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國耀中醫診所 1.02
國耀中醫診所位於中和繁華街市的國耀診所,成立於民國八十六年三月,是所地區診友依賴甚深的中醫診所。國耀診所的醫師精研中醫領域,並獲專業中醫師執照,多年來,他們運用藥性溫和、副作用較小的中藥和精湛的針灸,治好了許多診友的疑難雜症,也建立了國耀在地區診友心目中廣受信賴的地位,甚且多有遠地診友,因口碑相傳而慕名前來求診,國耀總能不負他(她)們所望。對高血壓、中風、骨刺、風濕、半身不遂、代謝不良、肥胖臃腫、胃腸疾病、睡眠障礙、泌尿系統雜症、婦女疾病、產後失調、過敏..等等疾病,國耀一貫採用高級中藥材,經由醫師的望、聞、問、切,開列藥方給診友服用,並輔以非常精熟的針灸、皮下針、埋線及推拿等方式,內外兼治,以加強療效。開列的藥方有直接使用經G.M.P.合格認証藥廠提供之科學中藥藥粉、藥丸、藥膏交付診友的;也有使用煎煮方式,經由高溫滅菌真空包裝,提供療效更好的水藥,送交診友服用的,非常簡便衛生對家事纒身、工作繁忙的診友,最是方便有效。國耀中醫診所GUOYAO clinic locatedinthe bustling markets of the country and renownedclinic,established in March In 1997, the region is dependent ontheFriends of profound diagnosis of Chinese medicine clinics.Clinicphysicians GUOYAO lapping the field of traditionalChinesemedicine, and was a professional license practitioners overtheyears, they use mild in nature, fewer side effects oftraditionalChinese medicine and acupuncture skills, cured manyincurablediseases diagnosed Friends, also established a nationalYao statusin the eyes of the attending district wide trustedfriend, but waseven more than a remote clinic friend, because wordof mouth andcome here for treatment, GUOYAO always live up to his(her) to theexpectations. Hypertension, stroke, bone spurs, rheumatism,hemiplegia,poor metabolism, obesity bloated, gastrointestinaldisorders, sleepdisorders, urinary system diseases, diseases ofwomen, postpartumdisorders, allergies. . And other illnesses,GUOYAO consistent withadvanced medicines through physicians look,smell, and asked,cutting, attending the Friends list to takeprescription,supplemented by very mastery of acupuncture,hypodermic needles,embedding and massage, etc., inside and outsideExternal, toenhance efficacy. List of prescription medicine powderscienceprovided by the direct use of qualified GMPcertifiedpharmaceutical, pills, creams delivered attending Friends;alsoused boiling way through high-temperature sterilizationvacuumpackaging, provide better water drug efficacy, sentattendingFriends taking, very easy on the family health body Chan,busyattending friends, is the most convenient and effective.GUOYAOclinic