Top 3 Games Similar to 模块拼图

四子棋对战 6.0
这是一个有几个世纪历史的益智游戏,据说当年库克船长就用它来打发航海途中的漫长时间。四子棋易学难精,游戏双方轮流每次把一只棋子放进棋盘任何未全满的一行中,棋子会占据一行中最底未被占据的位置。任何一方先以四只棋子在横,竖或斜方向联成一条直线,便可获胜,游戏亦结束。假如棋盘已完全被棋子填满,但仍未有任何一方成功把四只棋子成一直线,则成为和局。This is acenturies-oldpuzzle game, said that when Captain Cook used it topass a longtime sailing on the way. Four sons chess learn difficultto master,the game the two sides take turns each put a piece intoany row ofthe board is not completely full, the piece will occupytheposition of the bottom row unoccupied. Any party associatedfirstwith four pieces in horizontal, vertical or diagonal directionin astraight line, you can win, the game also ends. If the boardhasbeen completely filled with pieces, but do not have anypartysuccessfully put four pieces in a straight line, it becomesand theCouncil.
水果对对碰 1.22
操作方法跟其它的连连看游戏一样。连续点击2个相同的图标,如果它们之前能够用线条连接,而且线条不超过3根,就可以消掉。游戏中有不同的模式拱大家选择,也有丰富的道具组合让你玩起来更加愉快。Operation withotherLianliankan game. Continuous click two same icons, if they canbeconnected by lines before, but no more than three lines, youcaneliminate. The game has different modes arch your choice, therearea wealth of props combination allows you to play itmoreenjoyable.
五子棋游戏 3.1.0
超级对战五子棋,自适应绝大多数android机型,融入更多的游戏元素,努力哦~五子棋的玩法想必大家都很熟悉了,想办法把自己的棋子在横、竖、斜任意一个方向上连续排满5个就算赢。不过电脑也不会让你那么容易得逞的,有些小技巧在玩的过程中就能学会的,开始玩吧!界面优雅,老少咸宜。SuperBattlebackgammon,the vast majority of android adaptive modelsincorporatemoreelements of the game, trying oh ~Play backgammon surely we are all familiar with, I try toputtheirpieces in horizontal, vertical, diagonaleitherdirectioncontinuously filled five even win. However, thecomputerwill notlet you get away so easily, and some tips onplaying thecoursewill be able to learn and start playing!Elegantinterface,suitable for all ages.