Top 10 Apps Similar to Warfare Studies

IPB for Military
Useful, handy manual and reading materials for militaryofficer& decision maker
Powerpoint Guidelines 1.0
Powerpoint Guidelines App basicallyaguideline,tips and tricks to present an effectivepowerpointduring thepresentation. A very useful reading materialsforpowerpointbeginners.Powerpoint Guidelines app features:-1) Basic Powerpoint Guidelines- Tips for creating great presentations- Important stuff for the presentation2) Tips and Tricks- Step by step guidelines for the beginner- Design Tips- Dos and Don'ts- Effective powerpoint presentation3) Powerpoint WallpaperDownload Powerpoint Guidelines App for Free and learn allthetipsand tricks for the effective powerpoint presentation.Thank you...
Panduan Kempen Politik 1.3
Aplikasi Panduan Kempen Politik ini dibuat untuk memudahkanmerekayang terlibat dengan politik seperti pemimpin parti politik,bakalcalon pilihanraya, jentera-jentera parti politik,jentera-jenterapilihanraya serta pelajar universiti yg mengambilsubjek politik.Panduan kempen pilihanraya mudah di akses untukrujukan dan bolehdi muat turun secara percuma sahaja. Antarakandungan aplikasiPanduan Kempen Politik ini ialah:- 1) SistemPilihanraya DiMalaysia Keseluruhan sistem pilihanraya Malaysia darimula hinggaakhir. Panduan yang perlu diketahui umum khususnyamereka yangterlibat secara lansung dengan pilihanraya. 2) PanduanPerancanganKempen Politik Mengandungi panduan terperinci untukmemenangipilihanraya dari National Democratic Institute ForInternationalAffairs (NDI) yang digunapakai seluruh dunia. Antarakandungan bukupanduan ini ialah:- - Langkah Pertama - Penyelidikan- LangkahKedua - Menetapkan Matlamat - Mensasarkan Pengundi -MembangunkanMesej Kempen - Membangunkan Sebuah Pelan HubunganPengundi -Menjadikan ia Satu Kenyataan - Mengandungi lampirandanborang-borang kempen yang mudah dan boleh diadaptasi. 3)Kata-kataMutiara - Pemimpin Malaysia - Pemimpin Dunia - Prof DrHamka Semogaaplikasi Panduan Kempen Politik ini dapat membantu andamemahamisistem pilihanraya di Malaysia dan memenangi kempenpilihanrayaakan datang. Sila muat turun secara percuma. Terimakasih.
Strategic Leadership 1.5
Strategic leadership for potential leaders to realize vision inanyorganization
Military Appreciation Process 1.0
Military Appreciation Process app isdesignedasa reference for military officers.This app features :-1) JMAP - Joint Military Appreciation ProcessScope- Introduction to JIPB- Joint Preparation- Preliminary scoping & Comd Initial Guidance- Mission Analysis- COA Development- COA Analysis- Decision & Execution2) JIPB - Joint Intelligence Preparation of The BattlespaceCase Study - Falklands war3) Falklands War - Sea Battle (Slide Presentation)4) Falklands War - Sea Battle Analysis5) Falklands War - Factors1st Factor - The Employment of Submarines2nd Factor - Technology and Equipments3rd Factor - Argentine Conscript Soldiers versusProfessionalBritishSoldiers4th Factor - Employment of Special Factors5th Factor - Superior Logistic FactorsRecommendation For Modern ConflictsDownload Military Appreciation Process app for FREE.
Strategic Management 1.4
Strategic Management, strategic planning, its cycle, controlprocess& approach.
Fiqh Wanita Bab Darah 1.3
Aplikasi Fiqh Wanita Bab Darah ini ialah tentang hukum 3 darahyangbiasa dialami kebiasaan wanita, yang bersumber dari kitabdanhadis.Pembahasan soal darah pada wanita yaitu haid, nifas,danistihadhah adalah pembahasan yang paling sering dipertanyakanolehkaum wanita. Dan pembahasan ini juga merupakan salah satubahasanyang tersulit dalam masalah fiqih, sehingga banyak yangkelirudalam memahaminya. Bahkan meski pembahasannya telahberulang-ulangkali disampaikan, masih banyak wanita Muslimah yangbelum memahamikaidah dan perbedaan dari ketiga darah ini. Mungkinini dikarenakandarah tersebut keluar dari jalur yang sama namunpada setiap wanitatentulah keadaannya tidak selalu sama, danberbeda pula hukum danpenanganannya. Jadi aplikasi Fiqh Wanita BabDarah ini akanmenerangkan secara terperinci mengenai hukum danpenerangan lengkapmengenai 3 bab darah tersebut. Berikut adalah isikandungan dariaplikasi Fiqh Wanita Bab Darah ini : 1) Haid - Darahhaid dansifatnya - Tempoh Haid - Larangan semasa haid - Tatacaramandiwajib - Masalah tentang haid dan penerangan lengkap 2) Nifas-Darah nifas dan sifatnya - Tempoh Nifas - Larangan semasa Nifas-Tatacara mandi wajib - Masalah tentang Nifas dan peneranganlengkap3) Istihadah - Darah Istihadah dan sifatnya - TempohIstihadah -Hukum Istihadah - Masalah tentang Istihadah danpenerangan lengkap4) Mandi Wiladah dan Hukumnya 5) Manual lengkapuntuk rujukantentang masalah bab darah yang berkaitan. Semogaaplikasi FiqhWanita Bab Darah ini memberi banyak menafaat kepadakaum muslimahsekalian. Muat turun aplikasi ini secara PERCUMA.Terima kasih.
Hadith Collections Abu Dawud 1.0
Hadith Collections Abu Dawud app - GetaccesstoHadiths from the authentic collections of Imam abu DawudyourAndroidPhones and Tabs.This application of helpsMuslimsthroughout theworld in getting wisdom about hundreds andthousandsof AuthenticSayings of the Holy Prophet PBUH collected byImam AbuDawud.This Hadith Collections Abu Dawud contains 36 booksofhadith;Abu Dawud Book 01. Purification 318Abu Dawud Book 02. Prayer 654Abu Dawud Book 03. ZakatAbu Dawud Book 04. The Rites of Hajj 137Abu Dawud Book 05. Marriage 58Abu Dawud Book 06. Divorce 63Abu Dawud Book 07. Fasting 66Abu Dawud Book 08. Jihad 179Abu Dawud Book 09. Sacrifice 56Abu Dawud Book 10. Game 17Abu Dawud Book 11. Wills 23Abu Dawud Book 12. Shares Of Inheritence 43Abu Dawud Book 13. Tributes, Spoils And Rulership 80Abu Dawud Book 14. Funerals 72Abu Dawud Book 15. Oaths and Vows 40Abu Dawud Book 16. Commercial Transactions 43Abu Dawud Book 17. Wages 75Abu Dawud Book 18. The Office Of The Judge 42Abu Dawud Book 19. Knowledge 26Abu Dawud Book 20. Drinks 66Abu Dawud Book 21. Food 74Abu Dawud Book 22. Medicine 33Abu Dawud Book 23. Divination and Omens 20Abu Dawud Book 24. Book Of Emancipation Of Slaves 43Abu Dawud Book 25. Dialects And Readings Of The Qur'an 40Abu Dawud Book 26. Hot Baths 11Abu Dawud Book 27. Clothing 137Abu Dawud Book 28. Combing The Hair 55Abu Dawud Book 29. Signet-Rings 26Abu Dawud Book 30. Trials And Fierce Battles 38Abu Dawud Book 31. The Promised Deliverer 12Abu Dawud Book 32. Battles 33Abu Dawud Book 33. Prescribed Punishments 77Abu Dawud Book 34. Types Of Blood-Wit 100Abu Dawud Book 35. Model Behavior Of The Prophet (PBUH) 39Abu Dawud Book 36. General Behavior 298* Beautiful and easy to use interface that lets youreadbysliding only.* Universal App - works with all most all AndroidPhonesandTabs!* Hijri Calendar with Islamic EventsDownload Hadith Collections Abu Dawud now for FREE.Thank you.
Solat Jamak Dan Qasar
Panduan serta huraian soal jawab Solat Jamak dan QasaruntukMusaffir.
Six Thinking Hats 1.5
This Six Thinking Hats App is a quick guide to the six hatstooldeveloped by Edward de Bono. Six Thinking Hats is a method tosolveproblems in a structured way. This application supports thefamousmethod. How to Use the Tool You can use Six Thinking Hatsinmeetings or on your own. In meetings, it has the benefitofblocking the confrontations that happen when people withdifferentthinking styles discuss the same problem. Each 'ThinkingHat' is adifferent style of thinking. These are explained below:White HatWith this thinking hat,you focus on the data available.Look at theinformation you have, and see what you can learn fromit. Look forgaps in your knowledge, and either tries to fill themor takeaccount of them. This is where you analyze past trends, andtry toextrapolate from historical data. Red Hat 'Wearing' the redhat,you look at problems using intuition, gut reaction, andemotion.Also, try to think how other people will react emotionally.Try tounderstand the responses of people who do not fully knowyourreasoning. Black Hat. Using black hat thinking, look at all thebadpoints of the decision. Look at it cautiously and defensively.Tryto see why it might not work. This is important becauseithighlights the weak points in a plan. It allows you toeliminatethem, alter them, or prepare contingency plans to counterthem.Black Hat thinking helps to make your plans 'tougher' andmoreresilient. It can also help you to spot fatal flaws andrisksbefore you embark on a course of action. Black Hat thinking isoneof the real benefits of this technique, as many successfulpeopleget so used to thinking positively that often they cannotseeproblems in advance. This leaves them under-preparedfordifficulties. Yellow Hat. The yellow hat helps you tothinkpositively. It is the optimistic viewpoint that helps you toseeall the benefits of the decision and the value in it. YellowHatthinking helps you to keep going when everything looks gloomyanddifficult. Green Hat. The Green Hat stands for creativity. Thisiswhere you can develop creative solutions to a problem. It isafreewheeling way of thinking, in which there is little criticismofideas. A whole range of creativity tools can help you here.BlueHat. The Blue Hat stands for process control. This is the hatwornby people chairing meetings. When running into difficultiesbecauseideas are running dry, they may direct activity into GreenHatthinking. When contingency plans are needed, they will askforBlack Hat thinking, etc. A variant of this technique is to lookatproblems from the point of view of different professionals(e.g.doctors, architects, sales directors, etc.) or differentcustomers.Download Six Thinking Apps for FREE!