Top 10 Apps Similar to WoW常用片語_1-附例句

【戰勝片語 1200】是由台灣快譯通精挑細選國高中英文教科書中最常出現的重要片語,並整合美國語言學家 Robert J.Dixson所整理出最權威的「狄克生片語」製作。輔以最精準道地的例句,加上最方便使用的學習介面,要讓您以最少的金錢、最短的時間精通最讓人頭疼的英文片語。無論您即將面對的是大學入學檢定考試、全民英檢,還是托福、雅思、GMAT,【戰勝片語1200】都是您不可或缺的良師益友! 【戰勝片語1200】特色 1. 整合狄克生片語與國高中英文教科書中最常出現的片語,共 1240餘個,若再加上所列之同義片語,總片語數超過2500 個。 2. 每個片語都附例句,讓您真正了解片語的實際使用方式。3.片語與例句均提供道地真人發音。 4. 每課各約20個片語,份量適中,最適合使用零碎時間學習。每課均搭配不同題型測驗,立即驗收學習成果,效果最佳。
英文記單字,字根,邏輯,諧音,字典/多益/英檢/基測/學測 2023.05
Are you still memorizing English words by rote? The best way istolearn radical character groups, logic and homophonicmemorizationof words, apply the skills of phonetic meaning andcomprehensivetests to quickly memorize English words, and you willalsoencounter unrecognized words in the future. Can guess themeaningof the word
狄克森片語 & TOEIC
狄克森片語 Dixon Phrase & TOEIC『功能特色』1. 中譯功能,每個片語皆有完整的英文與中文例句內容。2. 語音功能,每個片語及例句均附有英文的語音。3. 所有片語都可以發音,所有例句也全部可以發音。4. 可自行匯入額外片語。5. 並提供單字測驗(聽力與書寫)單元:0.已匯入的片語。(Pro版提供單字測驗: 狄克森片語。2. 基礎單字。3. TOEIC單字550UP。4. TOEIC單字750UP。5. TOEIC單字860UP。6. 不可思議成語A-Z。PS:若已經安裝舊版,卻因為更新,導致程式開啟失敗或無任何片語時,請先移除舊版,在重新下載安裝。英語學習片語學習單字學習
Universal Translator
NO NEED FOR AN INTERNET CONNECTION OR 3G -theentire app comes pre-loaded with everything you needfortranslation.Here is the brand new Universal Translator 188 (UT188) foryourAndroid device!Imagine being able to translate between 188 differentlanguagesinstantly; that's exactly what the new UT183 does.From Zulu to Urdu or Latvian to Yao, getbidirectionaltranslations you never thought were imaginable!The following languages are supported and can becross-translatedbetween: Achinese, Afrikaans, Akan, Alabama,Albanian, Arabic,Armenian, Aymara, Azeri, Balinese, Bari, Bashkir,Basque, Batak,Belarusian, Bikol, Breton, Buginese, Bulgarian,Buryat, Catalan,Cebuano, Chechen, Chinese Mandarin, Choctaw,Chorti, Chuang,Chukchi, Chuvash, Creole, Crimean, Croatian, Czech,Dakota, Danish,Dungan, Dutch, Dyerma (Zarma), Efik (Ibibio),English, Erzya,Esperanto, Estonian, Evenki, Ewe, Faeroese, Fang ,Farsi, Fijian,Finnish, Foochow, French, Frisian, Fulani, Gagauz,Galician, Gan,Ganda, Georgian, German, Greek, Guarani, Hainanese(Min Nan), Hausa,Hebrew, Hiligaynon (Ilonggo), Hindi, Hmong,Hunanese (Xiang),Hungarian, Icelandic, Igbo, Ilocano, Indonesian,Italian, Japanese,Javanese, Kalenjin, Kamba, Kaqchikel, Karaim,Karakalpak, Karen,Kashubian, Kazakh, Khakas, Khanty, Kikuyu(Gikuyu), Kinyarwanda,Kisii (Gusii), Komi, Korean, Koryak,Krymchak, Kumyk, Kurdish,Kyrghiz, Latin, Latvian, Lingala,Lithuanian, Lombard, Luo (Dholuo),Maasai, Macedonian, Madurese,Makassar, Malay, Maltese, Manado,Mansi, Maori, Mapudungun, Mari,Medanese, Minangkabau, Moksha,Mongolian, Nanai, Navajo, Ndebele,Ninglish, Nivkh, Norwegian,Nyanja (Chichewa), Ojibwa, Panay,Papiamento, Polish, Portuguese,Provencal, Quechua, Romanian,Romansh, Runasimi, Rundi, Russian,Samoan, Sango, Sara, Scots,Sepedi, Serbian, Shona, Sichuanese,Sidamo, Silesian, Slovak,Slovenian, Somali, Sotho, Spanish,Sundanese, Swahili, Swati,Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Tatar, Teochew,Teso, Thai, Tonga, Tsonga,Tswana, Tumbuka, Turkish, Turkmen,Uighur, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek,Venda, Vietnamese, Winnebago, Wolof,Xhosa, Yakut, Yao, Yolngu,Yucatec, Zulu.TrueVoice and TTS are available for a select amount oflanguagesincluding but not limited to:Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian, Chinese Mandarin,Croatian,Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Farsi (Persian),Finnish,French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian,Indonesian,Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian,Norwegian, Polish,Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak,Spanish, Swedish,Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian andVietnamese.
手話ステーション 2.4.2
As a sign language dictionary, all finger characters, about4500words, are recorded in an animated video.
i-Wow Beep Beep 1.0.4
By combining i-wow BEEP BEEP 3.0fromImaginarium with this application, children can movetheirBeep-Beep car around a track on the screen, withmini-exercises andspecial powers.Designed for Android tabletsA fun game of attention and movement, which stimulatesthereflexes and hand/eye co-ordination.Age: From 2 to 6 years.A new dimension for playing and learning. Experience a newanddifferent way of exploring and learning.Simple, intuitive navigation.TO USE:The goal is to catch stars and win trophies, avoiding obstaclesatdifferent speeds.FEATURES:As well as driving, you can fly a plane and catch balloons,putout fires with the fire engine hose, and other games.There are various types of car (fire engine, policecar,ambulance, etc.) to choose on the screen, with differentalarmsounds and lights.Press the button on the toy car to honk the horn and playothersound effects, depending on the game on-screen.There are also obstacles along the way, like fences,railwaylines, zebra crossings, and oil spills.ABOUT US: PaquitoLand from ImaginariumThis application is part of PaquitoLand, the contentplatformfrom Imaginarium. As a company, we have been playing withchildrenfor more than 20 years. Always looking for ways toentertain andeducate at the same time. Using new tools offered bytechnology,with the help of specialist studies into applications,we want todevelop safe, secure content that entertains and educatestheyoungest members of the family and also transmitsImaginarium'sphilosophy –which has always given us such greatresults- in thisnew environment.We have set ourselves the task of creating the bestapplicationsfor concerned parents who want quality content fortheir children,and which enable young children - the digitalnatives - to enjoyall that these technologies have to offer..PaquitoLand: content platform from Imaginarium. Visit usanddiscover the best and most carefully selected collection ofebooks,games, Apps, TV series, films, music and audio booksforchildren.ABOUT US: i-wow from Imaginariumi-wow is a new dimension for playing and learning in whichthephysical and digital worlds merge.The best technology adapted to the learning andentertainmentneeds of children.
Kamus Bahasa Bawean AOP 1.2
AOP media
kamus bahasa Bawean Pertama di Android.Untuk penampilan pertama kali, kami tawarkan :1. Translasi dari MELAYU ke BAWEAN2. Translasi dari BAWEAN ke MELAYU3. 500++ patah perkataan bahasa Bawean untuk versipertamaini.4. Interface dan pelayaran yang mudah (lihat gambar)Aplikasi ini sesuai untuk :1. Sesiapa yang minat belajar bahasa Baweanperingkatpermulaan.2. Generasi baru anak-anak Bawean yang tidak kerapberbahasaBawean.3. Bangsa lain yang berkahwin dengan orang Bawean.4. Mereka yang tinggal di kejiranan yang ada bangsa Bawean.5. Mereka yang gemar menguasai bahasa lain.6. Bangsa Bawean yang ingin belajar bahasa Melayu.Aplikasi akan sentiasa dikemaskini untuk mengayakanlagiperbendaharaan kata bahasa Bawean di dalamnya. Kami inginbahasadan bangsa Bawean lebih dikenali dan tidak ketinggalansebanyakmungkin bidang di zaman yang serba mencabar ini. semogaaplikasiini bermanfaat.Dd Sulaeman~AOP Media (creator)First Baweanesedictionaryon Android.For his first time, we offer:1. Translational from MALAY to Baweanese2. Translational from Baweanese to MALAY3. 500 + + language words Baweanese for this first version.4. Interface and navigation tools (see photos)This application suitable for:1. Anyone interested in learning the languageBaweanesestage.2. A new generation of kids who do not often speakBaweaneseBaweanese.3. Gentile who married a Baweanese.4. Those who live in neighborhoods that are Baweanese race.5., Who prefer to master another language.6. Baweanese Nations who want to learn the Malay language.Applications will be regularly updated to enrich thevocabularyBaweanese in it. We want language and race Baweaneseknown and donot miss as much as possible in the field thischallenging time.This application may be beneficial.Dd Sulaeman~ AOP Media (creator)
Coloring : Fish Coloring Wow 1.2
We made a . 'Direct coloring' hopingourchildren raise beautiful childlike. Try to fully colorthebeautiful fishes with direct coloring and automaticcoloringfunction.Mom directly made applications for young sun. This app is a giftforeducational and fun playground for the imagination. I hope thatsameenjoyment is conveyed to you used this app.# We plan to continually add a variety of pictures.To check for updates, and enjoy more to draw the picture.* Direct color: fully finger painting as you wish* Color selection: 24 kinds of commonly used colorpresentation,easy one-click selection of colors available.(In addition to using the spuit feature, Available to choose amorevariety of colors)* Line Thickness: The thickness of the brush is step 3! Chooseitaccordingly for fine lines and large surfaces* Eraser: Use the eraser for modification, if necessary.* Brush effect (style): Select sharpen or blur or shadow effectsorborder effect* Automatic: "direct coloring" and "auto paint", select one oftwomodes* Storage features: Available to save the finished pictureThe copyright of the images in the application is retained bythisApp registrant ([email protected]).Due to the protection of copyright law, any unauthorizedcommercialuse is not possible.Related Keywords:Coloring, sketching, drawing, painting, tropical fish,fishpictures, picture study, sogeunyuk, color, coloring, kids,paintedfish, marine animals
Wow Church 3.4.2
Never miss a Rally message, listen to audioofPastor Jim Yeager weekly. Some messages are available in videoaswell. You can find out What's Happening by following our AppEventCalendar, or check out the E-Bulletin each week. Find ListsofChurch Ministries that are active and are soon to come.Onlinegiving is available as well as interactive forms to submitInterestCards, Online Tithing Envelopes, Prayer Requests and muchmore.Check the app often to discover all kinds of interestingcontentand share it with friends via Facebook, Twitter, or evenemail.WOW CHURCH in Ardmore, OklahomaLuke 5:32 "I have come to call not those who think theyarerighteous,but those who know they are sinners and need to repent."WOW Church welcomes you to "Come As You Are" to findlove,acceptance, guidance and encouragement.We believe this is the FIRST step of obedience to the callofChrist.You don't have to buy any new clothes to come to WOW CHURCH,justwear what you usually wear.For more information about Wow Church, pleasevisit:Http://www.wowchurch.orgThe Wow Church app was developed with the subsplash appplatformand is maintained and operated by the Wow Church MediaManagementMinistry. If you have any comments, suggestions, orconcerns youcan submit that to [email protected] WOWChurch app was developed with Subspalsh App Platform.App: © 2017 Subsplash, Content: © 2017 Wow Church
와우스쿨 1.9
와우스쿨 디지털 포트폴리오 관리시스템은 다음과 같은 기능을 제공합니다.1. 학생, 교사, 학부모가 현장 학습 시 실시간으로 체험학습 내용과 사진을 공유할 수 있는 모바일앱서비스를제공합니다.2. 학생의 현장학습에 관련된 기록 미디어(사진/영상)를 위치별, 테마별 포트폴리오로 자동 기록하고저장함으로써학생과교사, 학부모가 손쉽게 학습자의 포트폴리오 내용을 검색하고 관리할 수 있습니다.3. 학년별, 내용별 다양한 현장학습 프로그램을 지속적으로 제공하고, 현장학습 체험에서 체험보고서 작성까지관리지도하기때문에 알찬 내용의 포트폴리오 작성이 가능합니다.4. 학습자가 체험한 현장학습의 포트폴리오가 누적되어 저장되므로, 향후 진로탐색에 참고하여 활용할 수 있습니다.Wowschooldigitalportfolio management system provides the followingfeatures:1. Students, teachers, and parents to provide a mobileappservicethat lets you share photos in real-time contentandexperientiallearning during field trips.2. The records related to the field study of student media(photos/video) to specific locations, by automatically recordandstoreportfolio by theme students and teachers, and parentscaneasilysearch and manage the contents of thelearnerportfolio.3. grade level, continue to provide the information by avarietyofon-site learning programs and on-sitelearningexperienceExperience reports are written portfoliomanagement mapis possiblebecause of the fruitful informationfrom.4. Since the learner is stored accumulated aportfolioofexperiential learning by field, you can take advantageofbyreference to a future career search.