12.0.1 / May 22, 2017
(2.0/5) (47)


La rivista bimestrale di montagna più vendutad'Italia in edicola.
Argomenti: scialpinismo, alpinismo, hiking, trekking, mountainbike, outdoor running.
The bimonthly magazinemountain best-selling Italian newsstands.
Topics: skiing, mountaineering, hiking, trekking, mountain biking,outdoor running.

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Skialper 12.0.1 APK
La rivista bimestrale di montagna più vendutad'Italia in edicola.Argomenti: scialpinismo, alpinismo, hiking, trekking, mountainbike, outdoor running.The bimonthly magazinemountain best-selling Italian newsstands.Topics: skiing, mountaineering, hiking, trekking, mountain biking,outdoor running.
Race Ski Magazine 12.0.1 APK
La rivista di riferimento in Italia sullo scialpino agonistico, l'unica in Europa interamente dedicata a questosettore.Suddivisa in due formati, il magazine che si occupa di Coppa delMondo, tecnica e materiali, personaggi e novità dal Circo Bianco, eil tabloid (Reparto Corse) dedicato al mondo dello sci giovanile,con tutte le news dalle piste di gara italiane.The magazine of referencein Italy on the Alpine ski racing, the only one in Europe entirelydedicated to this sector.Divided in two sizes, the magazine that deals with the World Cup,technique and materials, characters and news from the White Circus,and the tabloids (Reparto Corse) dedicated to the world of skiingyouth, with all the news from the slopes of the Italian race.