1.2 / March 16, 2017
(5.0/5) (1)


Within this Smurfs app you will find outallyou need to know about the several Smurfs in Smurfs Village.PapaSmurfs is leading, Baker Smurf is baking and even GrouchySmurfs isgrouching. Discover the most popular Smurfs charactersthroughaugmented reality, set your highscore while catching asmanymushrooms as possible or take a Smurfie with theSmurfscamera!

Augmented reality:
Within this Smurfs app you can experience Augmented Realitywhilecollecting the most popular Smurfs characters. Take a walk andmoveyour phone 360 degrees around. Soon you will discover therearemany Smurfs hiding. Catch all of them in order to figger outmoreabout their personality.

A Smurfs camera:
The Smurfs camera within this Smurfy app is the best companionforself-smurfshots! Make your photos extra fun with creativeshots.Always wanted to take a Smurfie with your favorite Smurfcharacteror always wanted to dress up like one? Now you can!

Highscore game:
Catching falling mushrooms has never been this exciting! Catchasmany mushrooms as possible while avoiding Smurfs enemiesandobstacles. Try to beat your highscore over and over and make ittothe last level.

We hope you will have lots of fun with this Smurfy app!

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REWE Cosmic Shells 1.1.7 APK
Lade die REWE Cosmic Shells App gratisherunter, scanne die Shells mit Kamera-Symbol und schalteHologramm-Filme der bekanntesten Raumschiffe und Fahrzeuge der StarWars™-Saga frei. Möchtest du an bord des Millennium Falken reisenoder dem Imperium an bord des Todessterns beitreten?Entdecke, wie die bekanntesten Star Wars™-Raumschiffe und-Fahrzeuge funktionieren. Lerne ihre Motoren, Hyperantriebe,Cockpits und mehr in einer bisher noch nie dagewesenen 3dreidimensionalen Holographic-Reality kennen.Die Sammlung beinhaltet 8 aktionreiche Filme:1) Todesstern2) AT-AT3) Sklave I4) Imperialer Sternenzerstörer5) Millennium Falke6) X-wing-Jäger7) Königlicher Naboo-Sternenkreuzer8) SnowspeederWenn du eine Shell mit Kamera-Symbol scannst und denentsprechenden Film in der App freischaltest, kannst du den Filmauch ansehen, wenn du keinen Zugang zu einem Netzwerk hast.Möge die Macht mit dir sein!Charging the REWE CosmicShells App free download, scan the shells with camera icon andunlock hologram films of famous spaceships and vehicles of StarWars ™ saga free. Want to get on board the Millennium Falcon ortraveling to join the Imperium aboard the Death Star?Discover how the famous Star Wars ™ spaceships and vehiclesoperate. Meet their engines, hyper drives, cockpits and more in ahitherto unprecedented 3-dimensional holographic reality know.The collection includes 8 action-packed films:1) Death Star2) AT-AT3) Slave I4) Imperial Star Destroyer5) Millennium Falcon6) X-wing fighter7) Royal Naboo Star Cruiser8) SnowspeederIf you scannst a Shell with camera icon and free unlock thecorresponding movie in the app, you can also watch the movie if youdo not have access to a network.May the force be with you!
Галактические Жетоны 1.2.0 APK
Загрузи бесплатное приложение ГалактическиеЖетоны. Ищи космо-жетоны со специальным символом, отсканируй их иполучи доступ к голографическим видеороликам о самых запоминающихсякораблях и технике вселенной Звёздных Войн.В чём твое предназначение? Путешествовать по вселенной на«Соколе Тысячелетия» или присоединиться к силам Империи на борту«Звезды Смерти»?Открой для себя устройство легендарных космических кораблей итехники из саги Звёздные Войны. Узнай больше об их двигателях,гиперприводах, кабинах управления и многом другом в форматетрехмерного изображения.Как только ты отсканировал космо-жетон со специальным символом иразблокировал соответствующий ролик, он станет доступен к просмотрудаже без доступа к сети.Да пребудет с тобой Сила!Download the free appGalactic Tokens. Seek cosmo-chips with a special symbol, scan themand get access to holographic videos of the most memorable vehiclesand Technology Star Wars universe.What is your purpose? Travel the universe in the "MillenniumFalcon" or join the forces of the Empire on board the "DeathStar"?Discover the device legendary spacecraft and technology of thesaga Star Wars. Read more about their engines, hyperdrive, controlrooms and more in a three-dimensional image format.Once you have scanned the cosmo-badge with a special characterand unlock the corresponding movie, it becomes available forviewing, even without access to the network.Let the force be with you!
Carrefour Cosmic Shells 1.1.7 APK
Descarcă gratuit aplicația CARREFOUR CosmicShells, scanează Cosmic Shell-urile speciale, care au imprimat peele simbolul „cameră de filmat”, și deblochează, astfel, filmeleholografice despre renumitele nave spațiale și vehicule din sagaStar Wars™. Destinul tău este să călătorești prin Galaxie cuMillennium Falcon™ (Șoimul Milenar) sau să te alături Imperiului peDeath Star™ (Steaua Morții)?Descoperă secretele celor mai cunoscute nave spațiale șivehicule din Star Wars™.Află totul despre motoarele lor, despre hiperpropulsie și desprepanourile lor de comandă, dar și multe altele, prin intermediulunei nemaivăzute holograme 3D.Colecția include 4 holofilme:1) Death StarDarth Vader anunță că se află aici pentru a supraveghea procesul deconstrucție a Super-armei – Steaua Morții, proces care este înîntârziere. Darth Vader adaugă și că însuși Împăratul va ajungeaici în curând.2) AT-ATTrupele imperial de Stormtrooper-i au folosit vehiculele giganteAT-AT în asaltul asupra bazei Rebelilor din timpul bătăliei de peHoth.3) Millennium FalconNava care a jucat un rol important în unele din cele mai marivictorii din lupta Alianței Rebelilor împotriva Imperiului.4) X-wingLuke Skywalker este faimos pentru distrugerea Stelei Morții de labordul unui X-wing.Odată ce ai scanat un Cosmic Shell special și ai deblocatholofimul corespondent, acesta va rămâne deblocat în aplicație,astfel încât să îl poți revedea oricând, chiar și când nu ai accesla Internet.Forța fie cu tine!Download the free appCosmic CARREFOUR Shells, Shells Cosmic special scans that haveprinted the symbol "film camera" and unlocks thus holographic filmsabout famous spaceships and vehicles of Star Wars ™ saga. Yourdestiny is to travel the galaxy with the Millennium Falcon ™(Millennium Falcon) or join the Death Star Empire ™ (Death Star)?Discover the secrets of the most famous spaceships and vehiclesof Star Wars ™.Learn all about their engines, and the hyperdrive on theircontrol panels, as well as others, through an awesome 3Dholograms.Collection includes 4 holofilme:1) Death StarDarth Vader announces that he is here to oversee the constructionof super weapon - the Death Star, a process that is in default. AddDarth Vader and the Emperor himself will be here soon.2) AT-ATImperial Stormtrooper's troops used giant AT-AT vehicles in theassault on the rebel base on Hoth during the battle.3) Millennium FalconThe ship played a role in some of the biggest victories of theRebel Alliance's battle against the Empire.4) X-wingLuke Skywalker to destroy the Death Star is famous aboard anX-wing.Once you have scanned a special Cosmic Shell and thecorresponding holofimul unlocked, it remains unlocked in theapplication, so that you can review at any time, even when you haveno Internet access.May the Force be with you!
Countdown Cosmic Shells 1.1.2 APK
Download the free COUNTDOWN Cosmic Shells app,scan your specials shells and unlock holographic reality movies ofthe most memorable starships and vehicles of the Star Wars™ saga.Is it your destiny to travel the Galaxy with the Millennium Falcon™or to join the Empire aboard the Death Star™.?Discover the workings of Star Wars™ most iconic spaceships andvehiclesLearn about their engines, hyperdrives, cockpits and much more in aneverseen 3 dimensional holographic reality.The collection includes 8 action packed movies:1) Death Star2) At-At3) Slave 14) Star Destroyer5) Millennium Falcon6) X-Wing7) Naboo Royal Starship8) SnowspeederOnce you scan the special shell and unlock the correspondingmovie, it will beunlocked in the app, so you can watch the movies even when you donot have accessto a network.May The Force be with you!
Qrazy Mania 1.0 APK
Zberi vse nalepke Qrazy Mania in naj zaživijov zabavni in pisani igri!Skrivnostni Mega Manijak je prevzel nadzor nad planetom QrazyManijakov, imenovanem Planet Qrazy. Qrazy Manijake pa je pregnal naZemljo. Zato preostali nesrečni prebivalci Qrazy Planeta, poznanikot Mini Manijaki, potrebujejo tvojo pomoč, da premagajo MegaManijaka in Qrazy Planetu ponovno povrnejo barve.Vodi Qrazy Manijake do cilja in jim pomagaj nazaj na njihov PlanetQrazy, stran od zlobnega Mega Manijaka.- 41 stopenj v katerih Mini Manijake vodiš do varnegazavetja.- Zberi 13 Qrazy Manijakov in jih oživi s skeniranjem.- Vsak Manijak ima 2 nadnaravni moči, ki jih odkleneš s skeniranjemnalepk.- Kandyman je vključen v igro.© QRAZY MANIA ® je blagovna znamka podjetja Brand Loyalty SourcingB.V. Vse pravice pridržane.Collect all the stickersQrazy Mania and the potential in a fun and colorful game! Mysterious Mega Maniac has taken control of the planet Qrazymaniacs called Planet Qrazy. Qrazy maniac is banished to Earth.Therefore, the rest of the unfortunate inhabitants Qrazy Planet,known as the Mini enthusiast, they need your help to overcome Megamaniac and Qrazy Planet color back. Water Qrazy maniac to finish and help them back to their PlanetQrazy away from the evil Mega maniac. - 41 levels in which you lead the Mini enthusiast to a safeshelter.- Collect 13 Qrazy maniacs and revive the scan.- Each enthusiast has 2 supernatural power, which can unlock byscanning labels.- Kandyman is included in the game. © QRAZY MANIA ® is a registered trademark of Brand Loyalty SourcingBV All rights reserved.
Благодаря приложению «Галактическиегерои»фигурки героев, которые до 6 декабря можно получить вовсехгипермаркетах «Магнит», буквально оживут на глазах! Пройди снимивесь путь от раскаленных пустынь Татуина до вечных льдовпланетыХот.СОБЕРИ ПОЛНУЮ КОЛЛЕКЦИЮ!Проходи испытания, собирай галактические кредиты, спрятанныенакарте, и расплачивайся ими за новых персонажей или сканируйфигуркигероев, которые ты получил на кассе гипермаркетов «Магнит»,припомощи встроенного сканера!ГАЛАКТИКА В ВАШИХ РУКАХ!Исследуй галактику вместе с самыми известными персонажамисагиЗвёздные Войны - пройди дорогой Силы с Люком Скайуокером,окажисьна планете Эндор вместе с Чубаккой, обойди ловушкиПовстанцев настороне Дарта Вейдера.Будь осторожен, сложность миссий возрастает с каждымпройденнымэтапом!Сможешь ли ты завершить их все?ОСОБЕННОСТИ- 20 фигурок-героев: Энакин Скайуокер, Бен Кеноби, Боба Фетт,C3-PO,Чубакка, Главарь Джав, Дарт Мол, Дарт Вейдер, ИмператорПалпатин,Эвоки, Хан Соло, Джабба Хатт, Люк Скайуокер, Оби-ВанКеноби,Принцесса Лея, R2-D2, Штурмовики Разведчики, Штурмовики,Боевые TIE,Йода.- Сложность миссий возрастает в процессе прохождения игры.- В каждой миссии спрятаны драгоценные галактические кредиты.Собериих все!- Встроенный сканер для распознавания фигурок-героев, которыетыполучил в гипермаркетах «Магнит». Фигурки-герои можно получить до6Декабря 2016 года. Собери всю коллекцию на борту корабля«СоколТысячелетия».- Ты можешь разблокировать новых персонажей, используягалактическиекредиты, собранные в других миссиях.- По причине технических ограничений, приложение не можетбытьзапущено на устройствах, работающих на чипсетах Intel.ОЖИВИ ПЕРСОНАЖИ И КОСМИЧЕСКИЕ КОРАБЛИ В МАГАЗИНАХ МАГНИТСПОМОЩЬЮ ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ “ГАЛАКТИЧЕСКИЕ ЖЕТОНЫ”!By the applicationof"Galactic Heroes" figures of characters who until December6,available at all hypermarkets "Magnit", literally come tolifebefore our eyes! Take them all the way from the hot desertsofTatooine to the eternal ice planet Hoth.Collect a complete collection!Pass the test, collect the galactic credits, hidden on the map,orpay them for new characters or figures are scannedcharacters,which you received at the box office hypermarket"Magnit", usingthe built-in scanner!GALAXY IN YOUR HANDS!Explore the galaxy with the most famous characters of the sagaStarWars - Go on the road with the Force Luke Skywalker, it appearonthe planet Endor, along with Chewbacca, Rebel go around thetrapson the side of Darth Vader.Be careful, the complexity of the missions increases witheachpassing stage!Can you complete them all?FEATURES- 20 figures-heroes: Anakin Skywalker, Ben Kenobi Boba Fett,C3-PO,Chewbacca, ringleader Jaw, Darth Maul, Darth Vader,EmperorPalpatine, Ewoks, Han Solo, Jabba the Hutt, Luke Skywalker,Obi-WanKenobi, Princess Leia, R2-D2, stormtroopers scouts,attack,fighting the TIE, Yoda.- The complexity of the missions increases in thepassinggame.- In each mission galactic precious hidden loans. Collectthemall!- Built-in scanner to recognize the figures-heroes that youhavereceived in the hypermarket "Magnit". Figures heroes can get upto6 December 2016. Collect the entire collection on board theship"Millennium Falcon".- You can unlock new characters, using galactic credits collectedinother missions.- Due to technical limitations, the application can not be runondevices running on the Intel chipsets.Relive CHARACTERS and spaceships STORES MAGNET usingtheapplication "Galactic BADGES '!
Leclerc Cosmic Shells 1.2.1 APK
Téléchargez l’application gratuite CosmicShells App, scannez vos «Cosmic Shells » et découvrez desfilms holographiques des vaisseaux spatiaux et véhicules les plusmémorables de la saga Star Wars™. Est-ce votre destinée detraverser la Galaxie avec le Faucon Millennium™ ou de rejoindrel’Empire à bord de l’Etoile de la Mort™ ?Découvrez les rouages des vaisseaux spatiaux et véhiculesiconiques de Star Wars™. Apprenez à connaître leurs moteurs,propulseurs, cabines et plus encore dans un film holographique 3Dexclusif.La collection inclus plusieurs films d’action!Dès que vous scannez un Cosmic Shell ayant l’icône denumérisation, vous débloquez le film correspondant qui seradisponible dans l’application à tout instant. Ainsi vous pourrezregarder vos films même lorsque vous n’avez pas accès àInternet.Que la force soit avec vous!--Quand vous scannez le Cosmic Shell, assurez vous d’utiliser dela lumière blanche ou naturelle, en évitant les flashs sur lesshells.Vous ne devez pas zoomer exactement sur les bords du Shell, maisplutôt faire un zoom arrière. Le Shell doit couvrir au moins lamoitié de la zone de scanDownload the free AppCosmic Shells, scan your "Cosmic Shells" and discover holographicmovies spaceships and most memorable vehicles from the Star Wars ™saga. Is this your destiny across the galaxy with the MillenniumFalcon ™ or join the Empire aboard the Death Star ™?Discover the workings spaceships and vehicles iconic Star Wars™. Know their engines, propellers, cabins and more in an exclusive3D holographic film.The collection included several action movies!When you scan a Cosmic Shell with the Scan icon, you unlock thecorresponding movie will be available in the application at anytime. So you can watch your movies even when you do not haveInternet access.May the force be with you!-When you scan the Cosmic Shell, make sure you use white ornatural light, avoiding flashes on the shells.You do not exactly zoom in on the shores of Shell, but zoom.Shell must cover at least half of the scan area
Hypermart Cosmic Shells 1.0.2 APK
Download the free Cosmic Shells app, scan yourspecials shells and unlock holographic reality movies of the mostmemorable starships and vehicles of the Star Wars™ saga. Is it yourdestiny to travel the Galaxy with the Millennium Falcon™ or to jointhe Empire aboard the Death Star™.?Discover the workings of Star Wars™ most iconic spaceships andvehicles. Learn about their engines, hyperdrives, cockpits and muchmore in a never seen 3 dimensional holographic reality.The collection includes many action packed movies!Once you scan the special shell and unlock the correspondingmovie, it will be unlocked in the app, so you can watch the movieseven when you do not have access to a network.May The Force be with you!Cosmic Shells Downloadthe free app, scan your specials shells and unlock holographicreality of the most memorable movies starships and vehicles of theStar Wars ™ saga. Is it your destiny to travel the Galaxy with theMillennium Falcon ™ or to join the Empire aboard the Death Star ™.?Discover the workings of the Star Wars ™ most iconic spaceshipsand vehicles. Learn about Reviews their engines, hyperdrives,cockpits and much more in a never seen 3-dimensional holographicreality.The collection includes many action packed movies!Once you scan the special shell and unlock the correspondingmovie, it will be unlocked in the app, so you can watch the movieseven when you do not have access to a network.May The Force be with you!