Top 4 Apps Similar to Team Instinct: Live Wallpaper

Team Instinct Live Wallpaper 1.00
Anang Dadhich
Team Instinct Live Wallpaper for Pokemon Go game
Beauty on canvas Keypad Cover 3.3
New Themes
The "Beauty on canvas" keypad skin willmakeyour typing experience awesome.Don't you love this overwhelming Keypad and itscharacteristicsinspired by Beauty on canvas? If you do, download itswiftly toyour phone!*** How to Apply this keypad skin ***1. Open the "Beauty on canvas" skin2. Click on the "Apply skin" buttonPlease don't forget to rate and comment.
Chakra Live Wallpapers - All in one 1.1.6
Collection of 7 beautiful Chakra live wallpapers. Light andLovetoall! Please, if you have any troubles with thisapplication,sendbug-report via e-mail to [email protected] andproblem willbesolved very soon. ***** Muladhara - Base or RootChakra (lastbonein spinal cord, the coccyx), red. Muladhara isrelated toinstinct,security, survival and also to basichumanpotentiality.Physically, Muladhara governs sexuality, mentallyitgovernsstability, emotionally it governs sensuality,andspiritually itgoverns a sense of security. Muladhara has arelationto the senseof smell. This center is located at the base ofthespine in thecoccygeal region. Swadhisthana - SacralChakra(ovaries/prostate),orange. Swadhisthana (Sacral Chakra) islocatedin the sacrum(hence the name) and is considered tocorrespond tothe testes orthe ovaries that produce the various sexhormonesinvolved in thereproductive cycle. Swadisthana is alsoconsideredto be relatedto, more generally, the genitourinary systemand theadrenals. Thekey issues involving Swadisthana arerelationships,violence,addictions, basic emotional needs, andpleasure. Manipura- SolarPlexus Chakra (navel area), yellow.Manipura is consideredthecentre of dynamism, energy, willpower andachievement(Itchashakti.), which radiates prana throughout theentire humanbody. Itis associated with the power of fire, anddigestion. It isalsoassociated with the sense of sight, and theaction ofmovement.Manipura is "the center of etheric-psychicintuition: avague ornon-specific, sensual sense of knowing; a vaguesense ofsize,shape, and intent of being.". Anahata - Heart Chakra(heartarea),green. Anahata is related to the thymus, located inthechest. Thethymus is an element of the immune system as wellasbeing part ofthe endocrine system. It is the site of maturationofthe T cellsresponsible for fending off disease and may beadverselyaffectedby stress. Anahata is related to the colours greenor pink.Keyissues involving Anahata involve complexemotions,compassion,tenderness, unconditional love, equilibrium,rejectionandwell-being. Vishuddha - Throat Chakra (throat and neckarea),blue.Vishuddha may be understood as relating to communicationandgrowththrough expression. This chakra is paralleled to thethyroid,agland that is also in the throat and whichproducesthyroidhormone, responsible for growth andmaturation.Physically,Vishuddha governs communication, emotionallyitgovernsindependence, mentally it governs fluent thought,andspiritually,it governs a sense of security. In Tibetanbuddhism,this chakra isred, with 16 upward pointing petals. Ajna -Brow orThird EyeChakra (pineal gland or third eye), ametist. Ajnaisassociatedwith the third eye on the forehead. It issometimesassociated withthe pineal gland, and sometimes with thepituitarygland. Thepineal gland is actually related to a real,lightsensitive 'thirdeye' (Parietal eye) found in somelizards,amphibians and fish, andregulates the circadian rhythms,while thePituitary Gland isconsidered as the master gland of allendocrineglands, whosesecretions control all the other endocrineglands.Sahasrara -Crown Chakra (top of the head; 'soft spot' ofanewborn),violet/white. Sahasrara chakra symbolizes detachmentfromillusion;an essential element in obtaining supramentalhigherconsciousnessof the truth that one is all and all is one.Sahasraraisrepresented by the colour white and it involves suchissuesasinner wisdom and the death of the body.
Wallzilla 2.1.1
Get your daily does of WallpaperfromWallzilla.Updated screenshots and app.Added Drones Category and new Screenshots added.*updated icon55c468bd87