1.0 / November 21, 2011
(3.5/5) ()


Speed Brain tests your reflexes and yourlevelof attention.
For each level you have 1 minute to hit with your fingers as fastaspossible 10 targets in motion.
Whenever you're wrong targets start again from the beginning.
If you hit the target with the "X" or if the time is up you losealife.
Challenge your friends to see who has faster reflexes!

Features :

- Multiplayer for up to 2 players
- Improve your level of attention.
- Improve your reaction time.

App Information Speed Brain

  • App Name
    Speed Brain
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    November 21, 2011
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Horizon Software IT
  • Installs
    5 - 10
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    Horizon Software I.T. Via Lillo del Duca, 23 20091 - Bresso (MI)
  • Google Play Link

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Ripetitori Italiani 3.0 APK
Ripetitori Italiani permette di conoscereimmediatamente il Ripetitore VHF o UHF più vicino alla posizione incui ci si trova indicando la Distanza dalla nostra posizione e laDirezione verso cui puntare la nostra antenna per tentare diimpegnarlo, oltre a tutte le altre informazioni indispensabili comeFrequenza, Shift, Subtono ecc., ed è possibile filtrare i risultatiper Ripetitori Digitali, EchoLink, Iso Frequenza o LinkNazionale.Scarica il manuale per renderti conto dell'utilità e comodità diquesta applicazione :http://www.horizonsoftware.it/ripetitoriitaliani.pdfRipetitori Italiani è un MUST HAVE per tutti coloro cheabitualmente o anche occasionalmente si muovono in Italia o anchesolo nella propria città portando con se líamato portatile olíimmancabile veicolare.Ripetitori Italiani permette di effettuare ricerche mirate diRipetitori VHF e UHF presenti nella Regione o Provincia a nostrascelta, indipendentemente dalla nostra posizione, e permette disalvare i Ripetitori che desideriamo nella sezione Preferiti.Ripetitori Italiani permette inoltre di calcolareWoldWideLocator (WWL) da coordinate geografiche e viceversa,mediante un'interfaccia semplice e intuitiva.Il tutto corredato da cartografia satellitare scaricata in temporeale da Google Maps che permette di visualizzare econtestualizzare la posizione del Ripetitore trovato o dellecordinate geografie o WWL inserite, rispetto al territorio Italianoe alla nostra posizione.Per gli Utenti del circuito EchoLink, Ripetitori Italianifornisce l'elenco dei comandi DTMF per interagire o per cercare econnettersi al Nodo o alla Conferenza desiderata, e permette divisualizzare i Nodi attivi e le Conferenze in atto in tempo realeaccedendo alla pagina http://www.echolink.org/links.jsp.Ripetitori Italiani contiene inoltre l'elenco delle Frequenzedei canali LPD e PMR che può risultare utile nel caso in cui sivoglia unirsi ad un gruppo di RadioAmatori non professionistioppure si abbia la necessità di comunicare con qualcuno non dotatodi apparecchiature radioamatoriali.Infine contiene líalfabeto fonetico e il Codice Q che potrebberorivelarsi utili durante un QSO oppure per un puro e sempliceripasso.Ripetitori Italiani è un'App estremamente potente e versatileche permette di accedere in modo estremamente rapido a tutta quellaserie di dati e informazioni relative ai Ripetitori VHF e UHFpresenti sul territorio Italiano, che tutti i RadioAmatori, gli SWLe gli appassionati di Radiantismo vogliono conoscere.Tutto questo viene fornito attraverso uníinterfaccia semplice,intuitiva ed accattivante che ricorda molto da vicino i nostriamati apparati radio, e corredato da Beep e Suoni che troveretemolto familiari ...Il tutto sempre a portata di mano, sul vostro telefono, eaccessibile istantaneamente con un semplice Touch.Italian repeaters allowsyou to quickly see the VHF or UHF Repeater closer to the locationwhere you are pointing to the distance from our location and thedirection toward which point our antenna for groped to pawn, aswell as any other information as needed frequency, Shift, CTCSSetc., and you can filter results by Digital repeaters, EchoLink,Iso frequency or LinkNazionale.Download the user realize the usefulness and convenience of thisapplication:http://www.horizonsoftware.it/ripetitoriitaliani.pdfRepeaters Italian is a MUST HAVE for anyone who habitually oroccasionally move in Italy or even in their own city, bringing withthem líamato portable or vehicular líimmancabile.Italian repeaters allows searches to be made of VHF and UHFrepeaters in the region or province, at our option, regardless ofour position, and allows you to save Repeaters we want in theFavorites section.Italian repeaters also allows you to calculate WoldWideLocator(WWL) by geographic coordinates and vice versa, using a simple andintuitive.All accompanied by satellite mapping downloaded in real timefrom Google Maps that lets you view and contextualize the locationof the repeater found or cordinates geographies or WWL entered,compared to Italian territory and to our position.Users' circuit EchoLink, Repeaters Italian provides the list ofDTMF commands to interact or to try and connect to the Node or theConference desired, and allows you to view the active nodes andconferences taking place in real time by going to http://www.echolink.org/links.jsp.Repeaters Italian also contains a list of the frequencies of thechannels LPD and PMR which can be useful if you want to join agroup of amateur radio amateur or where there is a need tocommunicate with someone with amateur radio equipment.Finally líalfabeto it contains phonetic and the Q code thatmight be useful during a QSO or for a mere revision.Repeaters Italian is extremely powerful and versatile an Appthat allows you to access very quickly to the whole series of dataand information relating to VHF and UHF repeaters on the Italianterritory, that all hams, SWL and fans want to radiant energyknow.All this comes through uníinterfaccia simple, intuitive andappealing that closely resembles our beloved radio equipment, andequipped with Beep and Sounds that you will find very familiar...Everything always at hand, on your phone, and instantlyaccessible with a simple touch.
Road Rider 2.0 APK
Horizon Software I.T. is proud to present ROADRIDER.ROAD RIDER is a must have app for everybody who love speed andengines.Download User Manual at : http://www.horizonsoftware.it/roadrider_usermanual.pdfROAD RIDER has 3 functions :- Monitor- Chrono Test- Log BookThe MONITOR function lets you know the performance of your vehiclein real time about Inclination, Direction, GPS Positioning,Altitude, G Forces on your body and on your vehicle and Speed inKilometers, Miles or Nautical MilesThe "CHRONO TEST" function lets you try 2 kinds of speed test :Time Challenge and Nitro Boost.The "Time Challenge" function measures the time taken from 0 tothe speed you have selected. You can choose a final speed between10 to 300 Km/h, Mls/h or NMls/h.The time is taken in hundred-thousandths of seconds and thanksto the accelerometer sensor combined to the GPS signal themeasurement is very precise.The app calculate automatically the precise moment when youreach the selected speed even if the GPS detection has a short orlong delay. The app tracks continuously your speed and when youexceed the selected speed the software calculate the range betweenthe very last speed lower to the selected speed and the actualvelocity giving a result very close to a telemetric test.In the "TIME CHALLENGE" function, the chronometer startsautomatically when the vehicle start moving and stops automaticallywhen you overcome the selected speed, to let you concentrate ondriving.When the test is over the app shows the results that you canchoose to save in the Log Book.The "NITRO BOOST" function measures the time taken from 0 to theDISTANCE you have selected. You can choose a final DISTANCE between0.1 to 1 Km, Mile or Nautical Mile.The time is taken in hundred-thousandths of seconds and thanksto the accelerometer sensor combined to the GPS signal themeasurement is very precise.The app calculate automatically the precise moment when youreach the selected DISTANCE even if the GPS detection has a shortor long delay. The app tracks continuously your GPS Positioning andwhen you exceed the selected DISTANCE the software calculate therange between the very last position lower to the selected distanceand the actual position giving a result very close to a photofinish test.Also in the "NITRO BOOST" function, the chronometer startsautomatically when the vehicle start moving and stops automaticallywhen you overcome the selected distance, to let you concentrate ondriving.When the test is over the app shows the results that you canchoose to save in the Log Book.The "LOG BOOK" Section stores the last results of yourtests.**** WARNING !!! ****- Perform the speed tests in race circuits or in authorized areasonly.- Do NOT look at the phone while you are performing the speedtests.- Respect the laws of your country.- The long use of GPS functions can decrease the life of thebattery.
A.T.T.C. 1.0 APK
A.T.T.C. - Anti Terrorism TrainingCenterYou have applied to become an Anti-Terrorism Agent. You are underthe command of Commander B. Astard which will assess yourtraining.5 levels and 15 levels of play difficul to overcome to become anAnti-Terrorism Agent and be ready for first mission. For each levelyou have a number of moving targets to hit and a number of bulletsavailable. Depending on the selected difficulty level increases ordecreases the precision you need to pass the training. You do nothave to hit civilians and do not have to run out of ammunition. TheCommander B.Astard will be inflexible ...Send your score to the Head Quarter and compare it with otherplayers in the world ranking.Keywords : shoot, terrorism, bullet, gun, shotgun, war, kill,range, shooting, fight, target, training
Talking GPS 1.1 APK
"Talking GPS" is the first GPS speedometerthat speak out the speed at which you are traveling."Talking GPS" is very useful for not taking his eyes off theroad and listen to on your SmartPhone speed."Talking GPS" can be used by:- Drivers- Cyclists- Motorcyclists- Skiers- Skaters- Runners- Browsers... all those who want to know how fast they are travelingwithout taking your eyes off the road."Talking GPS" can tell the speed in 9 languages​​:- Italian- English- French- German- Spanish- Portuguese- Japanese- Greek- RussianThe speed can be displayed in kilometers, statute miles ornautical miles.It can also be set to a limit beyond which "Talking GPS"indicates the speed. This function is useful when one wishes to benotified after a certain speed and not before.Every time you change the settings, they are automatically savedand will be used for each subsequent startup.TAG : GPS, navigation, speed, altitude, travel, car, bike,drive, map, run, shoot, range, fly, drive,
Kamasutra Museum 3D 1.0 APK
Kamasutra Museun 3D is the mostwonderfulsexual experience you can have on your Smart Phone. Walkthroughthe rooms of the Museum and take a look at the over 160paintingson the walls. Over 160 different positions, incredible 3Drealismand amazing music.
Chrono PRO 1.0 APK
CHRONO PRO is a professional high-precisionchronometer that measures up to one millionth (a millionth) of asecond.CHRONO PRO allows you to:- Make a single measurement of time- Follow a single player in the entire race and measure everysingle lap- Follow up to 3 players in each round and measure an entire raceof each playerAll measurements are reported in the log window.During the race, or after the game, you can review all themeasurements for both overall and for individual playerCHRONO PRO takes note of the best time for both single player upto 3 players.Every time you made the best lap CHRONO PRO shows the timedifference between the previous best lap and which player has madeit.You can pause the timer without stopping the race time.CHRONO PRO is easy to use and provides the same informationsthat are provided by very expensive professional chronometers.
Speed Brain 1.0 APK
Speed Brain tests your reflexes and yourlevelof attention.For each level you have 1 minute to hit with your fingers as fastaspossible 10 targets in motion.Whenever you're wrong targets start again from the beginning.If you hit the target with the "X" or if the time is up you losealife.Challenge your friends to see who has faster reflexes!Features :- Multiplayer for up to 2 players- Improve your level of attention.- Improve your reaction time.
Eco Shopping MILANO 3.2 APK
FAI SHOPPING RISPARMIANDO ERISPETTANDOL'AMBIENTEECO SHOPPING è il primo centro commerciale 3D al mondo,all'interno del quale sono riuniti i vari esercizi reali aderenticonquesto tipo di iniziativa.Gira per il centro commerciale e visita i vari negozi.Potrai contattare o raggiungere, con un semplice touch, ilnegozioche preferisci.Presentati dal negoziante con l' applicazione e potraiusufruiredi sconti o promozioni riservate.Rimarrai sempre aggiornato sui nuovi sconti e promozionigrazieal messaggio informativo che visualizzi all' interno diogninegozio e che sarà sempre aggiornato direttamentedainegozianti.Rispetta l' ambiente!!! Ogni negozio, di Milano, presentenelcentro commerciale è raggiungibile tramite l' utilizzo deimezzipubblici ATM (autobus, tram, metropolitana).Puoi riconoscere facilmente un Negozio convenzionatodallaVetrofania esposta in vetrina.FAI IL TURISTA A MILANO CON LA TUA FAMIGLIA, USA I MEZZI PUBBLICIEFAI SHOPPING RISPARMIANDO !!!Scarica il manuale : http://www.ecoshoppingmilano.it/ecoshopping.pdfMAKE SAVING ANDSHOPPINGIN AN ENVIRONMENTALLYECO SHOPPING is the first 3D shopping mall in the world,all'inside of which are gathered the various exercises actualmemberswith this type of initiative.Flip over to the mall and visit the various shops.You can contact or reach, with a simple touch, the store ofyourchoice.Presented by the retailer with the 'application and you willgetdiscounts or promotions reserved.You'll be updated on new promotions and discounts thanks totheinformational message that displays all 'inside of each shopandwhich will always be updated directly from the merchants.Respect the 'environment! Each store, in Milan, in thisshoppingcenter is accessible via the 'use of public transport ATM(bus,tram, metro).You can easily recognize one from the Window Decal Storeisdisplayed in the window.MAKE THE TOURIST IN MILAN WITH YOUR FAMILY, USA PUBLIC TRANSPORTANDDO SHOPPING SAVING!Download the manual: http://www.ecoshoppingmilano.it/ecoshopping.pdf