Top 2 Apps Similar to Tourist Info Line Pro

City Guide Riga 3.8.6
CITY GUIDE Riga City Guide Riga is a travel guide andinteractivemap for Riga, which is based on the mappedplanet.comwebsite andthe free database of Openstreetmap. Forget the tedioussearch oftravel information in printed guides and different maps!Navigateon the map and discover attractions, hotels, campgrounds,and muchmore in the vicinity of your location! All the requireddata can bedownloaded at home. After that it can be used without anInternetconnection. There are four thematic maps. All capturedpublictransport (train, bus, tram), tourist routes (hiking trails,biketrails, horse trails) are included in the map. These can belistedby name and type and highlighted on the map. Features: - MapofGreater Riga for offline use - Seven different map stylesforoffline maps (standard, transport, outdoor, internet,night,driver, handicap) showing public transport routes, hikingandbicycle paths and more - More than 100 categories as overlays(e.g.points of interest, hotels, hostels, restaurants, campgrounds,fuel stations and many more) - List of all recorded roads,publictransport routes, bike paths, hiking trails and much more,all withnames, to select and highlight. - Search (online andoffline) -Tracking - Wikipedia-Articles for download - Ability toadd andimport your own points of interest - Augmented Reality * to get an impression of how thisapplicationworks! * Detailed description *Try Free version mAPPedplanet FREEfirst! * mAPPedplant FULLversion has more than 400 offline mapsincluding CityGuide Riga
Questown Рига 1.9
Предлагаем прекрасную возможностьинтереснопровести время разгадывая интригующие загадки.Совершить незабываемое увлекательное путешествие поинтереснымместам Риги в игровой форме.We offer anexcellentopportunity to have fun unraveling the intriguingmysteries.An unforgettable exciting journey to interesting places in Riga inaplayful way.