Top 13 Apps Similar to 北海道 平取町(びらとり町)ナビ

北海道ライカーズ 1.0.3
"Hokkaido Likers" is the media to conveythecharm of Hokkaido.Hokkaido Likers reports the latest spots from tourism andgourmetinformation to help you travel! In addition, Hokkaido Likerswilldeliver projects which all users can participate, and alsostoriesabout people who live in Hokkaido, and product informationthat wasgenerated from it.■Main function【1. New articles】You can browse new articles.【2. Search articles】You can search articles not only by genres: see, play, eat,meet,know, but also by location and special feature articles.Examples)・Homemade food in Hokkaido, ”Salmon roe in soy sauce”.・The very unique subway, Sapporo Municipal Subway.・Special feature article ; Precious heritages in Hokkaido.・Hokkaido Likers’ choice ; The classic and new 30 souvenirsofHokkaido.【3. Clip】You can clip your favorite articles with just one tap! Make yourownbookmark collection.【4. Map】You can see spot information featured in articles on theselectedarea or your current position using the GPS function onthemap.It's useful to search for nearby spots and plan your triparoundHokkaido!■Supported OSRequires Android 4.0 or later.Please use under the good internet connection.※This application supports only Japanese.
Sapporo Info 3.10
Have Sapporo tourist information close at hand. Sapporo Info–anofficial smartphone application developed by the CityofSapporo.Sapporo, the biggest city in Hokkaido, is surroundedbybeautifulscenery of its dynamic nature, and there arevarioustourist spotsto visit and activities to partake in. Visitorscanalso enjoydelicious food gathered both from the sea andthemountains.Sapporo is an attractive city that is knownforvariousinternational events, including the Sapporo SnowFestival.To makeyour trip to Hokkaido and Sapporo more enjoyable,the CityofSapporo has released this tourism application, calledSapporoInfo.★This is the first official application created by theCityofSapporo. The application offers a wide varietyofcontentsincluding discount coupons. Sapporo Info provides over160videosand images introducing various tourist attractionsinSapporo. Theapplication also offers a location service, thelatestevents andrecommended local information, and useful touristtoolsincludemaps and brochures. You can use this application as youplanyourtrip before departure and also while you areactuallytravelling inSapporo. There are also some discount couponsthat areonlyavailable to users of this application at selectedtouristspots inSapporo. These are provided free of charge.★Theapplication isprovided in multiple languages and isavailablewithout beingconnected to the Internet. “Sapporo Info” isavailablein English,Chinese (simplified Chinese and traditionalChinese),Korean andThai apart from Japanese. This applicationprovidesofflinecaching. Once the content is downloaded, you canaccess itwithoutbeing connected to the Internet (excluding thecontent basedonlocation service and some streaming videos). Peoplefromothercountries can also enjoy tourist maps and discountcouponsusingthis application without being connected to theInternet.Enjoyvisiting Sapporo with this application <Maincontents>■Tourist map(central Sapporo map, regional map and subwaymap)■Touristinformation of Sapporo (transportationinformation,touristinformation centers) ■Discount coupons andtickets■Brochures andvideo contents for foreign visitors■Recommendedtourist coursesand videos of tourist spots in Sapporo(25 coursesand about 100videos) ■Recommended information onenjoyable seasonalevents andattractions ■Promotional videos andslideshows of Sapporo■Contentintroducing events, nature, art,culture and sports ■Majorfoods ofSapporo *When starting thisapplication for the first time,theinitial content is downloaded. Itis recommended that peoplefromother countries download the initialcontent before usingtheapplication in Sapporo. <Main functions>■Tourist spotsintroducedby videos using positional data ■Touristspot searchfunction■Navigation function for strolling around thecity■Camerafunction, “Co Co Camera,” with its special photoframes■Offlinecache function that makes the contents availablewithoutbeingconnected to the Internet ■Social networklinkagefunctionInformation on tourist spots can be directly addedto yourTwitter,Facebook account. <Supported OS> Android OS 4.4 orlater*Operationis not guaranteed for all models. <Supportedlanguages>Japanese,English, Chinese (simplified Chinese andtraditionalChinese),Korean, Thai <Fees> This application is free ofcharge.You willnot be charged any fees for viewing the contentsandaccessing theinformation (your Internet access fee isseparate).<Credits>Planning and operation: City of SapporoDeveloper:HokkaidoBroadcasting Co., Ltd. In cooperation with:Greater SapporoTourismRegion Promotion Committee *The copyright ofall informationonthis application, excluding third party content,belongs totheCity of Sapporo.
愛旅足跡 北海道篇 2.0
愛旅足跡-北海道篇是最新最全面的北海道貼心全攻略﹗吃喝玩樂靠著隨身APP﹗搜集了當地的特色名勝﹑酒店﹑購物﹑食店﹑交通﹑地圖﹑日本各種知識應有盡有,並且提供相關地圖實景照片,幫助用家認識北海道,各地地址、電話、營業時間、優惠和乘車路線全掌握!方便用家能輕鬆制定旅遊計劃。你想在假日裏悠閒地渡過,還是想盡情地玩樂﹑享受各種美食,那北海道遊將成為你的選擇。北海道四季景色優美,引人入勝,當地城市更與自然融合一起,北海道的自然風光,隨着地域和季節的變化。“愛旅足跡-北海道篇”是一個介紹日本北海道的旅游資訊終端,就是為了愛去日本的你而設。從辦理赴日簽證到抵達日本北海道的衣﹑食、住、行為自助游的您提供全方位的服務,一APP在手,周遊日本。想去別的地方?愛旅足跡系列-即將推出世界各地全攻略,具有特色名勝﹑酒店﹑購物﹑食店﹑交通﹑地圖﹑日本各種知識應有盡有敬請期待﹗更多APP詳情-。愛旅足跡全系列:櫻花(Cherry):日本-東京(Japan - Tokyo):日本-北海道(Japan - Hokkaido):日本-大阪京都(Japan - Osaka, Kyoto):日本-九州鹿兒島(Kyushu & Kagoshima):泰國(Thailand):台灣-台北(Taiwan - Taipei):馬來西亞(Malaysia):澳洲(Australia):紐西蘭篇(New Zealand):南韓篇(South Korea):英國篇(UK):法國篇(France):荷蘭比利時(Netherlands & Belgium):意大利(Italy):紐約篇(New York):洛杉磯篇(Los Angeles):北京篇(Beijing):
北海道地區免稅購物指南 2.3.5
C's inc.
這是日本首創,也是日本唯一可為各位訪日外國遊客提供購物支持的免稅購物應用軟件。具有四種語言的應對能力和22項分類,匯聚了大量富有各地區特徵的店舖資訊。不僅家電、時裝商品豐富多彩,而且還有日本的傳統工藝品以及特產品等,一應俱全,日本真不愧是購物天堂。使用地區專用應用軟件,可輕而易舉地搜尋到具有當地特徵的店舖,還有該軟件獨有的推薦店舖等豐富的資訊。請您來日本前一定下載這個應用軟件。特長:●北海道地區專用的應用軟件●可對應英語、中文(簡體、繁體)、韓語等四種語言●可輕而易舉地從22項分類中進行搜尋●每一項均採用簡而易懂的圖標表示●登載了各地區的所有免稅店●以地圖形式顯示搜尋結果●推薦店舖資訊列表●應用軟件可免費下載您可以在北海道,札幌,小樽,函館,釧路,旭川使用。請各位充分利用。This is aJapaneseinitiative, Japan is also the only foreign touristsvisiting Japanfor you to provide support for the tax-free shoppingcartsoftware.Response capacity and 22 class has four languages, broughttogethera large number of rich features of each areastoresinformation.Not only home appliances, fashion goods and colorful, butalsoJapan's traditional crafts and special products, readilyavailable,Japan deserves to be shopping paradise.Use area specific applications, can easily find shops havelocalcharacteristics, as well as the software's unique recommendedshopsand other rich information.Before you come to Japan must download the application software.Features:● Hokkaido region-specific application software● can correspond in English, Chinese (simplified andtraditional),and Korean four languages● can easily be search from the 22 categories● Each icon are using simple and easy tounderstandrepresentation● posted all the duty-free shops in all regions● display search results in the form of maps● Information list of recommended shops● Application software can be downloaded for freeYou can use in Hokkaido, Sapporo, Otaru, Hakodate,Kushiro,Asahikawa.Please be fully utilized.
Japan Offline Map Hotels Cars 5.0
Discover Japan with free Offline Map and Guide + OfflineWeatherForecast!
GOOD LUCK TRIP JAPAN App – For Japan Travel
Of course it has updates that will be useful during your trip.Butitalso is a source of constantly updated, highly originalmediasuch asshopping tips, informational videos, columns andarticlesof the typelisted below. ▼Point 1 You can check the appforshopping tipscovering trendy products in Japan,discountedservices, itemsrecommended by celebrities and more.▼Point 2First-time visitors toJapan can rest easy. We will tellyou allabout how to use publictransportation, the proper mannersand howto find Wi-Fi in oureasy-to-understand videos. Informationontourist destinations isalso updated as necessary. Informationthatmay be difficult tounderstand in text is clear when presentedin avideo. ▼Point 3Through fresh articles and columns, we'll letyouknow about theparts of Japan's traditional culture you canenjoyin your owncountry. If you read the updated articles on adailybasis, you'll bea Japan expert before you know it. ▼Point4Content saved to yourbookmarks is viewable offline. This isafeature only available withthe app and not with the website.Ifyou bookmark the daily articlesyou like while in your owncountry,you can turn the app into aguidebook more useful than anymagazineduring your trip to Japan.Aiming to boost the number ofusers, wehave added a function of“Currency converter”, which isconvenientfor tourists whiletraveling Japan. This is our originalfunctionthat is designed to beconvenient during a holiday inJapan. Withfunctions includingcalculation of the latest exchangerate,display of duty-free pricesat the touch of a button andtheability to input special discounts,it is extremely easy touse.When you install this app, not only willyou get thelatestreliable information on Japan, you also will beable toconvertcurrencies! We hope you try GOOD LUCK TRIP JAPAN app.▼ Freetravelmagazine browsing function Japan’s leading travelguidebookseries& magazine, Chikyu-no-Arukikata (Globe-TrotterTravelGuideBook), has a highly informative guide specificallyforthosetravelling around Japan. We are proud to announce thatthisoncehard to find guide can now be accessed for free via ourapp.Learnabout exciting must-see spots around Tokyo, Osaka,Kyoto,andOkinawa, as well as lesser-known areas such as NaganoandShiga.You can even bookmark pages to be read offline!
Trippino Hokkaido
Gear8 Inc.
Trippino Hokkaido app will make your Hokkaido trip moreenjoyablethan ever!
Scene北海道 0.710
皆様の想いと「価値共創」。「Scene北海道」の想いは、道民の皆様に北海道の価値ある魅力、素晴らしさを発見していただき、写真やコラムメッセージによる想いを発信し北海道の価値を共創していきたい。北海道を愛し、地域を想い、次世代に向けて、伝えていきたい、遺していきたいという願いに応えられればと思っております。そして、皆様の想いの価値がつながっていくことを願いそれが大切な役割と考え「価値共創」を大地に刻んでいきたいと思っております。==================================Powered by PressPad
Your personal travel platformSkyyer is a free app encompassing up to 29 popular destinationswithover 10,000 dynamic hot spots on dining, shopping andentertainment.It also features travel experiences andrecommendations from avariety of Skyyers (travel gurus). Uploadyour travel stories andnew-found treasures; save and sharetravelogues. Skyyer is theultimate gem for on-the-gotravellers.Travel in the moment!* “Sky Pro” currently covers the most comprehensivetravelinformation on 29 popular destinations, including Tokyo,Hokkaido,Taipei, Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe, Seoul, Macau, Bangkok,Phuket,Sendai-Aomori, Beijing, Tokyo+Hot springs, Bali, Kyushu,Singapore,Kenting-Kaohsiung, Okinawa, Nagoya, Malaysia,Cambodia,Tainan-Taichung, Hong Kong, Tasmania, Shikoku,San’in-Sanyo, Sabah,Taitung, Jeju-Busan, Spain and Portugal* “SkyyerTV” : A pioneer in multimedia travel content, “SkyyerTV”onYouTube is a trendsetting interactive travel channel thatextendstravel information from paper to an online platform. ThehottestInternet sensations and the most popular celebrities arefeatured intravel videos with exotic themes.* “My Skyyer” allows registered users to share travel tipsandstories with the world. Follow other Skyyers andexploreoff-the-beaten-path travel ideas. Save your favourite travelhotspots and create folders to built your verypersonalizeddatabank.* Select “Current Location” to show your current location on themapand nearby hot spots on dining, shopping and entertainment.Enterkeywords at destinations to search for related hot spots.Forexample, search for “sushi” in Tokyo to find sushidiningoptions.* Become a Skyyer VIP to enjoy exclusive privileges at a numberofdestinations.Remarks:*A verification code is necessary for your initial login withanemail address. If you have not received one, please re-enteryourregistered email address and the system will re-send averificationcode.**Friendly reminder: Skyyer requires mobile dataavailability.Please monitor your data roaming usage.Please contact us at [email protected] for enquiries on downloadortechnical support.
Sapporo Travel Guide & Map 2.3.34
Sygic Travel
Never miss the best sights on yourtripagain.Tripomatic allows you to pick attractions thatyouwant tosee and create a day-by-day itinerary for your journey.Itis thebest way to explore the places you havenevervisitedbefore.FEATURES• Choose the best places to visit from our curated listofmorethan 100.000 attractions, covering 150+ countries-never missout on the best sightseeing again• Plan your travel itinerary in just a few minutes - spendyourtimeon travel, not on planning• Get weather forecast - what is the best day toschedulethatriver cruise for?• Use time & distance estimates - is the wayfromthestation to your hotel worth taking a taxi?• Sync the itinerary across all your devices -you’llalwayshave your dream trip close at hand• Find a hotel in your destination and save it to youritinerary-always find a way back to your hotel• Enjoy detailed and walking-friendly maps - explorethecityin the best way possible, on foot• See subway lines on the map in popular cities - quicklygetaroundtown like a local• Download offline maps and use the app offline(availableasin-app purchase) - no more roaming fees• Download and print out a PDF guide - don’tworryaboutbattery power.REVIEWERS SAY• Guardian’s Android App of the Week• Gizmodo’s App Deal of the Day• Outside Magazine: The Best City Guide App for your Phone• Also featured in BBC, The Telegraph, PC Magazine,TNW,ProductHuntand othersGET IN TOUCH WITH USCheck out our web planner: http://www.tripomatic.comFollow us on Twitter: us on Facebook: our support team: [email protected] access 1000+ destinations worldwide, downloadthefull-fledgedTripomatic app for free.Availableat
Sapporo repeater's hotel 1.02
Devo inc.
Search your best hotel on "Sappororepeater'shotel" for booking hotels in Sapporo, Hakodate and soon.Best hotels and ryokans sort by popularity, price and user ratings.[Hotel Ranking]- Hotels and ryokans in main 11 areas of Hokkaido includingSapporosorted and assigned ranking by popularity, price anduserratings.- You can save your favorite hotels and ryokans in "WishList"directly- Watch details all hotels you like- Check icons of English speaker staffs[Hotel detail page]- Easy to see how hotel it is, by summaries and features.- Availability of necessary facilities like Wi-Fiandbreakfast- Show on Google Map. Easy to see the positional relationwithother hotels and tourist attraction.- Share to SNS, Bluetooth, E-mail and G-mail[Hokkaido Recommend Hotel]- Popular and recommendable hotels list- Stay at the best accommodation of "Sappororepeater'shotel"[Accommodation type of "Sapporo repeater's hotel"]- Hotel / ryokan[Main area in Hokkaido featured on "Sappororepeater'shotel"]Sapporo/Hakodate/Otaru/Asahikawa/Obihiro/Furano・Biei/Kitami・Abashiri/Noboribetsu Hot Spring/New Chitose Airport/Lake Toya/Niseko
Sapporo Gourmet Coupon 2.0.20
application for making your trip to Sapporo more enjoyable forlessmoney.
北海道遺産navi 1.1.6