1.2 / May 11, 2015
(3.0/5) (27)


Denne App kan kun bruges hvis du eller dinskole allerede har et abonnement på www.skolemat.dk. Hvis du ikkehar et abonnement kan du købe en version i Android Market.
Besøg øen Mondiso og træd ind i en forunderlige matematiskverden.
Introduktion til tal og matematik for 1. klasse.

Denne app er baseret fra opgaver på det prisvindene program”Skolemat.dk” Hvis du allerede har abonnement på Skolemat, kandette program bruges gratis. Flere end 160.000 elever i Danmark harallerede adgang til Skolemat.dk

”SkoleMat Level 1”:

•Er dansk produceret
•Matematik som passer til barnets klassetrin
•Udfordrer dit barn med relevant matematik på en sjov ogengagerende måde.

Manfred, Pedro, Max, Carla, Felicia, Von Skrammel plus alle deandre monstre på øen tager dig med på et matematisk eventyr.

Monstrene præsenterer matematiken for dig på en sjov, lærerig,anderledes og spændende måde.

I "SkoleMat Level 1" bindes matematikken og historie sammen i etlæringsmiljø, der skaber de bedste betingelser for en god og sjovintroduktion til matematik.
Lær alt om:

* introduktion af talene 0 til 9
* Plus
* Minus
* Former og figurer
* Spejling
* Plus med tocifrede tal

Få adgang til:

* Animationsvideoer - der forklarer dig om matematik og dematematiske begreber.
* Træningsopgaver - hvor der hele tiden bliver genereret nyeregnestykker.
* Quizzer - der tester dig og dine venners viden ommatematik.
* Soduku - hvor du ikke bare træner logisk sans, men også får brugfor at anvende din matematiske sans!
* Evaluering - giver et overblik over løste opgaver og hvordanopgaven er klaret.

Kan du heller ikke vente længere - så download allerede nu!

This app can only be usedif you or your school already has a subscription towww.skolemat.dk. If you do not have a subscription, you can buy aversion of the Android Market.
Visit the island Mondiso and step into a marvelous mathematicalworld.
Introduction to numbers and mathematics for the first class.

This app is based off tasks on the award-winning program"Skolemat.dk" If you have already subscribed to Skolemat, thisprogram can be used free of charge. More than 160,000 students inDenmark has already access to Skolemat.dk

"SkoleMat Level 1":

• Is Danish produced
• Mathematics suitable for the child class
• Challenge your child with relevant mathematics in a fun andengaging way.

Manfred, Pedro, Max, Carla, Felicia, Von Junk plus all the othermonsters on the island takes you on a math adventure.

The monsters presents mathematics for you on a fun, instructive,different and exciting way.

In "SkoleMat Level 1" is bound mathematics and history togetherin a learning environment that creates the best conditions for agood and fun introduction to mathematics.
Learn all about:

* Introduction of talene 0-9
* Plus
* Minus
* Forms and figures
* Mirroring
* Plus with double figures


* Animation Videos - explaining you about mathematics andmathematical concepts.
* Training Tasks - which is constantly generated newcalculations.
* Quizzes - that test you and your friends' knowledge ofmathematics.
* Soduku - where you do not just coach logical sense, but also willneed to use your mathematical sense!
* Evaluation - provides an overview of completed tasks and how thetask is done.

Do not wait - download now!

App Information SkoleMat Level 1 gratis

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Matematik Fessor: The Game 1.1 APK
Let your kids practise mathematics by playing fun mathematicalgameswith our Fessor !Over 50 different levels of mathematical equations aresupported,together with four basic operations - addition,subtraction,multiplication and division.There are four different games in which different skillsaretrained, other than mathematics (memory games, risk andtimemanagement and more).By playing games, user earns coins and gathers experiencepoints.Experience is used to level up your own Fessor characterand unlockadditional features and coins are used to furnish yourcharacter’sroom.Various different themes are available. Your hero cantravelthrough different eras - such as Robin Hood, Royal Knight,Viking,and many more yet to come !
Learn Math 3rd grade - Mondiso 1.2 APK
Visit the island of Mondiso, where thefriendly monsters will help you learn math. The funny characters,excellent instructional videos, and the intuitive games will helpyou learn math in a fun way.This app is free to download, but you can only use it if youhave a subscription for our online services at Mondiso.com, whichinclude all our apps.All three levels meet academical excellence as they have beenmade with the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) inmind. The content in Mondiso - Level 1 is closely linked to thestandards for Kindergarten and 1st Grade, the content in Mondiso -Level 2 to 2nd Grade, and the content in Mondiso - Level 3 to 3rdGrade.Some of the things you can learn in Mondiso - Level 3 are:• Subtraction with Regrouping• Multiply by 10 and 100• Division• Measure lengths• VolumeMondiso - Level 3 gives you access to:• Animated instructional videos, which explains the math subjectyou can work with in the game• Exercises with randomly made problems• Quizzes• Soduko• Evaluation• Multi-player games, which can be played over the Wi-Finetwork.There are three Mondiso game apps:• Mondiso - Level 1: Learn numbers and basic math skills, likeaddition, subtraction, and basic geometry.• Mondiso - Level 2: Learn more complex addition and subtraction,and advance into subjects like multiplication and learning to telltime.• Mondiso - Level 3 (this one): Learn how to divide and how tomeasure length and volume.-------------------This app is based on the award winning online game on Mondiso.com.The games in the apps vary from the ones on Mondiso.com, whichmeans they are not just existing content made into an app. It alsomeans there are hundreds of hours of fun learning games andactivities if the two media are combined.
Learn Math 1st grade - Mondiso 1.2 APK
Visit the island of Mondiso where friendlymonsters will help you to learn math.- - - The game includes - - -• The funny characters• Excellent instructional videos• The intuitive games will help you learn math in a fun wayAll three levels meet academical excellence as they have beenmade with the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) inmind. The content in Mondiso - Level 1 is closely linked to thestandards for Kindergarten and 1st Grade, the content in Mondiso -Level 2 to 2nd Grade, and the content in Mondiso - Level 3 to 3rdGrade.Some of the things you can learn in Mondiso - Level 1 are:• Numbers• Addition with numbers below 10• Subtraction with numbers below 10• Shapes• Mirroring• Addition with two-digit numbersMondiso - Level 1 gives you access to:• Animated instructional videos, which explains the math subjectyou can work with in the game• Exercises with randomly made problems• Quizzes• Sudoku• Evaluation• Multi-player games, which can be played over the Wi-Finetwork.This app is free to download, but you can only use it if youhave a subscription for our online services at Mondiso.com, whichinclude all our apps.There are three Mondiso game apps:• Mondiso - Level 1 (this one): Learn numbers and basic mathskills, like addition, subtraction, and basic geometry.• Mondiso - Level 2: Learn more complex addition and subtraction,and advance into subjects like multiplication and learning to telltime.• Mondiso - Level 3: Learn how to divide and how to measure lengthand volume.-------------------This app is based on the award winning online game on Mondiso.com.The games in the apps vary from the ones on Mondiso.com, whichmeans they are not just existing content made into an app. It alsomeans there are hundreds of hours of fun learning games andactivities if the two media are combined.
SkoleMat Level 5 gratis 1.2 APK
Denne App kan kun bruges hvis du eller dinskole allerede har et abonnement på www.skolemat.dk. Hvis du ikkehar et abonnement kan du købe en version i Android Market.*****************************************************************************Tag med Olga, Liv og Casper på en matematisk oplevelse i Hexavillesunivers.Flyt ind på Magiskolen og bliv tryllebundet af Hexavillesforunderlige verden, hvor trolddom og talmagi hersker.Magiskolen er et gammelt middelalder slot med spøgelser, dragerog magiske formler. Skolen bliver ledet af den strenge, menretfærdige Fru Fuhr.Skolens beboere vil præsentere matematikken på en ny sjov oglærerig måde.Det betyder, at eleven oplever indholdet som spændende oginteressant, samtidig med at matematikken på pædagogisk visplaceres i en sammenhæng, de kan relatere til.Denne app er baseret fra opgaver på det prisvindene program”Skolemat.dk” Hvis du allerede har abonnement på Skolemat, kandette program bruges gratis. Flere end 160.000 elever i Danmark harallerede adgang til Skolemat.dk”SkoleMat Level 5”:•Er dansk produceret•Matematik som passer til barnets klassetrin•Udfordrer dit barn på med relevant matematik på en sjov ogengagerende måde.I selskab med venligtsindede drager, spøgelser og magikere lærereleven gradvist alt fra:I "SkoleMat Level 5" bindes matematikken og historie sammen i etlæringsmiljø, der skaber de bedste betingelser for en god og sjovintroduktion til matematik.Lær alt om:* Plus og minus med negative tal* Gange, et- og tocifrede tal* Brøker, forlænge of forkorte* Ligninger, find X* Negative tal* Koordinater og diagrammer* figurer, genkend trapez, paralellogram, mm.Få adgang til:* Animationsvideoer - der forklarer dig om matematik og dematematiske begreber.* Træningsopgaver - hvor der hele tiden bliver genereret nyeregnestykker.* Quizzer - der tester dig og dine venners viden ommatematik.* Soduku - hvor du ikke bare træner logisk sans, men også får brugfor at anvende din matematiske sans!* Evaluering - giver et overblik over løste opgaver og hvordanopgaven er klaret.Kan du heller ikke vente længere - så download allerede nu!This app can only be usedif you or your school already has a subscription towww.skolemat.dk. If you do not have a subscription, you can buy aversion of Android.*****************************************************************************Take with Olga, Life and Casper on a mathematical experience inHexavilles universe.Move into Magic School and become captivated by Hexavilleswonderful world where magic and Talmagi ruler.Magic School is an old medieval castle with ghosts, dragons andmagic formulas. The school is led by the strict but fair Mrs.Fuhr.The school's residents will present mathematics in a new fun andeducational way.This means that the student feels content as exciting andinteresting, while mathematics pedagogical way placed in a contextthat they can relate to.This app is based off tasks on the award-winning program"Skolemat.dk" If you have already subscribed to Skolemat, thisprogram can be used free of charge. More than 160,000 students inDenmark already have access to Skolemat.dk"SkoleMat Level 5":• Is Danish produced• Mathematics suitable for the child class• Challenge your child on the relevant mathematics in a fun andengaging way.In the company of friendly dragons, ghosts and magicians pupillearns gradually everything from:In "SkoleMat Level 5" bound mathematics and history together ina learning environment that creates the best conditions for a goodand fun introduction to mathematics.Learn all about:* Plus and minus with negative numbers* Times, one- and two-digit numbers* Fractions, extend of shortening* Equations, find X* Negative numbers* Coordinates and charts* Shapes, recognize the trapeze, paralellogram, mm.Access:* Animation Videos - explaining you about mathematics andmathematical concepts.* Training Tasks - which are constantly being generated newcalculations.* Quizzes - which test you and your friends' knowledge ofmathematics.* Soduku - where you do not just coach logical sense, but also willneed to use your mathematical sense!* Evaluation - provides an overview of completed tasks and how thetask is done.Do not wait any longer - so download now!
SkoleMat Level 2 gratis 1.2 APK
Denne App kan kun bruges hvis du eller dinskole allerede har et abonnement på www.skolemat.dk. Hvis du ikkehar et abonnement kan du købe en version i Android Market.*****************************************************************************Besøg øen Mondiso og træd ind i en forunderlige matematisk verden.Matematik for 2. klasse.Denne app er baseret fra opgaver på det prisvindene program”Skolemat.dk” Hvis du allerede har abonnement på Skolemat, kandette program bruges gratis. Flere end 160.000 elever i Danmark harallerede adgang til Skolemat.dk”SkoleMat Level 2”:•Er dansk produceret•Matematik som passer til barnets klassetrin•Udfordrer dit barn på med relevant matematik på en sjov ogengagerende måde.Manfred, Pedro, Max, Carla, Felicia, Von Skrammel plus alle deandre monstre på øen tager dig med på et matematisk eventyr.Monstrene præsenterer matematiken for dig på en sjov, lærerig,anderledes og spændende måde.I "SkoleMat Level 2" bindes matematikken og historie sammen i etlæringsmiljø, der skaber de bedste betingelser for en god og sjovintroduktion til matematik.Lær alt om:* Plus med trecifrede tal* Plus med tierovergang* Gange, få styr på tabellerne* Afrunding* Større end, mindre end og lig med* Kender du klokken?Få adgang til:* Animationsvideoer - der forklarer dig om matematik og dematematiske begreber.* Træningsopgaver - hvor der hele tiden bliver genereret nyeregnestykker.* Quizzer - der tester dig og dine venners viden ommatematik.* Soduku - hvor du ikke bare træner logisk sans, men også får brugfor at anvende din matematiske sans!* Evaluering - giver et overblik over løste opgaver og hvordanopgaven er klaret.Kan du heller ikke vente længere - så download allerede nu!This app can only be usedif you or your school already has a subscription towww.skolemat.dk. If you do not have a subscription, you can buy aversion of Android.*****************************************************************************Visit the island Mondiso and step into a marvelous mathematicalworld. Mathematics for 2nd grade.This app is based off tasks on the award-winning program"Skolemat.dk" If you have already subscribed to Skolemat, thisprogram can be used free of charge. More than 160,000 students inDenmark already have access to Skolemat.dk"SkoleMat Level 2":• Is Danish produced• Mathematics suitable for the child class• Challenge your child on the relevant mathematics in a fun andengaging way.Manfred, Pedro, Max, Carla, Felicia, Von Junk plus all the othermonsters on the island takes you on a math adventure.The monsters presents mathematics for you on a fun, instructive,different and exciting way.In "SkoleMat Level 2" bound mathematics and history together in alearning environment that creates the best conditions for a goodand fun introduction to mathematics.Learn all about:* Plus with three-digit numbers* Plus with tier transition* Times, get a grip on the tables* Rounding* Greater than, less than and equal to* Do you know the time?Access:* Animation Videos - explaining you about mathematics andmathematical concepts.* Training Tasks - which are constantly being generated newcalculations.* Quizzes - which test you and your friends' knowledge ofmathematics.* Soduku - where you do not just coach logical sense, but also willneed to use your mathematical sense!* Evaluation - provides an overview of completed tasks and how thetask is done.Do not wait any longer - so download now!
MatematikFessor for forældre 1.0 APK
Med denne app kan du følge med i ditbarnslektier på MatematikFessor.dk. Du kan se, hvad dit barn harfor,hvornår det skal være klaret, samt hvordan det er gået.With this app you cankeeptrack of your child's homework on MatematikFessor.dk. You canseewhat your child has to when it should be done and how ithasgone.
MatematikFessor Parents 1.0 APK
Med denne app kan du følge med i dit barns lektier påMatematikFessor.dk. Du kan se, hvad dit barn har for, hvornår detskal være klaret, samt hvordan det er gået.
FotoFessor 1.5 APK
FotoFessor gør det muligt at tage et billedeaf din mellemregning og sende det direkte ind på din profil påMatematikFessor.dk.Installer FotoFessor og brug din telefon. Det er let, enkelt ogligetil!FotoFessor makes itpossible to take a picture of your intercompany accounts and sendit directly into your profile on MatematikFessor.dk.Install FotoFessor and use your phone. It is easy, simple andstraightforward!