Top 19 Games Similar to 洪荒online﹣遠古玄幻修仙手遊(內測版)

懶人西遊-一路玩到掛 1.1.3
FaceBook粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]懶人西遊是一款西遊題材手機遊戲,玩家可以創建自己的角色-人族、神族、妖族-探索奇幻多彩的地圖世界,挑戰boss怪物,PK挑戰競技場玩家,參加每日團戰,每周公會戰。所有的這一切活動無需要您像打MMORPG那樣熬夜打通關,做任務,妳只需要投入極少的時間便可以獲得極其豐富的任務獎勵,獲得不錯的世界排名。同時遊戲開通了全新聊天室,妳可以隨時隨地和其他玩家聊天,包含語音聊天。遊戲特色▼離線掛機系統▼離線掛機是本遊戲的最大特色。玩家在退出遊戲後,玩家角色仍然會自動打怪,並且能夠正常地獲得裝備和經驗。當玩家再次登錄遊戲後會獲得這段時間內的所有收益。對,你沒有看錯,就是如此神奇如此誘人!經典職業選擇和靈活技能搭配遊戲採用了最經典了人族、神族、妖族三職業和男女兩種性別搭配。你可以選擇威武無懼、具有較高力量的人族,也可以選擇瀟灑飄逸、操縱絢爛魔法的神族,也可以選擇身法靈活、身懷弓箭絕技的妖族。同時,每種職業都有特殊的技能,玩家可以自由搭配技能。自由的技能搭配使戰鬥多彩化,用你自己的智慧來擊潰你的敵人吧。▼獨特裝備熔煉系統▼遊戲中每個玩家在戰鬥勝利後會有一定幾率獲得裝備,玩家可以將不需要的裝備扔進熔爐進行熔煉,熔爐會熔鑄玩家投入的裝備,並且有很大幾率產生更高品質的裝備,甚至是神器!你還在猶豫什麼,象徵你尊貴身分的神器等你來熔鑄!▼激情無限的競技場▼在競技場中,玩家可以選擇和其他玩家進行PK,展現自己的實力。戰勝競技場排名比自己靠前的玩家後,可以獲得他的競技場排名,並且還能夠獲得一定的鑽石獎勵。系統還會定期發放競技場獎勵,排名靠前的玩家獎勵越豪華。排名前20位的玩家會進入排行榜受萬人敬仰!▼火力四射的團戰系統▼玩家戰鬥力提升到一定階段後,可以參加團戰。團戰每天舉行兩次,團戰採取分輪淘汰制,堅持輪數越高獎勵越高。▼特色傭兵系統▼玩家角色在15後可以領取傭兵。傭兵可以幫助玩家作戰(競技場除外),傭兵擁有自己的等級、職業、技能和裝備。在打怪升級、挑戰boss中,傭兵會和你並肩作戰,不離不棄。▼兄弟情深公會系統▼玩家12級可以加入公會,在公會中,會員可以一起挑戰公會boss,一起在公會頻道中交流經驗,一起在公會戰中守衛榮耀。
超世紀封神榜-御神競技手遊 1.0.17
妖精的尾巴--最强梅比斯 0.0.17
最好玩的二次元卡牌手游《妖精的尾巴》,激烈的战斗,热血的友情,绚丽的魔法!感受最真实的魔法二次元《FairyTail》世界,感受妖尾最神秘的羈绊,最好玩的二次元动漫手游期待妳的加入!If you need the English Version,you can search 'DragonMage-GuildBattle' in Google Play store!《妖精的尾巴》是壹款精心研发的二次元动作卡牌游戏,最真实的还原《FairyTail》动漫的世界观、人物形象以及战斗效果,热爱动漫《FairyTail》的手机游戏玩家们不容错过哦!在《妖精的尾巴》中需要招募魔导士,完成任务,养成最强小队!近300位人物,超过100种道具装备,让玩家充满了乐趣和惊喜。剧情忠实《妖精的尾巴》原著,畅玩游戏过程中重温原著的精髓,找到记忆中那壹段段热血温馨的画面!最热血的动漫手游震撼出击!【游戏介绍】二次元战斗手游《妖精的尾巴》震撼来袭!原汁原味动漫手游,300+主角人物悉数登场,缘分羈绊丰富玩法,绚丽的魔法,世界BOSS全新登场,超SSS级魔导士和妳壹起组建自己的最强小队!全面丰富的公会系统,激情3V3真PK,超级Boss每天等妳来战,大魔斗演武激情碰撞,无限掠夺彰显梟雄本色,最棒的二次元魔导世界,妳还在等待什么!每天登入更有超级好礼放松,金币、鉆石、五星卡牌、装备送不停,快来壹起冒险吧!【游戏特色】--原汁原味 丰富多彩--二次元形象真实还原、故事情节尊重原著,犹如身临其境300位风格迥异的魔导士,总会有妳钟爱的壹位--自由控制 热血战斗--半自动的战斗系统,告别看游戏时代,手动释放最强必杀热血的PVP战斗,最强的小队亲手缔造--壹击必杀 天赋羈绊--华丽的魔法必杀特效、丰富的天赋羈绊系统天赋技能破封而战、神秘羈绊超强加成--农场锻造 激情公会--独创农场系统,战斗之余享受恬静生活,锻造梦幻装备丰富的公会内容,让妳找到自己的家--第二魔法 协力共战--第二魔法源开啟,强就一个字公会协力,共闯无限可能【游戏支持】如果队长在游戏中遇到问题请通过以下方式获取帮助:官方line id:3734895QQ群:376069840EnglishVersion: page: https: //
凡人修真-再續情緣 1.2.11
年度最唯美的修仙網遊,不刪檔測試震撼開啟!華麗畫面,勁爆技能,便捷操作,給你從未有過的手機遊戲體驗!三大職業,仙盟對戰,可愛寵物,百變坐騎,純粹的pc端完美體驗!【最新動態】1、霸氣三大職業:近戰遠攻,刀劍術法,技能各有千秋,特色職業技能,霸氣外露,總有一個職業適合您。2、人物元神系統:以天地靈氣淬煉自身經脈,讓你體驗到逐步成就無上仙體的快感。3、獨特裝備系統:對傳統的繁雜裝備系統說no,獨創裝備成長系統,一裝伴終身,神器也可以自己打造出來!4、炫酷時裝系統:清新俊逸,狂放不羈,溫婉似水,成熟魅惑,不同的時裝搭配,給您不同的風格體驗,百變風格,由您主宰。5、坐騎系統:坐騎不僅是修仙路上的好夥伴,還是玩家不可多得的小助手,玩家可以通過培養,將坐騎養成拉風的神獸!6、寵物系統:可愛的仙寵是玩家路上另外一個重要的夥伴,有的寵物呆萌可愛,有的寵物威風凜凜,強力的寵物往往還擁有強大的技能,毫不遜色于某些頂級仙法哦。7、仙園系統:在修仙世界裏,每個玩家都會有自己的獨特仙園洞府,不僅僅每時每刻提供給玩家收入,玩家可以在裏面進行物品煉化,真實再現修仙感覺。8、仙盟系統:無兄弟,不仙盟。在遊戲裏玩家可以組建或者加入仙盟,和志同道合的其他玩家一起闖蕩這個波瀾壯闊的修仙世界。9、特色副本:天雷滾滾的渡劫,神秘巍峨的鎮妖塔,以一擋百的魔尊守護,伴隨修仙歷程的各種特色副本......等您來揭開它們的神秘面紗。10、精彩活動:豐厚的線上獎勵,豐富的成長禮包,極具挑戰性的各類boss,與仙子互動的在水一方答題,休閒娛樂的夢幻沙灘,熱血沸騰的競技對戰,全服參與的決戰妖皇......等您來一一體驗!Cultivation of themostbeautiful games of the year, does not delete files test shockedtoopen! Gorgeous screen, Madden skills, convenient operation,younever had a mobile gaming experience! Three career, SallyLeaguewar, cute pets, amazing horse, pure pc-perfectexperience![News]1, domineering three Occupation: Melee attack far, swordssurgerymethod, skill strengths and weaknesses, special vocationalskills,domineering exposed, there is always a career for you.2, the characters soul system: the world of Reiki grown itself,inturn, allow you to experience the gradual achievementsupremeimmortal body pleasure.3, the unique equipment system: say no to the traditionalcomplexequipment systems, original equipment growth system, fittedwith alifelong, artifacts can build out their own!4, cool fashion system: fresh unrestrained, uninhibited,gentlewatery, mature charm, a different mix of fashion, giving youtheexperience of a different style, amazing style, dominatedbyyou.5, the mount system: Cultivation horse is not only a good partneronthe road, or the rare player's Little Helper, players can trainthehorse to develop animal pull the wind!6, Pet System: Players cute fairy pet is another importantpartneron the road, and some stay Meng cute pet, pet and somemajestic,powerful pets often also have strong skills favorably tosometop-fairy Oh.7 cents park system: Cultivation world, each player will havetheirown unique garden fairy Dong Fu, just all the time toprovideincome to the players, players can Refinery items inside, atruerepresentation of Cultivation feeling.8 cents League system: no brothers, no fairy League. In thegame,players can form or join cents League, and otherlike-mindedplayers together this magnificent battles Cultivationworld.9, features copy: Trick billowing crossing the robbery,themysterious town towering demon tower, to a hundred blockMozunguard, accompanied by a copy of a variety ofcharacteristicsCultivation course of their ...... waiting for youto uncover themystery of .10 exciting activities: rich rewards online, rich grow packsallkinds boss very challenging, interactive and fairy answer inthewater side, battle demon dream beach recreation,passionatecompetitive battle, full-service involvement Wong ......waitingfor you to eleven experience!
不良人-十億點播熱門動畫改編 1.0.9
【遊戲特色】一、正宗武俠動畫《不良人》手遊完美呈現。首款經典武俠3D動畫授權改編,江湖恩怨在此了結!二、武林高手進化培養,羈絆組合玩法千變萬化。運籌帷幄羈絆布陣,稱霸武林捨我其誰!三、打破傳統自動對戰,即時PK小心一分神便成劍下魂! 24小時不間斷的PK玩法,看到對手隨時開殺!四、幫派戰一觸即發!打造全服最強傳說不是夢。 刀光劍影的即時多人團戰,共創生死之交的革命情感!五、彈指之間的技能反制,掌握訣竅才能一統江湖!高手過招一念之間,招式微操方能絕處逢生!六、各路高手來相會,跨服PK賽挑戰極限鬥志!想找到宿命中的對手嗎?跨服戰讓你體會正港的人在江湖!官方網站:官方粉絲團:客服信箱:[email protected]
戰爭學院 天空幻想 決戰版 1.0.4
--------刪檔封測版本--------2015年RPG大作豐富日系英雄角色獨特4打4格鬥戰系統酣暢淋漓打擊感正宗日系配音英雄齊聚天空 冒險就此展開請和我一起天空幻想吧!風靡少女界經典之作!1. 小女子電爆大男人,叫我女王!2. 男角帥氣女角可愛,趣味收集!3. 邂逅妳的夢中情人,浪漫滿點!4. 慢手也能三秒上手,隨時享樂!沒玩過別說你是玩家!1. 超熱血!combo連技衝百人斬!2. 超爽快!多重副本挑戰極限!3. 超刺激!陣形組合考驗技術!4. 超有型!經典日系華麗登場!官方網站:http://skyfantasy.madsugr.com官方粉絲團:客服留言板: Closed beta testing version2015 RPG masterpieceRich Japanese heroes4 play 4 unique fighting war systemHearty against fluAuthentic Japanese dubHeroes gathered in the sky adventure beginsPlease join me in the sky fantasy it!Girls swept circles classic!1. electrical explosion big man small woman, told metheQueen!2. handsome male role actresses cute, fun collection!3. Encounter u dreams, romance full point!The slow hand can three seconds to get started, readytopleasure!Do not say you have not played a player!1. Ultra-blood! punch combo with technology Azumi!2. super refreshing! Multiple copies of theultimatechallenge!3. super exciting! Lineup combination test technology!4. Super cool! Classic Japanese gorgeous debut!Official website: http: //skyfantasy.madsugr.comOfficial fan group: https: // Service Message Board:
RPG Asdivine Dios 1.2.1g
A tale about divine encounters with mankind! The new worldofAsdivine unfolds!
永恆幻想 1.0.0
《永恆幻想》官方網站:★現象級二次元動漫手遊鉅作‧正統日漫RPG冒險劇情★遠古時空世界之中,黑暗、沉淪。痛失家園與親人的少年——路德維希,被主神使者選中,成爲了神降之人。爲了守護大陸,爲了停止自身“背棄之命運”,路德維希與夥伴,踏上了征程!★遊戲特色★【日本殿堂級偶像聲優傾情演繹】花澤香菜、悠木碧、中井和哉、小野大輔、井上麻裏奈、釘宮理惠、能登麻美子、宮田幸季、喜多村英梨,魔法少女、色氣禦姐、傲嬌少女、口嫌體萌妹,各種角色設定讓人應接不暇…讓你的耳朵懷孕!【無限次連擊,根本停不下來的COMBO】100次、1000次、一萬次!無限次的連擊COMBO設定,挑戰你的操作極限,副本連擊記錄排行榜,等你來戰!【二次元動漫風動作卡牌手遊巨作,1080P高清畫質】無與倫比的華麗奧義施放,全新刺激你的視覺神經,1080P高清畫質,讓你看清每一個角色的衣袖舞動!華麗必殺技,霸氣俘虜仙界女神!【豐富的劇本和對戰系統】愛情、友情、親情,情緒出彩劇情豐富,讓你再也不心疼流量;中二病,爆笑劇場、腦洞不斷!★官方資訊★《永恆幻想》官方網站:"Eternal Fantasy"officialwebsite:★ phenomenal second element cartoon hand travel giant ‧orthodoxJapanese Man RPG Adventure Drama ★Ancient world of time and space, dark, destruction. Lost theirhomesand loved ones Boys - Ludwig, was chosen messenger of theLord God,became a man of God down. In order to protect themainland, in orderto stop their own, "the fate of the abandoned",Ludwig and partners,embarked on a journey!★ Game Features ★[Japan Chanticleer idol seiyuu portrait interpretation]Hanazawa coriander, You Mubi, Nakai Kazuya Ono Daisuke,InoueMarina, Kugimiya Rie, Mamiko Noto, Miyada Kouki, EriKitamura,magical girl, color gas royal sister, playfully girl,mouth toobody Meng Mei, various role in setting people overwhelmed... letyour ears be pregnant![Unlimited combos, do not stop COMBO]100 times, 1000 times, ten thousand times! Unlimited combosCOMBOset, challenge your operating limits, a copy of the recordchartsbatter, waiting for you to fight![Second element animation style action card hand travelgiant,1080P HD picture quality]Unparalleled esoteric gorgeous cast, new to stimulate youropticnerve, 1080P HD picture quality, so you see the role of eachof thesleeves dancing! Gorgeous nirvana, domineering Once upon acaptivegoddess![Rich script and Battle System]Love, friendship, family, emotional story rich in color, so younolonger feel bad traffic; in two patients, Comedy Theatre, thebraincontinues to cave!★ ★ official information"Eternal Fantasy" official website:
Elemental Knights R Platinum 6.9.9
MMO RPG with a wide variety of stylish features!
DemonSouls (Action RPG)
A stunning epic classic styled ARPG !
魔天記 - 天罰地劫來襲 1.9
小說改編完整度最高的手機遊戲【魔天記】【魔天記】係凡人修仙作者忘語嘅最新作品,故事內容精采遊戲內完整移植小說故事劇情【遊戲特色】● 忘語監制 正版授權Complete novel ofthehighest mobile phone game magic day [note][Note] Department of magic day mortal Cultivation OFforgetLanguage generous latest work, the story completetransplantfiction story plot within good game [Game Features]● forget Language producer genuine authority
Auto Battle - Free MMORPG 3.4.0
★Award-winning Android RPG Game of 2015★Auto Battle - Epic War RPG is the best MMORPG experiencewhereyou battle endless monsters, adventure through dungeons&battle in PVP arena. Use endless loot & 24/7 auto battleto topplayers & guilds. Choose one of three classes —Warrior,Hunter, or Mage — to explore dungeons and engage inexciting AutoWar against various monsters and bosses! Train yourbrave heroes toparticipate in team battle and guild wars forhandsome rewards likeGems, Honor, and Reputation! Form or join aguild with smartmatch-making system to become the best player inthe world! Usestrategy to defeat enemies and Smash your bros in PVEand PVPcombat alike!Unlike other dungeon crawlers and hack 'n' slash MMORPGs,AutoBattle offers a never-ending farming adventure in the palm ofyourhand. Even when you have to stop playing, Auto Battle letsyoucontinue the fight in Offline Mode. You can continueexploringdungeons while you put the hard hours in at work. You cankeepearning Experience, Coins, and Equipment while you’re studyingforschool. You can keep hiring heroes and summoners to wage warinyour sleep.Fulfill Your Destiny, Use Your Strategy, and ClaimYourThroneGame Features:24/7 Auto BattleEven when you are not online, your character will keepexploringdungeons, fighting enemies, earning experience, andfinding gearfor you. Conquer monster-packed PVE dungeons or wagewars inintense PVP combat. Experience the different type of battlethroughthe different combinations of skills, heroes and gear.Customizable HeroesCreate a male or female hero in any of three traditionalclasses.Will you choose the strong and resilient Warrior, thenimble andsharpshooting Hunter, or the magnificent andspell-slinging Mage?The customization doesn’t stop there. Overtime, upgrade yourcharacters and gear, equip the epic loot youdiscover, and designyour own combination of skills. As your powergrows, spread yourreputation across the world in this action-packedadventureRPG!Unique SmeltingSmelt your common gear to get better items in return, evenpowerfulartifacts! What are you waiting for? Forge the ultimateweapons,gear, and artifacts so you can crush your enemies and showoff yourmagnificent equipment — up close!Fiery Arena CombatProve your might by defeating other players in the Arena.Defeathigher-ranked players to take their place and claim yourright todaily Gem rewards! Fight your way to the top of theleaderboardsand bask in the glory!Team CombatJoin up with other players in twice-daily Team Battles andexcitingGuild Wars. Defend your Team Battle championship as long asyou canfor better rewards. Work together with your guild to rakeinExperience and gain Reputation.Challenge BossChallenge yourself with hundreds of achievements andinstantlyboost your power and speed with enhancement, devour andtransfer!Journey through the darkness, team up with your friends toconquerthe Bosses. Use tickets to challenge bosses and use Sweep tokeepslaying boss monstersDazzling GraphicsDazzling graphics with HD resolutions - Visually StunningSkills,Cool Weapons and Gear Effects. Explore various maps likeNew Trials,Darkness Tower, Monk Temple, Hall of Heroes, RebornRealm, Hall ofthe Dead, Gold Statue, Darkness Rebirth and manymore.Join thousands of players in the best MMO RPG experienceonAndroid today!One of the best 2015 games now! Be hunter, explore dungeon inFiveMapsOfficial Facebook Fan Page:
Legend online(Pocket Edition)
Gallant warriors: the Priestess is awaiting your help!
MU Origin - VN 20.0.2
Copyright official Korean Webzen. Ten years MU, lord back.
禁斷召喚!サモンマスター 1.0.2
召喚術。是一個將魔力注入使用魔法術式刻印所製造出來的卡片,並且進行將異世界的居民召喚出來的秘密儀式。以魔力與流體構成的肉身而存現於這個世界上的他們,聽從召喚者的命令而發揮龐大的力量。200年前,當時的大地,被定名為「大陸」。而【阿巴尼亞王國】的召喚術稱霸了整個大陸。這是一個由四位公主以及久遠的禁斷之召喚術所編織而成的物語。菲拉爾多王國王女、莉涅。蘭迪姆王國王女、夏爾。古利德利亞帝國皇女、艾莉絲。叢雲皇國皇女、咲夜。這四位公主將會給這個大陸帶來和平,還是又會有另一種混沌產生呢?目不暇給的精美卡牌,緊張刺激的即時戰鬥,快來體驗這禁斷的召喚吧!遊戲類型:即時戰略卡牌戰鬥支援平臺:Android2.2以上版本/iOS遊戲狀態:內測禁止模擬器登陸:是Summon.The magic is a magic surgical implantation engraving created bythecard, and performs different world inhabitants call outsecretrituals.The flesh and the magic fluid consisting of existential to theminthis world, to the call of those who play a largeforcecommand.200 years ago, when the earth was named "mainland." And[thekingdom] of Abba Virginia summoning dominate theentirecontinent.This is a princess, and by four ancient Forbidden summoningthewoven Story.Filar kings and kings daughter, Linie.Landi Mu Wang female king, Charles.古利德利亚 Empire Archduchess, Alice.Cong cloud Imperial Archduchess, Saki night.The four princesses will bring peace to this continent, andtherewill be another chaos or produce it?Feast of beautiful cards, exciting real-time combat, comeandexperience this forbidden call it!Genre: Real-Time Strategy card battleSupport platform: Android2.2 or later / iOSGame status: NieceProhibition simulator landing: Yes
我的學妹不可能那麼萌:公測版 1.131.0
◎遊戲介紹◎《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》是2016紅遍全球華人圈的最佳手機遊戲。遊戲中加入並萌化了三國時代的英雄豪傑,還將其作為戰姬等你收錄旗下,同時將即時策略與手動操作等特色結合並融入其中。玩家們在《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中遨遊時,不僅要理解各個戰姬的特色技能的搭配、還要有裝備道具的合理分配和精細的操作,讓你除了收集知名武將之外,更能夠體驗豐富主線劇情及各個關卡帶來的征戰樂趣,同時享受與其他玩家互相競技的刺激快感。◎遊戲特色◎★ ★ ★ 不爽上頂樓,全國制霸由你書寫 ★ ★ ★《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》最大特色,遊戲中萌化了近百位富有傳奇色彩的三國英雄,追隨玩家們四處征戰。這些戰姬是《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中核心的遊戲特色,每個戰姬都有其不平凡的經歷和獨特的技能。若是想要在召喚師世界中稱霸,就需要深入瞭解每個戰姬的特色技能,運用你的智慧來搭配戰姬形成殺傷力極大的combo連續技組合,讓你輕鬆打遍天下無敵手。★ ★ ★ 微動作畫面,指揮戰姬釋放大招 ★ ★ ★遊戲中不僅有華麗且酷炫的絕招特效,同時各個戰姬的表情、動作都是由設計師通宵達旦所精心打造的。無論在戰鬥中或是在休息時,戰姬們的行走、揮舞道具和賣萌等每個動作,隨處可見其精細的3D畫面設計。在召喚師帶領戰姬征戰的過程中,都需要你的手指行動力,無腦跑畫面不再適合現在的遊戲了。★ ★ ★ 指尖微操作,勝負就在一瞬間 ★ ★ ★手動釋放技能的手遊已經過時了!在戰鬥中需要時時觀察戰況,並對戰姬進行微操作,像打斷敵方施法扭轉局勢或是變換施法方向運用策略欺敵等等。做為《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中的另一個賣點,為了不讓玩家覺得就是在玩遊戲數據,體驗真正的指揮樂趣,在遊戲中的戰鬥力只能作為參考,戰力低也能通過微操作改變劣勢,讓你一舉反敗為勝!★ ★ ★ 福利社投飲料,滿滿的校園元素 ★ ★ ★暑假過了一個月,是否想念福利社的早餐呢?在《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中,還有各種測驗來考較你的實力,除了豐富並龐大的世界觀外,還有無數的任務供你自由選擇發揮,不服氣?那就上頂樓單挑吧!將眼前所有的障礙掃除,朝著全國制霸的夢想邁進吧!────────────────加入《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》台灣官方臉書就可以參加官方舉辦的精彩活動, 贏取更多的禮物和重要訊息。(在Facebook搜尋: 我的學妹不可能那麼萌)────────────────攻略,活動等最新資訊!!請點擊官方網址↓☞官方粉絲團:☞《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》客服信箱: [email protected] ID:moemoegirls我們會認真聽取每個玩家的心聲,感謝您的支持。Game description ◎ ◎"My younger sister can not be so Moe" is popular in 2016globalChinese circle the best mobile games. Join the game andsproutingof the heroes of the Three Kingdoms period, which will bewaitingfor you as a war Kyi's inclusion, while real-time strategywithmanual operation and other characteristics combined into one.Whenplayers travel in "My school girl can not be so Moe", not onlytounderstand the characteristics of each battle Kyi mix ofskills,but also a reasonable allocation of equipment, props anddelicateoperation, so that you collect in addition to well-knowngeneralsoutside more can experience the rich storyline and thevariouslevels of the campaign to bring the fun with other playerswhileenjoying the stimulation of competitive mutual pleasure.◎ ◎ Game Features★ ★ ★ unhappy on the top floor, the national system ofhegemonywritten by you ★ ★ ★ "My younger sister can not be so adorable," the mostprominentfeature of the game Moe hundred legendary hero of theThreeKingdoms, players follow the campaign around. These war Kyiis "Myschool girl can not be so adorable" in the core feature ofthe game,each battle Kyi has its extraordinary experience andunique skills.If you want to dominate the world in the Summoner,you need tounderstand the characteristics of each battle Kyiskills, use yourwisdom to battle with the formation of highlylethal combo Kyicombos combination, allowing you to easily hottopic invinciblehand.★ ★ ★ micro motion picture, directed war Kyi releaselargestrokes ★ ★ ★The game is not only gorgeous and cool trick effects, whileeachbattle Kyi's facial expressions, movements are carefullycrafted bythe designer of the night. Whether in combat or at rest,war Kyi'swalking, waving to sell Meng and other props and eachaction, youcan see its fine 3D graphics design. In Summoner Kyi ledwarcampaign process, we need your finger action, no brain nolongersuitable now run the screen game.★ ★ ★ fingertip micro-operations, the outcome in the moment ★★★Manual release of the skills of hand travel has become obsolete!Inthe battle need to constantly observe the fighting and warKyimicro-operations, like magic to reverse the situation, ortointerrupt the enemy caster transform direction usingdeceptiontactics like. As "My school girl can not be so Moe"another sellingpoint, in order to prevent players feel that playingthe game data,experience the real fun of command, combat in thegame only as areference, but also low combat capabilitydisadvantages changethrough micro-operation, so that you win thegame in one fellswoop!★ ★ ★ canteen vote drinks, full campus elements ★ ★ ★After a month of summer vacation, whether canteen missbreakfastthen? "My sister can not be so adorable school", there areavariety of quizzes to test your strength compared, in addition toarich and vast view of the world, there are numerous you are freetochoose to play for the task, not convinced? then it singled outtheattic! remove all the obstacles in front, toward the dreamofbecoming the national system of hegemony it!────────────────Adding "I can not be so adorable school girl" Taiwan canparticipatein the official face bookExciting activities organized by the official, win more giftsandimportant messages.(In Facebook search: My school girl can not be so Meng)────────────────Raiders News, activities, etc! ! Please click on theofficialwebsite ↓☞ official fan group: https: //☞ "My school girl can not be so Moe" CustomerService:[email protected] ID: moemoegirlsWe will listen carefully to the voice of each player, thank youforyour support.
Monster Squad 2.00.17317
Collect, Evolve and Battle in Monster Squad★★★ MONSTER SQUAD FEATURES ★★★BATTLE• Embark on an exciting adventure with your Monster Squad allwhilebattling various enemies along the way.• Find and unlock new powerful monsters and journey with themacrossvarious dangerous, yet mystifying, islands!COLLECT• During your journeys amass an expansive collection of morethan500 monsters.• Monsters have different attributes: Fire, Water, Earth,andNeutral.EVOLVE• Boost your Monsters to power up your stats!• Evolve or Fuse them to unlock new, exciting,strongermonsters.CHALLENGE• Take your Monsters to the Arena and go head-to-head againstyourfriends!• Earn weekly rewards and more all while claiming your place ontheleaderboards.TEAMS• Mix and match Monsters to make the best team possible!• Find the best combination of team effects and bonuses toensurevictory on the battlefield.TABLET SUPPORTED• Enjoy Monster Squad on tablets to enhance your experiencewithhigh quality graphics.• Experience awesome skill effects and unique animations ofyourmonster squad on bigger screen!────────────────Play Monster Squad with friends!────────────────Follow us!• us on Facebook!•• Pages•
Dark of the Demons 1.6.3
Z14 Tech
Would you ever imagine to explore the battle world ofdemons?JoinDark of the Demons, a very competitive gamefulfilledwithbreathtaking vast series opening a new era for RPGhistory.Dark ofthe Demons is a fascinating game which integratesclassicRPG,Strategy and Adventure elements. The game brings youback tothedark reign of the Demons. The demon lord sealed forcenturieshasbeen summoned by some mysterious power. Driven by thefireofrevenge and ambition to control the world, he has broughttheworldunder his reign. With mission in heart and sword in hand,youareto save the world! Free items value for $300 given toallnewbies!Best chance to Level up! FEATURES ★ Free to play OnlineRPG(RolePlaying Game) ★ A classic fantastic world with lotsofcharacters:human, demon, elf, dwar, undead, monsters,dungeons,treasure, andmore. ★ Craft legendary weapons to rise abovethecompetition ★Breathtaking graphic and competitive PvP battlewithskill combosare fulfilled. ★ Customized system to care foryourvaluable timeis an option, and Overwhelming battle excitementwithworldwidegamers are yours.
Dungeons of Evilibrium RPG 3.1.7
NEW EVENT – TEMPORARY HARDSHIPS!Download #1 BEST FREE RPG and see why THOUSANDS of people enjoythisgame all over the world! ( of Evilibrium is a card battle RPG withtacticalelements of TCG strategies and the dungeon crawlingexploration ofa board game. Collect and evolve character cards,build and enhanceyour army deck, beat other players and seizedungeons’ treasures!The whole world’s fate depends upon yourchoices and skills!==FEATURES==• FREE TO PLAY dungeon crawler RPG & CCG inonegame• BATTLE in dynamic fights with a tactical phase• COLLECT & CONTROL creatures and demons ofsixelements• CUSTOMIZE your army deck to gain a strategic edge• JOURNEY through over 100 replayable adventures• MASTER Arenas and ASCEND PvP Leaderboards• OBTAIN rare artifacts and EVOLVE your heroes• GET new characters and dungeons in free updates==UNIQUE MECHANICS==• Each Rare (R) or higher rarity card has unique skill! Nomorerecycled abilities!• Level your cards in battles and improve their statswithMarks• Stunning hi-res parallax graphics for your viewing pleasure• Evolve your cards with Artifacts, and not through fusion• Enhance cards’ abilities with any leftover Artifacts• Discover the power of Totems!Dungeons of Evilibrium provides broad opportunitiesforcollecting and tactical planning of a party as well asherodevelopment. You are invited to take part in an epiccampaignexploring dangerous dungeons, collecting creature cards,gatheringartifacts, and fighting in dynamic battles.Build and enhance your deck, explore mysterious dungeons,earnpowerful treasures, fight the demons of darkness, competewithother adventurers; and always remember – in order to defeattheforces of Evil you have to play by their rules!=================================Dear players! In case you have encountered any problems,pleasecontact us at [email protected]. Thisisthe only way for us to respond to your problem and solve it!Wereally want you to enjoy our game!