Top 1 Apps Similar to Orienteering clue symbol quiz

CLUE 2.2
Clue is a simple, quick and enjoyablewaytolearn new things.clue is "Made for humans"- adjusted to the human eye andbasedonassociative learning principles. Instead of dispensingwithanenormous text amounts, or hundreds of search results,cluegivesyou an aesthetic and simple demonstration about the termyouwerecounting for.-Read more:People surf the Net not only for fun, but also to discoverandlearn.Serendipitous learning recognizes that search forknowledgemay occurby chance, or as a by-product of the main task.Knowledgeretentionas a result of serendipitous learning tends tobe high,becausemotivation remains with the learner. It is a newway oflearning thatrequires relatively low effort with a highpayoff.Serendipitouslearning can also make you gain new insightsorinterestingassociations for our entrees and purchase awideknowledge about anyfield.When you enter a term in CLUE you will get a resultpagewhichpresents you a picture and 3 key-words designed asbuildingbricksthat explain and describe the term you entered. Byclickingon oneof the key-words you can see the context to term orgetanexplanation about that word. The interface design in afun,playfuland simple way which made especially for the humaneye.Clue'spurpose is to make it easier for you to search forknowledgeandfor sure a lot more fun!CLUE was developed by the Media Innovation Lab (miLAB)atIDCHerzliyaTechnology Mentor: Eran Ilani, Ido Orlovski, AdamRosenthal,OzRadiano