Top 50 Apps Similar to Five a Day: do 5 simple habits

Visual Attention Therapy 2.0.42
Assess and treat left neglect more effectively in stroke andbraininjury rehab.
Advanced Language Therapy 2.0.127
Take your aphasia therapy to the next level with 4evidence-basedadvanced apps
ACIM Alerts with Workbook 3.5.9
Daily lessons from A Course in Miracles with scheduled reminders
Mindfulness-Based Speech Thera 2.02
Buddo is a 90-day mindfulness meditation course for peoplewhostutter
Living the 7 Habits
FranklinCovey 7 Habits of Highly Effective People SignatureEditionsession.
SIE Pocket Prep 4.7.9
Featuring 670 SIE practice questions so you can studyanywhere,anytime.
Delightful: Gratitude Journal 1.1.5
René DeAnda
Gratitude journal for positive self-reflection
Naturespace: Sleep Relax Focus 3.0.3
Astonishing 3D nature sounds. Sonic therapy for anxiety andstressrelief.
MoodLinks Anxiety & Depression 1.4.6
Your on-demand emotional wellness companion.
Field Guide to Life: Recovery
Daily meditations and tools to support your recovery and helpyoustay sober.
CBT Diary
With CBT Diary you can:- record events, thoughts, emotions and behaviors- track emotions on charts- list, edit, delete notes you have wrote- generate reports about events, thoughts and emotions and senditto your therapist- customize list of emotions you want to track.If you are in cognitive behavioral therapy thisapplicationdefinitely is for you. CBT Diary helps you in your CBTtherapyevery day, day by day. With this application you can recordevents,your thoughts, emotions and behaviors, analyse them oncharts andsend reports to your therapist. Because the CBT Diary ison yourmobile, you have your diary always with you. You will neverforgetto take. You can take notes anywhere, any time.CBT therapy is effective for a variety of conditions,includingmood, anxiety, personality, eating, addiction, dependence,tic, andpsychotic disorders.For an amount of time all features of the applications areavailableand ads don't appear. After this time some features willbe disabledand ads appear. To enable back all features and stopshowing ads youcan buy a license for 3 months, 1 year or 99years.
UCLA Mindful 1.6.5
UCLA Health
Meditations for well-being
Daily Burst | Simple Wellness, Advice, Inspiration 2.2.0
DailyBurst is a once daily personal development app thatmakesiteasy and fun to improve the areas of your life thataremostimportant to you. Whether you want to have betterfriendships,behappier, be more motivated, stop feeling sad, haveapositiveoutlook on life, better health and wellness or justbepeaceful,content and happy — Daily Burst is the app for you. JUST7MINUTESDAILY: Pause for 7 minutes each day, once a day,wheneverisconvenient, and listen to an amazing audio track thatwillteachyou techniques and simple strategies to improve justabouteveryarea of your life. When people are asked: Hey,motivationalandinspirational affirmations really work. Along withsomeprovenpersonal development advice, you're going to learn tobehappy andfulfilled. “What do you most want to improve inyourlife?” — mostpeople say the same things: IMPROVE RELATIONSHIPSWITHLOVED ONES |HAVE MORE JOB SATISFACTION | MAKE AN BIGGER IMPACT|HAVE LESSSTRESS & ANXIETY | PURSUE PASSIONS AND GOALS |HAVEMOREGRATITUDE & PEACE | PRACTICE MINDFULNESS &SPIRITUALITY|STOP WORRYING SO MUCH | HAVE MORE FREE TIME Have youeverwantedany of these things? You’re not alone. There areliterallymillionsof books, websites, blogs, newsletters, Youtubevideos,courses,workshops and more ways to improve your life.Without adoubt,these things all work. But most of us still don’t doit.Whenpeople are asked: "Why don’t you do focus on improvingthethingsthat are important to you?"— most people say the samethings:I’MTOO BUSY | I’M TOO DISTRACTED WITH SOCIAL MEDIA | I DON’TKNOWWHATTO DO FIRST | IT TAKES TOO MUCH TIME | I STARTED BUT THENIGAVE UPThese are all real reasons and we all have them.DailyBursthastaken all of the best self improvement informationavailableandcondensed it into 7 minute daily audio tracks,ultrasimplechallenges and inspirational messages to get you on therighttrackand to keep at it. You might say, 7 minutes, that’s notenoughtimeto make any real progress. But that’s just not true. 7minutesisprobably 7 times longer than what you’re doing rightnow.Here'show it works: 1) Get a daily motivational quotesnotification2)Open the app and see a beautiful and happyinspirational image3)Listen to a 5 minute lifestyle wellness audiotrackprofessionallywritten and recorded 4) Read the dailyhappinesschallenge and justdo it DAILY PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTCHALLENGES AREEASY - Drink 3 cupsof water, stretch as soon as youwake up, say hito someone youdon’t know, take a short walk atlunch, call your momand more likethat. Habit research shows that inorder to build ahealthy habityou also have to break down unhealthyones. Part ofthat meansbuilding a habit of doing healthy things.DAILYINSPIRATION QUOTESARE EMPOWERING - Whether you think they aresillyor not, the factis that they work. Here is an example: “Thosewhodon’t believe inmagic will never find it.” When you readthis,you’re brainchemistry actually alters and you become more opentoexperiencingmagic that day. DAILY SELF HELP EXPERIENCES&ADVICE CREATESCHANGE - When you listen to a personal storyfromsomeone that hasactually experienced a challenge and overcomethatchallenge, thenhear the lessons learned by that person, youwill beable to createthe same results for yourself. The mostimportantaspect is to keepit simple and focus on one thing at atime. Selfhelp books do theopposite. They teach too much too fast,and youforget. Hey,motivational and inspirational affirmationsreallywork. Along withsome proven personal development advice,you'regoing to learn tobe happy and fulfilled. DailyBurst isguaranteedto make your lifebetter & be the one app you open upeverysingle day for 7minutes. That’s it. Try it and be amazed atyourprogress in just afew days.
The Word For You Today 4.0.8
The Word For Today is a daily devotional designed for you!
A Day at a Time 2.0.10
Daily spiritual meditations to help people in recovery livecleanand sober.
Advanced Language Therapy Lite 2.0.127
Take your aphasia therapy to the next level with 4evidence-basedadvanced apps
Dysphagia Therapy 1.2.43
An essential tool to help manage and rehabilitateswallowingdisorders.
Naming Therapy 4.0.202
The most comprehensive word-finding app
WorryTree: Anxiety Relief CBT 3.0.4
Self-help worry & anxiety relief. Manage your worries withourCBT thought diary
Meditation Tracker Impermanence
Doo Reelkow
Keep track of the progress of your Buddhist practices.
Language Therapy: Aphasia 4.0.202
Boost reading, writing, speaking and listening with ascientificallyproven app.
3 Minute Retreat 1.10.4
Loyola Press
Three minutes of peace are at your fingertips. Begin yourretreathere!
Concussion Coach 1.0.26
Concussion Coach was designed for Veterans, Service members,andother individuals who experience physical, cognitive, andemotionalsymptoms that may be related to mild to moderate traumaticbraininjury. This app provides users with information aboutconcussion,a self-assessment instrument for symptoms and theirseverity, toolsto help users build resilience and manage symptoms,andrecommendations for community-based resources and support.Userscan customize tools based on their references and canintegratetheir own contacts, photos, and music. This app can beused byitself, but it may be more effective in combination withtreatmentby a healthcare professional. Concussion Coach was createdby theNational Center for PTSD, VA’s Rehabilitation andProstheticServices, and DoD’s National Center for Telehealth&Technology.
CommitTo3 0.5
CommitTo3 is goal tracking designed to keep you moving in therightdirection.
FaithPlay 3.5.0
FaithPlay: Christian Broadcasts, Sermons, and Podcastspersonalizedfor you
mySleepButton® 1.0.31
Don't Count Sheep, Shuffle Your ThoughtstoSleep.LifeHacker calls mySleepButton®, "surprisingly effective". TheNYTimes, The Guardian, Forbes Magazine, Government of Canada, TheBCMedical Journal online, and many others havefeaturedmySleepButton. Popular Science says it is "Just better".CoolTools( says it "just knocks me out".The purpose of mySleepButton is to help you fall asleep. Andtoreturn to sleep. It's easy: Just push the "Put Me to Sleep"buttonand imagine the rich variety of images that mySleepButtonpromptsyou to visualize. This dreamy stream of images may distractyoufrom your worries and put you in a state that is conducivetosleep. This is known as "the cognitive shuffle", becauseitinvolves shuffling your thoughts.mySleepButton offers three different cognitive shuffle modes.Youcan imagine a variety of "simple things" (like a river,mountainand stars), scenes (like walking on a trail, or watchingsomeoneplay guitar), and even imagine yourself drawing things. It'sasurprisingly pleasant way to fall asleep.mySleepButton is part of a research program led by Dr. LucP.Beaudoin that aims to discover (a) how the brain naturallycontrolssleep onset, (b) how to exploit these mechanisms tofacilitatesleep onset, and (c) the interactions between cognitionandaffect.Getting sufficient sleep can improve your cognitive productivityandoverall well-being. So why not try mySleepButton?CogSci Apps™
NCE Pocket Prep 4.7.9
Featuring 500 NCE practice questions to study anywhere, anytime.
Guidelines: Bible Study 1.9.5
Aimer Media
Guidelines let you take your Bible study with you wherever you go.
DBT Trivia & Quiz 3.8
Pop! Pop!
Touch up on your DBT Skills
Meal Replacement Tracker 1.16
Jared Grant
The easiest way to keep track of your meal replacement program.
Tergar Meditation Tracker 2.3.8
Meditate and track your sessions – anywhere, anytime!
Anxiety Release based on EMDR 1.10
Mark Grant
Effortlessly and naturally release anxiety by harnessing thepowerof your brain
WCCM 1.8.0
Adriano Massi
The official App of The World Community for Christian Meditation
Conversation Therapy 2.0.66
Work more effectively toward therapy goals with an app thatgetspeople talking.
Critical Thinking Insight 5.8
Check out these authentic reasoning skills tests andmindsetevaluation tools.
BRAINAURAL Binaural Beats
Binaural Beats programs to increase focus, relax, aid luciddreamingand more.
Food Allergy & Symptom Tracker 3.4.5
Food Diary, Symptoms Checker & Meal Journal for FODMAP IBSIBDGluten SIBO GERD
Moodfit: Mental Health Fitness 2.36
Mood tracker, self-care, CBT, gratitude, breathwork,meditation,sleep & more
Apraxia Therapy: Aphasia 2.0.79
Take on apraxia and aphasia with a powerful video-drivenspeechtherapy app.
Bible Study Together 3.19.1
Chronological Bible Study that daily connects NT & OT passages+Study Tools
Scientific American MIND 2.5.1437
In 2004, with brain science rapidly advancing and gainingpopularinterest, Scientific American launched Scientific AmericanMIND, abimonthly popular science magazine concentrating on thebiggestbreakthroughs in psychology, neuroscience, and relatedfields. Nowyou can get Scientific American MIND issues on yourAndroid phoneor tablet. Current subscribers – If you alreadypurchased a digitalor print+digital subscription, access to issuesin our app isincluded. In the app, go to “My Account” and log inusing account information to verifyyoursubscription. After you are logged in, any issues that youhaveaccess to will have a “Download” or “Free” label. For thosewithoutan existing subscription - The app is available to downloadforfree and has free issues for you to try! An annual (apponly)subscription is available for $19.99 and is renewedautomaticallyat the end of the subscription term, until cancelled.Individualissues are available at $6.99 each. Purchases can be madethroughthe app and will be charged to your Google Play account. Ifyouhave questions about your Scientific American Subscription Plansorif you would like to upgrade your current subscription toincludeaccess to issues through our app, please contact customerservice.Scientific American Customer Service: Email:[email protected]: 800-333-1199
Get Self-Confidence! Hypnosis 26.0
***The Audio files are high quality and therefore quite large,agood wifi Connection is necessary to download***If you faceanyissue with your Android application, please do write to oursupportemail address before rating the application*** You don’twant tofeel insecure and anxious anymore? You want to build upself-esteemand develop a steady self-confidence? You want tounleash yourstrengths and live up to your full potential? Then tryout “GetSelf-Confidence!” today! „Get Self-Confidence!“ is apowerful toolfor your personal change and empowerment. The hypnoticandrelaxation techniques within this program help you best toreachyour personal goal of a happy and fulfillinglife!******************************* Feedbacks from Users“FantasticApp!” “I have tried out several hypnosis apps – this oneis thebest for me!” “I have downloaded all "Get on Apps" Programsand Ilisten to them every single day! I can recommend all "Get onApps!"Programs are without exception.”******************************* Alow self-esteem is neither innatenor inherited. Also the height ofyour bank account or the PS ofyour car don’t go along with thelevel of your self-confidence.Self-confident people have learnedto accept the way they are. Astrong belief in yourself and theawareness of your own strengths,weaknesses and peculiarities arethe cornerstones of a strong andsteady self-esteem. The hypnosisprogram "Get Self-Confidence" is aneasy-to-use and effectivetraining for your personal growth. "Theunique combination of musicand voice leads the listener into adeeply relaxed, sleep-likestate. Thus change processes can beinitiated quickly and easily",says hypnotherapist Kim Fleckenstein.Positive and motivatingsuggestions encourage the listener todevelop new patterns ofbehavior and thinking. By listening to “GetSelf-Confidence!” youwill learn how to rely on yourself and how totackle life’schallenges. Start to feel optimistic and positiveabout your live –start living now! ABOUT KIM FLECKENSTEIN „GetSelf-Confidence!“ wasdesigned by well-known German HypnotherapistKim Fleckenstein. KimFleckenstein is a certified alternativepractitioner inpsychotherapy, a clinical Hypnotherapist andNLP-Master-Coach.Based in Munich she already published a range ofbest-sellingself-help and hypnosis programs as Apps and MP3s underthe labelGET ON APPS!. Her unique technique and self experienceshave helpedto create the special character and heart of herrecordings.Getting requests from all over the world, she decided topublishher hypnosis programs in english language aswell. Togetherwithprofessional and native speaker Cathy Weber she made itreality!WHAT YOU GET * A highly effective 30-Minute professionalHypnosissession using the latest hypnotic and relaxation techniques–suitable for both, beginners and more experienced users. *Theprofessional and warm voice of Cathy Weber, which leads you intoadeep state of relaxation and change. * A high quality and stateofthe art recording. * Professionally composed background musicforevery program by CSW Music. * Customize your settings anddiscoverother useful features. PLEASE NOTE Do not listen to thisprogramwhile operating a motor vehicle or during any other activitythatrequires your full attention.  This program does notreplace adoctor or any other medical aids.   The best effectcan beachieved by listening to this program once a day over aperiod of 4weeks. GET SELF-CONFIDENCE! IS YOUR PERSONAL COACH!ALWAYS WITHYOU! GIVE IT A TRY, NOW!
ACT iCoach: Acceptance Commitm 4.7.3
For Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Substance use, OCD, eatingdisorders,dysmorphia
CPA BEC Mastery
★★★★★ Master the demanding BEC exam with ease using CPA BECMastery!
ADDitude Magazine 7.1.2
ADDitude magazine - strategies and support for families livingwithADHD or LD
ACIM Text 8.2.2
1 This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Onlythetime you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that youcanestablish the curriculum. It means only that you may elect whatyouwant to take at a given time. 2 The course does not aim atteachingthe meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught.It doesaim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness oflove'spresence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite ofloveis fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. 3Thiscourse can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:4Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. 5Hereinlies the peace of God.
Habit Streak Pro 20.1
Track your progress at achieving daily goals. Build streakstochange your life.
TOBEE mindfulness coach 1.0.10
By using the TOOBEE application for less than a minute aday,youwill become a more relaxed and positive person over thelongterm.(Step by step, day by day, you will feel better)Toobeereminds youto take regular short breaks, to take a breath,smileand enjoy apositive affirmation to feel good every day.Toobeeturns yourphone into a free wellness coach using a methodbased on4recognized personal development principles that willhelpyoubecome positive and relaxed, the way you always wantedtobe.Easily put in place new habits by encouraging yourself to:-havegratitude - experience love for life - be relaxed -haveselfconfidence Why does it work ? A reminder to take a shortbreakIttakes just a few seconds to set up, and then you canforgetaboutit: TOOBEE coaches and supports you. Embracetheseregularreminders throughout the day. Each short moment allowsyouto bemindful and recenter yourself. This Kaizen method takesjust afewseconds. With a few small steps each day, you will starttofeelbetter. Breathing and smiling Breathing, listening toyourbody,being Mindful and recentering yourself. A deepabdominalbreathrelieves stress. Add a smile. You're already feelingbetter.Theamazing power of words Words and thoughts are magical.Byrepeatingpositive affirmations to yourself, you willstartbelieving in themand quickly start to embody them! That's thepowerof positivethinking and visualization. Consistency getsresults Theregularityof the reminders allows you to establish newhabits, atyour ownpace. Your daily perseverance is key for this towork. Feelthechange. Try to do your best every day, as encouragedby MiguelRuizand the 4 Toltec Agreements. There is even morewithToobeepremium: ToobeeMe is unique and personalized What wouldyoulike todo? Choose among the 31 positive affirmations intheapplication’s4 categories: select your favorites, and then usetheone that ismost appropriate for your current state of mind. Doyouneed to becalm? confident? joyous? hopeful? Your choice isthere.Do you wantto write your own unique, personal affirmations?Youknow what willwork best for you for any given point in yourlife.So go ahead andwrite it! Looking to change the default Tibetanbowltone? You havea choice between a joyous bird, a soft flute,anintense gong or aquiet bell.