Top 14 Apps Similar to Top 450 slovicek v AJ final

Anglická slovíčka (licence p 2.17
English vocabulary. Teaching English vocabulary in aninteractiveway.
English-Czech Vocabulary FREE 2.0-free-cz
Jan Krimsky
This program is intended for Czech natives who want to learnEnglishand extend their English vocabulary. This program containsonlyEnglish>Czech translations. Beginners and especiallyadvancedstudents will find more than 20,000 flashcards withaudiopronunciation. You will gradually remember these words usingasystem of spaced repetition learning. This program is suitableforboth beginners and advanced students, but it is primarilyintendedfor speakers who already know English well and who want toimprovetheir English to the next level. The main features oftheapplication - database of over 20,000 flashcards (seriously!)-three types of flashcards (Czech, English and Audio only)-pronunciation for most words (American accent) - offlinedatabase(you can learn anywhere without signal - subway, airplane,etc) -online access to lexical database of English and thesaurus(moredetailed explanation for all words and example sentences)-adjustable speed of learning, learn at your own pace - manytypesof practice exercises and quizzes (Hangman, Multiplechoice,Spelling) - build your own lessons (prepare for a test nextweek, anew lesson in textbook or whatever you want to learn asquickly aspossible) This is not a crash course, which you can useto learnEnglish miraculously in three weeks. If you have beenlearningEnglish for couple years and if you want to take yourEnglish tothe next level, you can use this program to learn moreeffectively.You will cut down the time required to remember largevolumes ofvocabulary and remember it permanently. The programrecords youranswers and it is based on spaced repetition learningmethod.Words, new or forgotten flashcards will be repeatedmorefrequently, and well-remembered flashcards will be reviewedatlonger intervals. The program creates a new flashcard set foreveryday review. The Review words are based on your previousanswers andthe word proficiency. This program works best if you useiteveryday - just use it for a few minutes on the way to school ortowork, and you will see the results in just a few weeks. Youwilllearn by completing short daily lesson and by focusing on newwordsor words which need more attention. This application is bestusedin combination with classical learning from a textbook. Youcancreate your own lesson from the textbook, and you can learnthislesson as often as needed. This way you will be able tomemorizenew words for a quiz or test and create short-termknowledge. Thisprogram will take care about your permanentknowledge after thelong-term learning process will kick in. NextLevel EnglishVocabulary - Study English, Learn Vocabulaty, Quiz andPractice,Výuka angličtiny, anglická slovíčka.
Anglická slovíčka (angličtina) 1.250 (eng_free)
English-Czech offline dictionary. Teaching English vocabulary.Free.No ads.
Dril - english effectively 3.0.3en
Do not waste your time and extend your vocabulary!
Anglictina - Mobilni ucitel 1.4
Mobilní učitel angličtiny je aplikace provýukua opakování angličtiny. Jedná se o ucelený systém, ve kterémsemůžete učit a procvičovat novou slovní zásobu, seznamovat se snovougramatikou a tu si procvičovat na ukázkových větách, dále semůžeteučit a procvičovat nové skupiny frází a konečně trénovatposlechsouvislých textů. V programu je zabudovaná funkceinteligentníhoopakpování - program si pamatuje chyby, které jsteudělali připrocvičování slovíček a vět a umožňuje Vám sesoustředit pouze natyto, čímž šetří Váš čas. Aplikace vychází zúspěšného konceptuDomácí učitel angličtiny ostravské jazykovéškoly Eddica. Tato verzeobsahuje jednu lekci již přibalenou, dalšíčtyři lze stáhnout zgoogle play zdarma, ostatní jsou zapoplatek..Mobile English teacherisan application for teaching English and repetition. It isacomprehensive system in which you can learn and practicenewvocabulary, become familiar with the new grammar and to practiceonsample sentences, then you can learn and practice new groupofphrases and finally train listening coherent texts. The programisbuilt Intelligent opakpování - the program remembers themistakesyou have made in practicing vocabulary and sentences andallows youto focus only on these, saving you time. Aplikace basedon thesuccessful concept of home teacher of English languageschools inOstrava Eddica. This version includes one lesson alreadybundled,four more can be downloaded from google play free, othersare fee..
Slovíčka (zdarma) 1.5.9
Brera, s.r.o.
Tato aplikace umožňuje jednoduchýmzpůsobemprocvičovat nejen anglická nepravidelná slovesa,distribuovanápřímo s aplikací, ale hlavně slovíčka libovolnéhocizího jazyka ztémat sdílených uživateli na stránká Uživatelézatím vložili slovíčka pro témata např.e-Academy, OxfordUniversity Press (OUP) Adventures, New Headway,anglické idiomy adalší...Po stažení tématu už k samotnému procvičování nenípotřebapřipojení k internetu. Jen při prvním použití zvukovéhosouboru sposlechem výslovností slovíčka je tento soubor stažen zinternetu auložen na paměťovou kartu. A obdobně je to s článkem -při prvnímpoužití je text a případný poslech stažen z internetu auložen napaměťovou kartu.Tipy:- nezapomínejte, že jednotlivé obrazovky mohou mít (a většinouimají) kontextové menu dostupné přes systémovou klávesu- při zobrazení seznamu lekcí je možné podržením prstu nakonkrétnílekci (až do zavibrování) zařadit tuto lekci doopakovacího tématu;v opakovacím tématu pak lze procvičovat slovíčkapromíchaná zněkolika lekcí najednou- při zobrazení celé lekce je možné podržením prstu nakonkrétnímslovíčku (až do zavibrování) zařadit toto slovíčko doopakovacílekce a tím si opakovací lekci předvyplnit slovíčky zrůzných lekcíi tématVerze zdarma obsahuje reklamu (věřím, že mi to odpustíte,zvlášťkdyž reklama často souvisí s výukou jazyků); verze bezreklamy(írně zpoplatněná; bílá PREMIUMverze(čena pro ty z vás, kteří chtějí ocenit moji snahuvětšíčástkou.This application allowsaneasy way to practice both English irregular verbs,distributeddirectly with the application, but also any foreignlanguagevocabulary of the topics shared by users Usersnot yet entered the vocabulary for suchtopics. E-Academy, OxfordUniversity Press (OUP) Adventures, NewHeadway, English idioms andmore ...After downloading the theme had to practice alone does notneedan Internet connection. Just when you first use an audio filewhilelistening to pronunciations words, this file is downloadedfrom theInternet and stored on a memory card. And similarly it iswith alink - when first using the text and listen to any downloadedfromthe Internet and stored on a memory card.Tips:- Do not forget that individual screens can be (and usuallyare)context menu available via the system down- When viewing a list of lessons you can hold your finger onaparticular lesson (until vibrated) to put this lessonintorecurrent theme; the recurrent theme then you canpracticevocabulary blended from several classes at once- When viewing the entire lesson can hold your finger onaparticular vocabulary (until vibrated) to put this word intotherefresher lessons and thus a refresher lesson inpre-filledvocabulary from a variety of lessons and themesFree version contains advertising (I believe that Icouldforgive, especially when advertising often associated withlanguageteaching); version withoutadvertising( chargeable; White PREMIUMversion( for those of you who want to appreciate my effortgreateramount.
Anglická Témata (trial) 9.6
Intelligent repetitions of words kartičkovou method(SpacedRepetition)
Anglické slovíčka [PMQ] 2.17
English vocabulary for children, where more than 500 words.
Angličtina do kapsy (slovíčka) 9.6
Intelligent learning and repeating words kartičkovou method(SpacedRepetition)
Common English Phrases 3.7.02
Collection of 1000 most common english phrases use in dailyenglishspeak
Inglés en crucigramas 4.3
¡Aprended inglés fácilmente de formadivertidacon esta aplicación "Inglés en crucigramas"!Resolviendocrucigramas vais a aprender nuevas palabras y al mismotiempo osvais a aclarar ortografía de las palabras que yaconocéis.Todas la palabras ingleses pronuncian hablantes nativos,entoncesvais a escuchar pronunciación correcta. Si necesitáis,podéisaprovechar la posibilidad de la ayuda. keywords:englishcrosswords, crucigrama, InglésEasily Learn Englishthefun way with this application "crossword English"!Solvingcrosswords going to learn new words while you are going toclarifyspelling of words you already know.All words spoken English native speakers, then you're going tohearthe correct pronunciation. If you need, you can use thepossibilityof aid. keywords: Inglés crosswords, crossword,English
La visione del futuro è aumentata conNòvaaj.Per trovare le storie che ispirano gli innovatori, apri laappeinquadra Nòva, il giornale dell'innovazione del Sole24Ore.Troverai un sacco di informazioni originali direttamentesultuosmartphone.The vision ofthefuturehas increased with Nòva j. To find stories thatinspireinnovators,open the app and frames Nòva, the newspaper IlSole 24Oreinnovation. You'll find a lot of original informationdirectlytoyour smartphone.
Ready To Go Spoken English 1.61
Learn spoken-style English! This gamewillgothrough more than 1200 very useful spoken-style wordsandphrases,many of which will not be in English class textbooks.The app uses a fun 'quiz' format to help peoplelearn,withdifferent levels and an achievement system.It has been made by a native English-speakingteacherforEnglish-as-a-second-language learners.It has no ads and doesn't need to connect to the Internet.Itdoesnot have any in-app purchases.(Note: there is a cheat code available to you if youe.g.loseyour phone, this code unlocks a lot of levels, email usorcontactus via Facebook to get it.)
Office Words in English 2.5
Muratos Games
Learn 50 office related words in English