Top 5 Apps Similar to Lung Cancer - NHS Decision Aid

Live Wait Times 2.3.0
Helps minimising A&E waits *Please check localities coveredinfull description.
NHS Safeguarding Guide 5.0.1
Antbits Ltd.
Safeguarding resource for healthcare professionals
COPD - NHS Decision Aid 1.7
This App is a Patient Decision Aid designedtohelp people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease makeadecision as to the best treatment choice for them.Traditionally people relied upon their HealthcareProfessionalsto make the decision regarding the most appropriatetreatment fortheir condition. However as medicine has progressedand the rangeof treatment options has increased it is no longeralways adecision based on the Healthcare Professionals preferenceonly.Patient decision aids are a useful tool when there is adecisionto be made about medical advice from the HealthcareProfessionalbut also incorporating the patients’ preferences andconcerns.In order to enable patients to reach a decision inpartnershipwith their Healthcare Professional it is important thatthey haveaccess to information about the different treatmentoptions andhave the opportunity to work through the information andevaluatethe risks and benefits when viewed in conjunction withtheirpersonal values and preferences.This patient decision aid assists patients to progress throughitin an ordered fashion, having a number of distinct elements tothedecision making process which support the patient in reachingaprovisional decision which they can then discuss withtheirHealthcare Professional.Firstly the aid provides information about ChronicObstructivePulmonary Disease in order to facilitate betterunderstanding ofwhat is happening in the body as a result of thiscondition. Thedescription is supported by an animation whichdisplays the ChronicObstructive Pulmonary Disease and demonstrateshow the disease orcondition progresses.Treatment options for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseasearethen displayed providing the patient with an explanation of eachofthe available treatment options which can be easily compared.The third element of the decision aid then invites the patienttoanswer some questions which require him/her to consider what hisorher values and preferences are regarding the treatment oftheirChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease when consideredalongside theconsequences of each of the treatment options, forexample are theyhappy to have an operation in order to treat thecondition, and howmuch are the symptoms they experience upsettingthem or interferingwith their everyday activities?Once the patient has considered these questions thepreferencesthey have entered are displayed back to them in theorder they haveinput and information regarding each of thepreferences isdisplayed alongside it so that the patient can fullyunderstandwhich of the treatment options is most likely to fulfiltheirpreferences.Finally they are presented with the information they have saidistheir preferred treatment option and they are encouraged tothendiscuss that with their Healthcare Professional so thatanagreement can be reached and plans for the treatment made.
GP Antibiotics 6.0.1
Primary Care Empirical Anti-Microbial Guidelines - NHSGreaterGlasgow & Clyde