Top 15 Apps Similar to Sou Portista

FC Porto 3.2.4
This is the new official FC Porto application, now availabletoallfans. Follow the news of the club, check the galleriesforpicturesand videos, access Estádio do Dragão with the apporsmartwatch,check results and match reports of the footballteams,and othersports, check the league table, schedule and squad,amongmanyother features. Enable access to proximity alerts,foradvantagesand exclusive content. Show you are a true Dragonanddownload theofficial FC Porto app now.
Foto Porto 1.0.1
Tire uma foto com o seu jogadorpreferido!Ouentão “vista-se” com qualquer uma das camisolas do FCPorto.São oferecidas 3 fotografias para poder guardar oupartilharcomos seus amigos.Com a aplicação Foto FC Porto pode colocar-se ao ladodoseuatleta preferido mas pode também optar por decorar assuasfotoscom elementos gráficos do seu clube.Pode encontrar os jogadores da equipaprincipal,logotipos,elementos gráficos, camisolas, gorros,cachecóis,etc.Aqui vai encontrar todos os elementos necessários para criarasuafoto com as cores e os ícones do seu clube.Navegue à vontade por todas as categorias e escolha a quemaislheagrada para incluir na sua foto.Uma aplicação que o vai ajudar a decorar as suas fotos comascoresdo seu clube!Divirta-se!Take a picturewithyourfavorite players! Or "get dressed" with any of the shirtsofFCPorto.They are offered three photos you can save or sharewithyourfriends.By applying Photo FC Porto can put up next toyourfavoriteathlete but can also choose to decorate your photoswithgraphicsof your club.You can find the players of the first team,logos,graphics,sweatshirts, caps, scarves, etc.Here you will find all the elements necessary to createapicturewith the colors and icons of your club.Browse comfortable for all categories and choose theonethatsuits you to include in your photo.An application that will help you decorate your photoswiththecolors of your club!Have fun!
Mais FC Porto 0.6
Esta aplicação agrega alguns sitesdosjornais/sites desportivos/gerais portugueses mais conhecidosefiltra os possíveis, de maneira a aceder a conteúdossórelacionados com o FC Porto. Poderá ver alguns links de jornaisaremeterem para a secção desporto, tal acontece porque o mesmonãooferece o dito filtro.O OJogo e o site oficial do FC Porto não estão disponíveisparaos browsers android devido a um erro na codificação dos mesmos,porisso mesmo não fazem parte da lista.Nesta aplicação com o acesso à Internet poderá usufruir :- Consulta das capas dos jornais desportivosactualizadosdiariamente.- Consulta de vários sites informativos com conteúdo relacionadoaoFC Porto.- Consulta de uma lista com os blogues, sites e fórunsmaisconhecidos da comunidade portista. (Caso queira que o seublog,siteou fórum seja adicionado poderá contactar-me).- Consulta da classificação e resultados da jornada.- Consulta da próxima jornada.- Consulta da programação para os vários jogos a realizar-se.- Últimos resultados a nível global.- Livescore do principais jogos portugueses.- Equipa.This application addssomesites of newspapers / websites sports / Portuguesegeneralpopularity and filters possible, in order to access contentonlyrelated to FC Porto. You can see some links to newspapers toreferto the sports section, this is because it does not offersaidfilter.The official website of OJogo and FC Porto are not availableforandroid browsers due to an error in the coding of thesame,therefore not part of the list.In this application with Internet access can enjoy:- Query the covers of sports newspapers updated daily.- Consultation of various informational websites withcontentrelated to FC Porto.- Query a list of blogs, websites and forums popularityportistacommunity. (If you want your blog, website or forum may beaddedcontact me).- Consult the classification and results of the journey.- Query the next round.- Consult the schedule for the various games to be held.- Latest results globally.- Livescore the main Portuguese games.- Team.
Eternos Rivais 0.1
Os "Eternos Rivais" é uma apptotalmenteisentano ponto de vista clubístico que procura agregarnuma sófonte deinformação todas as noticias desportivasrelacionados comSporting,Benfica e FC PortoThe "Eternal Rivals"isatotally free app on clubístico viewpoint that seeks to addasinglesource of information all the sports news relatedtoSporting,Benfica and FC Porto
Football Liga Portugal 3.260.0
Football from Liga Portugal (Primeira Liga)
O Meu Onze 6.0.2
David Pádua
★ Escolha o 11 titular do FC Porto e graveumaimagem (jpeg) no seu aparelho para depois a poder partilharondequiser.★ Nesta aplicação pode arrastar os jogadores, colocá-los norelvadonum sistema táctico 4-3-3.★ Veja as imagens e informações sobre os jogadores.✔ O plantel será actualizado após o fecho de cada janeladetransferências.✔ Esta aplicação é optimizada para telemóveis.★ Choose 11 holderFCPorto and record an image (jpeg) on ​​your phone and then tobeable to share anywhere.★ this application can drag players, put them on the pitch ina4-3-3 tactical system.★ View the pictures and information about the players.✔ The squad will be updated after the close of eachtransferwindow.✔ This application is optimized for mobile phones.
Sporting Comedia de Portugal 1.1.3
So Funny Apps
Sporting Comédia de Portugal: É umaaplicaçãobaseada em imagens e notícias com memes sobre uma dasmaioresequipas de futebol portuguesas, o Sporting!Diverte-te, partilhando as nossas hilariantes montagens enotíciascom os teus amigos.Clubismos à parte, Sporting Comédia de Portugal faz-te rir! E rir,ésaudável!Aqui encontrarás as piadas mais engraçadas, melhores memes efotossobre o Sporting. Diverte-te ainda mais, ao partilhares aalegria eanimação constante, que é este clube de futebol português,seguindode perto todas as novidades dos verdes e brancos, com onossoespetacular feed de notícias!Com Sporting Comédia de Portugal, terás todas as maisrecentespiadas sobre o Sporting CP.Fica a par das informações quentinhas, piadas e fotosmaisengraçadas sobre jogadores, equipa técnica e demaiselementosrelacionados com a equipa verde e branca, deAlvalade.Com uma interface amigável muito agradável, aaplicaçãoproporcionará uma abordagem fácil e divertida entre asmaisvariadas fotos, notícias e vídeos.Sporting Comédia de Portugal integra várias funcionalidades,comdestaque para: Notícias Mais Recentes, Notícias Arquivadas,Ligaçãoàs mais variadas redes sociais, entre muitas outras.Para cada novo artigo, uma grande gargalhada!Aqui serás livre de te sentires feliz no meio de tantadesgraçaalheia, começando pelas derrotas, enganos e calinadas dejogadores,dirigentes, equipa técnica e da panóplia de troféus,campeonatos etorneios perdidos.Nunca o futebol teve tanta piada... Segue à risca cada novidadedosverde e brancos.Liga-te ao mais hilariante mundo do futebol português, às fotosdosjogadores, gifs e vídeos, através do teu telemóvel.Ao fazeres o download de Sporting Comédia de Portugal para oteutelemóvel, vais receber tudo o que há de mais engraçado no mundodofutebol português: a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar!Com Sporting Comédia de Portugal, vais ter:- Actualidade: Todas as últimas piadas do Sporting, memesetrolls- Conteúdo hilariante: Imagens, textos e vídeos engraçadosdejogadores, dirigentes e equipa técnica do Sporting- Possibilidade de partilha junto dos teus amigos nas redessociais,por e-mail ou através das redes sociais- Possibilidade de convidares os teus amigos a usaraaplicação- Notificações automáticas: receberás todas as novidades eestarássempre a par do acontecimento- Marcadores: Guarda as tuas notícias preferidas para ler, ourelermais tarde- Ranking: Ao interagires com a nossa aplicação edemaisutilizadores, através de comentários, irás ganhado pontos quetefarão alcançar as melhores lugares e pontuações, na nossa tabeladeclassificaçõesEsta aplicação tem apenas fins humorísticos, sem intuito decaluniarou ridicularizar e está disponível para todos os adeptosdo futebol,que gostam de dar uma boa gargalhada, de formagratuita!Sportinguistas, portistas, benfiquistas e todos os demais amantesdefutebol... esta aplicação é para todos os que vivemsaudavelmente, apaixão do futebol português!Não percas uma única jogada, ou melhor, piada...Sporting Comédia de Portugal é grátis!Para que a aplicação funcione em perfeitas condições,deverásestabelecer sempre, ligação à internet.Nota: So Funny Apps não possui qualquer ligação com clubesouentidades de futebol.Sporting Comédia de Portugal é uma aplicação baseada no nossosite,, não oficial nem afiliada doSporting,Benfica, FC Porto, ou de qualquer outra equipa defutebol.Sporting ComedyPortugal:It is an application based on images and news with memeson one ofthe largest Portuguese football teams, Sporting!Have fun sharing our hilarious montages and news withyourfriends.Clubismos aside, Sporting Comedy Portugal makes you laugh!Andlaughing is healthy!Here you will find the funniest jokes, best memes and photosonSporting. Enjoy it even more, to share the joy andconstantanimation, which is this Portuguese football club,closelyfollowing all the news of green and white, with ourspectacularnews feed!With Sporting Comedy Portugal, you will have all the latestjokesabout Sporting CP.It is a pair of takeout information, jokes and more funnypicturesof players, technical team and other elements related tothe greenand white team from Alvalade.With a very nice user-friendly interface, the applicationwillprovide an easy and fun approach between the various photos,newsand videos.Sporting Comedy Portugal includes several featuresespecially:Latest News, News Archive, connection to various socialnetworks,among many others.For each new article, a great laugh!Here you will be happy you're feeling free in the middle of somuchmisfortune, starting with the defeats, mistakes andcalinadasplayers, managers, technical team and the array oftrophies,championships and tournaments lost.Never football was so funny ... follows the letter of each newgreenand white.Connect with the most hilarious world of Portuguese football,thepictures of the players, gifs and videos through yourphone.By making the download Sporting Comedy Portugal for your cellphone,you will receive everything that's funnier in the worldofPortuguese football: anytime and anywhere!With Sporting Comedy Portugal, you will have:- News: All the latest jokes Sporting, memes and trolls- Hilarious content: Images, texts and funny video players,managersand technical staff of Sporting- Possibility sharing among your friends on social networks,byemail or through social networks- Possibility invite your friends to use the application- Automatic notifications: receive all the news and you willbealways aware of the event- Bookmarks: Save your favorite stories to read, orrereadlater- Ranking: When you interact with our application and otherusersthrough comments, you will earned points that will make youreachthe best places and scores, on our leaderboardThis application has only humorous purposes, without intentiontomalign or ridicule and is available for all football fans, wholiketo have a good laugh, for free!Sporting, FC Porto, Benfica and all other football lovers ...thisapplication is for all who live healthily, the passion ofthePortuguese football!Do not miss a single play, or rather a joke ...Sporting Comedy Portugal is free!For the application to work in perfect condition, you shouldalwaysset, internet connection.Note: So Funny Apps has no connection with football clubsororganizations.Sporting Comedy Portugal is an application based on oursite,, unofficial or affiliate ofSporting,Benfica, FC Porto, or any other football team.
UEFA Europa League Official 11.3.0
Live football scores, news, stats and highlights from across Europe
OneFootball-Soccer Scores
All Soccer news, fixtures, stats, calendars, results and transfers
CASOS Arbitragem ao Minuto 1.3.0
CASE Arbitration to Minute - The live analysis of football bids!
Football Jersey tema World Cup 1.1.2
li shangjing
This set of topics details:This is a mobile phone on the football soccer jersey theme foranyofyour mobile phone, whether iPhone or Samsung mobile phonescanbe agood master. Mobile phone wallpaper wallpapers withgreenfootballfield and round football, blue sky andbackgroundbackgrounds,dazzling white light, the stars dot mottledshiningthe entirescreen, giving a hazy and full of fantasy dream,thebackground of afootball player wearing a No. 10 Soccerjersey,sturdy burlyhandsome, vigorous, the famous player Messi iswearingthe samenumber of jerseys, with superb skills and goodsense ofteamwork andhandsome charming great appearance, has wonnumerousfans around theworld, especially the love and like pursuitoffemale girl lady fans, world cup polo shirt tameovermasteroverride overwhelm togaehabiliment vestments vestmentflat tintsport suit sport wear teamuniform uniforms exerciserunningsuccess win winner lose loserfriends friendship Thesamewell-known football star and Ronaldo andDavid Beckham. Theiconicons of the various countries around theworld on behalf oftheteam jersey, full of personality whileallowing you to usethetheme of this phone to enjoy the pursuit oftheir belovedteamjersey good wishes hopes, the main colors of thepicture,includingred, yellow, yellow, blue Color green, brown,gray, white,purple,pink, orange and so on, rich color and textureof theclothingdesign, make your phone unique, unique design ideasis verysimple,the screen is very beautiful, so that you are in useA goodmood,happy cute and healthy, remind yourself to exercise,intheordinary life to find fun, wealth and money, and familyandfriendslove to enjoy a better life. Usually, the athletes intheend ofthe game, the party will win the celebration, there willbefans tothe favorite stars to send gifts presents and surprisestoexpressadmiration for the idol, power courage insist sticktopersist onpopular.usually there will be many flowers such asrosesandlilies, candy kiss and hug,chocolate and beverages,Athletescannot drink during the game, to maintain the beststate,bettersober-minded, for the most honor.Movement is the basisofgoodhealth, is a nation's soul and vitality of thesource.2018WorldCup is about to be held in Russia, currentlyundergoingqualifying,Uruguay, Italy, Brazil, Germany, France andthe UnitedStates heldthe World Cup in the past. Football excitingevents suchas theEuropean Cup.This theme with the cheetah launcher does not supportanyotherlauncheres systems such as halo launcher golaunchersololauncher.CM Launcher Supported languages: English, Russian,Spanish,Italian,Indonesian, Turkish, German, Portuguese,French,Vietnamese, Arabic,Thai, Japanese, Korean, Polish,Hungarian,Croatian , Greek, Malay,Dutch, Slovak, Bulgarian,Ukrainian,Serbian, Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese. Andothercountries and regions 26 kinds ofcommonly usedlanguages.CM launcher 3D uses a self-developed 3D graphics engine, hasalargenumber of 3D graphics effects, bid farewell to themonotonousflateffect, to bring you smooth, cool, fun fulloperatingexperience andvisual enjoyment.Not account for system resources, speed up the mobilephonesystem,start speed 100%. Open APP fast, search APP fast,searchpagefast.We have been compatible with Samsung \ Sony \Huawei\Microsoft and so the vast majority of Andrews mobilephones.If you like the theme of the golden theme of the Vikingcanfindyou want to be the most popular and the most fashionablethemesandwallpapers. The theme of the theme of the rose goldthemethemelove pet theme there are cute puppy dog theme pinklovethemeluxury purple theme.If you want to customize the theme backgrounds andothercustomizedsoftware, the idea to tell me, you can send meEmail. Ican makefree for you, and welcome user comments.
Live Scores for Liga Portugal 4.3.1
Fixtures, tables and live scores for Primeira Liga and LigaPortugal2 2023/2024
Footgloball FC Porto 2.9.7
Segue a equipa do FC Porto nas redessociais,notícias e jogos ao vivo.Agora podes acompanhar os feeds do clube e jogadores noFacebook,Twitter e Instagram.Lê todas as notícias do teu clube.Acompanha os seus jogos em direto em todas competições.Follows the team ofFCPorto on social networks, news and live games.Now you can follow the feeds of the club and players onFacebook,Twitter and Instagram.Read all the news of your club.Accompanies their games in straight in all competitions.
RojadirectaTV 1.0
Rojadirecta Tv Online:Tarjetarojaonline,LaLiga BBVA, Champions League, Barcelona vs ParissaintGermain,Bayern Munich vs Porto, Real Madrid vs Atlético MadridyMónaco vsJuventus en Directo Online Gratis este es el link paravertuhorario del partido del real madrid atleticodelmadridbarcelonaRojadirectaTvOnline:Tarjetarojaonline, La Liga, Champions League, BarcelonavsParisSaint Germain, Bayern Munich vs Porto, Real MadridvsAtleticoMadrid and Monaco vs Juventus Live Online Free This isthelink tosee your schedule Real Madrid match atleticomadridbarcelona
LiveSoccer - live scores
LiveSoccer is a free soccer live scoresappthat allows you to follow your favorite teams and get realtimenotifications for everything they do.Complete focus on your favourite club so that you don’t missathing.Live soccer like you have never experienced before!****** Features ******• YOUR FAVORITE CLUB: Customize the app with your favorite Clubinthe whole world and get to know everything there is to knowaboutit, plus instant notifications when anything newhappens;• SOCCER NEWS: get all the soccer news from your favorite teamorleague;• OVER 350 LEAGUES: Track live matches from more than 350leaguesaround the world;• PREDICT MATCH RESULTS and win points for it - compete withyourfriends and soccer fans alike to see who gets the most pointsandparticipate in the LiveSoccer competitions!• CUSTOMIZABLE PUSH NOTIFICATIONS of live events (goals, matchfinalresults, red/yellow cards, substitutions and more) forallteams;• DETAILED MATCH STATS - get all the data there is to know aboutanygiven match;• MATCH FORMATIONS - and you can get instant notificationswhenthose are available;• VISUAL COMMENTS: experience the game like never before withourVisualization tool, where you can watch the flow of thegameevents, in real time;• TEXT BASED COMMENTS of live events, byprofessionaljournalists;• HEAD-TO-HEAD ANALYSIS to see how teams in a match haveperformedagainst each other along the years;• TRANSFER MARKET: be up to date with all the transfers andgetnotifications as they happen;• TEAM PROFILE to know everything about any team;• CHAT with your friends and soccer fans in the comment section-one for every single Match, Team, and League;• CUSTOMIZE FAVORITE LEAGUES in order to track them easily;• and much more!Check our SOCIAL MEDIA presence:Twitter: