5.10 / July 5, 2016
(4.1/5) (46)


Kabar gembiraaa..saat ini SimplePAY selain bisa melakukanpembelian/pembayaran bermacam - macam produk/tagihan payment, jugasudah bisa melakukan pemesanan rental mobil.
segera daftarkan diri Anda menjadi sahabat SimplePAY...

Point penting
* Untuk Anda yang ingin memulai usaha loket PPOB/pembayaranpayment, SimplePAY adalah pilihan tepat.
* Untuk Anda yang memiliki usaha rental mobil, silahkan hubungikami untuk peluang kerjasama menarik.

* Untuk pertanyaan, silahkan email ke [email protected]
* Whatsapp/Telp ke 085711530622.
* Pendaftaran mitra baru akan kami arahkan ke CA(collecting agent)kami, sesuai dengan domisili mitra baru.

Layanan SimplePAY
* Transaksi 24 jam/hari.
* Customer support 08.00 s.d 23.00 WIB.
* Print struk melalui mobile printer (transaksi via android).
* Print struk melalui printer inkjet/dot matrix (transaksi viadesktop/PC).
* Cek transaksi yang telah dilakukan via aplikasi.
* Rekap transaksi.
* Komplain melalui aplikasi.
* Proteksi keamanan.

Pilihan cara transaksi
* Menggunakan aplikasi android.
* Menggunakan aplikasi desktop.
* Menggunakan SMS.

Produk SimplePAY
* Pembelian pulsa semua operator.
* Pembelian voucher games.
* Pembelian token PLN.
* Pembayaran tagihan PLN Paskabayar.
* Pembayaran BPJS Kesehatan.
* Pembayaran tagihan Telp Paskabayar.
* Pembayaran tagihan PDAM(49 wilayah).
* Pembayaran cicilan kendaraan.
* Pembayaran TV Langganan.
* Pemesanan rental mobil.

Peluang Kerjasama
*Bagi Anda yang memiliki usaha rental mobil dan ingin mengembangkanjaringan cabang agar banyak mendatangkan penyewa rental mobil Anda,adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk kerjasama dengan SimplePAY. Segerahubungi kami untuk informasi lebih detail tentang peluang kerjasamaagen rental mobil.

*Bagi Anda yang memiliki produk yang sekiranya bisa didistribusikan melalui SimplePAY, kami sangat terbuka untukkerjasama. Segera hubungi kami untuk pembahasan lebih lanjut.

Jangan sungkan untuk kunjungi website kami diwww.simplepay.id

Terimakasih atas kerjasama dan kepercayaan Anda

© 2015 Artaguna Berkah Karya - SimplePAY

This gembiraaa..saat news SimplePAY but can make a purchase /payment wide - range of products / bill payment, also can make carrental reservations.
immediately register yourself become a friend SimplePAY ...

important point
* For those of you who want to start a business PPOB booth /payment payment, SimplePAY is the right choice.
* For those of you who have a car rental business, please contactus for an interesting cooperation opportunities.

* For questions, please email to [email protected]
* Whatsapp / Phone to 085 711 530 622.
* Registration of new partners will we point to the CA (collectingagent) we, in accordance with the new partner domicile.

service SimplePAY
* Transactions 24 hours / day.
* Customer support s.d 08:00 23.00 pm.
* Print receipts via mobile printer (transaction viaandroid).
* Print receipts through inkjet printer / dot matrix (transactionsvia desktop / PC).
* Check the transactions that have been made via theapplication.
* Recap transaction.
* Complaint through the application.
* Protection of security.

Selection means transactions
* Using the android application.
* Using a desktop application.
* Using SMS.

product SimplePAY
* Purchase pulse all operators.
* Purchase vouchers games.
* Purchase token PLN.
* PLN Postpaid bill payment.
* Payment BPJS Health.
* Tel Postpaid bill payment.
* Payment of bills taps (49 regions).
* Payment of installments vehicle.
* Payment of subscription TV.
* Booking a car rental.

Cooperation opportunities
* For those of you who have a car rental business and want todevelop a branch network that many renters bring your car rental,is the right choice for cooperation with SimplePAY. Please contactus for more detailed information about the car rental agencycooperation opportunities.

* For those of you who have a product that might be distributedthrough SimplePAY, we are open for cooperation. Please contact usfor further discussion.

Feel free to visit our website at www.simplepay.id

Thank you for your cooperation and your trust

© 2015 Artaguna Blessing Work - SimplePAY

App Information SimplePAY PPOB

SimplePAY PPOB Version History

Select SimplePAY PPOB Version :
  • 5.10 (19) - Latest Version
  • 5.01 (14)
  • 4.08 (12)
  • 4.01 (5)
  • 4.00 (4)
  • SimplePAY PPOB 5.10 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /1/27
    Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)
    File Size: 4.0 MB
    Tested on: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API: 23)
    File Sha1: a799f53384753545457c34aa8ae159937efc673d
    APK Signature: 1b5239acfef364302772adbdc0f092f4065ef0bd
  • SimplePAY PPOB 5.01 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /5/2
    Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)
    File Size: 3.9 MB
    Tested on: Android 4.4 (KitKat, API: 19)
    File Sha1: d0f523fd2945de6e7b47af3ec87e7c4a0f9c6594
    APK Signature: 1b5239acfef364302772adbdc0f092f4065ef0bd
  • SimplePAY PPOB 4.08 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /4/12
    Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)
    File Size: 1.6 MB
    Tested on: Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean, API: 17)
    File Sha1: e04c4d89c0cf0f3a5bb8dda7b246da40735d50e4
    APK Signature: 1b5239acfef364302772adbdc0f092f4065ef0bd
  • SimplePAY PPOB 4.01 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /2/3
    Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)
    File Size: 1.4 MB
    Tested on: Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean, API: 17)
    File Sha1: 6ee1c2476fffad7e9356fea4fe8dbf1766ad6232
    APK Signature: 1b5239acfef364302772adbdc0f092f4065ef0bd
  • SimplePAY PPOB 4.00 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /1/27
    Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)
    File Size: 1.4 MB
    Tested on: Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean, API: 17)
    File Sha1: c721da43172c6cc54b75f16430cccde63e1b4f30
    APK Signature: 1b5239acfef364302772adbdc0f092f4065ef0bd

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SimplePAY PPOB 5.10 APK
Infomasi---------------Kabar gembiraaa..saat ini SimplePAY selain bisa melakukanpembelian/pembayaran bermacam - macam produk/tagihan payment, jugasudah bisa melakukan pemesanan rental mobil.segera daftarkan diri Anda menjadi sahabat SimplePAY...Point penting---------------------* Untuk Anda yang ingin memulai usaha loket PPOB/pembayaranpayment, SimplePAY adalah pilihan tepat.* Untuk Anda yang memiliki usaha rental mobil, silahkan hubungikami untuk peluang kerjasama menarik.Pendaftaran--------------------* Untuk pertanyaan, silahkan email ke [email protected]* Whatsapp/Telp ke 085711530622.* Pendaftaran mitra baru akan kami arahkan ke CA(collecting agent)kami, sesuai dengan domisili mitra baru.Layanan SimplePAY--------------------------------* Transaksi 24 jam/hari.* Customer support 08.00 s.d 23.00 WIB.* Print struk melalui mobile printer (transaksi via android).* Print struk melalui printer inkjet/dot matrix (transaksi viadesktop/PC).* Cek transaksi yang telah dilakukan via aplikasi.* Rekap transaksi.* Komplain melalui aplikasi.* Proteksi keamanan.Pilihan cara transaksi----------------------------------* Menggunakan aplikasi android.* Menggunakan aplikasi desktop.* Menggunakan SMS.Produk SimplePAY------------------------------* Pembelian pulsa semua operator.* Pembelian voucher games.* Pembelian token PLN.* Pembayaran tagihan PLN Paskabayar.* Pembayaran BPJS Kesehatan.* Pembayaran tagihan Telp Paskabayar.* Pembayaran tagihan PDAM(49 wilayah).* Pembayaran cicilan kendaraan.* Pembayaran TV Langganan.* Pemesanan rental mobil.Peluang Kerjasama-------------------------------*Bagi Anda yang memiliki usaha rental mobil dan ingin mengembangkanjaringan cabang agar banyak mendatangkan penyewa rental mobil Anda,adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk kerjasama dengan SimplePAY. Segerahubungi kami untuk informasi lebih detail tentang peluang kerjasamaagen rental mobil.*Bagi Anda yang memiliki produk yang sekiranya bisa didistribusikan melalui SimplePAY, kami sangat terbuka untukkerjasama. Segera hubungi kami untuk pembahasan lebih lanjut.Jangan sungkan untuk kunjungi website kami diwww.simplepay.idTerimakasih atas kerjasama dan kepercayaan Anda© 2015 Artaguna Berkah Karya - SimplePAYinformation---------------This gembiraaa..saat news SimplePAY but can make a purchase /payment wide - range of products / bill payment, also can make carrental reservations.immediately register yourself become a friend SimplePAY ...important point---------------------* For those of you who want to start a business PPOB booth /payment payment, SimplePAY is the right choice.* For those of you who have a car rental business, please contactus for an interesting cooperation opportunities.Registration--------------------* For questions, please email to [email protected]* Whatsapp / Phone to 085 711 530 622.* Registration of new partners will we point to the CA (collectingagent) we, in accordance with the new partner domicile.service SimplePAY--------------------------------* Transactions 24 hours / day.* Customer support s.d 08:00 23.00 pm.* Print receipts via mobile printer (transaction viaandroid).* Print receipts through inkjet printer / dot matrix (transactionsvia desktop / PC).* Check the transactions that have been made via theapplication.* Recap transaction.* Complaint through the application.* Protection of security.Selection means transactions----------------------------------* Using the android application.* Using a desktop application.* Using SMS.product SimplePAY------------------------------* Purchase pulse all operators.* Purchase vouchers games.* Purchase token PLN.* PLN Postpaid bill payment.* Payment BPJS Health.* Tel Postpaid bill payment.* Payment of bills taps (49 regions).* Payment of installments vehicle.* Payment of subscription TV.* Booking a car rental.Cooperation opportunities-------------------------------* For those of you who have a car rental business and want todevelop a branch network that many renters bring your car rental,is the right choice for cooperation with SimplePAY. Please contactus for more detailed information about the car rental agencycooperation opportunities.* For those of you who have a product that might be distributedthrough SimplePAY, we are open for cooperation. Please contact usfor further discussion.Feel free to visit our website at www.simplepay.idThank you for your cooperation and your trust© 2015 Artaguna Blessing Work - SimplePAY