalways been in the forefront of academic excellence. It isnoteworthy that, the Sydenhamites consistently bagged the toppositions in the merit lists of the University of Mumbai. The traitcontinues – albeit intermittently. The institution seeks pride inmentioning the fact that each year a large number of its studentsget selected by the US, British and Australian universities forprofessional and higher educational programmes.

With such a remarkable record of academic and extra-curricularpursuits, the recognition and awards were bound to follow. In viewof its position as an excellent educational institution, NAAC, thenationally recognised body for the assessment and accreditation ofquality education, awarded 'A' grade to the college in 2004.Earlier, on the occasion of Platinum Jubilee of the college in1988, the Government of India acknowledged the colossalcontribution of Sydenham in the field of education by issuing aspecial postal stamp dedicated to the college.

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R.A.Podar College Mumbai 1.0.1 APK
R.A. Podar College of Commerce &Economics, Mumbai has had a long history, which commenced with thefreedom struggle of India. The visionaries of that time realizedthat they should start an institution which would inculcate theindigenous values and have the thrust of social and cultural valuesystem that are typical to the grand heritage of our country.In August 1940, the trust known as 'Shikshana PrasarakaMandali', Pune, made an application to the Bombay University forpermission to start a Commerce College. The Industrialist andPhilanthropist and a visionary, Seth Ramdeoji Anandilal Podar wasdeeply interested in the cause of education. He wished to build aninstitution in the memory of his brother Ramniranjan AnandialalPodar who had died at a young age. At the cost of Rs.1,50,000/- heconstructed the building that houses the college today, and giftedit to the S.P. Mandali on the 7th of February 1941.The Senate of Bombay University granted permission to start theCollege initially for a period of two years, with 150 students onits rolls. The College building with its famed clock tower washanded over by Seth Ramdeoji Anandilal Podar to the S.P. Mandali.Barrister M.R. Jayankar inaugurated the college building formally.The college was named "Ramniranjan Anandilal Podar College ofCommerce". The Mandali has been rendering notable service under itsmotto of unflinchingly carrying out the mission undertaken and haskept up its well- defined objectives. The objectives in regard toCommerce education has been to extend popular and reasonablyaffordable higher education in Maharashtra and to develop aninstitution that would impart appropriate education both inCommerce and Economics.The institution first started the B. Com. Degree course in 1942and the word Economics was added to the name of the College. It hasnow become 'Ramniranjan Anandilal Podar College of Commerce andEconomics'. The College received permanent affiliation from theUniversity of Mumbai on 17th August, 1950.
Government Law College Mumbai 1.5 APK
The Government Law College, founded in 1855,is the oldest law school in Asia dating even prior to theUniversity of Mumbai, and enjoys a pre-eminent national andinternational reputation for excellence. GLC which has a richheritage and pedigree, is the repository of erudition in the legalfirmament and has had the privilege of guidance from eminent legalluminaries such as Dr. B.R.Ambedkar, Lokmanya Tilak, JusticeM.C.Chagla, Nani Palkhivala and several others who have adornedbenches of the Supreme Court of India and the Bombay High Court.Equally, students who have passed from the portals of GLC havedistinguished themselves at the Bar, the Judiciary and the Academy.The fulcrum of the college has been its well qualified anddedicated visiting faculty who besides being successfulprofessionals, make time to share their knowledge with thestudents, and the freedom enjoyed by students to work while incollege.App features- News- Events- Important Announcements- Videos- Photosand more...
Lunawa 1.0 APK
Lunawa Nagar is situated at the foot of aravali range of mountains,16km east of falna railway station (C/W railway). It is believedthat the about 600 years ago Lunawa village was situated about 1kmaway near aravali range.Population of our village is approximately17036 . It has 650 houses of Jain samaj. We are rich in our JainTemple. Shree Adeshwar Bhagwan Temple. Shree Padmaprabhu SwamiTemple, Shree Shantinathji Jain Temple. Shree Vasupujya Swami JainMandir and dadawadi. Shree Nageshwar Parswanath Jinalaya BhadrankNagar, Western entrance is just 1.5km from our village. We alsohave Shavik Upashraya & Ayambil Khate.
Sydenham College 2.0 APK
Introducing an institution like SydenhamCollege insinuates recapitulating a history of 103 years ofexcellence, a history that is chequered as the history of modernIndia. Sydenham, being the pioneer institution of commerceeducation in India, has definitely contributed in making India atruly modern and progressive nation by producing a myriad ofexceptionally bright alumni who, by their outstanding contributionsin the respective fields, not only helped the nation turn into agreat state but also afforded their alma mater a reason to seekpride.It is not an exaggeration; in is a statement of facts. As the adagegoes that the origin of all things great lies in insignificantevents, the history of this great institution too began, on October22, 1913, in a small and borrowed premises that belonged toElphinstone College. Initially the institution was christened asthe Government College Commerce. It acquired its present name,Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics, in acknowledgment ofthe munificence of Lord Sydenham, the Governor of Bombay, towardsthe growth and development of this premier educational institution.Nevertheless the borrowed premises did not remain its permanentaddress. The college changed its location three times (fromElphinstone it moved to Khadi Bhandar and then shifted to J. J.School of Architecture) prior to shifting to the present buildingin the up-market area of Churchgate in 1955.Sydenham is a unique educational institution for the reason that ithas been the first college offering commerce courses in India andalso because it remained the sole institute to do so for a longtime. The reputation of the College as the finest institution forcommerce soon crossed the confines of the country and students fromAfrica, South-East Asia and the Middle East started queuing up foradmission. The institution was fortunate to avail the knowledge andexpertise of British and Indian scholars, industrialists, bankersand accountants of repute, who have been on its faculty right fromthe beginning. Sydenham takes pride in nothing that Bharat Ratnaawardee Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. one of the most illustrious of ourfaculty worked as the Professor of Political Economy from the year1918 to 1920.Sydenham is among the few educational institutions of the countrythat can boast of as many as 11 Societies/ Associations that areprimarily managed by the students with the necessary guidanceoffered by the teachers. These Societies Associations conductvarious extra curricular and co-curricular activities that proveinstrumental in shaping up the overall personality of students.Such a holistic educational environment helps the students sharpenall their faculties along with the scholastic one. Sydenham hasalways been in the forefront of academic excellence. It isnoteworthy that, the Sydenhamites consistently bagged the toppositions in the merit lists of the University of Mumbai. The traitcontinues – albeit intermittently. The institution seeks pride inmentioning the fact that each year a large number of its studentsget selected by the US, British and Australian universities forprofessional and higher educational programmes.With such a remarkable record of academic and extra-curricularpursuits, the recognition and awards were bound to follow. In viewof its position as an excellent educational institution, NAAC, thenationally recognised body for the assessment and accreditation ofquality education, awarded 'A' grade to the college in 2004.Earlier, on the occasion of Platinum Jubilee of the college in1988, the Government of India acknowledged the colossalcontribution of Sydenham in the field of education by issuing aspecial postal stamp dedicated to the college.
Institute of Science,Mumbai 1.3 APK
The Institute of Science, Mumbai,formerlyknown as the Royal Institute of Science (RIS) wasestablished in1920 by the Royal Charter. The Institute is locatedin the CentralBusiness District of Mumbai opposite ChhatrapatiShivaji MaharajMuseum. The building is a heritage site, illuminatedduring night.Since the Institute is at a walkable distance fromChurchgateStation and Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, it can bereached easilyfrom any corner of Mumbai.The Institute is managed by the Government of Maharashtra andisaffiliated to University of Mumbai. It is a full- fledgedpremierpost-graduate centre for teaching and research in science.From itsinception in 1920 till date, the Institute has earned avery highreputation in scientific research and teaching. The themeofresearch undertaken at the Institute is to seek solutions totheproblems besetting mankind and a great quest to ventureintotechniques leading to path breaking innovations in thefrontiers ofScience. The Institute undertakes interdisciplinaryandmulti-institutional research projects sponsored bydifferentfunding agencies and industries in various areas. As anacademicinstitution, the Institute has not only succeeded insetting andmaintaining high standards of research and teaching, buthas alsoprovided an atmosphere congenial for the pursuit ofScience.Education is a learning process and research is a processofexpansion of ideas, which exist. This is supported in tenets ofthemotto of the Institute, “It’s good to seek out the causesofthings”, which has been followed over the years at theInstitute.The Institute has been identified as a Center withPotential forExcellence by UGC. Institute was reaccredited ‘A’Grade by theNational Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in2014.Institute received “Dainik Bhaskar National EducationleadershipAward” in recognition of leadership, development andmarketing ofthe Institute. The Dainik Bhaskar National EducationAwardrecognizes institutions that are innovative, modern andindustryrelated in their curriculum.The Institute has set its goals and objectives in tune withtheaspirations of our students as well as the needs andexpectationsof the society. We strive to impart quality educationto ourstudents and encourage them to participate in various co-andextracurricular activities to bring out the best of theirtalentsso as to enrich their multidimensional personalitydevelopment inthe modern world of 21st century. Over the years, ourstudents havesecured top ranks in the University examinations. Ms.Khushbu Jainof the Department of Environmental Science wasconferred a goldmedal for standing first among all the Universitystudents in2013-14. Two of our students, Ms. Nithya Srinivasan andMs.Prajakta D. Bhoite have been adjudged best for GeneralProficiencyincluding Character and Conduct, Excellence inAcademicPerformance, Extra Curricular Activities and Social Serviceandawarded "The President of India, Dr. Shankar Dayal SharmaGoldmedal”, jointly with the University of Mumbai.The Institute has been Alma Mater to a commanding arrayofoutstanding industrialists and educationists, who have madetheirname in various walks of life. Distinguished scientists Dr.HomiBhabha, Wrangler V. V. Narlikar, Dr. B. M. Udgaonkar, Dr. M. G.K.Menon and Dr. Shreeram Abhyankar and educationistsPadmabhushanMadhav Gadgil, Shri Madhav Chavan are amongst thealumni of theInstitute. Industrialists like Mr. K. H Gharda, Mr. K.J. Somaiya,Mr. D. M. Khatau, Dr. Kiran Karnik (Ex CEO- NASSCOM) arealsoincluded amongst the alumni of the Institute. Prof. Ms.VarshaGaikwad, former Honorable Minister for State, Department ofHigherand Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra was astudent ofDepartment of Mathematics for M.Sc. programme duringyears1998-2000.
Elphinstone College 1.1 APK
Elphinstone College occupies a unique position in the annalsofeducation in the country. It is an outstanding place oflearningwhich came into existences much before the University ofMumbai, towhich it was later on affiliated. The institution isknown for itsopen access to students from all strata of thesociety. Thisincludes various communities, income groups andinterests. It isone of the few colleges in Mumbai with an extensivehostel facilityfor both boys and girls. Located within a walkingrange from thecollege and overlooking the marine Drive, the hostelis certainlyamong the unique strengths of the College. The collegehas anenviable location, which is also historically significant.Thebuilding of the College with its gothic architecture, hasbeenclassified as a grade 1 Heritage structure. It has recentlybeenrestored by the Kala Ghoda Association and has regaineditsluminous look. It stands out like a pearl as night falls.TheCollege was awarded the Asia-Pacific Heritage Award forCultureHeritage Conservation, by UNESCO in 2004. The well equippedCollegelibrary has a collection of over one lakh books, journalsandperiodicals, ranging from some of the oldest and rarest booksinthe country to the latest and the most contemporary. Equallymodernand well equipped are the computer and science laboratories,whichadequately refine the students abilities. Besides teachingandlearning, the students can also avail of the state of theartFitness Centre, set up in the Gymkhana. It is only naturalthatsome of the prominent sports personalities have blossomedhere.Another feather in the cap is the State of the Art FitnessCentre,set up in the Gymkhana. The college also boasts of a cricketpitchof its own. It is thus no surprise that some of the mostsuccessfulsportspersons have blossomed here. Infrastructure goes along wayin enriching the teaching learning experience. The Collegehasrecently developed five 'smart' class rooms withinteractiveboards. The interest of the students has always been atthe heartof dedicated teachers, who are eminent personalities intheir areaof expertise.