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新加坡远东机构 2.2
使用我们的免费华语版应用,在新加坡寻找理想家园变得易如反掌。您也可以用此应用搜索商业房产如工业厂房、办公室和医疗套房。远东机构是新加坡最大的私人房地产开发商,在建造创新且实用的空间上声誉卓著,为客户提供一流的体验与价值。自1960年成立以来,远东机构一贯致力于改变新加坡的城市景观,迄今已开发超过730处产业,包括住宅、酒店、零售、商业及工业大厦等各类建筑。在新加坡每6套私宅中即有1套是远东机构所建造。该应用的特点包括:1. 最新信息:成为最先得知远东机构一手资料的人士!了解最新推出的项目、促销、新闻和有趣活动等等。2. 高级搜索:使用我们的高级搜索功能迅速寻找您的理想房产。根据您的最爱地点、支付能力、工程进度等搜索房产。3. 更多激动人心的特色:喜欢我们的商业广告视频?您也可以通过这个程序下载您喜爱的彩铃乃至壁纸。4. 当前定位:查看所有距您最近的远东机构房产。您也可选择接收距您最近的销售处所举办的活动和促销通知。5. 微博:若认为我们的信息有用,您可在微博上与朋友分享。6. 联络我们:需要协助?轻触拨电按钮可与我们热情的销售人员交谈。您也可在线向我们发送咨询。Use our freeChineseversion iPhone application, looking for theidealhome in Singapore becomes a breeze. You can also usethisapplication to search commercial real estate such asindustrialplants, offices and medical suites. Far East OrganizationisSingapore's largest private real estate developers intheconstruction of innovative and practical space reputation,toprovide customers with first-class experience and value. Sinceitsestablishment in 1960, Far East Organization, Singapore hasalwaysbeen committed to changing urban landscape, has so fardevelopedmore than 730 industrial, residential, hotel, retail,commercialand industrial buildings and other types of buildings.Every sixsets of private homes in Singapore in the Far East thathas a setof institutions built.Features of this application include:1 latest information: who became the first-hand information thatFarEast Organization's! Learn about the latest launch of theproject,promotions, news and interesting events and so on.2 Advanced search: Use our advanced search feature to quicklyfindyour ideal property. Search property according to yourfavoritesites, ability to pay, the progress of projects.3 more exciting features: like our commercial video? You canalsodownload the wallpaper of your favorite ring tones and eventhroughthis program.4 Current Location: View all your nearest Far EastOrganizationproperty. You can also choose to receive notificationsfrom yourpromotional activities and sales premises recentlyorganized.5 micro-Bo: If our information useful to think you can sharewithyour friends on the microblogging.6 Contact Us: Need help? Touch dial buttons can be used withourelectric enthusiastic salespeople talk. You can also send usonlineconsultation.