Top 11 Apps Similar to AAA Screening NHS Decision Aid

My Local NHS 0.3
The My Local NHS app will help youchoosetheright NHS service, leaving urgent care to those that needitmost.The app will explain what each service does, when itshouldbeused, and where to find it.The app uses GPS technology to signpost patientstonearbyservices displaying the information on an interactivemap.NHSservices include:· Pharmacies· Minor Injury Units· Walk-in Centers· GP Practices· Dentists· A&EThe app also includes notes and a reminder function tosaveanyimportant information you wish to keep and reminds youofupcomingappointments.
Live Wait Times 2.3.0
Helps minimising A&E waits *Please check localities coveredinfull description.
NHS Safeguarding Guide 5.0.1
Antbits Ltd.
Safeguarding resource for healthcare professionals
NHS antibiotic guidelines sth 1.1
Blue Frontier
These guidelines are intended to provide advice on the effectiveandsafe treatment of infections commonly presenting in adultsandchildren in the primary care setting in Hampshire and the IsleofWight. The guidelines also promote the use ofnarrow-spectrumantibiotics in preference to broad-spectrumantibiotics where safeand appropriate. The audience of users isanticipated to be generalpractitioners, GP trainees, GP practicenurses, non-medicalprescribers, paramedics, hospital emergencydepartment staff andcommunity pharmacists.The multi-disciplinary guideline development group consistedofgeneral practitioners, hospital consultant medicalmicrobiologists,a consultant in HIV / genito-urinary medicine,specialist hospitalmicrobiology / infectious diseases pharmacists,primary care trustand ambulance trust pharmacists and a seniorpodiatrist acrossSouthampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight andPortsmouth.The guidelines are based largely on the Management ofInfectionGuidance for Primary Care, published jointly by theHealthProtection Agency and the British Infection Association andtheguideline development group gratefully acknowledges the work ofDrCliodna McNulty and her colleagues in the HPA and BIA.Recommendations for when antimicrobial treatment is indicated,basedupon cited national or international evidence-basedguidelines, havebeen expanded from the HPA/BIA Guidance, alongwith recommendationsand practical advice for taking specimens formicrobiologicalinvestigations and interpreting culture andsensitivity laboratoryreports. Clinically relevant information oncautions and warningsassociated with antimicrobial treatment havealso been expanded fromthe HPA/BIA Guidance including informationabout risk of Clostridiumdifficile infection. All statements arefully referenced.
TOXBASE® is the clinical toxicology database of the UK NPIS.
Mental Health Recovery Guide 1.6
17 essential things you need to fast track your recovery frommentalillness.
Squeezy: NHS Pelvic Floor App
Squeezy - the NHS Physiotherapy App for Pelvic FloorMuscleExercises
MyPregnancy@ 2.0.2
[email protected]'s is part of Uni Hospitals BristolNHSFoundation Trust
MCA & MHA Decision Pathways 1.2
This is a mobile application withdecisionpathways to assist with the use of the Mental Capacity Act2005 andthe Mental Health Act 1983 in an acute medical setting. Italsoassists with Liaison Psychiatry referrals within ImperialCollegeHealthcare NHS Trust.
Self Help 11
Our award winning self help guides written by NHSclinicalpsychologists.
Depression NHS Decision Aid 1.8
This App is a Patient Decision Aiddesignedtohelp people with Depression make a decision as tothebesttreatment choice for them.Traditionally people relied upon their HealthcareProfessionalstomake the decision regarding the most appropriatetreatment fortheircondition. However as medicine has progressedand the rangeoftreatment options has increased it is no longeralways adecisionbased on the Healthcare Professionals preferenceonly.Patient decision aids are a useful tool when there isadecisionto be made about medical advice from theHealthcareProfessionalbut also incorporating the patients’preferences andconcerns.In order to enable patients to reach a decisioninpartnershipwith their Healthcare Professional it is importantthatthey haveaccess to information about the differenttreatmentoptions andhave the opportunity to work through theinformation andevaluatethe risks and benefits when viewed inconjunction withtheirpersonal values and preferences.This patient decision aid assists patients to progressthroughitin an ordered fashion, having a number of distinctelements tothedecision making process which support the patient inreachingaprovisional decision which they can then discusswiththeirHealthcare Professional.Firstly the aid provides information about Depression inordertofacilitate better understanding of what is happening in thebodyasa result of this condition. The description is supportedbyananimation which demonstrates how the diseaseorconditionprogresses.Treatment options for Depression are then displayedprovidingthepatient with an explanation of each of theavailabletreatmentoptions which can be easily compared.The third element of the decision aid then invites thepatienttoanswer some questions which require him/her to considerwhat hisorher values and preferences are regarding the treatmentoftheirDepression , when considered alongside the consequencesofeach ofthe treatment options, for example are they happy tohaveanoperation in order to treat the condition, and how mucharethesymptoms they experience upsetting them or interferingwiththeireveryday activities?Once the patient has considered these questionsthepreferencesthey have entered are displayed back to them intheorder they haveinput and information regarding each ofthepreferences isdisplayed alongside it so that the patient canfullyunderstandwhich of the treatment options is most likely tofulfiltheirpreferences.Finally they are presented with the information they havesaidistheir preferred treatment option and they are encouragedtothendiscuss that with their Healthcare Professional sothatanagreement can be reached and plans for the treatmentmade.