Top 22 Games Similar to 天外英雄:天外ONLINE

Garena HERO 穿越英雄 1.9.0
英雄之路 1.3.3
經典英雄,全員到齊,成就你的《英雄之路》!掌中召喚英雄比拚,挑戰經典冒險故事!召喚師們,帶上你的英雄夥伴進入英雄之路,挑戰最強副本無限深淵地城、真人競技拚場!玩法多元、技能絢麗!《英雄培養》:玩家透過遊戲中多樣化的培養系統,強化自己的英雄夥伴,在瓦若蘭大陸進行冒險旅程!《競技廝殺》:遊戲中獨有競技系統,真人比拚,拚等級、拼裝備、拚強化、拚實力,豐厚獎勵等你拿!《經典戰役》:跟隨英雄在瓦若蘭大陸進行冒險,體驗精采故事,回味經典戰鬥。《多樣副本》:遊戲中設計多樣獨家副本,玩法多樣,生動有趣!《絢麗坐騎》:坐騎系統不僅絢麗,還能提升玩家角色能力,培養坐騎成為英雄最強力的戰鬥夥伴!官方網站:客服信箱:[email protected]官方粉絲團: hero, gigs,theachievements of your "Hero of the road!"Palm summon hero competition, challenge classic adventure story!Summoners, bring your partner into the hero of the road hero,thestrongest challenge copyUnlimited abyss Town, live to fight field athletics!Multiple gameplay, skills gorgeous!"Hero Cultivation": the player through the game in a varietyofculture systems, strengthen their hero partner, tileGeorlandcontinent adventure!"Competitive fighting": the game is unique in theathleticsystem, real competition, fight rank, equipped to fight,fight tostrengthen, strength to fight, you get rich rewards!"Classic battle": Follow the hero in watts Georlandcontinentadventure, experience the wonderful story, memorableclassicbattle."Multi copy": the game design diverse exclusive copy,playdiverse, interesting!"Beautiful horse": mount system is not only beautiful, butalsoenhance the role players the ability to develop the mostpowerfulmounts a hero fighting partner!Official website: http: // Service: [email protected] fan group: http: //
《超時空英雄傳說》口袋版 -集結英雄,和日韓玩家鬥陣約戰![遊戲介紹]正版授權經典IP《超時空英雄傳說》口袋版感動回歸,手遊新作強勢來襲,日本知名度動畫公司StudioPierrot跨界合作,亞洲菁英聯手打造2016首款職人手遊,加入全新故事內容,大師筆下的華麗英雄,由你自由操控,台日韓同服開戰,爭霸亞洲NO.1!最強英雄一定要留在台灣![遊戲特色]▣競技比拚無國界這次台灣一定要贏!左檔韓國大王,右打日本武將,『混服』廝殺無國界。▣穿越英雄大集合召喚神話、歷史、童話世界著名英雄,策略組合最強英雄隊伍探索新篇章。▣輕塔防守護地盤玩膩一層不變的塔防遊戲,推薦嘗試『輕塔防』玩法,我的地盤由我來守護!▣神秘島國大冒險『微創新』豐富元素關卡,金援體力補給一次搞定,過關斬將爽度爆表!▣英雄養成即時戰鬥大師筆下華麗卡牌全套收集,輕鬆操控人物養成,技能裝備升級UP!▣微指尖策略布陣行列宮格走位戰鬥,指尖移動英雄,策略布陣人神魔陣營,相剋必死無疑!▣激鬥BUFF大爆發打不還手不是我的作風,累積激鬥BUFF指數,特色絕招一次釋放![遊戲背景]多位著名英雄誤闖時空裂縫來到神秘大陸,探索旅途中遇見遇見來自東、西方英雄代表人物,相同遭遇的夥伴們必須通力合作,除掉一切的惡勢力,才能知曉造成時空錯亂的事件真相。【收費制度】*遊戲下載免費*部份道具付費官方網站:官方粉絲團:本軟體依照中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔15級"Macross Heroes"PocketEdition - build heroes, and Japan and South Korea playersgathersFight![Game description]Genuine licensed classic IP "Macross Heroes" moved backpocketedition, hand-swim strong incoming new work, the Japaneseanimationcompany Studio Pierrot visibility of cross-bordercooperation, theAsian elite together to create the first post of2016 manpowertour, join the new story, the master Gorgeous heropen, you controlfreedom, Taiwan, Japan and Korea with the servicewar, hegemonyAsian NO.1! The strongest hero must stay in Taiwan![Game Features]▣ athletic competition without bordersThe Taiwan must win! Left file Korea king, the right to fighttheJapanese generals, "mixed service" fight without borders.▣ hero through a large collection ofCall mythology, history, fairy tale world famous hero, the heroofthe strongest team strategy portfolio explore new chapter.▣ light tower defense protecting the siteTired layer of the same tower defense game, it is recommended totry"light tower defense" games are played, my site to guardme!▣ mysterious island adventure"Micro-innovation" abundant element levels, physical supplyone-stopfinancial aid, through the trials of cool bursttable!▣ develop a real-time combat heroMaster Hua Rika pen full set of cards to collect, easy tomanipulatepeople to develop skills and equipment to upgradeUP!▣ micro fingertip Policy lineupThe ranks of the grids take place battle, fingers movinghero,strategy lineup person mythical camp grams die!▣ Battle BUFF outbreakPlaying does not fight back is not my style, cumulative BattleBUFFindex, features trick once released![Game Background]Many famous hero strayed mysterious space-time crack came tothemainland, met met to explore the journey from the East andWestheroic representative, the same experience of partners mustworktogether to get rid of all the evil forces, resultingintime-warped to know the truth .[Charge System]* Game Download Free* Most props chargeOfficial website: http: // fan group: https: // software game software in accordance with the Republicofhierarchical management approach are classified as:auxiliary15
Magic Rush: Heroes
Free Strategy Role Playing Game! Battle with Warriors,Archers,Snipers & more!
LINE 鬥陣英雄2 - 神話英雄大亂鬥 3.0.0
【遊戲介紹】「LINE 鬥陣英雄2」是 LINE 首款神話風格MOBA作品,遊戲結合強烈的戰鬥打擊和精細的英雄培育鋪陳出豐富的冒險玩法。利用簡易的螢幕操控和華麗的英雄技能,搭配風騷走位和酷炫連技,打破呆板無趣的回合戰鬥,引領潮流開啟首創的即時真人對戰,帶給挑剔玩家究極的戰鬥體驗!【遊戲特色】*痛快手感*精准操控,暢快打擊,享受連技擊殺的超凡體驗*自由組合最強陣容*告別單一角色限制,超量神話英雄任你收集,依對手組合打造最佳對戰陣容*高自由度英雄培養*拒絕滿地跑的複製人!隨自己喜好與戰術需求,創造個人專屬的神話英雄*多種遊戲模式*不論是傳統冒險闖關、即時真人對戰或排行榜挑戰賽,多達 50 種滿足休閒或高手口味的遊戲模式,讓你下載一款遊戲體會多重享受*熱血競技*首創手機遊戲 MOBA 真人即時對戰,隨處連線隨時開戰,霸氣走位靈活補刀,遊走撿頭人疾速推塔,盡在掌中戰鬥樂趣無窮請注意:※ 依據玩家 Wi-Fi 或網路品質不同, 連線進入遊戲可能會耗費較長時間。※ 建議玩家採用 Wi-Fi 環境連線,可以讓遊戲進行更加穩定和順暢【game introduction】"LINE Fight Hero 2" is the first myth LINE MOBA style ofwork,combined with a strong fight against the game and fine herofosterlay a rich adventure gameplay. Using a simple screenmanipulationand gorgeous hero skills, to walk with flair and coolcombos,fighting to break the dull atmosphere of the bout, leadingthetrend to open the first instant real battle, players bringpickyultimate fighting experience![Game Features]* * Feel happyPrecise control, combat fun, and enjoy anextraordinaryexperience with technology to kill* * Free combination of the strongest line-upFarewell single role limits you to collect any excessmythicalhero, according to opponents combination to create the bestteambattle* High degree of freedom hero * TrainingRefused to run the floor of the clone! With their ownpreferencesand tactical needs and create personalized heromyth* Multiple game modes *Pass through both traditional and adventure, play, orinstantlive leaderboard challenges, as many as 50 kinds of flavorstosatisfy leisure or expert game mode that lets you download agameto enjoy the experience of multiple* * Competitive bloodThe first real mobile games MOBA immediate war, war everywhereatany time to connect, flexible domineering walk up the knife,pickedheadman walk fast to push the tower, all in the hands ofthefighting funPlease note:※ players based Wi-Fi network or a different quality, theconnectioninto the game may take a long time.※ Players are advised to use Wi-Fi connection environment, youcanmake the game a more stable and smooth
大聖歸來 - 2016最強西遊手遊 1.5.1
「大聖歸來啦!」慶祝《大聖歸來》人氣爆滿,火速追加 004 服【來勢洶洶】,六大活動同步開跑!【大‧俠愛拿好寶包】→ 每天登入現領同慶禮包,上千元寶等你拿!←※ ※ ※ ※【勝‧券在握有神助】→ 每天簽到送請神符,天天招將速成最強陣容!←※ ※ ※ ※【歸‧心似箭為衝等】→ 達成指定等級即可領取大量軍需補給!←※ ※ ※ ※【來‧去自如戰力高】→ 達成指定戰力即可領取大量軍需補給 ←※ ※ ※ ※【好‧禮有儲就有拿】→ 累計儲值150元起,五星紫將與神兵等你拿!←※ ※ ※ ※【玩‧興大開日日存】→ 每天只要30元,隨機禮包試手氣!←馬上進入遊戲「精彩好禮」查看活動詳情!大唐年間,為了尋找紫霞,悟空已在三界消失多年。思徒心切的唐僧,主動請命再去西天取經查找悟空的下落。眾妖怪聽聞後紛紛躁動,三界傳說吃了唐僧肉將會長生不老。大聖能否再次拯救師傅于水火!大聖又將如何歸來!《大聖歸來-西遊系列卡牌巔峰之作》是睿智網通2015年全力打造的一款西遊題材2D策略卡牌手遊,頂級視覺效果呈現西遊傳奇,經典西遊角色72變隨心,悟空再次大鬧天宮創新鬥法,西天降妖之路再次歷險,突襲奔殺斬妖封神,公會城池戰與大聖共存亡!大聖再度歸來,除了精美人物與華麗戰鬥的超帶感視覺轟炸外,更為每人免費奉上大量元寶的極致福利體驗,波瀾壯闊的西遊背景,纏綿悱惻的愛情故事,多種創新玩法,成就2015全新卡牌經典之作!"King return it!"Celebrate "Story Return" popular full,Rushed additional 004 [menacing],Six Active Sync to start running![Large ‧ Bao Xia love Grab bag]→ daily login now receive Celebration Package, you get thousandsofgold! ←※ ※ ※ ※[Win] ‧ voucher hold divine intervention→ day delivery Please sign rune, every move will crash thestrongestteam! ←※ ※ ※ ※[Return ‧ heart like an arrow for the red, etc.]→ reach the specified grade can receive a large number ofmilitarysupplies! ←※ ※ ※ ※‧ go [to] freely combat power high→ reach designated to receive a large number of militarycombatpower supply ←※ ※ ※ ※[Good ‧ gift store had to get there]→ accumulated refill 150 yuan, five-star and violet and othermagicyou get! ←※ ※ ※ ※[Play ‧ Xing open daily deposit]→ as long as 30 yuan per day, random spree to try theirluck!← Immediately enter the game "wonderful gifts" View eventdetails!Datang years, in order to find Daisy, Wukong has disappearedformany years in the Three Realms.Thinking only eager monk, Buddhist sutras initiative plead gofindGoku's whereabouts. After all the monsters have heardrestlessness,eating official told us the legend of the Three Realmswill liveforever.Story can save untold miseries master again! Story howwillreturn!"Story Return - Journey series cards pinnacle" is wiseNetcom2015 efforts to build a West theme 2D strategy card handtour, topvisual effects rendering Journey legendary classic Journeyblossomschange the role of 72, Wukong Monkey King again Innovativebattleof wits, West subdue the road again adventure, surprise Benkillthe demon Gods, guild warfare and city Story perish!Story once again returned, in addition to exquisite figureandgorgeous super fight with a sense of visual bombing, the freeoffera lot more per ingot ultimate welfare experience,magnificentJourney background, sentimental love story, a variety ofinnovativegameplay, the achievements of 2015 new card brandclassic!
神魔東遊 1.0.10
《神魔東遊》是一款神話題材的橫版ACT遊戲,將封神榜、西遊記、八仙等經典神話角色重新鮮活塑造,創造性的融合街機橫版過關的操作和卡牌養成玩法,帶來酣暢淋漓的打擊快感和卡牌收集成長樂趣。上百位神仙妖魔,各懷絕技,引你重回上古神話時代,恰逢三界混沌妖魔四起,星相驟動,就惟獨缺你,再定乾坤!★★★★★ARPG+AMAZING!雙A級格鬥手遊★★★★★首款自由選擇「格鬥模式」ACT遊戲,靠你、靠運、靠技術!★★★★★超越極限!秒K對手爽快連擊!★★★★★挑戰你的死鬥極致,KO連擊數超扯、超猛、超級爽!★★★★★百位神魔天尊 打造最強組合★★★★★養「神」千日用在蒼生,擅用仙緣、陣容,享受知名神魔與你並肩作戰快感!★★★★★盟友組隊!共闖神魔世界★★★★★擂台靠自己、推關、征戰靠盟友,力拼各路妖魔!★★★★★神魔級的體驗!什麼都有!★★★★★經典天神故事、各式PVE、多樣系統應有盡有,要什麼有神魔!
Immortal Odyssey 1.0.2a
In a world of immortal heroes, adventure never dies…This is the Celestial Empire, a fantastically beautifullandblessed by gods, guarded by spirits, and threatened by demonsandambitious humans alike. Here, east and west factions wageaceaseless battle over the ultimate prize: immortal life.Begin your odyssey in this fantasy 2D RPG journey basedonChinese mythology, but unlike anything you’ve seen before! Sostartyour adventure now!ASSEMBLE IMMORTAL HEROES… AND MORE• Recruit a party of heroes from four RPG classes: Fighter,Ranger,Knight, and Mage• Capture any monsters, ghosts and demons you find in a dungeontoturn them into allies• Upgrade and train your most powerful allies to becomeanunstoppable forceTACTICAL TURN-BASED RPG BATTLES• Use strategy to maximize the power of your customized alliesandcrush any foe• Unleash powerful skills at just the right moment to gain theupperhand in battleDIVINE GRAPHICS• Explore a world full of unique fantasy art inspired byancientChinese mythology• Beautiful 2D sprites that bring your odyssey to life withamazinganimations• Every city and dungeon you explore is a breathtakinglydetailedwork of artAN ODYSSEY TO BE THE BEST• Put your allies to the test in limited-time PvP events• Rise to the top of the Global Leaderboard for great prizesandhonorCOMPETE & CONQUER• Test your team in PvP and explore the variousstrategicoptions• From the far east to the distant west, battle players&friends along every step of your journeyEvery journey has a beginning, but this one never ends.Immortal Odyssey is for fans of turn-based RPGs, fantasy,dungeoncrawls, strategic battles, slaying demons, PvP, 2D art, andgreatpieces of mythology such as “The Odyssey” or the classicChineseadventure, “Journey to the West.”_____________________________________________Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.comFollow us on Twitter at or like usonFacebook at to get moreinfoabout all our upcoming titles.Check out our videos and game trailers on our blog at fortheinside scoop on everything Gameloft._____________________________________________This app allows you to purchase virtual items within theapp.Privacy Policy : of Use : User License Agreement :
掌心泥巴-西游记 3.4.3
瘋神英雄聯萌-武俠Q傳奇 1.0.17
《瘋神英雄聯萌-武俠Q傳奇》以家喻戶曉的東方神話「封神演義」為背景,玩家可以體驗到刺激驚險的「武王伐紂」經典戰役,更有眾多著名的神祇門徒「姜子牙」、「趙公明」等待玩家來征服!此外,遊戲首推「仙侶奇緣」系統,玩家選擇對應的仙侶門徒上場,搭配專屬的裝備和法寶,角色之間就會產生強烈共鳴效果,大幅提升隊伍戰力。還有可愛趣味的「守護獸系統」、互助合作的「助威系統」等,營造出不同以往的神話遊戲體驗。給你宛如仙劍奇俠的感動,比無雙更有爆發力的戰鬥,媲美楓之谷的可愛人物角色,比武媚娘傳奇更神話的磅礡劇情。【超可愛東方神祇登場,眾多門徒等你征服】想要和鼎鼎大名的『姜子牙』、『哪吒』、『蘇妲己』一起征服世界嗎?遊戲中提供眾多家喻戶曉的封神角色,讓您可以任意挑選喜愛的人物,陪您上山下海盡情通關!更重要的是,玩家透過關卡闖關,就有機會取得這些稀有門徒,不必再花大錢拚機率抽取,只要每天暢快玩遊戲,就可以組織出強力隊伍唷!【四大職業挑戰策略機智,玩出你最獨特的組合】《瘋神英雄聯萌-武俠Q傳奇》為回合制戰鬥玩法,每次開戰前都能調整自己的門徒組合和陣型。遊戲中提供各種加成陣法和職業技能,玩家不但可以選擇想要的陣型效果,更能為門徒們裝備上各式各樣的法寶和特殊技能,高自由度的搭配內容,讓您能玩出最與眾不同的隊伍組合。【和朋友互動最有趣,激烈競技玩法讓您大呼過癮】玩《瘋神英雄聯萌-武俠Q傳奇》就是要和親朋好友們一起玩才刺激!社交好友系統,讓您能和朋友們互相贈送體力,還能查看對方組合,研究出擊倒對方的應對陣型!此外,豐富多元的PVP封神壇玩法更是不容錯過的競技活動,天下高手都會聚集在此較勁實力,到底誰能登上首席寶座?"God mad Heroes UnitedMoe- martial arts Q Legend" with well-known oriental myth "Gods"as thebackground, players can experience the thrills of "King Wu"aclassic battle, more renowned gods disciple"late-bloomer""Zhaogong" waiting for players to conquer! Inaddition, the mostimportant game "Xianlvqiyuan" system, playersselect thecorresponding Xianlv disciples play, with exclusiveequipment andmagic, it will have a strong resonance effect betweenroles,significantly increasing the combat capability of the team.Thereare lovely taste of "guardian beast system" mutualcooperation"cheer systems", etc., creating a myth different fromthe pastgaming experience.Paladin you like to move, more explosive than theunparalleledbattle, comparable to Maple Valley cute characters,more legendarymyth contest seductive woman 磅礡 story.[Super cute oriental gods on stage, waiting for you toconquermany disciples]Want and the famous "bloomer", "Rebels", "Su Daji" togethertoconquer the world? The game offers many household Gods role, soyoucan pick any favorite characters, to accompany you to enjoythemountains to the sea clearance! More importantly, theplayersthrough the checkpoint checkpoints, have the opportunity toacquirethese rare disciples, do not have to spend big money tofight theprobability of extraction, as long as a day of fun playingthegame, you can organize a strong team yo![Four major professional challenge strategy wit, play outyourmost unique combination]"God mad Heroes United Moe - martial arts Q Legend" isturn-basedfighting games are played, before each battle can adjusttheirportfolios and formation of disciples. FIGHTING game offersavariety of bonus and vocational skills, players can not onlychoosethe desired effect formation, the better for all kinds ofequipmenton the disciples of magic and special skills, with a highdegree offreedom of the contents, so you can play the most unusualteamcomposition.[Most interesting interaction with friends, allowing you toplayintense athletic hooked]Play "God mad hero linked Moe - martial arts legend Q" is toplaywith friends and family who just exciting! Social buddy system,soyou can give each other strength and friends, but also seeeachother combination, developed to deal with down the other sideofthe formation! In addition, a rich and diverse Gods altar PVPplayis not to be missed athletic activities, world experts willgatherstrength in this rivalry, in the end who boarded thechiefthrone?
Limit Hero 1.1.0
Limit Hero is a RPG game of MMO!You need to form a strong hero team to fight against demonsandplayers from the world.Classic card gameplay and strong strategic, it is an eternalwarbetween demons and heroes!Free skill selection system and exquisite graphics, it issuitablefor people of all ages.Limit Hero is the best game for you to kill spare time!Features:-It is a MMO game where you fight against other players-Recruit more heroes to form a strong team-Be a demon slayer to get equipment from demons-Core COMBO gamplay; each hero will trigger COMBO-Epic story, make your saga!-Various wonderful scenes for you to challenge!We will update the game continuous and provide youmoreheroes!Get together with Limit Hero lover here and show your place inHeroRanking!join us:
Ssjj Game
神之榮耀是一款即輕鬆,又激情的暗黑題材的MMORPG手機遊戲,諸神黃昏之後,鐵焰軍團再度來襲,諸神尋求偉大的英靈抵禦入侵,捍衛神之榮耀!你,被選中了!好康資訊及即時訊息,請關注神之榮耀粉絲頁:✳最輕鬆,世界等級經驗加成,升級咻咻咻✳「九龍爭霸」資料片震撼上線,世界等級绝妙设计玩家讚不絕口,經驗加成助力新手升級咻咻咻~✳最輕鬆,單人副本一鍵掃蕩,拒絕繁重任務✳「九龍爭霸」資料片震撼上線,秉承輕鬆的遊戲設計理念,拒絕繁重任務,實現所有單人副本一鍵掃蕩功能,其餘日常玩法,多人副本等能掃則掃,能掛就掛!✳最輕鬆,佔領礦洞離綫收益,隨時上線隨時領✳「九龍爭霸」資料片震撼上線,佔領礦洞離綫收益輕鬆到底,隨時上線隨時領,礦洞經驗可助玩家秒升10+等!✳最激情,排位賽強PK爭奪榮耀戰神✳「九龍爭霸」資料片震撼上線,排位賽強PK玩法,1V1,3V3雙模式讓你過夠癮!快來爭奪至高無上的榮耀戰神吧!神之榮耀已經啟動全面公測,更多好康資訊及即時訊息,請關注神之榮耀粉絲頁: is the glory ofGodis a relaxed, yet passionate Diablo theme MMORPG mobile game,afterRagnarok, iron flame Corps struck again, the great souls ofthegods seek to resist the invasion, to defend the glory of God!You,was selected!      Goodies information andinstantmessage, please pay attention to the glory of God fanpage:✳ easiest and world level experience bonus, upgrade Xiu Xiujeer✳"Nine Dragons" shocking piece of information on-line,wonderfuldesign world rank players praise, experience plus helpnewcomersupgrade Xiu Xiu jeer ~✳ most relaxed, single copy of a key raids, refused arduoustask✳"Nine Dragons" shocking piece of information on-line, adheringtothe relaxing game design philosophy, refused arduous task,therealization of all copies of a single function key raids,remainingroutine play, more than a copy, etc. can sweep the sweep,can hangon hang!✳ most easily occupied mined off earnings, at any time on-lineatany time collar ✳"Nine Dragons" shocking piece of information on-line,off-lineearnings occupied easily mined in the end, ready to receiveon-lineat any time, the mine experienced players can help lift 10+secondsand so on!✳ most passionate qualifying competition for the glory of strongPKAres ✳"Nine Dragons" shocking piece of information on-line, PKstrongqualifying play, 1V1,3V3 dual mode lets you had enough oftheaddiction! Come and fight for the glory of the supreme god ofwarnow!      The glory of God, has startedacomprehensive open beta, more goodies information andinstantmessage, please pay attention to the glory of God fanpage:
Ssjj Game
神之榮耀是一款即輕鬆,又激情的暗黑題材的MMORPG手機遊戲,諸神黃昏之後,鐵焰軍團再度來襲,諸神尋求偉大的英靈抵禦入侵,捍衛神之榮耀!你,被選中了!好康資訊及即時訊息,請關注神之榮耀粉絲頁:✳最輕鬆,世界等級經驗加成,升級咻咻咻✳「九龍爭霸」資料片震撼上線,世界等級绝妙设计玩家讚不絕口,經驗加成助力新手升級咻咻咻~✳最輕鬆,單人副本一鍵掃蕩,拒絕繁重任務✳「九龍爭霸」資料片震撼上線,秉承輕鬆的遊戲設計理念,拒絕繁重任務,實現所有單人副本一鍵掃蕩功能,其餘日常玩法,多人副本等能掃則掃,能掛就掛!✳最輕鬆,佔領礦洞離綫收益,隨時上線隨時領✳「九龍爭霸」資料片震撼上線,佔領礦洞離綫收益輕鬆到底,隨時上線隨時領,礦洞經驗可助玩家秒升10+等!✳最激情,排位賽強PK爭奪榮耀戰神✳「九龍爭霸」資料片震撼上線,排位賽強PK玩法,1V1,3V3雙模式讓你過夠癮!快來爭奪至高無上的榮耀戰神吧!神之榮耀已經啟動全面公測,更多好康資訊及即時訊息,請關注神之榮耀粉絲頁: is the glory ofGodis a relaxed, yet passionate Diablo theme MMORPG mobile game,afterRagnarok, iron flame Corps struck again, the great souls ofthegods seek to resist the invasion, to defend the glory of God!You,was selected!      Goodies information andinstantmessage, please pay attention to the glory of God fanpage:✳ easiest and world level of experience bonus, upgrade Xiu Xiujeer✳"Nine Dragons" shocking piece of information on-line,wonderfuldesign world rank players praise, experience plus helpnewcomersupgrade Xiu Xiu jeer ~✳ most relaxed, single copy of a key raids, refused arduoustask✳"Nine Dragons" shocking piece of information on-line, adheringtothe relaxing game design philosophy, refused arduous task,therealization of all copies of a single function key raids,remainingroutine play, more than a copy, etc. can sweep the sweep,can hangon hang!✳ most easily occupied mined off earnings, at any time on-lineatany time collar ✳"Nine Dragons" shocking piece of information on-line,off-lineearnings occupied easily mined in the end, ready to receiveon-lineat any time, the mine experienced players can help lift 10+secondsand so on!✳ most passionate qualifying competition for the glory of strongPKAres ✳"Nine Dragons" shocking piece of information on-line, PKstrongqualifying play, 1V1,3V3 dual mode lets you had enough oftheaddiction! Come and fight for the glory of the supreme god ofwarnow!      The glory of God, has startedacomprehensive open beta, more goodies information andinstantmessage, please pay attention to the glory of God fanpage:
Tề Thiên Truyện-Loạn Tây Du 4.1.00
Vạn người online,cùng viết lại thần thoạitiêngiới!*Đồ họa 3D sắc nét!Hệ thống Huyết chiến toàn diện!Combo liên kíchlạmắt!Số lượng màn chơi phong phú đa dạ【Hỗ trợ】Nếu bạn không vào được game hoặc không thể cập nhật,hãy bảođảmdụng lượng bộ nhớ còn trống hơn 300M.Hoặc liên hệ với chúng tôikhigặp bất cứ sự cố gì Loạn Tây DuEmail hỗ trợ: [email protected]===Giới thiệu===Tam Đại Anh Hùng-Sở hữu kỹ năng riêng biệt,chung mục đích lậplạitrật tự thế giới Thần Ma.Tự do chiến đấu-lối chơi non target,đem lại tương tác sốngđộngtrong từng trận chiến!Màn chơi phong phú-Đấu Thiên Đình,Chiến Diêm Vương,Thần quỷ yêumakhông phảiđối!Vạn người công thành-kết giao nhân sỹ,cùng nhau công thànhxưngđế!Combo phong phú-Tự tạo combo kỹ năng bá đạo và đẹp mắt !LoạnTâyDuThần Vũ lộng lẫy-trảm yêu diệt ma,đấu phá thương khung!===Những trải nghiệm đặc sắc===※Thần thú tương trợ!Phiêu lưu cùng chủ nhân,Chăm sóc thần thú chủ nhân sở hữu nhiều thuộc tính.※Yêu Tháp ,thay đổi đặc tính quân thù trong mỗi tầng ,thử thách anh hùng với nhiều phần thưởng khủng.Loạn Tây Du※Kinh Mạch Động Phủ,Đoạt Bảo Dã Ngoại,Đấu Thần Điện và nhiềucáchchơi PVP khác!※Nhiệm vụ phong phú,tràn đầy niềm vui mỗi ngày!Loạn Tây DuBOSS thế giới,hoạt động lễ tết luôn tươi mới.※Công Thành Chiến,Bang chiến qua những trận PK khốc liệt!Phối hợp cùng hảo hữu bàn mưu tính kế ,đẩy lùi kẻ địch hungtàn!Vạn người online,cùngviết lại thần thoại tiên giới!* Đồ họa 3D sắc nét! Hệ thống Huyết chiến toàn diện! Combo liênkíchlạ mắt!Số lượng màn chơi phong phú đa dạ[Hỗ trợ]Nếu bạn không vào được game hoặc không thể cập nhật, hãy bảođảmdụng lượng bộ nhớ còn trống hơn 300M.Hoặc liên hệ với chúng tôikhigặp bất cứ sự cố gì Loạn Tây DuEmail hỗ trợ: [email protected]=== Giới thiệu ===Tam Đại Anh Hùng-Sở hữu kỹ năng riêng biệt, chung mục đích lậplạitrật tự thế giới Thần Ma.Tự do chiến đấu-lối chơi non target, đem lại tương tác sốngđộngtrong từng trận chiến!Màn chơi phong phú-Đấu Thiên Đình, Chiến Diêm Vương, Thần quỷ yêumakhông phảiđối!Vạn người công thành-kết giao nhân sỹ, cùng nhau công thànhxưngđế!Combo phong phú-Tự tạo combo kỹ năng bá đạo và đẹp mắt! LoạnTâyDuThần Vũ lộng lẫy-trảm yêu diệt ma, đấu phá thương khung!=== Những trải nghiệm đặc sắc ===※ Thần thú tương trợ! Phiêu lưu cùng chủ nhân,Chăm sóc thần thú chủ nhân sở hữu nhiều thuộc tính.※ Yêu Tháp, thay đổi đặc tính quân thù trong mỗi tầng,thử thách anh hùng với nhiều phần thưởng khủng.Loạn Tây Du※ Kinh Mạch Động Phủ, Đoạt Bảo Dã Ngoại, Đấu Thần Điện và nhiềucáchchơi PVP khác!※ Nhiệm vụ phong phú, tràn đầy niềm vui mỗi ngày! Loạn Tây DuBOSS thế giới, hoạt động lễ tết luôn tươi mới.※ Công Thành Chiến, Bang chiến qua những trận PK khốc liệt!Phối hợp cùng hảo hữu bàn mưu tính kế, đẩy lùi kẻ địch hungtàn!
每一段傳說,都跟一個傳奇人物有關——皓月大陸上,也同樣有著這樣一個傳說。他是第一個,也是唯一成神的人類。領悟了星辰運轉軌跡,人獸生老病死,草木繁榮枯萎,冷暖四季變換的他擁有呼風喚雨,撼天震地的異能。他通曉古今,預測未來,因此被尊為先知之神。然而皓月歷331年,炎魔現世,生靈塗炭!先知之神被打敗,靈魂被封鎖在地底深處。炎魔身上,有著什麼秘密?國王派遣了一匹部隊前往營救,隊伍中包刮前線勇者「魔劍士」,吟誦自然之力的法術使「元素師」與攻其不備的黑暗隱者「潛行者」,冒險者們阿!快拿起武器,跟上腳步,為榮耀而戰。遊戲特色系統介紹【全新組隊玩法,各職業出頭天】可以加入別人的隊伍成為隊員,也可以創建隊伍成為隊長。在隊伍中,您能自如地和隊友交流,團隊作戰,享受一起打BOSS的樂趣。【坐騎跑酷副本,搭乘拉風坐騎】操作搖杆移動來獲取金幣,寶箱來累計積分,同時還要小心避開路上的障礙物,要是被撞倒可是會受傷扣血的。【百層勇者之塔,挑戰自我極限】冒險者們逐級而上,站在塔頂便是無上的榮耀。勇者之塔無層數限制,只要你行,只要你敢,便給你無限挑戰。【獨特翅膀系統,搭配華麗裝飾】系統贈送翅膀達到10級後即可啟動穿戴,隨著等級上升還會越變越華麗呢!穿戴翅膀不僅僅是為了酷炫,還能為人物增加額外屬性。【勇闖遺跡金庫,實現千萬富翁】冒險者們打敗遺跡中的寶箱怪,可獲得大量金幣,俗話說出門在外雖然錢不是萬能,但沒錢卻萬萬不能阿~【金銀島大探險,搜尋珍貴寶物】金銀島是護送帆船,主要能獲得聲望和金幣,也可邀請好友協助或搶奪其他玩家,點擊刷新可以刷新出海的船隻,越好的船隻收穫越大哦~※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※遊戲情節涉及性情節、暴力,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
經典英雄 1.3.1
官網客服 [email protected]粉絲團帶上你的英雄夥伴,挑戰最強副本玩法多元、技能絢麗!英雄培養透過遊戲中多樣化的培養系統,強化自己的英雄夥伴,進行你的冒險旅程!競技廝殺獨有競技系統,真人比拚,豐厚獎勵等你拿!經典戰役跟隨英雄在瓦若蘭大陸進行冒險,體驗精采故事,回味經典戰鬥。多樣副本多樣獨家副本,玩法多樣,生動有趣!絢麗坐騎坐騎系統不僅絢麗,還能提升玩家角色能力,培養坐騎成為英雄最強力的戰鬥夥伴!Official website [email protected] your hero partner, the strongest challenge copyMultiple gameplay, skills gorgeous!hero cultureThrough the game in a variety of culture systems, strengthentheirhero partner, carry out your adventure!Competitive fightingUnique Competitive systems, real competition, you getrichrewards!classic battleFollow hero carried out in tile Orchids mainlandadventure,experience the wonderful story, memorable classicbattle.varied copyVarious exclusive copy of play diverse, interesting!beautiful horseMount system is not only beautiful, but also enhance theplayercharacter ability, training the horse to become the mostpowerfulheroes fighting partner!
LINE 仙書紀 1.1.5
首款國產與LINEGAME跨界合作!小說等級原創劇情,穿梭朝代征戰四方!奇幻傳說由你開創!原創故事穿梭中國歷史、神話,由封神到秦朝、三國到西遊記,隨著白翌與他的夥伴們,穿梭時空經歷多重滋味的書中世界。●時空萌將,穿梭朝代征戰四方小說等級原創劇情,主角隨著伏令使給予的任務穿梭在各個朝代中,隨著劇情逐漸加入夥伴至團隊中,夥伴各自精采故事,與主線劇情環環相扣,隨著章節的推展將會慢慢揭開巨大的陰謀!●陣法通神!四方聖獸終極殺陣強大的陣法提高戰鬥效率,透過研發出更強大的新法陣讓上場的夥伴的戰力提升,並且更加具有戰略性與變化性!還有可能透過密研閣發現傳說中的絕世法陣,獲得更強大的特殊效果大幅提高戰鬥勝利的機率!●裝備鑄造!火神祝融神造神兵利器裝備強化至頂級後,可以透過火神祝融的協助,神造武器獲得更強力的屬性,隨著神造階段的提升,將產生不同的視覺效果,充分感受角色的成長變化。●浩劫再啟,異界元魔毀滅降臨隱藏在時空縫隙中的元魔,隨時會出現在眾伏們的面前,進行天命關卡時會不定時遇到元魔來襲,而每次擊倒之後,下一次元魔將會提昇強度。玩家可以選擇獨挑大樑,或是與朋友合力誅滅,甚至召援全伺服玩家一起挑戰。●史詩鉅作,著名人物齊聚登場不再只是三國,不再只是西遊,還有更多知名歷史人物角色。喚出這些古魂們封印成魂卡,並組合各魂卡之間的連攜招式,與夥伴一同戰鬥!還能透過鬥魂將這些魂卡的能力提昇,甚至覺醒成終極最強狀態,華麗登場!●武英群雄,直衝九霄凌雲之巔想挑戰其他玩家的強度,武英殿是大展身手的對決場!裝上你最強大的武器防具,組合你最有利的魂卡連攜,擊敗眾多玩家,衝破九霄,榮登無極寶座!加入官方粉絲團隨時關注最新訊息!《LINE仙書紀》粉絲團: domesticandcross-border cooperation LINE GAME! Fiction grade originalstory,four expeditions shuttle dynasty! Fantasy Legend to you tocreate!Shuttle original story of Chinese history, mythology, theGods tothe Qin Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms to the West, with thewhite Yiand his partners, through multiple space shuttle taste bookworld.● temporal Meng will shuttle dynasty campaign QuartetFiction grade original story, the protagonist with theunderlyingorder to make the task of giving the shuttle in variousdynasties,as the story gradually added partner to the team, theirpartnerswonderful story, with the main plot chain, will takeforward withchapters slowly uncover a huge conspiracy!● matrix method speaks! Quartet sacred TaxiPowerful matrix method to improve combat efficiency,throughresearch and development a more powerful fighting force ofthe newlaw allows the array of partners to enhance play and morestrategicand variability! There might find the legendarymasterpiece circlethrough dense research tower, get more powerfulspecial effectsgreatly increase the chances of victory inbattle!● equipment casting! Vulcan Vulcan God made magic weaponEquipment to strengthen to the top, you can help by VulcanVulcan,God made a more powerful weapon property, with the upgradingof Godmade stage, will produce different visual effects, tofullyexperience the growing role of change.● catastrophe again Kai, Yuan magic outsidercomingdestructionWill meet from time to time in the time and space to hide cracksinthe element of magic, at any time in front of thecongregationvolts who performed magic destiny checkpoint Wonstruck, and aftereach knockdown, the next element of magic willenhance thestrength. Players can choose to play the leading role,togetherZhumie or with friends, and even summon assistance servoplayers tochallenge together.● epic, famous people gathered on stageNo longer just the three countries, not just West, there aremorewell-known historical characters. They evoke the soul oftheseancient seal into the soul card, and a combination withportablemoves, soul and partners in fighting between the cardstogether!But also by the fighting spirit will enhance thesecapabilitiessoul cards, even the strongest state into the ultimateawakening,gorgeous debut!● Wuying pack, straight Jiuxiao Lingyun summitWant to challenge other players strength, Wu Ying is to showitsmettle duel field! Loaded on your most powerful weapons andarmor,your most favorable combination of soul cards even carry,beat manyplayers, breaking the Miracle, topped the thronePromise!Join the official fan group concerned about thelatestinformation at any time!"LINE cents Shoki" Fans:
Game mobile Quỷ Hầu Vương – Siêu phẩmchiếnthuật THẦN TỐC TẤT THẮNG – Bản quyền độc nhất từ CHÂU TINH TRÌlầnđầu tiên xuất hiện trên mobile thuộc thể loại RPG kết hợp thẻbàiđược phát triển bởi Kingsoft. Trò chơi được tiếp nhận bảnquyềnchính thức từ bộ phim điện ảnh Tây Du Ký ( tay du ky ) truyềnkỳ:Mối Tình Ngoại Chuyện của đạo diễn Châu Tinh Trì, tái hiệnthôngqua nền tảng đồ họa iMAX 3D tân tiến kết hợp cùng một cơchếgameplay mới lạ, chắc chắn sẽ mang tới một buổi đại tiệc thịgiácmãn nhãn cho tất cả người chơi.Vẫn là Tôn Ngộ Không ( ton ngo khong ), vẫn là Đường Tăng, BátGiới,Sa Tăng quen thuộc, nhưng game online Tây Du Ký ( tay du ky )Bảnquyền độc nhất từ CHÂU TINH TRÌ - sẽ phá vỡ mọi giới hạn khuônkhổtrước đây, mở ra những bí mật, vạch trần những âm mưu giữaTamGiới:- Ai cũng nghĩ Thiên Đình là nơi tốt đẹp nhưng có ai biết chưthầnđã bán đi linh hồn của mình !- Ai cũng biết dưới Ngũ Hành đang nhốt một con “Yêu Vương” nhưngcóai biết cả Thiên Đình đang hút dần sức mạnh của nó ?- Ai cũng biết rằng chỉ cần đến Tây Trúc để thỉnh được Kỳ Kinh làđểcứu giúp bá tánh , nhưng có ai biết sức mạnh thật sự của Kỳ Kinh?Tây Du Ký ( tay du ky ) truyền kỳ phải chăng là một âm mưu đượcsắpđặt tỉ mỉ?Đồ Họa Chân Thật – Lồng Tiếng điêu luyệnĐồ họa đỉnh cao khắc họa tỉ mỉ chi tiết từng nhân vật, góc quayấntượng phô diễn hàng trăm hiệu ứng đẹp mắt cùng với sự lồngtiếngTVB đặc sắc cho từng nhân vật.Thần Tướng Đa Dạng – Kỹ Năng Hoành TrángHệ thống tướng cho người chơi một cảm giác vừa thân thuộc vừamớilạ. Sẽ được gặp lại những nhân vật như thầy trò Đường Tăng bêncạnhđó còn xuất hiện của Ngộ không ( Ton Ngo Khong ) - Lục Nhĩ MỵHầu,và Game mobile Quỷ Hầu Vương là nhân vật nào ?Hệ thống kỹ năng thiên biến vạn hóa với hơn 400 phép thầnthông,người chơi khi trải nghiệm game hay sẽ có cơ hội bắt gặpnhững kỹnăng độc đáo như Tam Muội Chân Hỏa, Phong Hỏa Luân, Như LaiChưởng,Thiết Bảng Côn v.v….Thần Tốc Tất ThắngVượt qua những khuôn mẫu của thể loại đánh theo lượt, gameonlineTây Du Ký ( tay du ky ) Bản quyền độc nhất từ CHÂU TINH TRÌ -sởhữu một hệ thống tấn công vô cùng đặc sắc. Cùng trong 1 khoảngthờigian của vòng đấu, tốc độ thần tướng càng cao, càng tấn côngđượcnhiều lần và ngược lại thần tướng nếu tốc độ càng thấp càngbịthiệt thòi so trong trận đấu.Chiến Thuật Kết Duyên Tiên – Phật – Thần – MaGame hay và sở hữu những tính năng chiến thuật cân não, ngoàiviệcsưu tập những thần tướng cho mình còn phải nghiên cứu bố tríđộihình tương ứng với những thuộc tính tấn công, phòng ngự và hỗtrợcủa thần tướng.Đặc biệt, chiến thuật của game còn thể hiện qua hệ thống duyênphận.Có hàng trăm duyên phận khác nhau phân thành Tiên – Phật –Thần – Mavới những thuộc tính bổ trợ đặc biệt. Hệ thống duyên phậnđược kíchhoạt từng cấp khi kết duyên thêm tướng.PK 3 VS 3 lần đầu tiên xuất hiện trong game thẻ bài hot nhấthiệnnayViệc PK giữa người chơi đối với nhau có thể nói là một trongnhữngtính năng máu lửa và kịch tính nhất thì ngay tại Quỷ HầuVương,người chơi có thể nhân gấp 3 sự kịch tính đó với tính năng PK3 vs3. Với tính năng này người chơi có thể cùng 2 người đồng độikháctham gia tỉ thí cùng địch thủ.Tính Năng Bang Hội – Tranh Đoạt Kỳ KinhHệ thống bang hội của Game mobile Quỷ Hầu Vương vô cùng đặc sắcvớinhững tính năng hấp dẫn như: xây dựng bang hội, tiệm bang, trừyêu,thần thú và dĩ nhiên không thể không kể tới tính năngĐoạtKinh.Giải Đấu Tournament hàng tuầnNgoài những tính năng PK cơ bản, Game mobile Quỷ Hầu Vương cònthiếtkế cho mình một giải đấu hoành tráng diễn ra hàng tuần giúpchongười chơi có thể cùng nhau thi đấu, giao lưu với tất cả mọingườivà tìm ra người mạnh nhất.Thông tin tham khảo thêm tại:Trang chủ: http://quyhau.mobo.vnFanpage:ỗ trợ: +84-1900-6611Email: [email protected] game DemonMonkeyKing - blockbuster tactical urgency ALL WIN - Copyrightexclusivelyby Chow first time appeared on the mobile of the RPGgenrecombination cards developed by Kingsoft. The game receivedanofficial license from the movie Journey to the West (theWest)legendary: Termites Love Story, directed Foreign Chow,recreatedthrough IMAX 3D graphics platform combines advanced samenewgameplay mechanics, will certainly bring a visualbanquetvoyeuristic for all players.Still the Monkey King (Sun Wukong), remains the Tang Monk,Zhu,Satan familiar, but the online game Journey to the West (theWest)Copyright exclusively by Chow - will break all limitspreviousframework, opening up the secrets, expose the conspiracybetweenthe Three Realms:- Everyone thought Heaven is nice place, but no one knew thegodshad sold his soul!- Everyone knows that under captive Marble is a "Love United" butnoone knows Heaven is draining its power?- Everyone knows that just to be America West Truc Beijing toappealis to rescue the men, but no one knows the true strength ofAmericaBusiness? Journey to the West (the West) is an affordablelegendaryconspiracy meticulously arranged?Graphic True - Fade In virtuosityUnique graphics depicting meticulous detail each character,seemedimpressed angles hundreds of nice effects with the TVB voiceforeach character unique.Gen Than Diversity - Skills monumentalGeneral system gives players a sense of belonging both newmedium.Will be seeing the likes of Monk Tang teachers and studentsbesidesemergence of Enlightenment not (Sun Wukong) - Luc Mỵ AlmostVirgin,and mobile Devils Game Monkey King is character?Skill system popular culture with over 400 magic, playersexperiencethe game or will have the opportunity to encounter theunique skillsas eighty Legs Fire, Fire Feng Lun, TathagataAttorney, ElectronicTable Con etc ....Sudden ThangOvercoming the stereotypes of the genre hit turn-based, onlinegameJourney to the West (the West) Copyright exclusively by Chow -asystem of ownership is extremely unique attack. Together inoneperiod of the tournament, the higher rate of Fate, as attacksarerepeated and if Fate reverse speeds as low as disadvantaged thaninbattle.Tactical The Duyen Tien - Buddha - Spirit - MaAnd own the game or tactical brainstorming features, in additiontocollection of idols have to study the layout correspondsteamattributes the attack, defense and support of Fate.In particular, the game's tactical system is also evident infate.There are hundreds of different fate categorized into Korea-Buddha - Spirit - Ma with additional special properties. Thesystemis activated fate ever more general level when married.PK 3 VS 3 first appeared in the hottest card game todayThe PK between players on the same can be said is one ofthefeatures most dramatic fire and blood, even the Evil MonkeyKing,players can multiply 3 times that with the dramatic features 3vs3. With PK this feature players can join 2 other teammates jointherival candidates billion.Community Features - Paintings United Business WinnerGuild system of mobile Devils Game Monkey King is extremelyuniquewith attractive features such as building guilds, shopsstates,except love, fun and of course god can not help but mentiontheWinning Business features.Weekly Tournament TournamentIn addition to the basic features PK, Game mobile DevilsdesignMonkey King was himself a spectacular tournament takes placeeachweek to help players can play together and socialize witheveryoneand find out who is stronger Best.Reference information more at:Home: http://quyhau.mobo.vnFanpage: + 84-1900-6611Email: [email protected]
LINE新魔導英雄傳 1.7.40
★★★★★【LINE新魔導英雄傳 彈指施放酷炫的3D華麗技能!】★★★★★在遊戲過程中如有任何疑問,可以通過官方客服信箱與我們聯繫:《LINE新魔導英雄傳》官方網頁《LINE新魔導英雄傳》官方粉絲專頁《LINE新魔導英雄傳》客服信箱:[email protected]★ 最放肆的LINE遊戲★ 全球200萬一致肯定的最強續作★ 豐富多變的攻略戰術★ 自由度滿點的角色養成★ 超炫麗的視覺表現★ 彈指微操作 最強RPG現身【系統建議】作業系統:Android 2.2及以上。內存配置:建議1G以上。存儲空間:推薦預留500MB剩餘空間。※ 建議各位冒險者們請在連線品質良好的環境下進行消費,以免儲值失敗,謝謝!宇峻奧汀與 LINE GAME合作共同推出的《LINE新魔導英雄傳》將延續二代續作,搭配日本聲優角色專屬配音、超華麗的技能特效以及可愛的二頭身3D人物角色,再加上逗趣的對話與故事內容,絕對讓你愛不釋手!現在就號召喜愛可愛冒險戰鬥的熱血朋友一同前來挑戰吧!《LINE新魔導英雄傳》,繼承前代備受肯定的「RTS即時戰略操作」,強化了「RPG角色培育」,並增加了與LINE好友互動、競爭的機制,與好友在LINE的遊戲國度裡 , 盡情放肆的展開冒險吧!遊戲延續前代最受好評的主支線劇情模式,讓玩家體驗關卡的同時,即時遭遇各種戰鬥與冒險事件,扮演主角「伊薩」與女主角「愛妲」等三名夥伴組成戰隊,協助義勇軍一同對抗冥神軍的入侵,因而捲入了零界各勢力的紛爭,逐漸接近造成零界一切紛亂的幕後黑手,藉由這場尋找自我的旅程解開身世之謎。《LINE新魔導英雄傳》與前代不同,玩家必須為自己的四人小隊配置各種職業的「戰棋」,戰棋星數越高其強度與成長幅度也就越高,只要進行「戰棋」的升級、改造、學習技能等培育強化,就能打敗各種怪物與強敵,提升戰隊等級,並在挑戰其他玩家的競技場中取得勝利。
封神之怒 1.1
《封神之怒》改編自古典名著《封神榜》,是一款純3D暗黑風格的MMORPG遊戲。遊戲背景定在了商朝末年商紂王暴政、周武王為了天下蒼生而對紂王進行討伐的商周對峙局面,核心玩法是劇情關卡、多種PVE副本,小型團體關係、多種PVP任務和多種國戰玩法,輔以裝備強化、材料合成、技能升級、每日活躍等精彩內容。遊戲畫面亮眼逼真,操作上輔以自動尋路、自動打怪等輔助挂機系統,操作簡單易上手。現開啟線上公測,歡迎各位靚仔美女來戳呦!PS:安裝完畢需要更新資源,請小主們耐心等待,妲己娘娘正在更衣。稍後有好戲上演呦客服郵箱 [email protected]官方FACEBOOK粉絲團"Gods ofWrath,"adaptedfrom the classic novel "Gods", is a pure dark style3DMMORPG game.Game background set in the Shang Dynasty King Zhoutyranny,KingWu of Zhou to the world common people and crusade ofthe ShangandZhou confrontation, the core gameplay is the storylevel, avarietyof PVE copy relationship small groups, a variety oftasks,and avariety of national war PVP play , supplemented byequipmenttostrengthen, material synthesis, skills upgrading,dailyactivityand other exciting content. Dazzling lifelike gamescreen,combinedwith the operation of automatic routing, automaticDaguaiotherauxiliary hook system, the operation simpleandapproachable.Now online open beta, to welcome you to pokebeautyhandsomeYo!PS: installation needs to be updated resource, smallownersarepatiently waiting, Daji empress is changing. Yo playstagedtherelaterCustomer Service Email [email protected] official fan group
超萌繼承者 萌戀青春 1.0.3
《超萌繼承者》具備超高的遊戲性,超好笑劇情受到大量玩家追捧。多樣創新的遊戲模式在其他遊戲類型上突出重圍,以標新立異玩法立足玩家的手機中。===特色玩法===★童年經典遊戲頂金幣,捕獵達人,紅白機卡帶收集等經典玩法穿插遊戲中,讓你回憶小時候的玩法不亦樂乎。★角色兌換英雄再也不用抽了,用遊戲內的金幣兌換,金幣賺取也很快,而且是全部角色都可以兌換哦。★抓僕人打敗其他玩家就可以讓其他玩家成為你的僕人,和僕人互動還能得到豐厚獎勵。★海量任務試煉神殿,主線任務,精英副本,組隊副本多種玩法讓你樂在其中,忙於收成各種獎勵。★軍團結義可以和軍團的好友一起打副本,對抗強大的BOSS,更有稀有神器在其中哦。===貼心提示===※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內部分道具收費。※遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,部分角色穿著輕微暴露。※本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為「輔12級」,即十二歲以上之人始得使用。"Super Mengsuccessor"gameplay with ultra-high, super funny story sought afterby thelarge number of players. Innovative and diverse game modes inothergame types Win to unconventional play based on the player'sphone.=== === Characteristics of play★ childhood classic gameTop gold, hunting Daren, cassette collection and other classicNESgame play interspersed, so you recall childhoodplayexhilaration.★ Role ExchangeHeroes no longer smoked, with gold exchange within the game,earninggold quickly, but all roles can be exchanged oh.★ catch servantBeat other players can let other players be your servant,andservants to interact'll get rich rewards.★ massive taskTrial of the Shrine, the main task, the elite copy of the teamacopy of a variety of play let you enjoy it, busy harvest avarietyof awards.★ military justice SolidarityAnd legions of friends can play with a copy, against thepowerfulBOSS, more rare artifact therein oh.=== === Tips※ This game is free to use in-game part of the props charges.※ game content involving minor violence, part of the role ofwearingslight exposure.※ This software game software under ROC hierarchicalmanagementapproach categorized as "auxiliary 12", that is, peopleover theage of twelve may only use.
Galaxy Legend - Cosmic Conques 2.2.1
A strategy RPG with single and multiplayer dimensions in agalacticbattlefield