Top 16 Apps Similar to Экадаши. Календарь 2014

Lunar Calendar. Moon Phases + horoscopes 2.6
Moon is the closest to us heavenly body. Ever sinceancienttimespeople noticed that the Moon has a strong influence onmanyaspectsof their life and health. That's why Lunar Calendarweredeveloped.Moon phase influences on the rhythm of watermetabolismin livingorganisms, on functional physiology, on thecyclicityofreproduction in the animal world, and on many otherprocesses,andthis fact has been confirmed by scientificresearch.Differentlunar phases affect our mood, luck, andwell-being. Withthe helpof this Moon Calendar you can find out theLunar phase andLunarday for a selected date and time.
Православный Kалендарь 2.4
Includes: Church Calendar, Prayer Book, Easter Calculation Date
Vaishnava calendar 2.1.3
Vaishnava’s celebrations and Ekadasi Calendar with reminder.
Lunafaqt sun and moon info 1.26
Ron Nijssen
Shows all the info about the moon you want to know
Календарь Экадаши 1.9
Календарь Эка́даши календарь дляотслеживанияинапоминания Экадаши и Вайшнавских праздников.Эка́даши (санскр. - «одиннадцать») - одиннадцатый день(титхи)послеполнолуния и новолуния каждого лунного месяцавиндуистскомкалендаре. В индуизме и джайнизме дни экадашисчитаютсяособоблагоприятными для совершения аскезы или епитимьи.Индуисты вдниэкадаши постятся либо полностью, либо воздерживаютсятолькоотзернобобовых продуктов. Особо важное духовноезначениеэкадашиимеет в вайшнавизме.EkadasiCalendarCalendarfor tracking and reminders andVaishnavaEkadashicelebrations.Ekadashi (Sanskrit - "eleven") - the eleventh day (tithi)afterthefull moon and new moon of every lunar month in theHinducalendar.In Hinduism and Jainism days Ekadasi isconsideredparticularlyfavorable for making austerities or penances.Hindusduring theEkadasi fast, either fully or only abstain fromfoodlegumes. Ofparticular importance is the spiritual significanceofEkadasi inVaishnavism.
Книга сновидений (сонник) 1.0.38
The most complete collection of dream books. Easily search anduserfriendly interface.
Moon Phase Pro
Spectacular, interactive 3D simulation ofthemoon, right down to the shadows in the craters and earthshineonthe dark side. Touch screen control changes date and time asseenfrom your location - the moon tracks your every move. NowwithAndroid Wear watch face and complications!One of Yahoo! News' Best Stargazing Apps, and oneofAppolicious' Best Moon Phase Android AppsFeatures:▶ For any date/location, instantly shows phase, crescentangle,rise/set times, and nearest syzygies▶ Change phase by touchscreen or direct date entry▶ 2 finger drag rotates the moon: see the far side!▶ Calendar shows month's phases at a glance▶ Data pane gives additional details: azimuth, altitude,distance,apogee, perigee, zenith, and more▶ Android Wear watch face shows the same imagery, plus(optionally)abbreviated data▶ Supplies moon data & imagery via complications tootherWear 2 watch faces▶ Choice of imagery: High definition or Maximum realism▶ Share moon image & data via social media▶ Fully tablet-optimized and Material-designed▶ Notifications for major phases, also optimized forAndroidWear▶ Live wallpaper▶ Multiple sizes of widget, most with optional moon info text▶ Dynamic shadows of surface features (craters,mountains,etc.)
Вайшнавский календарь 2014 3.0
Это приложение содержит в себе календарьиописание Вайшнавских праздников и дней экадаши за 2014 год,начинаяс февраля месяца. Если есть желание материальноподдержатьразработчиков - скачивайте наши платные приложения.Пожалуйстапишите свои отзывы и пожелания на нашем сайтеСпасибо.This applicationcontainsa description of the Vaishnava calendar holidays and daysofEkadasi in 2014, beginning with the month of February. If youwantto financially support developers - download our paid apps.Pleasewrite your comments and suggestions on our you.
Nirnay & Calendar 2023 - 2024 4.0.3
Panchang (Nirnay) is an ancient Vedic calendar 2023 in atabulatedformat
Pravoslavni kalendar 2.3
Од верзије 2.1 Православни календар има подршку и залатиничнописмо.Православни календар обједињује: - Црквеникалендар, упериоду од2010. до 2021. године, са дневним приказомдатума погрегоријанском ијулијанском календару, месечеве мене иврстепоста. Омогућена су триприказа календара: текстуални,иконесветаца и сликовит приказ поста.Доступан је приказ датумапочеткаи краја свих постова године изкалендара. - Празнике и крснеславе.Сваки празник и крсна слава,осим датума садрже и икону каоижитије свеца. - Молитвеник, са вишеод педесет молитви.-Израчунавање датума Васкрса, као и католичкогУскрса,једноставнимуносом године. - Четири врсте widgeta (1x1, 2x1,2x2,4x1) Црквеникалендар аутоматски прилагођава покретне празникеипостове засваку годину према Васкрсу као и месечеве мене. Упрвојверзијиомогућен је приказ црквеног календара у периоду од2010. до2019.године. ★ v2.0 - Omogućen period crkvenog kalendarado2019.godine. - Brza promena meseca ili godine. Otvara se tapomnatekućugodinu. - Nov dnevni prikaz i lakši način promeneprikazacrkvenogkalendara. - Unete krsne slave koje su korisniciuočilidanedostaju. - Ispravljene slovne greške koje su korisniciuočili.★v1.5 - Omogućen period crkvenog kalendara do 2017.godine.-Uključen prikaz za letnje, miholjske i jesenjezadušnice.-Poboljšana je grafika ikona svetaca. - Ispravljenproblemsavelicinom widgeta koji je zauzimao dve vrste na nekimuređajima.-Promenjen je prikaz widgeta 4x1. - Dodata su 3novawidgeta,dimenzija 1x1, 2x1 i 2x2 ★ v1.4 - Ispravljena greškasacrvenimslovima za 16, 23. i 30. januar - Ispravljen problemsaprikazomsvetaca od 1. do 13. marta sve ne-prestupne godine. ★v1.3- Prikazdnevne vrste posta i mesečeve mene u crkvenomkalendaru,napočetnom ekranu kao i u widget-u. (Postovi i mesečevemenesudostupni od 2010. do 2015. god.) - Crkveni kalendar:1.Slikovitprikaz dnevnih postova. Preko "menu" komande omogoćenojepromenitiprikaz. 2. Period svih postova 3.Automatskopozicioniranje listena tekući datum - Uneto je desetakkrsnih slavaza koje sukorisnici uočili da nedostaju. -- TheOrthodox calendarcomprises:- The church calendar, for the period2010. – 2019., withdailydate view according to Gregorian and Juliancalendar, phasesof themoon and types of fast. The calendar hasthree views:Textual,Icons of the saints and Graphic view of thefasting period.It ispossible to get the begin and end dates of allyears’fastingperiods from the calendar. - Holidays and Patronsaints daydates.Every holiday and patron saints day, besides thedate, alsocontainan icon of the saint as well as his biography. -Prayerbook, withmore than fifty prayers. - Easter date calculation,aswell asCatholic Easter date, by simply entering the year.Thechurchcalendar automatically adjusts moveable holidays andfastsforevery year according to Easter as well as the phases ofthemoon.The first version of the church calendar is for the 2010–2019period.
Gujarati Calendar 2.0.9
An easy to use Gujarati Calendar 2023 with Colour Imagestorepresent key events
Ekadashi Jagran 1.2
To mark the 60th celebrations of Shree KutchSatsangSwaminarayanTemple Nairobi, the Temple is pleased to offerthis appin anattempt to allow devotees to easily take part inEkadashiJagaranand to practice the Kirtans while on the move, athome or attheTemple. Kirtan Bhakti performed on any day isinvaluable butthemerits of such actions on Ekadashi areimmeasurable. Features-Offline reading, allowing it to work withoutaninternetconnection. - In Gujarati and Transliterated EnglishLipi,makingit accessible to majority of users. - Ekadashi Patra(Letter)bySwami Shree Aksharjivan Dasji - Change Text Colourtosuitenvironment and preference - Change Font Size for easeofreading -Feature to alert us of corrections, if you findanymistakes,please do let us know using the built in feature. WhatisEkadashi?Ekadashi follows the Hindu calendar on the movement ofthemoon. amonth has 30 days and are divided into two periodsof15days. Firstperiod of the month is called Sud (Sukla pax).Duringthis period,the Moon's size is increasing. The second periodof themonth iscalled Vad ( Krishan pax). During this period, themoon'ssize isdecreasing. Ekadashi occurs on the 11th day of eachperiod(twice amonth). Ekadashi mean 11 (Ek meaning 1 and dashmeaning10therefore 11). It is tradition in Hindu religion toobserve fastonthis day and is considered a holy day. Story ofEkadashiEkadashiis a Vrat (austerity) which started many years ago.OnceLordNarayan was resting and a demon call Mundanav challengedtheLordfor a fight. Mundanav had a boon (wish) that he couldnotbedefeated by a man. So Lord Narayan produced a damselfromelevenspiritual parts of his body. Mundanav was so attractedtothisdamsel that he asked her to marry her. The damsel agreedwithacondition that he had to fight her and destroy her andonlythenwill she marry him. Mundanav was blinded by passion anddidnoteven think twice and agreed to fight with her. Duringthefight,Mundanav was killed by the damsel. Lord Narayan waspleasedwiththe damsel and granted her a boon. The damsel askedLordNarayanthat ‘as I evolved from your Ekadash Indriyas(elevenspiritualparts of the body) I shall be known as Ekadashi. Iamfilled withTaap (penance) so I desire that people shouldobserveEkadashiVrata on this day and control their Ekadash Indriyasonthis day.Lord Narayan agreed and ever since all HindusperformEkadashi Vratby fasting or eating farrari foods. A number ofpeopledo NirjalaEkadashi Vrat on this day by not taking any foodordrink.Swaminarayan Bhagwan explains in the Vachnamrut thatatrueEkadashi Vrat is when one withdraws the ten indriyasandtheeleventh, the mind, from their worldly activities andfocusesthemon God and devotional activities. The Indriyas thatshouldbecontrolled during Ekadashi: 5 Sense organs Eyes EarsNoseSkinTongue 5 Motor organs Hands Feet MouthReproductiveOrgansExcretory OrgansTheMind_____________________________________________ SWAMINARAYANSSMB
Thailand Buddhist Calendar 2.8
Thai Calendar 2023 Buddhist Holy Days, Reminder, Widget &ShortNote
Когда намаз
"Когда намаз" - это простое и быстрое приложение,котороепозволяетполучить: - расписание (время) намазов, котороевбольшинствегородов соответствует времени в мечетях; - аятыКоранаидостоверные, хорошие хадисы; - определить направлениенаКаабу(Кибла); - будильник на утренний намаз (Фаджр);-получатьнапоминание о намазе за определенное время; -получатьнапоминаниео намазе в момент самого намаза (Азан) -просмотретьвремя намазана весь месяц. - Виджет со временем намаза -Кнопка дляотключениязвука на время намаза. Звук включаетсяавтоматически.-Естьвозможность рассчитать расписание по GPSкоординатамПоддерживаемыхгородов уже больше чем 1000 и списокрасширяется.Внимание, припервом запуске необходимо подключение кИнтернету.Такжеподключение к Интернету необходимо в первый денькаждогомесяца.
Производственный календарь 1.11.5
The best production calendar for a five-day work week. RF 2020-2021
Hindu Calendar 7.0.8
All feautures of the app workofflinetoo!!• Panchang for any day of the calendar. Tithi, paksha (shuklaandkrishna), yoga, karana, nakshatra and vaar.• Also shows varsh (Year), maah (month purnimant andamavasyant),zodiac of moon, ayana (Dakshinayan and Uttarayan) andthe ritu(Season), along with their end times.• Kundali (or Kundli) for any location and any date and time.Bothin North Indian and South Indian style. Save your kundalisforaccessing them later.• Kundali Matching : Ashtakoota Guna Milan of the kundalis,showingthe score out of 36 gunas.• Vimshottari Dasha for the kundali along with the rashi,lagnarashi, Varna, Nadi, Yoni, Gana and Balance of Dasha.• Detailed panchang view showing the padas, moon rise and moonset,sunrise and sunset for the chosen location.• Day and Night Choghadiya, Rahukalam, Yama Ghantam, Guli Kalam,DurMuhurt and Abhijit Muhurtam . All calculated for yourchosenlocation.• 4 beautiful widgets showing the moon phase, and the lunardate,and one showing moon rise, moon set and sun rise sunsettimings.• Watch Ishta kaal for your place, which is the Hindu Time (orHinduClock). Shows real time Ghati, Vighati or Pal or Kal, Vipalor Liptor Vikal.• Griha (Planet) Positions in both Sayana (Tropical) andNirayana(Sidereal) system. (including shani, rahu and ketu). UsesLahiri /Chitrapaksha Ayanamsa.• Find all the celestial objects, nakshatras, rashis and grihasinthe sky, using the companion app Indian Sky Map.• A monthly Calendar view highlighting the Ekadashi,Chathurthi,Poornima and Amavasya. Shows the monthly list offestival. Alsoshowing the moon phase for each date.• Shows the date of Hindu festivals and allows to add thefestivalsin your calendar.: Diwali (Deepawali), Chhath, KarwaChauth, Holi,Maha Shivaratri, Ramnavami, Rakshabandhan etc• Save and track your own tithis.• Support for custom location. Choose from over 3000 cities,orchoose your own location.• Has the options of Vikram Samvat, Vikram Samvat Kartak andIndianNational Calendar (Saka) year systems.Widgets only work when app is on phone memory and not onSDcardPlease check the month type you follow, Amavasyant andPurnimant,and set it accordingly in Settings.Follow us on