Top 18 Apps Similar to Kişiye Özel Toplu SMS

BurnSkySMS - Toplu SmS 1.0.15
BurnSkySMS arkadaşlarınıza vedostlarınızakendi Gsm Operatörünüz Üzerinden Sınırsız Sayıdaeğlenceli TopluSms mesajları gönderebileceğiniz ve kişilistenizdeki isimlerinizide bu mesajlarınıza harmanlıya bildiğinizÜcretsiz mesajlaşmaprogramıdır. Aynı zamanda içerisinde bulunan vedevamlı güncellenenhazır mesajlarla özel günlerde kolaylıkla isterbelirlediğiniz birmesajı isterseniz de karışık olarak Sms mesajlarıgöndermenizeolanak sağlayan ücretsiz Sms gönderme programıdır.DilersenizSadece cep telefonlarına BurnSkySMS Programında bulunanceptelefonlarını ayıklama özelliği sayesinde Sms gönderebilirvegereksiz telefon numaralarından ve kısakodlardankurtulabilirsiniz.BurnSkySMS kişi listenizi Telefonunuzun hafızasınakopyalayarakAndroid Telefonlarda çok sorun teşkil eden çift numaragörünmesorununa sebep olmaz ve aynı zamanda da yedek kişi listesigörevigörür.BurnSkySMS üzerinden kişi listenizde yaptığınız herhangibirdeğişiklik asla telefonunuzun kendi hafızasındakilisteyietkilemez, bu yönüyle güvenli ve kolay bir kullanımsağlar.NOT : UYGULAMAMIZ UYKU MODUNDA VE ALTA ALINARAKÇALIŞMAMAKTADIR.AYNI ZAMANDA GSM HATTINIZDA KOPMALAR OLMADIĞINA VEBAKİYENİZİNYETERLİ OLDUĞUNU SORGULAYARAK KULLANINIZ. İYİKULLANIMLAR.BurnSkySMS’ ın ÖZELLİKLERİ :• Toplu Sms Gönderme : Tüm listenize veya seçtiğiniz birdenfazlakişiye hızlı bir şekilde Sms Mesajları göndermenizeolanaksağlar.• Long SMS Özelliği: BurnSkySMS ile sınırsız uzunlukta SmsMesajlarıgöndermenize olanak sağlar.• Sadece Cep Telefonlarına Gönder : Listenin tamamında,seçilengruplarda veya seçilen bir kısmında cep telefonlarınıtarayarakbulup ayıklar ve sadece Cep Telefonlarına Smsgönderilesinisağlar.• Kişiye Özel Sms : Gönderilecek mesaj içerisine belirlenenbirbölümüne rehberdeki kişi isimlerini ekler ve gönderir.• Hazır Mesajlar: Devamlı güncellenen çok genişkapsamlıgönderilmeye hazır mesaj kataloğu• Rastgele Mesaj Gönderme : BurnSkySMS Hazır Mesajlarkategorisindenseçtiğiniz bir bölümden kişi Listenin tamamına,seçilen gruplaraveya seçilen belirli bir kısmına karışık Smsmesajları göndermenizeolanak sağlar.• Çift Numara Engelleme: BurnSkySMS otomatik olarak birdenfazlagörünen aynı telefon numaraları birleştirerek listesine alırvegereksiz liste kalabalığını önler. (Not : KesinlikTelefonunuzunkişi listesinde bir değişiklik gerçekleştirmez.)• Son Mesaj Kayıtları: Son mesajlarınızı kaydederek sonrayenidengöndermenizi sağlar• Grup Oluşturma: Listenizi istediğiniz kadargruplarabölebilirsiniz ve birine veya birden fazlasını ekleyerekSmsmesajları gönderebilirsiniz.*** Samsung S3 Mini Marka Cihazlarda UygulamamızÇalışmamaktadır.Bununla ilgili çalışmalarımız sürmektedir.*** Samsung Galaxy Wonder Marka Cihazlarda ProgramımızStabilÇalışmamaktadır.burnskysms yourfriendsand your friends via your own GSM Operator Unlimited NumberBulkSms fun to send messages and your name in your contact list isalsofree messaging program that you know your Collated thismessage. Atthe same time contained in a message, and if you wantyou caneasily determine whether special occasions withcontinuouslyupdated allowing you to send instant messages, SMSmessages freeSMS sending program is also mixed. If you wish toextract onlythanks to the mobile phone feature in burnskysmsprogram can sendsms to cell phone and you can get rid ofunnecessary phone numbersand short codes.            burnskysmspeoplein your list Android phone by copying the memory of yourphone doesnot cause problems appear to double the number thatconstitutes muchtrouble and also acts as a backup contactlist.any changes you make to your contact list over burnskysmsneveraffects the list in your phone's own memory, provides a safeandeasy to use in this respect.NOTE: TAKING OUR APPLICATION AND SLEEP MODE ALTA is WORK. ATTHESAME TIME THAT USE by INQUIRIES AND BALANCES NOT ENOUGH youthatyour GSM are LINE BREAK. GOOD USE.burnskysms' s FEATURES:• Bulk Sms Sending: A quick way to select multiple contacts youoryour entire list allows you to send SMS messages.• Long SMS Feature: unlimited length with burnskysms allows youtosend SMS messages.• Only Send to Mobile Phone: the entire list, locate andextracttheir mobile phones by scanning a selected portion or theselectedgroup and allows only the SMS sent to mobile phone.• Special To Sms: people add their names to a specified portionofthe directory and sends the messages to be sent into.• Ready Posts: ready for wide-ranging messages sentregularlyupdated catalog• Random Posting: burnskysms Ready message you choose thecategoryfrom a list of all sections of the people to allow you tosend SMSmessages to a specific part of the mixed group of electedorselected.• Double Number Blocking: burnskysms automatically get the samelistof telephone numbers by combining multiple display list andavoidunnecessary crowd. (Note: does not make a change in yourphone'scontacts list certainty.)• Last Post Records: After saving your last post resend• Creating Groups: You can split your list into groups as youwant,and by adding one or more to send SMS messages.*** Samsung S3 Mini Brand Application Our Work in thedevice.However, our studies are ongoing.*** Samsung Galaxy Wonder brand of machine in our program isthestudy Stable.
Toplu SMS 2.7.5
Toplu SMS sektörünün öncüsü Mutlucell,MobilToplu SMS sistemini hizmetinize sunuyor.Mobil Toplu SMS programı ile cep telefonu rehberinizefirma ünvanınız veya isminizle toplu sms gönderebilirverehberinizdeki kişileri mesaj göndermeprogramınaaktarabilirsiniz.Kayıt olan herkese 50 SMS hediye...Mutlu Telekomünikasyon, Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişimKurumu(BTK) tarafından yetkilendirilmiş LİSANSLI OPERATÖRDÜR. TümGSMoperatörlerinin şebeke sistemlerine doğrudan(aracısız)bağlıdır.Elektronik Haberleşme Yasası ve Yönetmelikleri uyarıncabireyselabonelerimizden TC Kimlik numaralarını kayıt esnasındatalep etmekzorundayız.Bilgileriniz kesinlikle herhangi bir üçüncü kişi ya da kurumilepaylaşılmaz ve tarafımızda saklı tutulur.
JetSMS+ Kurumsal Mesajlaşma 3.2.4
Send toplusms from anywhere and instantly get your reports.
Bizim SMS | Pratik Panel 2.1.2
Our SMS | Practical Mobile Panel Quick and Easy Shipping
GoldMesaj - Toplu Sms 1.1.1
Bu uygulama sadece GoldMesaj TopluSmshizmetialan müşteriler tarafından kullanılabilmektedir.(*****)Mobil uygulama ve web üzerindeki bilgilerinizkesinliklebaşkakişi ya da kurumlarla paylaşılmamaktadır.(*****)GoldMesaj Toplu Sms Hizmeti ücretlidir.GoldMesaj Android Uygulamasının Özellikleri● İleri Tarihli Sms Gönderimi● Grup Oluşturup bu gruplardaki kişilere Sms gönderimi● Harici olarak girilen numaralara Sms gönderimi● Telefonunuzun Rehberinin Tümüne veya sadece seçtiğinizkişilereSmsgönderimi● Türkçe Karakter kullanarak Sms gönderimi● KaraListe oluşturma● Tarih aralığı belirterek Sms gönderiraporlarınındetaylıgörüntülenmesiGoldMesaj Uygulaması ile birlikte istediğinizkişileriiçerengruplar oluşturabilir bu gruplardanistediklerinize ister o an ister sizin belirlediğinizileribirtarihte sms gönderebilirsiniz.Telefon rehberinizi de grup olarak ekleyebileceğiniz buuygulamailegönderdiğiniz Sms lere ait bilgileri çok dahadetaylıolarakraporlar aracılığıyla kolaylıklagörüntüleyebilirsiniz.GoldMesaj aşağıdaki izinleri istemektedir.● Rehbere/Arama Kayıtlarına Erişim- Telefonrehberindekikişileriuygulama içerisinde kullanabilmekiçin(Uygulamaiçerisinde arama kayıtları ile ilgilibirişlemyapılmamaktadır.)● Sms Okuma-Telefona sms olarak gelen yenişifreninalınarakkullanıcı girişi yapılmasını sağlamak için● İnternet-Diğer bütün işlemleri gerçekleştirmekiçingereklidir.This applicationcanonlybe used by customers goldmesaj Bulk Sms service area.(*****), Your information on mobile applications and webnotbeshared with other people or institutions.(*****) Goldmesaj Bulk Sms service is paid.Features of goldmesaj Android Apps● Advanced dated Sending SMS● Group Build sending SMS to people in these groups● SMS to the number entered as the external transmission● all or just the people you choose SMS transmission ofyourphonedirectory● Turkish characters using SMS transmission● Creating blacklist● Send SMS specifying the detailed display of report date rangegoldmesaj application can create groups of people youwantwiththese groupsWant what you want whether it can send an SMS at a laterdateyouspecify.Phone Sms s information you send with this application you canaddtoyour contacts as a group much more detail, you caneasilythroughreports.goldmesaj seeks the following permissions.● directory / search contacts in the phonebook to useinrecordingtheir reach- application (Applicationin a transaction relating to the call records are made.)● taking the new password from sms Reading Sms-phone to maketheuserinput● Internet-is required to perform all other operations.
Messaging SMS 1.38.02
Messaging SMS is one of the best application for you
Unlimited SMS Pro - Bulk Post 2.2
UNLIMITED SMS SENDING PEOPLE10 people from the contacts when messaging to limit many peoplecanhang out.With this software, your guide to dozens or hundreds of peoplehavechosen to write and send SMS via their operator. Forsubmissions,the operator is normally in the form of SMS sendingwill bededucted from your credit or package. Location sharingfeaturessuch as choice of individuals and groups areavailable.Features:- You can choose from your contacts- You can choose from your list of contacts that youcreategroups- Select your device to the people according to the model intermsof performance and stability so you can send individuallyorcollectively- Send and receive delivery reports of messages thatcanexamine- Ideas and suggestions via e-mail to us can contributebypassingNOTE: Healthy transmission report must remain open for thesoftware.Otherwise, the transmission results by operating systemsoftware cannot be returned.
Textra SMS 4.68
Textra is a seriously beautiful, super-fast, feature rich SMSandMMS app
Mood SMS - Custom Text & MMS
Customizable Android SMS app - Share GIF’s, themes, videosandencrypt texts
Android Messages
Google LLC
Android Messages makes it easy tocommunicatewith anyone by using SMS, MMS, and more. Stay in touchwith friendsand family, send group texts, and share your favoritepictures,videos, audio messages.Key features:• Faster sharing: Select or take pictures and videosdirectlyfrom the app and share easily. You can even send audiomessages toyour contacts.• Easy search: Search through contacts andconversationthreads to find exactly what you are looking for.• Purposeful design: A colorful, intuitive designmakescommunicating faster and more fun.• More control: Block people you don’t want to hear from,andarchive messages. No interruptions when you don’t wantthem!• Express yourself: Send audio messages, emoji, stickers,oryour location.• Enhanced features: On supported carriers, you cansendmessages over Wi-Fi or your data network, see when friendshaveread your message, and more.Android Messages is supported on devices running Android™4.4,KitKat, and above.
Messages + SMS 5.28.0
Messages + SMS is a Smart, Beautiful & Free SMS launcher bytheContacts+ team!
SMSdroid is a special messaging app lettingyousend messages with any other messaging app.This app is open source software build in spare time. Addingbadcomments in market won't help much to make it better.Please add your issues with this app on the app's website.Feel free to help translating this app to your languagehere:
Handcent Next SMS-Text w/ MMS 9.13.2
Handcent Next SMS 9.0 has arrived with new messenger features&improvements. The best replacement android text messaging appforyour stock SMS text messenger app. Also a good replacement forGoSMS pro. The best messenger app with free text message&message stickers. - Best SMS app with ultimatemessagecustomization - Group or mass text to send a message tomultiplerecipients - Free Cloud backup - never worry about longtexts everagain - Simple Texting from computer - Reliable guard tokeep textssafe and secure - Lots of Stickers, emojis, and gifs tochoose from- Android wear device support(Dependent on phone app)Handcent isnot only a SMS messenger & texting app pioneer butalso amessage customizer in the SMS messaging app. Have a greatfreetexting & messaging experience is our top priority.MessengerCustomization Change nice themes in our free and simpletexting& messaging app. It’s the best message customizer withwhichyou can personalize text messages (free mms), messagefonts,stickers, colors, ringtones, LED colors, vibration patterns,etc.The theme store in the messenger offers additional themes foryouto choose from. Handcent Anywhere - best private textingoncomputer and tablet. With the Handcent Anywhere messenger youwillbe able to send text messages from your PC, Mac, or Tabletwithouttouching your Android phone SMS texting app. Focus on thecomputerscreen without missing a text message. Go andstart chatting & messaging. MMS MMS is fastand stable, canreceive all kinds of MMS messages. We also can alsoshare full-sizemultimedia with MMS plus. Share multimedia messageswith yourfriends. MMS plus can act as a multimedia android textmessagingdownloader, save multimedia files on our private cloudserver. Popup text Quick reply text messages within a pop upwindow. HandcentNext SMS text messenger app has new look. BestMessenger withPrivate Box A totally encrypted text message box thatcan only beopened by your unique passcode. All your texts inprivate box canonly be viewed by yourself. Best way to protect youwhile messaging& texting. SMS Backup Never worry about losingyour texts ormessages with our backup service. Restore all yourprivate messages(SMS / MMS) and settings when you switch to a newphone or resetyour phone. Wear OS support Receive and replymessages on all ofyour android-based smartwatches, along with thefeatures like voiceto text, etc. Supports Wear OS, Galaxy Watch 3,Galaxy Watch 2active with Tizen OS 5.5 Need to work with the phoneapp, doesn'twork as a standalone app Search You can search textmessages bytime, message type and etc. All SMS messages with textaresearchable SMS Blocker/Blacklisting Block all unwanted or spamSMS& MMS messages in our private android text messagingapp.Scheduled Task Free schedule texts & messages to be sent atagiven time. Emoji Have more fun in the best customizabletextingapp. You will love animated emojis that also comply with thenewestemoji standard in a sms messenger! Stickers Now integratedwithGiphy. You can send messages with stickers by using quicksearch.Handcent is the best sms messenger with stickers. Sticky ontopHandcent Next SMS messenger pins your private contacts on topbasedon your SMS & MMS needs. Underneath there’s a ton ofmessagesimprovements. Group Messaging Chat: Create a groupwithfriends/contacts, all contacts will receive the messagewhiletexting. Send mass text messages with stickers to all membersofthe group. You will love the simple group and mass SMS &MMSmessaging. Go SMS pro users can easily transition. Otherfreefeatures: Bulk Mass SMS & MMS, text snippets and etc. Forthoseof you who love Handcent and need help, please contact [email protected]
Auto SMS Sender 51.1
Auto SMS Sender app is an enormouslypowerfulapp with very user friendly interface, designed by DRC Infotech.It enables you to send SMS automatically to thepreferredrecipients at a scheduled time via your network providerWe want to convert application in pure languagesAnyone who know above language please contact to help us toconvertapplication in different language properlyPrimary Features# Advanced Repeat option from second to year with numberoffrequency for message to be sent.Now you can set number of time message you can repeat.# Auto Forward features: you can forward selectedincomingrecipients based on keyword to selected recipients# Read option for each message. Now you can read sms byclickingrespective sound icon of sms.Also you need to install "Speech Synthesis Data Installer"#. Added Auto reply option. You can easily auto respond toyoursms and miscall by sms just creating profileAccording to your busy time duration, busy situation likeinmeeting, driving etc and recipients.# you can add multiple recipients or can simply add an entireGroup.Even you can schedule different message to be sent todifferentpeople at the same without any message lengthrestriction.# You can also send personal message to multiple contacts withsamecontent, the application automatically incorporate the nameofcorresponding contact from the Phone book while sending an SMS.ForEx: If I want to send SMS like “Hi #Name#” to 5 friends, thenIjust need to select the intended recipients from the phone bookandapplication automatically replace keyword #Name# with theactualname of each user.#“Location”.If a user is at an unknown place and he/she would like toinformsomeone about his/her location, user just need to addLocationkeyword (Ex: #Location#) in message and applicationwouldautomatically retrieve user’s current location usingvariousparameters (Only GPS / GPS & Internet / NetworkProvider). Thisfeature could be extremely helpful in criticalsituations likeaccident or any other violent activities.# IntelliSense for Keyword. Just type # (Hash) and it woulddisplayall possible keywords that you may like to use.# You can view list of your scheduled message, deactivateorreschedule any/ or all of them.# You can reuse a message which is already sent bythisapplication.# You can also track the delivery status of sent messages.# For better accessibility, we have implemented Floating Menu onthetop of each module.# Share any message from your conversation over Facebook,Twitter,What’s app etc.# Restore Backup and Take a Backup:You can save all of your scheduled, delivered and inbox messagesonDropbox. You can also schedule intervals to takeautomaticbackup#Incoming SMS Popup:When a new message arrives it pops up on your screen withoptionslike “Reply, Forward or Delete”.#Preferred Date-time format:We would love to see your feedback or suggestions if thereareany. You can share your thoughts with us at [email protected] us on http://www.drcinfotech.comLike us on : us:
Hazır Mesaj 1.2.2
Qandil Night, Official, Religious Holidays, Special Day ReadySmsSending Application
Multi SMS & Group SMS 2.4.1
Stav Bodik
Send SMS to multi number of recipients.
Tictoc - Free SMS & Text 4.0.17
Chat with friends anytime, anywherewithTictoc. Join 22million+ people who call, text and share onTictoc,for free! Tictoc is available on mobile, PC and the web, soyounever miss a thing. Unlock the power of being connected on thego.Join Tictoc with your friends and family.----------------• Free chat with your friends• Free domestic & international voice calls• Crystal clear call sound quality• Tictoc does not collect user chat history data.• 3G, 4G, and wi-fi access anytime, anywhere• Sending invite text message is FREE!• Send files, photos, stickers, videos, gifs, docs etc.• Access anywhere: mobile, web and computer.• You can simply login to Tictoc PC with your Facebook.----------------FEATURES:• Use on any device, seamlessly. Use Tictoc on yoursmartphone,tablet, and computer without missing a beat!• Automatic syncing to all devices. All your conversationsanddocs sync automatically. Like a good conversation, you only needtosay something once.• Share and Save Anything, literally *anything*! WesupportFacebook Pictures, YouTube Videos, Dropbox files, Photos,PDFs, andmuch more!• Ultimate File Management with My Files to keep photos,videos,music, and every other formatted files neat, organized, andeasilyaccessible on-the-go. Perfect for managing work,organizingmeetings, and planning events.• Dropbox Integration - Instantly share your Dropbox fileswithyour Tictoc friends by accessing your Dropbox fromanychatroom.• Tictoc Clubs go beyond group chat. Create a ‘Club’ tosharepictures and updates with groups of friends, co-workers, orothersthat share your interests. It’s the easiest way for everyonetostay in touch and up to date.• Sticker Studio - a fun, easy way to chat with pics!Transformany photo or video into stickers in our Sticker Studio tomake yourstickers fun, animated—even gifs. Use stickers anywhereyou’d usean emoticon—chat, messaging, texting.----------------For user security and privacy we delete all chat historyrightafter the message has been sent. User chat history is notstored onour server.----------------“Group text on steroids. Love it!” –Sam“Better than whatsapp, runs smooth with great design andeasierways to share media, clubs...see for yourself. Evenregistrationprocess is better. It auto inputs the code.” –MattChristiansen“Best app by far. Tictoc is probably the only app I haveusedevery day / almost all day since downloading.” –AmberLoom----------------------Users are finding us with these keywords:tictoc,free sms,freecall,groupchat,instantmessenger,phonecall,tiktok,tiktok,loom,chatter,hangout,dropbox----------------------Have a comment or question?Please send us an e-mail: [email protected]
100000+ SMS Ideas Collection ! 2.3
Offline App with 100000+ latest collection of SMS ideasforfavourite occations.