Top 3 Apps Similar to BizDrive® - Office Management

Cash Desk Pro 2.2.2
Tablet-Version: you looking for a cash desk app to support yoursmallbusiness? Or simply a cash desk app for your androidsmartphone?Then try CashDesk Pro. This app was designed to supportsellers intheir daily business.The appealing and supportive features include:• intuitive usability• appealing graphics• fast and effective navigation• up to eight different colors per button• integrated CRM• cash balance display• Import of Menus and displays• Organising tips• revenue display• short summary (can be switched off)• change calculation (can be switched off)• easy reversal of wrong input• export of revenue information into CSV format• user manual (free download)Cash Desk Pro is visually appealing and clearly designed togetan easy and concise overview on your smartphone. All functionsareeasy and and you can reach most through only one click.Buttons can be customised and configured to your needs.Theconfiguration is very simple and can be done without anypreviousexperience via simple long click to the correspondingbutton.Thanks to this, working with different menus is notrequired, whichwill save you a lot of time.CashDesk Pro can be operated intuitively and is thereforealmostentirely self-explaining. If you do need any support, afullexplanation is given in the user manual ( place great importance on easy usability for our users.Becauseof this, we have set up features such as modifying yoursettings,your selling summary or the change display so that theycan beeasily switched on or off and thus saves time. Wrong input,too,can easily be revered via a long click on thecorrespondingarticle. Therefore, time consuming searching andcancelling offeatures is not necessary with this app.Another important feature is the export of the revenues toCSVformat. This allows you to transfer your revenues to aspreadsheettool like Excel.If the app does not meet your expectations, you have theoptionof returning it to the GooglePlayStore within 2 hours ofpurchasingit. This gives you enough time to test all its functionswithoutcommiting to a buy. We highly value our customers´ opinion,whichis why we encourage you to give us your feedback and to giveit arating in the GooglePlayStore. Questions, feedback etc. mayalso bedirected to [email protected] hope you enjoy the features of Cash Desk, and that thisappcontibutes to an easy, stress free work process for you!
Daily Cashbook 1.2.2
The Daily Cashbook is an excellent way to keep securely apersonalor business journal of day-to-day cash transactions,banktransactions and credit transactions in one place. Thisdailycashbook can be used by students/employees/entrepreneursand/orbusinessmen who likes to track their daily expensesagainstincomes. The daily cashbook is free for everyone. Itsumsexpenditures and income, determines current cash balance andeventakes into account opening cash balance. It is a cash book inwhichnot only cash transactions are recorded but it also managesyourdaily bank and credit transactions. In other way, everysingletransaction in which your cash is involved, can be handled bythisapp. It is generally maintained by each business concerns whichdowant to handle cash by themselves. (small business concerns).DailyCashbook Record all income and expense transactions for cashor anynumber of bank accounts. Benefits Of An Daily Cash BookLocalstorage of data, fully secured from unauthorized accessPasswordprotected data Instantly see how much is being spent oneachexpense type every month Instantly see how much is beingearnedevery month Process bank reconciliations to ensure the cashbookbalance equals the bank account balance at the end of everymonthView a Monthly Report as pie chart; this is linked to eachmonthand provides monthly group report. View a Daily Report; thisislinked to each date and provides date totals for each accounttype(Expense, Incomes, Banks & Credits). No bookkeepingexperiencenecessary Free and easy to format to suit yourbusiness/personalrequirements
Generation³ 1.1
Tetraeder to go! - Das Förderprogramm Generation³ fürdeinSmartphone oder Tablet. Ab sofort gibt es Generation³ nichtmehrnur für deinen Web-Browser sondern auch als App für deinSmartphoneoder Tablet. Dies bietet gleich mehrere Vorteile fürProjektträgerund -verantwortliche, für Teilnehmer-innen an AktionenundAngeboten im Rahmen von Generation³ oder einfach fürInteressierteam Förderprogramm: Durch die App sind die aktuellstenNews undInformationen aus der Programmstelle nur noch einenTastendruckentfernt. Mit ihrer Hilfe kannst du also noch schnellererfahren,wann die nächste spannende Veranstlatung stattfindet,welche Themenbesonders im Blickfeld stehen oder was dieReferent-inn-en in derProgrammstelle gerade bewegen. Außerdembietet die App einenschnellen Einblick in den Alltag der aktivenProjekte. Du findestStatusberichte, Fotos, Videos und natürlichalleRahmeninformationen zu jedem Projekt. Darüber hinaus kannstdumithilfe der App auch direkt nach Projekten und Trägern imUmkreisdeines jeweiligen Aufenthaltsortes suchen. Auf diesem Wegeerhältstdu hoffentlich viele Anregungen für neue Projektideen, fürdieGestaltung der Berichterstattung zu deinem eigenen Projekt oderzumöglichen Kooperationen mit anderen Projektträgern. Nebendiesenallgemeinen Optionen bietet die Generation³-App besonders fürdieProjektverantwortlichen einige spannende Funktionen: So lässtsichein Großteil der Projektverwaltung mithilfe der App auchvonunterwegs erledigen. Du hast die Möglichkeit, dich insProjektbüroeinzuloggen und bspw. einen Statusbericht noch währendeiner Aktionzu verfassen. Oder du machst einen Einkauf für deinProjekt undkannst noch an der Kasse den zugehörigen Beleg imKassenbucheintragen. Und du kannst selbstverständlich innerhalb derApp einFoto machen und dieses direkt in deine Galerie hochladen.Und auchauf der Ebene der Methoden hat die App einiges zu bieten.Übereinen integrierten Link kommt ihr auf direktem Wege indieneXTtools – die interaktive Datenbank desLandesjugendringNiedersachsen e.V für Methoden, Spiele und Ideenfür dieJugendarbeit Also: Mach dich auf den Weg... in Zukunft immermitGeneration³ in der Hosentasche!